76.Chapter 76 Dragon Ascension Nest

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  Chapter 76 Dragon Ascension Lair
  The Kingdom of Dragons.

  When Ganon heard this concept, he didn't react for a moment.

  In this world, there has never been a civilization established by a true dragon.

  Dragons are naturally powerful and have basically no natural enemies in nature. They can survive well without relying on collective protection and can meet most of their needs with their own strength.

  This also determines that dragons are born with a lack of sociality. Forming a small clan group like the Blue Dragon is already the limit for the dragon.

  And even the blue dragons who choose to live in groups do so only for their own benefit. The older blue dragons only regard the younger blue dragons as tools, while the younger blue dragons hope to use the power of the older blue dragons to ensure their own safety.

  Blue dragons within a group will fight against common enemies, but there is almost no intention of supporting and rescuing each other.

  If given the opportunity to kill and plunder another member, they usually do not hesitate, and this behavior is not even punished. This behavior is too normal in the dragon's mind. Within a clan of blue dragons, betrayal and murder are common.

  Rather than saying that the dragon has no morals, it is better to say that the dragon's concept is completely different from the moral values ​​of normal civilization.

  In the eyes of the dragon, it is only natural to do whatever it takes for one's own benefit.

  The idea of ​​thinking about other creatures only exists in the extremely short period of raising offspring during the reproduction period. Some dragons may not even have this stage.

  It can be said that it is normal for a dragon to use various means to kill other dragons and take everything from them when they find an opportunity.

  All resources in the world, such as treasures and territories, should belong to themselves. Those weak people who are unable to protect all these have no right to live in the world.

  According to the judgment standards of ordinary civilization, the behavior pattern of dedication to others is good. The dragon, who is extremely selfish in nature, can be said to be synonymous with "evil".

  But from the dragon's point of view, there is no distinction between good and evil, only whether it is self-interested or not. A dragon who only knows how to be self-interested is the least likely to have the idea of ​​​​contributing to the whole.

  One can imagine how unimaginable it is in this world for such a group of dragons to establish a country.

  "I know this may sound unbelievable, but my father really has the intention to build a country that will allow dragons to rise again in this world. It is called the Dragon's Nest." Dolan Siloni said in a calm tone.

  "Let the dragon rise?" Ganon repeated casually.

  Dragon Ascension's Lair, the name is explained in dragon language as the lair where the dragon rises.

  "Yes, today's real dragons are not as good as before. In the past, dragons were all over the land and were the overlords of this world. Other creatures could only seek to survive by hiding from the dragons. But now everything is reversed, and the dragon's habitat has been destroyed. Forced into a corner outside these civilizations. If something is not done, the situation of the real dragon will become more and more difficult. I think you who have been in contact with human and elf civilization should know it very well." Dolan Siloni explain.

  Ganon knew this for sure.

  As time goes by, civilization continues to pass on knowledge and develop and progress, but the dragons basically stand still. It is only a matter of time that the balance of strength and weakness is broken.

  Especially after the empire developed steam machinery, the combat effectiveness of human civilization has leapt to a new level.

  Like the seven knights he met at the beginning, a master-level paladin brought a group of ordinary people with a mid-level level, but armed with professional dragon-hunting equipment and dragon-targeting tactics, he had a negative impact on an adult dragon. A real threat, this kind of thing was unimaginable before.

  This world seems to have developed into an era where the dragons are declining and other civilizations are rising.

  "I can probably understand what you mean, but is it really possible for the dragons to unite?" Ganon asked.

  "Dragon Ascension's Nest has currently recruited forty-two dragons. In addition to my father, there is also an ancient green dragon and an ancient black dragon." Dolan Siloni said in a calm tone.

  Three-headed ancient dragon? Ganon couldn't help but be shocked.

  Most of the forty-two dragons should be teenagers or even younger.

  The key is that the existence of the three-headed ancient dragon is really hard not to be shocking.

  An ancient dragon surpasses the existence of legendary strong men. Its power is comparable to natural disasters and is enough to destroy a small country.

  These three ancient dragons combined alone are probably enough to compete with two big countries at the same time.

  But what's even more surprising is the Blue Dragon King Glendel who can command the other two ancient dragons, and he can still be ranked above them.

  I am afraid that the giant dragon will not willingly succumb to other beings and make the two ancient dragons surrender. The strength of the Blue Dragon King must be far superior to those two ancient dragons.

  If there are still a certain number of old dragons or ancient dragons among the remaining dragons, the combat power of this so-called giant dragon country can be said to be quite terrifying.

  Is there such an unheard of powerful force still existing in this world?
  Once such a giant dragon force is exposed, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the entire civilized world.

  But the premise is that what Dolan Sloney said is the truth.

  It is hard to imagine what a country composed of more than forty real dragons looks like and how cohesive it is.

  "Helganorn, we have heard about your deeds. You have been very active in the civilized world recently." Dolan Sloane said.

  Ganon realized that his feat of helping Mu Xia fight against the Empire had spread further than he thought, and even other dragons knew about it.

  Having found his territory so quickly, the force to which Dolan Siloni belongs, the so-called Dragon Ascension Nest, may have also set up an intelligence network in the civilized world of humanoid creatures.

  "Where did you hear the news?" Ganouen did not admit it easily.

  "This is not important. Helganorn, I want to give you a piece of advice. Being too involved with the civilizations of humans and elves will bring danger to you. Join us and we will provide you with shelter." Dolan Siloni said. When he said this, his tone was calm.

  "I say this as if you are worthy of belief, or I should say..." Ganon looked directly at Dolan Sloni with eyes with the luster of lava, "Are you worthy of belief?" To a real

  dragon Say, a human is often more trustworthy than other true dragons.

  This is no joke. According to dragon common sense, humans may not have the courage to murder themselves, but other dragons will almost certainly have such thoughts - because they themselves think so too.

  "You just need to know that Dragon Ascension's Nest has now sent you an invitation. This invitation has no expiration date, but it may not be permanent." Dolan Siloni said with deep meaning.

  "What do you mean?" Ganon signaled her to speak directly.

  "After the Dragon Ascension Nest develops and grows, it will sooner or later sweep across the entire continent. By then, you may not have a choice. Show your value to the Dragon Ascension Nest now, or be forced to become one of them at that time, The status you can achieve is completely different." Dolan Siloni said slowly.

  "So, are you recruiting me...or are you threatening me?" Ganon asked coldly.

  (End of chapter)

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