73. Chapter 73 becomes a lot more lively

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  Chapter 73 It became a lot more lively.
  The next day, at dusk, Ganon set off from the top of the tower, spread his wings and hovered over his territory.

  Now he is completely accustomed to this feeling, and it no longer has the same novelty as before.

  However, flying at high altitude is still quite refreshing. In the wide field of view, the entire land shrinks into a beautiful oil painting spread underneath, and the afterglow of the setting sun puts a warm filter on the canvas.

  Whether it is the towering mountains or the deep valleys, what you can see from here is just a few lines on the canvas. The rivers that appear to be winding and complicated on the ground can be seen from here, and the originally unattainable clouds are slowly moving around you. drift.

  Everything he saw seemed to be under his control.

  This feeling of wandering and wandering is really wonderful. Not only the dragon, but also the people sitting on the back of the dragon can feel it.

  "It's been a long time since I traveled like this." Zhenna said softly, sitting on Ganon's back.

  "After all, I have fought in a war before, so I can't be so leisurely." Ganon replied.

  It was naturally not the first time that they took Zhenna out for a ride like this. In the two months before the war between Mu Xia and the Empire, this was actually a regular date item for them.

  After agreeing with Mu Xia to defend the city in the western region, except for those two battles, Ganon basically paid attention to the development of the situation in his own territory, always on standby, and had no chance to relax at all.

  Now that the war is over, they can finally have time to go out for a date.

  And they have special arrangements today.

  Ganon carried Zhenna and flew out of the range of the [Watcher], towards a high mountain in the distance.

  He circled and landed on a flat spot on the mountainside. As soon as he approached, Zhenna already let out an exclamation of surprise.

  There is a crystal clear spring here. The bottom of the spring seems to be made of some special mineral, with a gem-like blue-green color, which makes the spring also dyed with a bright and clear blue-green color. The clear spring is surrounded by a green space, now full of white, red and pink flowers, which are beautiful at first glance.

  "I've wanted to take you to see this place for a long time."

  Ganon lowered his wings to send Zhenna down, then turned into a human form and said.

  "It's so beautiful." Zhenna said and took a deep breath. "It has a very sweet smell." "Just

  like it. I spent a long time decorating it during the day." Ganouen said.

  "Did you arrange all of this?" Zhenna was pleasantly surprised.

  What surprised her was not just the beautiful scenery, but the most important thing was Ganon's thoughts - this dragon actually knew a little bit about romance. She originally didn't have much expectations for this aspect.

  "The spring water is already there. I mainly planted these flowers, and Bell also helped." Ganouen said.

  When he was planning to arrange a good scene for Zhenna, Isabel came to him very actively and offered help. She also gave him these flower seeds and said that she could temporarily arrange a flower bed.

  Ganon adopted her plan, and he and Isbell planted these seeds together. Then Ganon transformed into the form of the guardian dragon of life, and used the breath of the fire of life to cause the seeds to sprout, grow and bloom at the same time.

  Ganon didn't know what kind of flowers these were, but they were quite beautiful anyway, and they had a very sweet smell.

  It must be said that Isabel rarely did something serious.

  "Thank you, Ganon, I like it very much." Zhenna smiled sincerely. This was really the first time she had seen such a scenery.

  "Thank you. I originally wanted to share it with you. Although it's good to watch it alone, I still feel it's a pity that there's not even one person to express my feelings." Ganouen said.

  "Indeed." Zhenna responded while looking into the distance.

  I can probably only share with Ganouen like this for a few decades in my lifetime. Thinking of this, my eyes became melancholy.

  "Zhenna, do you care about lifespan?"

  Ganon glanced at Zhenna. Now that he and Zhenna have been together, he has begun to occasionally read each other's thoughts.

  "Well, after all, there is such a big difference in our life spans, so I think it is actually good to let Isabel stay. Elves are also long-lived species, although they are still not as good as dragons." Zhenna answered.

  When Isabel suggested "holding a ceremony", she was actually quite grateful to him.

  She and Ganouen were progressing very quickly, but she felt that this was just right. She had always been a person who didn't like to drag things along.

  There is no need to wait slowly for things that have been decided. Even if accidents are not considered, her life is too short compared to Ganouen, and she does not have that much time to wait.

  "What do you think of Isabel?" Zhenna turned to Ganon and asked.

  "This place has become a lot more lively since she arrived. It's actually quite fun, isn't it?" Ganouen smiled.

  "I think you are greedy for her body!" Zhenna pretended to be angry and poked Ganouen's arm.

  Ganouen also pretended to be serious and turned to look at Zhenna. He put his hand on his chest and vowed: "Of course I'm jealous of you too!" "

  Also?" Zhenna reached out and patted Ganouen's forehead. , "You really can say it!"

  Ganon smiled, and his expression became positive again: "Actually, you don't have to worry so much about lifespan, I will find a way."

  Zhenna blinked at him unexpectedly.

  "As long as the power of the Endless Tower Temple is restored, the power I can use will become stronger. By then, it will be possible to rejuvenate people," Ganon said.

  This is not nonsense. The "dominance" power he now possesses can easily transform his own life form. According to Shitou, when the Earth Mother Goddess's seal is restored more, he can even reverse the situation after the power becomes stronger. Aging can also be used on other people.

  "Aren't you kidding me?" Zhenna asked, looking at Ganouen expectantly.

  "Of course not, and I must do it. I hope you can always be by my side." Ganon said seriously.

  He didn't feel unnatural in saying this, because it was indeed his true thoughts.

  Now that things have happened, he has decided to live seriously in this world. Zhenna is the first person who made him care about this world. He does not want to experience a life-or-death separation with her just a few decades later.

  "Ganoen..." Zhenna immediately held her breath, her face showing the same red color as the sunset.

  When she was invited by Ganon, Zhenna was actually well aware of Ganon's real finale arrangements and was mentally prepared in advance.

  The atmosphere was in place, and Ganon felt that his thoughts were not in vain.

  Just when he was about to say "Because you are so important to me" to introduce the most important link, a gust of wind blew over, and he suddenly smelled a familiar smell.

  The dragon's senses are still very keen, including the sense of smell. Even if he turns into a human form, he can still distinguish familiar people by their smell.

  And what he just captured was Isabel's scent.

  how come?
  He suddenly became alert and subconsciously glanced in the direction of the smell. He immediately saw a pair of fox ears exposed in the bushes not far away.

  Because the fox was leaning out of the bushes and looking over here.


  When he landed in dragon form just now, the dragon's power was enough to scare away all the animals on the flat land. Even if he turned into a human form, not many wild animals would dare to approach easily without him particularly restraining his dragon power. Not to mention hiding in the bushes and peeping.

  This damn girl! Ganon immediately realized that this was Isbell who transformed into a fox through natural transformation.

  Although Isabel signed a prisoner contract, because Isabel occasionally returned to Muxia, when signing the contract, Ganon deleted the item "cannot leave the range of the watcher".

  He usually didn't pay special attention to the other party's whereabouts. He never thought that this guy would quietly come here to spy on his date with Zhenna.

  Once he realized that she was there, Ganon suddenly felt that the lines he had prepared were not easy to say.

  If Zhenna knew that a third party was present, she would probably not want to continue.

  If we find a way to convey the order to her, we can make her leave temporarily.

  But Ganon also thought of a question: Could this guy be trying to do something by staying here? Could it be that she had already done something here, such as...those flowers?

  Speaking of which, the sweet smell of this flower does give people a vague sense of excitement.

  When he hesitated, Zhenna suddenly noticed something different in his expression and vision, and turned her head following his gaze: "What's wrong?"

  This turning movement scared the "fox" hiding in the bushes, and she subconsciously When he shrank his head, the bushes made a rustling sound.

  "Who is there!?" Zhenna became alert, and she also thought that there could be no small animals here.

  Seeing that the atmosphere had been destroyed, Ganouen shook his head helplessly and commanded: "Change back to your original form!" The

  prisoner contract took effect immediately, and Isabel involuntarily changed back to her original form, straightened up from the bush, and then He showed an awkward smile to the two of them: "What a coincidence?"

  "What a coincidence you are, what are you doing?" Ganon asked, glaring at Isbell.

  "I just..." Isabel tried to find an excuse.

  "Tell the truth!" Ganon ordered again.

  "I think if you go well, maybe something will happen. I just want to observe it for a while. For this reason, I have specially prepared flower seeds with a little aphrodisiac effect to help you go smoothly..."

  Isabel was forced to tell the truth.

  "Just for this reason, you messed up my hard-working day's arrangements?" Ganon glared at Isbell.

  "One thing is that I didn't intend to cause any damage at all. If you hadn't discovered me, everything would have gone smoothly!" Isabel defended.

  "So this is still my fault!?" Ganon's anger level increased again.

  At this moment, Zhenna slowly spoke:


  Ganouen and Isabel were stunned at the same time, and Isabel even shivered on the spot.

  The tone of Zhenna's call was calm, and her face had no expression, but it carried an indescribable sense of oppression. Anyone could detect the strong anger in her body that was on the eve of an explosion.

  "Jena, I'm sorry. This incident should be considered an accident. I will find a way to make up for it later..." Isbel felt a strong sense of danger.

  But Zhenna looked like she couldn't listen at all. She raised her face and stared at her, and continued to say in a deep voice without expression: "What do you think of this important moment in my life?" As soon as she finished speaking, someone appeared behind her

  . He made an extremely huge long sword made of light.

  Isabel was stunned. Such a standard of Holy Light Technique was obviously beyond the realm of a master.

  "G-Ganoen, has she been promoted to transcendence?" She asked Ganon with a trembling voice.

  "No, this should just be an extraordinary performance caused by anger towards you." Ganon replied calmly.

  "Please persuade her!" Isabel begged.

  "Zhen Na, you will die if you use this..." Ganon started to persuade.

  Isabel breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Use your fists and put on the Holy Light Shield as a fist armor." Ganon continued.

  Zhenna wordlessly put away the Blade of Judgment and raised her fists. Both fists shone brightly after being covered with holy light.

  "You, are you going to die without saving me?" Seeing Zhenna approaching her, Isabel shouted at Ganouen.

  "I will save you when you are about to be beaten to death." Ganon replied coldly.

  This girl who likes to cause trouble should be taught a lesson.

  "I...I was wrong!!" Isabel turned around and ran away, starting to be chased by Zhenna around the spring.

  "It really has become a lot more lively." Ganouen folded his hands and stood aside, sighing in his heart.

  (End of chapter)

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