267. Chapter 267 Looking for the Master’s Commission

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  Chapter 267 The Commission to Find

  the Mage Ganon hovered from the sky and landed by the river. Several newly built wooden houses were located not far away. Angost stood in front of the main house with her arms akimbo to greet her. Her men were waiting Busy up and down in the rear.

  "Congratulations on moving into your new home. I brought you some gifts." Ganon leaned over and unloaded some daily necessities on his back.

  Angst immediately waved and directed her men to move things over, and smiled at Ganouen: "Thank you, it's really convenient to be your neighbor." "Since you think it's good to be my neighbor, why do you want to do it all of a sudden?

  " What about moving? Wasn't the cave before very nice?" Ganon asked.

  "Aren't you asking knowingly?" Angst said with a wry smile, "Now that I know the existence of your tower surveillance technique, I finally understand where the feeling of being watched from time to time comes from. How could I dare to Is your home in your territory?"

  When she signed the contract with the Endless Tower, Angst knew about the existence of the "Watcher". As soon as the contract was terminated, she chose to move and left Ganon's territory along the river. To the north, a new residence was built by the river.

  "Besides, before I understand the body blade, I'm really a little afraid of you. If you get tired of playing with those young girls and want to change your taste, my novel may have to be 'experienced by the author'." Angost joked again.

  "Is your novel writing going smoothly?" Ganouen asked.

  "Of course, I have been full of ideas since I came here. It will take another two months to polish and publish the new book." Angst said with a smile.

  "Then Bei Er and Salil should be very happy." Ganouen nodded.

  "Huh? That succubus angel is also reading my book?" Angst blinked.

  "I was dragged into the religion by Bei Er. I often read your books and saw that I forgot to eat. But I don't recommend that you ask her about this in person. She probably won't be willing to admit it," Ganouen said.

  "Great, then she wouldn't mind writing her in the new book, right?" Angst said, touching her chin.

  "Have you done this kind of thing again?" Ganon raised his eyebrows.

  "I also plan to create a new series based on you. What do you think of the title "The Red Dragon and the Tower of Sin: The Continental Princess's Conquest Plan"?" Angst asked enthusiastically.

  "Show your pride, my reputation outside is already bad enough." Ganon wanted to dissuade him.

  "So it's not that bad." Angst chuckled, "Speaking of reputation, now that you have killed an abyss lord and established a connection with Paradise Mountain, I'm afraid you really have to 'stand out' on the mainland. Take it easy."

  "This is beyond my control..." Ganon sighed.

  "Then why did you come to me this time?" Angst took the initiative to get to the point, "Hey, don't look at me like that. I can still observe people's emotions. As soon as you came, I knew that you were definitely not just here to give gifts. "

  As expected of the Lord of the Labyrinth." Ganon nodded, "Yes, I have something to entrust you with. I want you to help me find out about a great mage from the Federation of Elements, named Amanda Ax Hill. The woman is said to be a half-elf."

  Amanda Ax Hill is the mage who has studied the Endless Tower recommended by the Elf King Orfield to Ganorn.

  Although Offfield had studied in the Elemental Federation and was considered a well-known scholar, as the King of Mu Xia, he was still relatively alienated from the network of mages within the Elemental Federation.

  Amanda Ax is an extraordinary mage certified by the Federation of Elements, but Offfield has no interaction with her. He only saw her paper and inquired a little about it, and found out that she went to the northwest a long time ago to explore the ruins. The vast desert, other than that, Ganon can only rely on himself to find out.

  "Are you sure a half-elf's surname is Ax Hill? It's an orc's surname." Angst couldn't help but ask.

  "I don't know the specifics. I only know that she is a great mage in the extraordinary realm, and she once served as a lecturer in the Federal Golden Tower..." Just as

  Ganon was halfway through speaking, Angst raised her hand and said: " Well, as long as there is this person, I will complete the rest of the information."

  "Sounds really reliable." Ganouen said.

  "Do you just want me to get information about her, or do you want me to find her and negotiate with her, or... kidnap her?" Angst asked.

  "I need to find her and talk to her, but you only need to find her traces in the Elemental Federation. She is not in the Elemental Federation. She went to the great desert in the northwest sixty years ago and has not come back yet." Norn said.

  "What is she doing in a place like that? The Night Blade family's intelligence network has never heard of this person." Angst was a little confused.

  "She went to the north to study the Endless Tower, which is why I'm looking for her." Ganon explained.

  "The ruins are now occupied by Dragon Ascension's Lair. If she goes to that place without knowing anything, she may be in danger. If she is smarter, she may still be living in seclusion near Shaman City or a certain settlement. .You don’t need me to go over there and help you look for it?” Angst asked.

  "I'll leave this matter to Anya," Ganon said.

  "That's right, I have to give that girl something to do. If I give her a break, she won't have the chance to claim credit from you, and she will definitely get into trouble." Angst stroked her chin and said with a smirk. "She looked impatient when she listened to my commission." Ganouen said.

  "It's just duplicity. When the succubus invaded, she had a very interesting dream, and so did the dwarf girl." The smile on Angost's face became even brighter.

  "What did they dream about?" Ganon asked smoothly.

  "Of course you have to ask them about this kind of thing." Angst said with a smile, watching the excitement, "Come on, my new book will provide you with new material." "The Federation of

  Elements I’ll trouble you with the information over there.” Ganon said.

  "Although it's a bit vulgar to say this, shouldn't we discuss the remuneration issue in advance?" Angst spread her hands.

  Now that the deal between them has ended, and both parties owe each other nothing, Angost will naturally not want to work for Ganouen for free.

  Ganon did not reply, but looked at the supplies he had sent.

  "Aren't you? You want to hire the best assassins in the entire continent to work for you just because you have a bunch of daily necessities?" The smile on Angost's face disappeared.

  "We have agreed to share intelligence for a long time." Ganon tried to bargain.

  "This time you took the initiative to request the designated information." Angst said.

  "Then make a price." Ganouen said.

  "How about disintegrating the blade and returning it to me? Anyway, all you need is the divinity inside." Angst suggested.

  "No, have you thought about the possibility of being accepted when you stated this condition?" Ganon refused bluntly.

  After the disintegrated blade lost its divinity, it degenerated into a sub-artifact, and the function of the phantom blade disappeared.

  Even so, the disintegrating blade is still a useful and powerful weapon. Anyat at the master level can barely use it, so Ganon keeps it to strengthen his side's combat effectiveness.

  "I can provide you with information for a long time." Angst said.

  "That won't work either." Ganon still refused.

  "Then give me the slave master's ring that Anya brought out. I know that girl fell into your hands when she gave it away for free. For you, that thing is basically useless." Angost. Somewhat reluctantly, I changed the conditions.

  "Okay." Ganon agreed this time.

  The contract of the Endless Tower is much stronger than the Slave Master's Ring, and this secondary artifact is a bit redundant for him.

  "So it's a pleasure to cooperate." Angst's smile returned again, "When I have free time, can I go to your place as a guest, see Bell, and... have a meal?" The transaction has ended, but she can still count

  it Established a little friendship with Ganouen.

  Angst is a very casual person in this regard. In her eyes, this red dragon can be considered a friend.

  "You are welcome at any time." Ganon replied, "Don't you look at Anya?" "

  Huh, I guess she is more looking forward to reporting to a certain elf princess than me." Angost shrugged, "You I think I should keep an eye on her, maybe she will tell Patrizio about you." "She

  can't do anything that will harm me, and she has been very busy recently. I sent her to Shaman City to contact the intelligence in person. The dealer has inquired about the mage, and by the way, I have also left the matter of selling grain to her." Ganon replied.

  "Wait a minute, didn't you do all the work of transporting the food yourself?" Angst frowned slightly, "Normally, shouldn't you go with her?" "Didn't I take in a few half-dragon succubi recently

  ? One of them has the ability to transform into a dragon. I gave her the task of carrying things, and Anya is responsible for supervising. It just so happens that Anya doesn't like walking with me, so I can relax..." Ganon He replied flatly, and seeing Angost looking at him with wide eyes, he asked again, "Huh? What's wrong?" "

  Poor Anya..." Angost covered her head and shook her head, "I suddenly felt a little bit I feel sorry for her."

  If the red dragon continues to play hard to get, if Anya doesn't hurry up, it will be difficult for her to find a chance to gain status.

  (End of chapter)

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