77. Chapter 77 The Blue Dragon with Broken Wings

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  Chapter 77 The blue dragon Garnon of Broken Wings

  couldn't help but seriously began to doubt whether the other party really wanted to recruit him.

  Given the temperament of most dragons, if there is a hint of threat in a conversation, the conversation will basically end there.

  Most dragons that are more powerful than Dolan Siloni will not choose to tolerate her.

  Dolan Silonie looks like a newly adult blue dragon, but with the blessing of the [Watcher], Ganon can actually see that Dolan Silonie's strength is not that simple.

  In the [Watcher] screen, Dolan Sloni's aura was actually orange-red.

  This means that this newly adult blue dragon is actually very close to his strength, which has reached the level of an old red dragon.

  Using the human realm as a benchmark, Dolan Siloni should be at the pinnacle of the extraordinary realm, not too far away from the legend.

  Fortunately, at least within the scope of the Endless Tower, Ganon still has a considerable advantage.

  "I'm just conveying the facts." Faced with Ganouen's question, Dolan Siloni's voice remained calm and calm.

  "It is still unknown whether your country can grow stronger. Where is it and what kind of system is it maintained by?" Ganon wanted to ask clearly.

  Without appropriate systems, it is very difficult to maintain a country, let alone a group.

  For the giant dragons that can hardly be truly united, this problem is even more difficult than hell - just the premise of making the dragons abide by the system is a huge problem.

  "If you want to go to Dragon Ascension's Nest, you start from the territory and go all the way north. It's at the northernmost part of the Baiqiu Desert. If you accept the recruitment, come and show your value to the Blue Dragon King and help you in this country. Earn the corresponding status." Dolan Siloni answered.

  "It sounds like your father has the final say in this country?" Ganon asked.

  "Of course, the great Blue Dragon King Glendel is the most powerful true dragon today. He has supreme power in Dragon Ascension's Lair." Dolan Sloane said.

  Ganouen noticed that she always mentioned her father with honorable titles, but there was no sense of pride or reverence in her words and demeanor. Instead, there was a sense of business.

  But considering the weak genetic relationship between dragons, this seems to be normal.

  "So, did this country rely on his power to maintain order?" Ganon seemed to understand a little bit.

  "This is the simplest method, and it is also the most suitable for dragons. It can even be said to be the only method." Dolan Siloni said.

  Faganon agrees with this. Apart from suppressing them with absolute power, it is indeed difficult to find a way to unite a group of giant dragons.

  But the problem is that the upper limit of the size of this so-called country will completely depend on how many goals the leader can control.

  Moreover, the survival of this country is also very problematic. Once this leader with absolute power disappears, the country will immediately fall apart. Dragons live a long life, but a leader who relies on force to maintain his position may not die well.

  Internal cohesion is also problematic, and the entire group will become unstable once a challenger to the leader emerges.

  In Ganon's view, this can hardly be called a country. It is like a relatively large dragon clan established by a powerful ancient dragon, or in other words, a wolf pack.

  It was hard to say whether he would be protected by joining this "wolf pack" or whether he might be threatened by internal threats. He didn't want his wealth and life to be controlled by an ancient blue dragon.

  "I won't consider it for now." Ganon answered directly.

  "That's right." Dolan Siloni didn't insist.

  Ganouen could feel that she didn't seem to be very enthusiastic about recruiting him, and could even be said to be quite passive.

  "Your reaction is very different from other dragons. As expected from our investigation, you are not ordinary." Dolan Siloni suddenly looked at Ganouen and said.

  "You are not an ordinary dragon, right?" Ganon replied.

  "You're talking about this, I'm born with it." Dorancelone stretched her wings nonchalantly.

  Her wings were born broken.

  For dragons, body defects are very eye-catching. It is a sign of weakness. Dragons born with disabilities will basically be disposed of by their parents when they break out of their shells, or they will be attacked and eaten by other hatchlings born in the same batch. It’s hard to imagine that Dolan Sloane could survive to adulthood with such a fatal flaw.

  It is impossible to fly with these broken wings. When Dolan Siloni was flying, the [Watcher] actually caught her using the mage's elemental spell. It was by manipulating the airflow that she could fly like other giant dragons. Fly freely.

  To be able to fly such a huge body flexibly requires a very high level of spellcasting.

  Although the dragons in this world cannot hold god-given professions like humanoid creatures, they can directly learn the spells of some professions.

  However, learning spells requires knowledge, and dragons who do not understand inheritance cannot easily obtain this knowledge. Moreover, learning spells also requires a certain amount of effort for the dragon, especially to practice the spells to a level that is better than its own. It's even more difficult to be superior to the strength you were born with.

  Not all dragons are so diligent - it should be said that the vast majority of dragons are actually lazy.

  It is actually quite rare for people like Dolan Siloni to be able to practice magic to such a high level.

  But what Ganon mentioned was unusual, and not just that.

  In the screen of [Watcher], you can vaguely see the outline of a human form, always overlapping with Dolan Siloni.

  This feeling is a bit similar to seeing through the Druid's transformation before. If you use [Watcher] to observe a human in the form of a dragon, you should be able to see the outline of the dragon. The recognized outline should be hidden. ontology.

  But what is it about a dragon that has human outlines on its body?

  Combining Dorancelone's natural disability and her spell-casting ability comparable to that of a professional mage, Ganon realized that Dolanceloni was not just a simple blue dragon.

  "Have you investigated me specifically?" Ganon asked.

  "Yes, we also found out that you..." Dolan Siloni paused here, "You have an unusual interest in humans and elves." "..."

  Ganon fell into silence.

  Has this reputation also spread to the dragon?
  He didn't know how to defend himself, and there seemed to be nothing worth defending.

  "Helganorn, let me ask, what do you think of human beings?" Dolan Siloni suddenly asked.

  Ganon didn't understand why Dolan Siloni asked this. From a dragon's perspective, it seemed a bit abnormal to be interested in humanoid creatures beyond food and slaves.

  But he immediately realized something and tried to ask: "You asked me this, does it have anything to do with the human breath on your body?"

  As soon as this sentence came out, Dolan Siloni suddenly showed a shocked look, but soon She soon regained her indifferent expression: "What human breath, what are you talking about?"

  Could it be that this guy has human blood? Ganon suddenly had a guess.

  But it seems that the half-dragon cannot transform into a complete dragon form. What method was used?
  Moreover, can a dragon like Dolan Siloni really gain a foothold in a country full of giant dragons?

  "I have brought the invitation. Within the deadline, I may come again to confirm your intention. Please consider it carefully and say goodbye." Dolan Siloni said goodbye simply.

  A gust of wind suddenly surged up, lifting Dorancelone's body into the sky.

  Ganon watched as the blue dragon spread its incomplete wings in the air and flew all the way to the sky.

  (End of chapter)

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