262. Chapter 262 The Angel Who Difficult to Communicate

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  Chapter 262: Angels Difficult to Communicate.

  The other party came out in great numbers, but Ganon was relieved for the time being.

  What he was most worried about was that the dialogue would be difficult to establish and the Ark Fortress would start a war without saying a word. After all, Salil had the precedent of entering the Endless Tower without saying a word. There was no guarantee that other Seraphs would have the same virtue.

  But if the angels have no intention of talking, they will never come out of the fortress easily.

  It is precisely because of the risks involved in contact and conversation that they need to send out such a large force.

  The appearance of two Seraphs at the same time should also be a deterrent.

  The two sides maintained a distance of about three hundred meters in the air, and the two leading Seraphs exchanged glances frequently, seeming to be hesitating whether to talk to the red dragon or Salil first.

  Finally, Archangel Mikael spoke first: "Salil, before I judge you, I have something to ask you. Why did you steal Judgment Day?"

  "Archangel Mikael, Archangel Remia..."

  As soon as Salil started to explain, another female Seraph took the lead: "No need to say more, Mikael, take this sinner who desecrated the holy objects back! There are more than one or two suspicions on her now!"

  "But now that she is taking the initiative to plead guilty on 'Judgment Day', she should first find out the whole story." Mikael said.

  "How are you sure this is not a trap?" the Seraph named Remia retorted.

  Doesn't it seem like there's nothing wrong with me? Ganon thought.

  Ganon could vaguely tell from the conversation between the two that the two Seraphs didn't seem to particularly care about his existence.

  In terms of appearance, the current Ganoen is roughly between the ancient dragon and the ancient dragon. Considering that Tianshan Mountain does not know about the additional power he has mastered, this attitude is actually considered normal.

  After all, if there is only a red dragon with this level of growth, even if it masters some magic skills, it will not be able to match two Seraphs, let alone a fortress. Even if they obtained limited rumors about him from the lower world, they probably wouldn't have thought that he actually had a fortress here that was as powerful as the Ark.

  Before Mikael could respond to his companions, Ganon spoke: "Since you have stopped to talk, why don't you listen to the whole story first?" "

  You are the one reported by the Papal State, and you are now causing trouble everywhere in the lower world. The red dragon?" Remia looked at Ganon, the arrogance in her eyes did not disappear, "Is Salil's crime of stealing holy objects related to you?" "To be precise,

  Salil took away Judgment Day , originally to attack me and establish prestige for Heaven Mountain in the world, but I caught her in turn. But I have no intention of conflict with Heaven Mountain, I can return the holy sword that belongs to you..." Ganon replied.

  "It's full of loopholes. Can you withstand the 'Judgment Day' just by yourself?" Remya didn't believe Ganon's statement at all. "We have monitored the opening of the Abyss Gate many times, right in this area! And you, Salil——"

  "Remia!" Mikael tried to stop his companion from continuing.

  "That's enough, Mikael, Ark's Eye of Judgment has seen the result, and her bloodline has awakened. This is no longer a secret to her!" Remia pointed at Salil and declared loudly.

  "As expected, you knew it from the beginning." Salil sighed.

  Everything was as she expected, the Blazing Sky Council was fully aware of her life experience.

  "Then you already know it." Remya became more convinced of her speculation, "I was the first to object to keeping you because I knew that one day your dirty abyssal blood would make you corrupt. , become a member of the Abyss!"

  "Ganoen, this Seraph has determined that you are colluding with the forces of the Abyss." Angst sent a message to Ganon.

  She had been lurking on Ganon's back in a hidden state, listening to the conversation between the two sides.

  With her intelligence compilation ability, she quickly understood the reason for Seraph's aggressiveness: they found this place by monitoring the activities of the Gate of the Abyss, and then found Sariel who had stolen the Day of Judgment, as well as the infamous Red Devil. dragon.

  Combined with Salil's succubus bloodline, they will naturally suspect that the whole thing is related to the forces of the abyss:
  Salil fell under the guidance of the demonic bloodline, stole the sacred objects of Paradise Mountain and fled to the lower world. A red dragon who colluded with the devil territory, and the mastermind behind all this is probably Salil's mother Hilmeria. And now, they suspect that returning "Judgment Day" here may be a trap.

  "We have nothing to do with the Abyss. If you suspect that we are related to the Abyss Lord Hilmeria, I can tell you that we just killed her." Ganon said.

  "A lame excuse." Remia was even more convinced that this matter had something to do with Salil's biological mother. Otherwise, the red dragon would have contacted Hilmeria immediately, "Surrender immediately and be captured without mercy." "I have evidence.

  " Ganon said.

  At the same time, the demon on Ganon's back stood up and showed the Tears of the Mother Goddess wrapped in his hand to Seraph.

  "The Druid artifact that controls the power of reproduction, Tears of the Mother Goddess, Hilmeria used this to create Salil. She found out that Salil wanted to take her away, and we killed her together. You watched This is what happened at the Gate of the Abyss," Ganon said.

  Both Seraphs showed a look of astonishment, and Mikael turned to the direction of the Ark. The Ark has a kind of induction spell "Eye of Judgment" similar to the "Watcher" of the Endless Tower, which can target people within a certain range outside the fortress. The target was analyzed, and it was based on this that they discovered that Salil's demon bloodline had awakened.

  A small angel ring appeared directly in front of the ark, flashing three times at a unique frequency. The angels staying in the fortress sent this signal, which meant that what the red dragon was displaying was a genuine artifact.

  If this artifact is really the Tears of the Mother Goddess, it is absolutely impossible for Hilmeria to hand it over to others, which makes Ganon's statement a little more credible.

  But even so, Remia's suspicion has not completely disappeared. She can believe that the other party killed Hilmeria, but it is too normal for evil forces to kill each other. They killed the Abyss Lord, which does not mean that they have no regard for Paradise Mountain. There is no hostility.

  "In this case, we can give you a chance to defend yourself. Come with us back to Heaven Mountain to accept the trial. Everything will be decided by the Archangel!" Remia said.

  Are all Seraphs like this? Ganon gradually lost his patience because of the other party's arrogance.

  "I have no reason to accompany you. I just need to take your holy sword back. In addition, Salil still has a lot to repay me. She must stay." He stated his position to the other party simply.

  "Stop talking in your sleep. I am giving you a chance to go to Heaven Mountain to be judged. Can't you understand this?" Remia said majestically. Mikael remained
  silent and did not agree, but did not stop Lei. Mia.

  At the same time, a large number of Holy Light Swords appeared around the Ark Fortress, which seemed to be able to send out a wave of sword rain covering a village. Ganon had no doubt that those Holy Light Swords could pierce his dragon scales.

  It's a bit difficult to communicate... Ganon suddenly felt that compared to these two Seraphs, Salil who invaded at the beginning was the type that was easier to talk to.

  These mechanical and stereotyped angels seemed to have no way of understanding his humane meaning in sending back the Day of Judgment directly, and only regarded it as a fear of judgment.

  Ganon stared at Remia silently and directly released the power of the dragon.

  For opponents who are hard to persuade with words, it seems more effective to use strength to explain.

  Remia waved her hand and fired all the Holy Light Swords. This was a deterrent to the red dragons, and of course they didn't mind starting a war.

  "His power in charge of protection has given us the protection of no harm." Ganon stepped forward and read a hymn loudly.

  The iron wall of holy light appeared in front of him and turned into a huge shield, easily blocking the rain of swords.

  The two Seraphs finally had clear expressions this time, and they were stunned on the spot - they could see that this was undoubtedly a miracle of the Sun God.

  "Stop!!" A majestic voice sounded out of thin air.

  "Archangel Ella?" Salil recognized this voice.

  (End of chapter)

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