74.Chapter 74 Belongs to the Kingdom of Dragons

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  Chapter 74: The Kingdom of Dragons

  Before dawn, an angry dragon roar suddenly sounded from the bottom of the Endless Tower.

  Even Zhenna, who lived on the fifth floor, couldn't help but be awakened by the movement and climbed out of bed.


  She had been trained to wake up in an instant, grabbed her big sword and rushed downstairs.

  This was undoubtedly Ganon's angry roar. Could it be that an assassin had attacked him?
  However, when he arrived at the lobby on the first floor, what he saw was Ganon in dragon form, unleashing his dragon power and forcing Isabel into a corner.

  "I will tolerate entering the cellar without permission. You are really not afraid of death if you disturb my sleep!!" Ganon glared at Isbell and growled.

  "I was wrong, I was wrong Ganon! You can punish me to calm down my anger!" Isabel huddled in the corner, smiling apologetically and waving her hands to beg for mercy.

  "What happened again?"

  Realizing that it was Isbel who was most likely to be in trouble again, Zhenna lowered her sword with some weakness.

  Thanks to Mu Xia's extra manpower after the previous war, the temple on the sixth floor was completed ahead of schedule and all the elves who were detained to help went home. Otherwise, how many people might have heard this news.

  "Miss Isabel sneaked into the cellar while the master was sleeping, woke him up, and then it became like this." Shitou, who was standing by, answered Zhenna's question.

  "Are you crazy?" Zhenna couldn't help but give Isbell a white look.

  Zhenna knew that Ganon hid the treasure in the underground layer, and also knew how much the red dragon valued the treasure, so she would not enter the underground easily without Ganon's permission.

  It is said that dragons generally have a lot of anger when they wake up. If they are accidentally awakened in their lair, they can easily fall into a state of rage. This is especially true for red dragons.

  Thanks to Ganon's willpower being different from other dragons, he only roared at Isabel. If it were an ordinary red dragon, it would have been possible for him to go to the territory and engage in a massacre to vent his anger after being accidentally awakened.

  "So what the hell are you doing?" Ganon finally calmed down a little, turned into a human and asked Isabel, "I told you before not to enter the cellar casually, right? There is a magic trick I set up here to protect the treasure. Array, do you want to die?"

  Ganon's refusal to allow people to enter the cellar was not just because of the treasure, but also because of the root formation.

  This is for his own safety and the safety of others in the tower. According to Shitou, after the temple is put into operation, the root circle will have the function of automatically calling up spells to fight against intruders, and will not be easily destroyed.

  Although there will be no reaction as long as the behavior is not particularly threatening, it is still a precaution.

  It seems that the requirement not to enter the cellar without permission should be written into the contract in the future, especially for people like Isbell who can't figure it out.

  "It's just, it's just an ordinary night attack. Who told you, Ganon, not to sleep in your room every day, so I can't find anyone every time." Isbell pointed at her fingers with an aggrieved look on her face.

  "Can this be my fault?" Ganon laughed once again at this girl's wonderful logic.

  "I want to enhance my relationship. We are obviously going to be engaged, but we don't even have any intimacy. Isn't this strange?" Isabel asked loudly.

  "Aren't you the source of the strangeness?" Veins popped out on Ganouen's forehead. He reached out and pinched Isbell's face and pulled her, "You were the one who broke into my residence without authorization and plotted against me as soon as we met. You were also the one who made the so-called engagement. What a mess you did with your family, and now you still have the nerve to mention this to me?"

  His relationship with Isbell was indeed extremely strange, and they didn't have much of a relationship foundation at the moment. But for him, Isabel directly transcended all stages of emotional accumulation and reached the point where she intended to develop a physical relationship.

  As for her family, in order to maintain their reputation, they colluded with Isabel and planned his engagement with Isabel.

  How can a normal relationship be established with this abnormal elf?

  "That's why we need to build up some feelings. You agreed to take me in. Do you only care about my body?"

  Isbell, whose cheek was pinched, looked at Ganouen with a look of resentment.

  "Could it be a character? Can you have some self-awareness about your own character? Besides, isn't it because I am a dragon that you are targeting me?" Ganon opened the skylight to Isabel without a care in the world.

  "I'm eyeing you because you are a unique dragon, and it's not just because of this that I like you now. You are the only one in the world who is not only willing to accept that side of me, but also talks to my mother for me." Yi Sibei suddenly confessed with a serious look on her face.

  Ganon thought for a while and asked suspiciously: "Then how much percent of the reason why you like me does this probably account for?"

  Isabel thought for a moment, raised two fingers and answered: "Absolutely 20%."

  "That's all?" Ganon couldn't help complaining.

  "Then we can train you well now! After all the things over there, you only dated Zhenna and didn't even think about doing anything with me. My girl's heart is going to be broken!" Yi Siberian complained.

  How can you, a pervert like you, still have the heart of a girl? Ganouen murmured in his heart.

  However, he had to admit that what Isabel said was not completely unreasonable.

  Their relationship is not normal, but it is not too late to seriously cultivate their relationship based on the current situation.

  He looked at Zhenna who appeared at the top of the stairs. Zhenna shook her head helplessly and sighed, then turned and walked upstairs.

  "Okay, I'll leave you with today's time. What do you have in mind, or should I make the arrangements?" Ganon let go of Isbell's cheek and said seriously.

  Isabel immediately showed a look of surprise, but the happiness came so suddenly that she couldn't make up her mind for a while.

  "This..." She thought about it for a long time, and finally blurted out, "How about appreciating my collection together?"

  Ganon looked at Isabel speechlessly.

  Isabel waved her hands in embarrassment: "Ahaha, I was joking——"

  "Okay." Ganon said suddenly.

  "What?" Isabel was stunned on the spot.

  "I said yes, I'm actually a little interested in your stuff." Ganon said calmly.

  After all, he is a time traveler, and it is just a small yellow book. In his eyes, it is a normal thing.

  He was actually a little curious about what Little Huang Ben was like in another world.

  Isabel put down her hand and looked at Ganouen in concentration.

  "What's wrong with you?" Ganouen stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Isbell's eyes with a puzzled look on his face.

  A few seconds later, Isabel sniffed, and then suddenly began to burst into tears.

  She has always tried hard to hide her special and somewhat shameful hobby, fearing the possibility of exposure.

  When buying those books from the secret vendor outside the palace, she had to disguise herself and did not communicate too much with the other party.

  This was the first time in her life that someone accepted her hobby so generously and was willing to share it with her.

  "As for crying?" Ganon was stunned.

  "Ganoen, ahhh!" Isabel cried in a tearful voice, and threw herself into Ganon's arms with a moved face, "I love you so much!!" "

  Uh..." Ganon looked down and looked down. The elf princess buried her face in her chest and burst into tears. She didn't know how to react.

  Isn't this girl's strategy point too strange?
  "This is my first time... my first time meeting the same kind!" Isabel said while crying.

  "I will tolerate being the same person, but not the same kind!" Ganon corrected seriously.

  After she finished crying, Isabel raised her face and said happily, "Then let's go to my room now!"

  "Wipe your tears and nose first." Ganouen smiled helplessly.

  "Please use it." Shitou stepped forward in time and presented the towel.

  Ganon was waiting patiently for Isabel to finish wiping her face, and suddenly felt a throbbing feeling.

  There was an unprecedented reaction at the border of [Watchmen], and the reaction was quite strong.

  The projection showed that from the northwest, a dragon broke into the surveillance range of the [Watcher]!

  Ganon was startled and quickly opened the screen: a giant dragon with sky-blue scales flew towards the Endless Tower. Judging from its size and appearance, it seemed to be a female blue dragon that had just grown up.

  After staring at the picture for a while, Ganon noticed that there were a lot of weird things about this blue dragon.

  "It seems we have to pause for a moment. A dragon has broken into the territory!"

  Ganon raised his hand to stop Isabel, who was excitedly preparing to pull him upstairs.

  Isabel was startled, with a bit of suspicion and dissatisfaction on her face: "You don't suddenly want to regret it, do you?"

  "What I said is true." Ganouen had no choice but to put the [Watchman]'s hand in front of him. The projection was summoned, and then pointed at the position of the blue dragon, "Look!"

  "What kind of magic is this?" Isabel was shocked by the effect of [Watcher].

  "Don't you know [Watcher]? It's written in the contract." Ganon looked at her in surprise.

  "I didn't look carefully..." Isabel replied blankly. She always agreed to the "prisoner's contract" without hesitation every time.

  She blinked and observed the projection covering the entire Endless Tower and the entire territory, and suddenly realized something: "Ganoen, can you, can you use this to monitor your own room?" "Yes, yes." Garnoen

  . Noen looked at Isabel expressionlessly, "So I know everything you did the first time you came here and the several times you sneaked into my room and did it on my bed." "You!

  " Isbell's face suddenly turned as red as a tomato, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Wait, doesn't it mean you can see me taking a shower and going to the toilet?"

  "Don't worry, I don't have a peeping habit. But you should have known the contents of the [Prisoner's Contract] after seeing it. I thought you didn't care at all." Ganon replied.

  "How could you not care! It's so embarrassing, I'm a girl after all!" Isabel covered her face.

  Are you really girly? Ganon complained in his mind.

  "But it seems... quite exciting?" Isabel muttered again.

  Okay, there is still more of a perverted element. Ganon shook his head inwardly.

  At this time, the blue dragon flew about two kilometers and suddenly let out a long roar.

  A few seconds later, the dragon roar reached the Endless Tower.

  Garnorn heard the roar and interpreted the dragon's language.

  This kind of roar is the dragon's intention to express non-force negotiation. When a dragon enters the territory of other dragons for the purpose of trading, negotiation, or courtship, it usually uses this kind of opening remarks.

  Of course, it could also be deception.

  But no matter what, without this kind of opening remarks, if a dragon breaks into the territory of other dragons, a war is almost inevitable. At least on the surface, this blue dragon is not hostile.

  "You go back to the temple and wait for orders. I'll go check on the situation." After Ganon ordered Isbell, he left the Endless Tower directly.

  He transformed into a dragon and flew straight towards the direction of the blue dragon, and soon the two sides appeared in each other's field of vision.

  The blue dragon once again roared with the intention of negotiating, and Ganon responded this time.

  Both sides expressed their intention to negotiate, and the two giant dragons kept a certain distance, circled and landed together, landed on the ground, and looked at each other from a distance.

  "Are you Helganorn?" the female blue dragon asked first.

  "Who are you? What are you doing in my territory?" Ganon asked in turn.

  "I am Dolan Siloni, the daughter of Blue Dragon King Grendel. Red Dragon Helganorn, I came to recruit you on my father's orders." The blue dragon answered.

  "Blue Dragon King?" Ganon made a confused voice, "Your clan plans to recruit a red dragon?"

  Blue dragons are the only true dragons that may choose to live in groups, led by a powerful blue dragon. Young blue dragons form a clan. Considering the aggressive nature of dragons and the large consumption of resources, the size of a blue dragon clan is not very large, usually only in the single digits.

  The leader of a clan will call himself the clan master, but usually he will not proclaim himself a king like humanoid creatures do, and it is absolutely impossible for the blue dragon clan to recruit dragons of other colors.

  "No, it's not a clan." Dolan Siloni corrected seriously, "It's a country. My father, the most powerful true dragon, the great Blue Dragon King Grendel, established a country, a country that belongs to... the dragon Kingdom!"

  (End of chapter)

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