271. Chapter 271 The Golem Butler’s Worries

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  Chapter 271: The Golem Butler’s Worry

  in the Endless Tower.

  Ganon was sitting in the study, casually flipping through the report that Angst had entrusted to his subordinates.

  Thanks to the fact that Angst had set up an intelligence network in the Elemental Federation a long time ago in order to arrange a way out of Muxia, the work there was very efficient, and the collected mage Amanda Ax Qiu was quickly packaged and sent over.

  Ganon quickly scanned the information.

  Amanda Ax Hill was born in the Fire City of the Elemental Federation. Her mother was a high elf craftsman and her father was a blacksmith.

  His father is a descendant of the Liufeng Island barbarians who naturalized into the Federation. Before the island was discovered and colonized by the Federation, it was an isolated land where humans and orcs lived together. There are also mixed descendants of humans and orcs— —Amanda’s orc surname.

  The predecessor of the Federation of Elements was the Winter Empire established by the elves. It was the earliest ancient civilization to develop on the mainland. It had expanded on a large scale, occupied the lands of other races and imposed high-pressure rule on other races. As a result, it attracted resistance from the coalition armies of various races.

  The final result of the war was the defeat of the Winter Empire. The wood elves of Breeze Forest withdrew in the middle of the war and split from the Winter Empire to establish the Kingdom of Muxia.

  After the war, the coalition forces of various races occupied part of the land of the Winter Kingdom, and they were divided into several forces and began to fight openly and secretly. The Winter Empire also tried to take back these lands, and conflicts and contradictions became the main theme of this land.

  After hundreds of years of changes, they finally reached a historic breakthrough. After the last dynasty of the Winter Empire fell, the high elves established a parliament and conquered the rest by wooing some of the separatist forces. The last piece of paper The Agreement allowed them to establish a new federal country.

  Today's Federation of Elements has become a country of mixed races, and mixed-race people like Amanda are actually not uncommon.

  However, her orcish heritage is still quite unpopular in the Federation of Elements, where mages are respected. She has considerable talent in spells and was successfully promoted to the extraordinary realm in her later years.

  The status of a mage of this level in the Federation is not too low. Even if he does not enter politics and enter the parliament, he is still enough to be hired as the dean of a certain college.

  But Amanda was still working as a lecturer at Golden Tower College from beginning to end, and only held the title of honorary president of a less important academic association.

  She didn't seem to be too keen on this, and even lived in seclusion on Liufeng Island for a time due to injuries. She was obsessed with the study of magic and archeology, and published many papers, one of which mentioned "possible problems in the north of the mainland." There are miracles”, which is the one discovered by the Elf King Orfield.

  In this paper, she elaborates on the possible connection between the selection of the strong men of the Winter Empire, the mirage of the broken tower, and the day of the departure of the gods.

  From the perspective of Ganon, who already knows part of the situation, it is obvious that a scholar who has never seen the Endless Tower can draw a conclusion so close to the truth just by piecing together the fragmented legends and records that remain in the world. It's quite remarkable.

  Sixty-one years ago, she applied to the college for an academic expedition to search for ruins across the desert, but was rejected. Soon after, she chose to leave alone and lost contact with her.

  "Sounds very ominous." Ganon thought to himself after reading the information.

  Amanda had left the Federation of Elements for such a long time without any news, so she was probably dead. After all, Ganoun already knew that the ruins where the Endless Tower was originally located had been occupied by Dragon Ascension Lair.

  An extraordinary mage can deal with at most one adult or elderly dragon when fighting alone. It is basically impossible to fight back against an extremely old level, not to mention that there is more than one ancient dragon in Dragon Ascension's Lair.

  If Amanda Ax Hill went to the territory of Dragon Ascension Lair without knowing anything, she would probably be dead.

  It is not impossible that she is still alive, but Angst did not find any information about her in the Elemental Federation, and even visited Liufeng Island where she once lived in seclusion.

  There are only two possibilities that Ganon can think of. One is that she was captured by the Dragon Ascension Nest and became a member of the Dragon Religion.

  The second is to temporarily give up the exploration of the ruins, live in seclusion, and turn to other research.

  As for the former, he could actually ask through Dolan Siloni. Although he didn't think of asking when he met Dolan Siloni's demon last time, he estimated that since the other party chose to get back on the line with him, most likely Will see him again.

  As for the latter, if Amanda lives in seclusion in a northwest city-state like Sandman City, maybe Anya really has a chance to find her.

  Ganon didn't have high expectations for this matter. He was looking for Amanda just to learn more about the Endless Tower.

  You must know that even if you find this mage, it may not be that the other party's research progress is more than what he knows.

  He can also choose to let Amanda come to his tower to conduct research, but Amanda is not the only candidate for this matter.

  "I'm sorry to disturb you, my lord." The sound of stone rang in the room, and then the wall on one side of the study trembled slightly, and the golem came out of the wall and bowed to Ganon, "Do you have time now? I have some I want to ask you something..." "What's wrong?" Ganon frowned.

  In the past, when Shitou came to see him, he would briefly explain the reason. He would not start with a vague statement like "Let's talk about something." Ganouen didn't like this kind of opening statement either.

  "You asked me to receive guests from Mu Xia before. They seemed to be a group of golems..." Shitou seemed to be aware of Ganon's doubts and said cautiously.

  "You have already seen the golem controlled by His Majesty King Offyd of Late Summer. Please treat him well and don't be rude. He wants to conduct an academic inspection of the Endless Tower, and I have given permission. Why, what do you think? ?" Ganon asked in turn.

  "Don't dare." Shitou immediately bowed, "It's just that there seems to be more than one golem coming this time." "

  He just brought two assistants. It happened that a group of mages were stationed in the town to the west of Muxia, Ou Fei His Majesty asked them to help. They had no time to escape and come here, so they controlled the golem to temporarily take over." Ganon replied.

  "Is that just that? They seem to be sampling the masonry of the Endless Tower..." Stone seemed to have something else to say.

  "Isn't it normal to conduct inspections and take samples? What exactly do you want to express?" Ganon was a little impatient.

  Stones in the past would never be like this, hesitant to speak. This kind of emotional "hesitation" is not what a machine should appear.

  "My Lord, if you are dissatisfied with my service, please reprimand me directly." Shitou said seriously, "Before you try to create a new demon to replace me, at least give me one more chance."

  " What the hell are you talking about?" Ganon was confused.

  "You seemed a little distrustful of my answer before..." Shitou said.

  "I'm just cautious about information without supporting evidence. Besides, you have memory loss and the information you gave is incomplete. How can we talk about trust or distrust?" Ganon replied.

  "Then are you really not entrusting Muxia's mage to study the technology of the Endless Tower and develop a new golem?" Shitou asked.

  "Of course not." Ganon replied.

  "But I noticed that Miss Mora seems to be making a golem-like device in her workshop..." Shitou added.

  "She is just using the steam armor captured by the empire to develop new weapons." Ganon replied.

  "You really don't intend to replace me?" Shitou confirmed to him.

  "I really think I can do it. You are completely a part of the Endless Tower. What's more, nothing has happened to you now, why should I?" That kind of thinking?" Ganouen was a little dumbfounded.

  Probably because Ganon had distrusted his answer before judging, this golem actually became worried about his status as a butler.

  "Your order is absolute to me. If you order me to sleep indefinitely, I will not be able to activate it again." Shitou said.

  "No, at least I don't have that idea right now. Don't think too much and do your job well." Ganon replied.

  "Understood, my lord, thank you for your tolerance." Shitou bowed again and returned to his previous calm tone, but Ganon read some positive emotions from it.

  At this moment, the "Watchman" reacted.

  "My lord, someone has entered the territory!" Shitou reminded.

  Ganon raised his hand to turn on the projection, and then zoomed in on the target - he saw a demon with a metallic luster riding a horse, slowly walking into the boundary of the "Watcher".

  The golem of Dolan Sloane, she actually came to visit Ganon again.

  "My Lord..." Shitou seemed to be hesitant to speak again.

  "This is the golem of the blue dragon Dolan Siloni. Don't think too much about it." Ganon glanced at the butler golem.

  (End of chapter)

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