263. Chapter 263 Heaven is watching you

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  Chapter 263: Heaven is watching you.
  "Archangel?" Mikael and Remia were also stunned.

  And a Seraph! ?
  Ganouen was slightly surprised.

  Moreover, the title "Archangel" that Saliel blurted out seemed to belong to a higher level than the two "Archangels" in front of her.

  But the "Watcher" did not recognize the third Seraph. Just when Ganon was confused, the light on Mikael and Remia suddenly flowed, and the stream of light converged between the two, and finally turned into one From the glowing sphere, three pairs of illusory-looking wings spread out.

  Angst, who was lurking on Ganon's back, subconsciously raised her hand to cover her eyes. The sphere was too dazzling for her to look directly at.

  But Ganon, who transformed into the form of the holy dragon, has the same resistance to strong light as an angel, and he can observe the sphere.

  He found that there was a vague eyeball-like part in the sphere looking out from the inside.

  And now, those eyes were staring at him.

  "What's going on?" Ganon immediately used the communication authority to ask Salil from the bottom of his heart.

  "That is the leader of Heavenly Mountain and the Seraph Council, Archangel Ella. He is the only first-generation Seraph who has survived to this era. His life form is different from ours. He is the energy body of the Holy Light." Salil also explained.

  Ganon was a little confused after hearing this explanation, because in the "Watcher's" recognition, the archangel who appeared did not pose a strong threat, and was even much lower than the two Seraphs.

  The leader of Heavenly Mountain, shouldn't that be more powerful than all the Seraphs?
  Salil immediately noticed Ganon's doubts and continued to add: "This is not Ella's body, just a part of him. The archangel will hardly leave the original holy fire, but he can separate his energy and consciousness. Part of it is attached to the bodies of other angels, providing them with protection. Don't underestimate him, Ganon, the blessing he gives to angels is very powerful!"

  Ganon looked more seriously at the potential battle in front of him. The two Seraphs It's already quite difficult to deal with. If they are strengthened by the Archangel, they may not be able to handle it now.

  But the Archangel had just spoken to stop the fighting, and the two Seraphs also stopped moving. Naturally, Ganon did not dare to act rashly, and the two sides just faced off like this.

  Then, the voice of Archangel Ella came from the light ball: "Red Dragon, what you showed is undoubtedly a miracle left by our Lord. Where did you get this power?"

  Gano En was still thinking about how to answer when the golem on his back suddenly made a voice: "Your Majesty the Archangel?"

  Ganouen was a little surprised by Shitou's unauthorized greeting. Shitou's reaction was as if he had seen Ella before. .

  In the long silence, Ella's light ball flashed several times, and the wall of light of the Ark Fortress flashed with it. Ganon guessed that Ella's consciousness might be directly connected to the Ark Fortress over there.

  Afterwards, Ella actually responded to the stone: "The Eye of Judgment allowed me to capture a familiar feeling from within you. Who are you?" "I am the loyal

  steward of the Endless Tower. What you have seen The miracle is the blessing bestowed upon the Endless Tower by the great Sun God. And my Lord Ganon is now the undoubted master of the Endless Tower." Shitou replied.

  "You mean the Endless Tower!?" Ella reacted to the word, and the light ball flashed obviously, which seemed to represent his emotional fluctuations.

  "Archangel?" Mikael cautiously asked his superiors.

  Ganon's mind was also touched - this archangel actually knew about the Endless Tower!

  "Yes, right here." Shitou raised his hand and pointed into the distance.

  With an angel's vision, the tower standing ten kilometers away can be seen from here. The originally broken tower was still buried in the woods, but now with the tower restored to nine floors and Ganon's development of the surrounding land, Viewed from above, the Endless Tower has become quite conspicuous in this area.

  Ella saw the Endless Tower, but she still refuted it: "It's ridiculous, the owner of the Endless Tower is not a dragon at all, and when has the Endless Tower ever had a steward? The Creator and his believers gave this tower The golem has never been conscious, who are you!?"

  At this moment, thunder seemed to explode in Ganon's mind.

  The Endless Tower...has no butler?
  What is that stone...

  Although he was shocked in his heart, Ganon still restrained himself from making an obvious reaction. Instead, he quietly asked the stone with the communication authority of the tower: "What on earth is going on?"

  "I'm sorry, my Lord, I can't retrieve the relevant memories of what he said. All I can say now is to ask you to believe me." Shitou replied.

  Ganon was noncommittal about this. He was somewhat concerned about Shi Shi's "Please believe me" statement, which made him feel more and more that what he was facing was not a program, but a person.

  Then Shitou replied to Archangel Ella in a calm tone: "I'm sorry, the Endless Tower has not been repaired yet, and my stored memory is also missing. I don't remember the previous tower master, I only remember that I am the Endless Tower." Part of the tower, my only duty is to be loyal to the owner of the tower and assist him in repairing the Endless Tower."

  After hearing the stone's answer, Ella's eyes hidden inside the light ball carefully examined the stone golem, and suddenly As if he had some clue: "Could it be that...how did you become like this? What happened that day?" "We are also looking for the reason. For this reason, we also need to take back the divinity given by the gods. Repair the Endless Tower, and please ask His Excellency Archangel Ella to lend a helping hand to us!" Shitou replied.

  "It seems that you have really forgotten everything and actually entrusted that noble mission to a red dragon?" Ella turned her eyes to Ganon.

  "Mission?" Ganon asked subconsciously.

  The Endless Tower gathers the power of all the main gods. Its construction cannot be without purpose. It is not surprising that the owner who controls such a tower has a mission.

  Ganon had already guessed about this, but he had no idea what the mission was.

  "With the efforts of our Lord, the repair progress of the Endless Tower has been close to half in such a short period of time. I think he is well-deserved as the owner of the Endless Tower." Shitou responded.

  "So what if it is completely repaired? You don't even remember how the accident happened in the first place. If you let the sacrifice of the Supreme Light be in vain, there is no way that heaven will forgive you." Ella's tone sounded Somewhat indifferent.

  "Archangel of Paradise Mountain, can you allow me to ask a few questions." Ganon finally couldn't help but speak, "What exactly does the mission you mentioned mean? Who is the Endless Tower and what is it for? Built? You said before that the Endless Tower has no butler, so what happened to my butler?" "Did

  you become the master of the Endless Tower without knowing anything, Red Dragon?" Ella asked after a moment of silence.

  "Yes." Ganon replied, "If you know anything, I ask you to explain it to me."

  "You used the blessing of the Supreme Light. It seems that you have indeed become the new master of the Endless Tower, but I can't admit you right away!" Ella's voice was a bit stern, "I can't be sure. Is it right to tell you these secrets?"

  "Then how do you want to tell me?" Ganon asked. He was eager to know some information about the Endless Tower. Ella obviously knew a lot about the Endless Tower. In detail, he couldn't let this opportunity pass.

  "Please lend a helping hand, Your Excellency Archangel." Shitou asked seriously again.

  Ella's light flickered extremely slowly, as if she was deep in thought.

  Just when Ganon was getting a little anxious waiting, Ella said: "From now on, I will observe you regularly for a period of time. When I judge that the time is right, I will decide whether to inform you. As for what happened in the Endless Tower Paradise Mountain will also investigate the changes

  on its own." As soon as he made his decision, Seraph Michael reminded him in a low voice: "Archangel, how should Salil be dealt with?"

  Ella's eyes turned to Salil, Salil Lili's whole body tensed up immediately.

  "Please let her stay." Ganon suddenly spoke, "The merit of killing Hilmeria is undoubtedly enough to pay for the crime of stealing the sacred object. What's more, you can no longer trust her, no ...You have actually never trusted her, and taking her away is of no value to you."

  "Red Dragon..." Remia complained about Ganon's attitude.

  Ella's light flashed, and Remia realized that this was a hindrance to her, and she immediately closed her mouth knowingly.

  "Then let her stay." Ella replied calmly, "There is probably no more suitable home for her than the Endless Tower."

  Salil's eyes widened in disbelief.

  Mikael and Remia looked at each other, neither showing any emotion. They usually did not have any doubts about Ella's decision.

  But then, Ella's next words gave them an unexpected shock: "The divinity in the Day of Judgment will be returned to you for the time being." "Archangel!?"

  Two Seraphs exclaimed at the same time. .

  Even Ganon was surprised by Ella's sudden "generosity".

  "To be honest, I am not willing to do this. But this is the will of the Supreme Light. He did leave the divinity to the divine seal at the beginning. If it were not for that incident, the divinity would not be transferred to my creation. On the Day of Judgment, since it is the will of the Most High, I must carry it out. But...if you blaspheme that will, I swear in his name, Heaven Mountain will spare no effort to judge you." Ella said, suddenly emitting

  radiance A burst of bright light was emitted, and a solemn voice declared,

  "Remember, from now on, heaven will always be watching you."

  (End of this chapter)

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