Chapter 42 Staying alive and growing

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  Chapter 42: Getting up and growing

  "Thank you for your help, Miss Zhenna." Shitou helped Zhenna get off the horse like a dutiful attendant.

  "It's nothing, I just rode around in a circle." Zhenna replied politely.

  "No, this has helped me a lot. These domesticated horses are not used to a stone man like me. Occasionally contacting people will help their emotions stabilize." Shitou said, leading the horses to the stables.

  "You are really amazing. You built the stables in just a few days." Zhenna looked at the stables built with thatch and firewood and sighed.

  In the past few days, Stone built a simple stable with wood near the Endless Tower, and gathered the horses captured from the imperial knights here to raise them.

  In the previous defensive battle, Shitou had his clone wear armor and mount a war horse to go into battle as a cavalry. These horses can not only be used as combat mounts in emergencies, but can also be used as emergency rations.

  "Thanks to your compliment, I don't need to eat or rest, I can keep working." Shitou replied in a calm voice, "By the way, I also cultivated a field in the open space behind the tower. , have planted some cabbage and radishes, you can visit."

  "The dining table should be richer, I'm really looking forward to it." Zhenna smiled, "Thank you for your hard work, Shitou, I trouble you to pick mushrooms from the forest every day. And wild vegetables, extra ingredients are specially prepared for me. Obviously Ganouen basically only eats meat." "

  Where, meeting the needs of every member is the basic quality of a housekeeper." Shitou answered.

  People are really adaptable. An idea suddenly came to Zhenna's mind.

  After staying here for less than ten days, she found that she had begun to gradually adapt to life here.

  Although she is a princess, she has also experienced military training and cannot be said to be pampered.

  Moreover, life here is actually quite comfortable.

  Stone is a very versatile housekeeper, taking care of her and Ganon's lives in order, and she only needs to provide the energy for the operation of the Endless Tower.

  Stone plucked the hill-like straw with a fork and forked new straw into the stable as bedding material.

  "Where did you get these straws?" Zhenna asked.

  "The owner bought it from outside and transported it back by himself, as did the tools here. He ordered me to build this stable. He also said that if possible, he would build a pasture. In addition to horses, he could also raise other animals." Shitou answered. .

  "He wants to start a ranch?" Zhenna was stunned.

  "The master said that there is grassland in the northwest and there are abundant pasture resources. If we can build a pasture, there will be no need to work hard to catch prey in the future." Shitou replied.

  "He behaves really strangely. Sometimes I often wonder if he is really a dragon?" Zhenna said and folded her hands.

  A red dragon said that he wanted to start a ranch to raise livestock in captivity, which is simply a strange thing.

  Ganon completely overturned Zhenna's past impression of dragons. His logic of actions was always far from the evil dragons that normal people usually thought of.

  But there's something wrong with saying he looks like a human being.

  Ganon still has many dragon habits, such as he likes to sleep on his treasures, and regards wealth as his life. He will take everything he gets as his own, and spending a penny to go out is like killing him.

  Thinking of this, Zhenna suddenly frowned: "Speaking of which, did he really buy these straws?" "

  Of course, the master will not rob for such things..." Shitou paused in the middle of his answer, and added The last word was, "Yes."

  After saying that, Shitou suddenly raised his head and shouted to the top of the hill-like straw: "Yes, my lord."

  Zhenna raised her head in surprise.

  Then a voice came from above: "Nonsense, how could I do something that would cause trouble for myself?"

  Then a figure stood up on the top of the haystack.

  That is the owner of this place, the red dragon Ganon.

  "Ganoen, why are you lying here?" Zhenna was caught off guard.

  It turned out that Ganon had been lying on the haystack, and he probably heard all the conversation just now.

  "Baking in the sun, there's nothing to do." Ganouen lazily jumped down from the haystack.

  "Does the wound still hurt now?" Zhenna's eyes focused on the scar on Ganouen's face.

  After being slashed from the corner of the mouth to the neck with Lucio's sword, Ganon had trouble even eating in the first two days. There was a shocking crack on his face all day long. Zhenna couldn't help but feel a little distressed when she saw it.

  Fortunately, the wound healed quickly. By the fourth day, new skin and flesh had re-adhered the crack, and Ganon could eat normally.

  "It's almost done." Ganon replied calmly.

  "This is also thanks to Miss Zhenna's insistence on releasing the Holy Light Healing Technique for the master every day, and Miss Zhenna maintains the operation of the Sun Temple. The blessing of the Holy Light greatly enhances the master's self-healing ability, otherwise it would not be possible to heal so quickly. ." Shitou said.

  "Indeed, without you taking care of me, I would probably have been hungry for a few more days." Ganouen looked at Zhenna half-jokingly.

  "You don't need to be so polite with me..." Being looked at directly by the other party, Zhenna subconsciously looked away and suddenly felt her cheeks feel a little hot.

  Shitou faced Zhenna and tilted his head.

  "How's it going, Shitou. Can the ranch be started?" Ganon asked Shitou.

  "The conditions are there, but the manpower is not enough. After all, with my current teleportation power, I can only make five people, and I can still ensure the food and daily life of the two." Shitou replied.

  "There are not enough manpower..." Ganouen fell into thinking.

  The Endless Tower now runs on the energy provided by him and Zhenna. Now he has grown into a mature dragon, and Zhenna seems to have grown in strength as a paladin through previous battle training and the blessing of the Sun Temple.

  The energy they can now provide allows the stone to move at the size of five ordinary humans.

  And developing a farm that can meet the dragon's daily needs is no small project.

  If there are not enough manpower, where should we go to catch some people?

  But the nearby settlements basically belong to civilized forces. No matter where you go to arrest people, it means provoking the forces to which those people belong, and it also comes with the risk of exposing your whereabouts and nests.

  Now, he never wants to cause unnecessary trouble for such a small gain.

  And hiring people would cost money... He tried not to think about spending money.

  "Ganoen, why did you think of starting a ranch?" Zhenna asked curiously.

  "Isn't this normal? Breeding is definitely more efficient than hunting." Ganon replied matter-of-factly.

  But you are a dragon. I have never heard of evil dragons herding sheep and pigs... Zhenna thought to herself.

  In addition to making it easier to secure food sources, Ganon actually has other considerations.

  After the battle with Lucio, the empire made no new moves for several days, and it seemed that it had some concerns.

  But this does not mean that they can sit back and relax. They have established a relationship with the empire, and Lucio has clearly realized that the Endless Tower is no ordinary ruins.

  Ganon had a hunch that the empire might not take action against him in the short term, but sooner or later it would take action again in the future.

  He still has to continue to prepare for possible crises in the future and try to stay healthy and develop well.

  Frequent hunting actually comes with certain risks. To meet his food needs, he has to frequently travel outside the range of the [Watcher].

  In addition to the possibility that the Endless Tower was attacked while he was away, his own whereabouts may also be known by others.

  Ordinary needs like eating, he still hopes to solve within the scope of the Endless Tower as much as possible.

   I went to the hospital with my family this afternoon. The update is late. I apologize to all the readers who are following me. I'm sorry.

  (End of chapter)

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