270. Chapter 270 Dolan Sloane’s Warning

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  Chapter 270: Dolan Siloni's Early Warning
  The grateful believers left quickly. After a while, Ganouen saw a carriage coming from the distance, carrying stacked treasure boxes.

  Ganon noticed that the "carriage driver" was a metallic golem. Just as he expected, Dolan Sloane was in this area.

  She was very careful. She first sent a believer with a small amount of gifts to check the situation, and then controlled the golem to wait for the treasure she was going to donate.

  The distance and length of time a mage can control the golem depends on the golem's material and the level of the mage. The hiding place of Dolan Siloni's true body is unknown, as well as the followers of the Dragon Order who are accompanying her.

  Moreover, she also has an invisible cloak. I am afraid that even if Ganon finds her true body, without the "Watcher" watching, Dolan Siloni will probably be able to escape.

  Although he suspected that Dolan Siloni was up to something nefarious, Ganon still did not easily cut off the opportunity to have direct contact with her, because this was the only way for him to obtain information about the Dragon's Lair head-on in a relatively safe manner.

  Ganon remained silent, just watching Dorancelone approaching, guessing in his mind how she would speak.

  Dolan Siloni did not take any unnecessary action, she just drove the carriage towards Ganorn as fast as possible.

  The horses didn't dare to go any further when they got close to a certain distance. Even if Ganon didn't move, even if he controlled the dragon's power, his hill-like body was enough to scare away most animals.

  Dolan Siloni simply stopped and asked the golem to jump off the carriage, and then cast a spell to summon an earthen wall to surround the carriage to prevent the horses from being frightened and running around.

  Then Dolan Sloane's golem closed the remaining distance with her feet.

  Ganon finally heard the first words that Dolan Siloni said to him during this "reunion": "You are a bit too high-profile, Lord of the Endless Tower." This was somewhat

  beyond Ganon's expectation: "Do you always apologize to others in this way?"

  "If I apologize to you verbally, will you forgive me for what I did before?" Dolan Sloni asked.

  "If you give me the invisible cloak, I can pretend that what happened before has never happened." Ganon replied.

  "I can't do it. Compared with the consequences of losing that artifact, it might be better to be killed by you right here." Dolan Siloni's tone was very calm, "For you, Dragon Ascension The information about the nest is the most important."

  She had known for a long time that the possibility of a simple apology having any effect on Ganon was very slim. What could really make Ganon give up fighting and calm down and talk to her was her value.

  "In addition, you have also seen. I have also prepared a cart of treasures. If you are willing to talk to me seriously, I have two carts of things to give to you." Dolan Siloni said slowly.

  She knew very well the cards in her hand. The information about Dragon's Lair and the treasure she brought could be a breakthrough for Ganon to sit down and talk. Verbal apologies and apologies were meaningless.

  "I can collect things, but I'm actually not short of money. Tell me the reason why you spent so much money talking to me." Ganouen went straight to the topic. The other party spent these resources to re-establish a dialogue with him. It can't be without purpose. .

  "I want to remind you that you have been too high-profile recently." Dolan Siloni said seriously, "You have done a lot of things, and these things are enough for you to be noticed by Dragon Ascension Lair."

  Ganon Thinking back carefully, after repelling Dolan Siloni, he attacked the Principality of Xihe, and then teamed up with Mu Xia to defeat the coalition forces of the Empire and Dark Night City, killing a prince-level vampire, and then this time he killed another The Lord of the Abyss is also related to the forces in Paradise Mountain.

  Dorrance Loni should still be controlling the Night Blade family. Even if Angst and Anya take away all the best spies in the Night Blade family's "maze", the remaining manpower should be enough for Dorrance. Loni set up intelligence networks everywhere.

  Dolan Siloni should know a lot about these "great achievements" of Ganon.

  "As expected, you concealed my information from Dragon Ascension's Nest. I'm very curious about the reason. Your father, Glendale, will definitely not be lenient if he knows that you concealed the information. What makes you willing to take such a risk?" Big risk? I don't think you have a reason to protect me." Ganouen asked.

  Dolan Siloni did not deny it, but remained silent for a long time, which was basically equivalent to a disguised admission of the fact she had concealed. After a while, she continued through the golem: "I can't imagine if my father got the secret of your tower." Power, what will this world become? But I can be sure that it is definitely not the world I want." "

  What kind of world do you want, humans and dragons...or a hybrid like you, harmonious A world together?" Ganon asked. "I don't know, I just don't want to see my father slaughter all the other humanoids..." Dorancelone said.

  "Then why did you try to take the Endless Tower from me in the first place?" Ganon asked.

  "I need power, that's all." Dolan Siloni answered simply, without explaining the specific reasons for her pursuit of power.

  In fact, even she herself is not sure what she will do with this power after getting it. How can she find a place for herself? Or she was looking for the meaning of her birth in this world, but she knew that these were not things suitable to explain to Ganouen.

  "It's not up to me to be high-profile or not." Ganon shrugged.

  In the previous incidents, he could basically be regarded as a passive party. After the incident, his prestige increased to a higher level.

  "Dragon Ascension's Lair is already seriously considering taking action against the Empire." Dolan Siloni said suddenly.

  "Is there going to be a war now?" Ganon narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

  According to Dolan Siloni's description, Dragon Ascension's Nest may really be enough to fight against the Empire, but such a large dragon community will definitely cause panic in the entire civilized world. By then, I am afraid that even Mu Xia will not be able to Without joining the resistance on the same front as the Empire, no matter how powerful Dragon Ascension Nest is, it should not be able to challenge the level of the civilized world formed by all humanoid creatures.

  "No, it's just a few planned plunders and destructions. Only some young dragons were sent out. The Dragon Ascension Nest is preparing to curb the momentum of the empire. After all, the intelligence I obtained seems to be the speed of the development of the empire's civilization and technology. Maybe it will expand faster than Dragon Ascension's Lair." Dolan Siloni said.

  "Doesn't sound like good news to me." Ganon pondered.

  It may be good for him for someone to attack the Empire, but the dragons of Dragon Ascension Nest take action against the Empire. The Empire, which is not yet aware of Dragon Ascension Nest, is likely to turn its suspicious eyes on him at the border.

  And those dragons sent out may also discover the Endless Tower.

  "I will control the intelligence and try to avoid your territory being discovered as much as possible, but those young dragons are not that easy to control. The advice I can give is to kill the dragons that break into your territory. They will think they are killed by the empire. Yes." said Dolan Sloane.

  "Aren't you digging a hole for me?" Ganon asked.

  "Do I need to make such a big detour?" Dorancelone asked.

  Ganouen stared at her for a while and replied: "I've just written it down, but whether the grudge between us can be wiped out depends on whether you tell the truth." "You can judge for yourself.

  " Lanceloti didn't seem to care much about whether Ganouen would forgive her, "I will send someone to deliver the remaining things later."

  After saying that, she controlled the golem and turned around to leave, but suddenly stopped and asked Ganon: "Ganoen, the people I sent said they saw a white dragonborn in your territory who might be a hybrid white dragon. Is this true? "

  Yes, and there is more than one of them. They are half white dragon." Ganon replied simply, and added, "Same as you." "What do you think of them?" Dolan Siloni asked

  . Opened up a topic about myself.

  "I don't have any special opinion." Ganouen said honestly.

  "Is that so..." Dolan Siloni said no more, turned around, unhooked the horse from the carriage, and rode away.

  (End of chapter)

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