266. Chapter 266 Group Night Attack

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  Chapter 266
  Two days after the group formed a night attack, it was late at night.

  On the second floor of the Endless Tower, in the corridor in front of the master's living room, four maids headed by Satya huddled together, looking at the door of the living room in the distance, exchanging glances with each other.

  In the last five meters, no one took another step forward.

  "Sathya, will this offend the new master?" a half-dragon maid asked cautiously.

  "Those who don't want to participate can leave." Satya replied coldly.

  No one chooses to leave.

  They are the maids and daughters of Hilmeria. They are the half-dragon, half-succubus offspring that Hilmeria mixed with the materials of a white dragon and created them with the tears of the mother goddess.

  After the red dragon Ganon and their sister Sariel invaded the abyss and killed Hilmeria, they chose to surrender to the red dragon in exchange for a chance to survive.

  Then they were taken out of the abyss and came to the Endless Tower to sign a prisoner contract.

  They are not disgusted with being enslaved. They have been controlled by Hilmeria since birth. It is better to say that they are more accustomed to this situation.

  The treatment in the Endless Tower is actually better than that in the Abyss. Ganon gave them to Salil to manage, and assigned them some tasks of patrolling the territory and hunting. Generally speaking, it is better than in Hilmeli. It is much easier for Yashou to manage the demon army and take care of the entire territory.

  After leaving the abyss, they ate food other than demons for the first time. Their reactions were basically the same as Salil's first time eating.

  But they couldn't just settle down in an unfamiliar environment. The red dragon Ganon held the power of life and death over them. According to their past experience of serving their mother Hilmeria, they must serve this new master well to win over each other. Happy.

  In addition to this, there is another reason driving them.

  "Don't hesitate, I can't bear it anymore!" A maid stared at the door with burning eyes.

  From there floated a sweet scent that appeared and disappeared, always teasing their instincts.

  The blood of the succubus gives them the desire to absorb magic power. In the abyss, they only need to hunt and devour demons inferior to themselves to replenish a high concentration of magic power.

  But in this plane, they have to find other ways to satisfy this need.

  Just when they were about to take action, someone from behind called them coldly: "What are you doing?" The

  four of them froze. When they turned around, they saw Salil in her angelic state, holding her hands and staring at them coldly. .

  "Sister, sister..." Satya and the other maids cast a somewhat fearful look at Salil.

  Salil is their half-sister in terms of blood, and she completely crushes them in terms of strength. Moreover, Salil personally killed their feared mother Hilmeria. The red dragon Ganon ordered them to After signing the contract, they were handed over to Salil for management. It can be said that Salil has now replaced Hilmeria's position in their hearts.

  Salil frowned upon hearing this title.

  "Mistress." Satya immediately changed her words with a wink.

  "You sneaked out of the temple quietly, and what are you doing here?" Salil asked.

  They are now placed in the living area on the third floor of the Endless Tower.

  "We want to serve our master, and I think this will help stabilize our security here." Satya replied with a bow.

  "It's not necessary. As long as you abide by the rules and don't cross the line, you will be fine. On the contrary, acting without permission may cause you unnecessary trouble." Salil said proudly, "Go back immediately!" The four maids looked at each other

  . Look, no one dared to refute, and in the end they could only walk past Salil in dejection and go back to the third floor.

  But Salil did not leave after watching them go upstairs. Instead, she stood there for a long time.

  "No one will bother you, hurry up!" A voice shouted from the bottom of my heart.

  "Don't go, aren't you just like them?" Another voice sounded hesitant.

  As the angels and demons in her heart quarreled with each other, Salil's expression became tangled.

  Rather than saying that she grabbed those half-dragon succubi and came to the door of Ganon's living room, it is better to say that she came here for a certain purpose and happened to bump into them. When she ordered them back with that arrogant attitude, she actually felt a little guilty.

  "No, I just wanted to talk to Ganouen alone, but I couldn't find the opportunity during the day." The angel part of her defended herself.

  "Yeah, I just want to thank him and talk about the future. Of course, I won't do anything out of bounds like last time... But what if Ganon took the initiative?" She had already begun to imagine the succubus part. .

  She hesitated at the door for a long time, and finally decided not to do anything else: "Don't worry about it. It's so late. He should have fallen asleep. It should be okay to sneak into his dreamland and see him!" She made up her mind

  . He began to transform his magical properties, transforming himself from the form of a Seraph to a Fallen Angel, and then to the form of a Succubus.

  So far, she has been able to convert her own magic attributes relatively skillfully, and she has also adapted to the shape and power of the succubus.

  She tried injecting magic into her wings to levitate herself, and then performed the wall-walking spell.

  She made up her mind and walked through the door, and then her eyes met Zhenna who was standing behind the door in her pajamas.

  Time seemed to have frozen, and Salil was suspended in place.

  At this time, Zhenna was holding her hands with a sullen look on her face, staring at Salil like two knives, trying to cut open the succubus.

  After a while, Salil broke the silence with an embarrassed look on her face: "You...why are you here?"

  "Is it weird that I'm in the bedroom with my husband?" Zhenna's voice seemed unusually calm - this abnormality was actually It made people feel even more stressed, "I should ask you this question, what are you doing here?"

  "I, just wanted to..." Salil stammered.

  "Talk to Ganouen in the middle of the night?" Zhenna continued for her.

  Salil shut her mouth knowingly, and only after being spoken out did she realize how outrageous the excuse sounded.

  In terms of strength, she is actually a step ahead of Gao Zhenna, but now every time she talks to the other person, she always feels that she is half as short and completely overwhelmed by the other person's aura.

  Because she always makes mistakes.

  "Ganoen usually sleeps in the cellar, and when he sleeps in this room, he is with others." Zhenna said coldly, "If you have any ideas, it's best to communicate in advance. There is an idiot who will attack at night without following the rules in this place. That's enough."

  At this time, Ganouen's smiling voice came from the room: "I'm free tomorrow night."

  Upon hearing this, Salil's face turned red and she waved her hands in a panic: "I, I won't come!!"

  After saying that, she turned around to run away, but hit the door hard, took a step back and covered her forehead.

  She came in through the wall, so the door was naturally closed. Just now she panicked and forgot to cast the spell.

  Zhenna sighed and opened the door for her.

  Salil ran away in disgrace.

  Sliding all the way to the stairwell, she suddenly bumped into someone.

  ""Ah, aren't you-""

  The two of them apologized at the same time, and then froze when they saw each other clearly.

  One side is Sariel in the form of a succubus, and the other side is Isabel who has become a succubus.

  The real and fake succubus looked at each other in confusion for a few seconds, and then Isabel came to her senses first, and suddenly her eyes lit up and said: "What a coincidence, are you also here to attack at night? Together!" "No

  ! !" Salil reacted suddenly, knocked Isbel on the head in shame, and went upstairs angrily.

  "You are already a succubus, what's wrong with admitting it!" Isbell muttered, covering her head.

  (End of chapter)

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