254. Chapter 254 The Source of Seraph’s Power

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  Chapter 254: The Source of Seraph’s Power
  A few minutes later, Salil came to the living room on the third floor belonging to the Lord Priest of the Abyss.

  "Is it really okay to do it here?" Ganouen asked standing behind her.

  "It doesn't matter." Salil entered the room and sat calmly on the edge of the bed. Shitou had already arranged the room in order. "Anyway, I'm going to use the devil's ability to retrieve my memory. It's a compromise here. "

  Salil's idea is very simple. After she falls asleep and starts dreaming, she uses the succubus' natural ability to sneak into dreams to explore the memories hidden in her subconscious.

  This ability is actually not unfamiliar to her.

  After confirming his succubus bloodline, many problems in the past can be explained. For example, among the angels, she is the only one who can dream uncontrollably while meditating.

  After being stimulated by Isbell's collection, she once sneaked into Ganon's dream and fell to heaven once.

  Now that the succubus bloodline has fully awakened, she knows she can do it.

  She still has some things to discover. The difference between her and the angels can be explained by the succubus blood she inherited from Hilmeria. So where does her "natural" Seraph power come from?

  Judging from the attitude of the Seraph Council towards her observation, Ella and the Seraph Council must know her life experience. It is obviously a lie created by them that she is a flawless natural Seraph who was born from the fire of heaven.

  Then her Seraph power is probably related to her "father".

  She was born in the hands of Hilmeria, and finally gained consciousness as an angel in Paradise Mountain. This process is also worthy of scrutiny.

  She wanted to find out the truth about her birth, Hilmeria's purpose, and her father. To do this, she had to try to use her power as a succubus.

  After she expressed this idea, Shitou suddenly spoke and suggested that Salil should perform it on the third floor, near the seal of the Lord of the Abyss, which would help her succeed in performing the technique.

  But for Salil, who had just barely accepted that she was a succubus, the psychological burden of staying in the "heretic" temple dedicated to the Lord of the Abyss was still too heavy.

  Finally, she settled for the next best thing and accepted to perform her powers in the priest's living room on the third floor of the living quarters.

  "Thank you, Stone." She thanked the butler golem beside her before lying down on the bed.

  "You're welcome, you are already a member of the Endless Tower, and it is my honor to serve you." Shitou replied respectfully, "In addition, I have a small suggestion for you, which can further increase your contribution. The success rate of the technique."

  "What suggestions?" Salil asked curiously.

  "Let my master hold you, and you can lie on him or sit in his arms to sleep." Shitou spread his hands towards Ganouen, "Contact with the opposite sex will help arouse your instinct as a succubus. Let your talents be used more smoothly."

  Shitou's tone was very dull and mechanical, without any hint of malice, as if he was only elaborating on an academic issue.

  But Salil still showed an embarrassed look. She didn't dare to look at Ganouen's reaction. Recalling the ridiculous things she had done with Ganouen because of her first awakened succubus instinct, her face turned red again: "No, that's not necessary."

  With this kind of skin-to-skin contact, she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't fall in love again and get into trouble with someone else. This red dragon, who has a soft spot for humanoid creatures, is not an upright gentleman who is a vegetarian. He will never let go of the meat that comes to his mouth.

  "Really? Then please lie down here." Shitou didn't insist.

  Salil lay down and looked at Ganouen uneasily: "Do you have to stay here?" "

  After all, this is the first time you have officially used your ability. I will stay here. If anything happens, I can still do it." Use 'War Song' to wake you up quickly." Ganon said, clasping his hands.

  "Don't take the opportunity to do strange things to me." Salil warned.

  "I should tell you this." Ganon smiled.

  Salil didn't know how to reply, so she turned her face away from him and closed her eyes.

  With the idea of ​​quickly falling asleep and dreaming, she fumbled to apply hypnosis on herself, and then the dream infiltrated.

  In just a few seconds, her consciousness sank.

  But her consciousness did not dissipate, but became clearer and sharper. After awakening the succubus bloodline, she was no longer able to sneak into dreams but not be able to control them like in the past.

  She dived into a chaotic space where there was nothing. But she knows very well that anything can be found here. As long as things exist in her memory and cognition, she can reproduce them in this scene. She can even combine and imagine them to create some bizarre scenes and things. .

  This is also the innate ability of the succubus. The more powerful the succubus is, the stronger her ability to control dreams, and her power is enough to create an extremely realistic illusion that cannot exist in reality.

  But this time, she just had to work hard to recall her memory.

  She began to sort out her memories in this space. Soon, the scene in the living room on the third floor became clear. She saw herself, Ganouen and the butler golem. Their conversation not long ago was repeated here. Read it again.

  She tried to recall her memory, and the scene jumped to the time when her and Ganon's faces slowly came closer. She suddenly became nervous, and continued to recall in a panic. It jumped to the time when she encountered Hilmeria, and she quickly Skipping this point, there was another memory of her first time diving into Ganon's dreamland.

  Speaking of which, this red dragon's dream is so strange. Does a town of this style really exist in this world?

  This question flashed in her mind, and she continued to recall, being attracted by the books written by Angost, being coaxed by Isabel to read those things, arguing with Isabel in front of Ganouen's room as a succubus, and Zhenna's argument, the joy of eating food for the first time, being caught by Ganouen and the others and scaring her in various ways in the dungeon...the memories of these short three days came to mind one after another, and she couldn't help but smile when she looked at them. come out.

  These short three days left a far deeper impression on her than the years spent in Heaven Mountain.

  She continued to reminisce about her theft of "Judgment Day" and skipped a lot of the lackluster life in Paradise Mountain.

  She quickly reconstructed the memory of Hilmeria awakening her, and she saw her nursery.

  She felt like she was in a cradle. This strange cradle completely enveloped her. There seemed to be a layer of veil around her, and she could only vaguely see some shadows.

  She saw a figure, a figure with horns on its head, and vaguely heard a woman's voice.

  Her mother, Hilmeria.

  This memory lasted for a long time, and then the surrounding scene became blurred, many parts were missing, and the operation of the scene became intermittent.

  This part of her memory began to become ambiguous, and it became more difficult to recover it in the dream.

  She tried to remember and tried her best to complete the dream, like a puzzle.

  She succeeded, and as more and more puzzle pieces were dug out from the depths of her consciousness, the intermittent scene became smoother.

  Soon, she saw light flashing outside the Tears of the Mother Goddess like lightning and thunder. Someone picked up the cradle carrying her, and then everything around her was engulfed in white light.

  "What do you want... to do?" Hilmeria's voice came intermittently, as if disturbed, and was a little blurry.

  "You can't even think of using... my blood for yourself..." A man's voice came, which was also vague and intermittent.

  "What a joke, angels also pay attention to... family affection? Not to mention you... depraved..." Hilmeria's voice was full of ridicule.

  "To make up for...the mistakes I made...for justice!" the man replied.

  "I should have taken the opportunity to kill you in the first place!" Hilmeria shouted.

  Then there was a movement like a mountain shaking, and Salil felt as if she had fallen out of the cradle that enveloped her. She was surrounded by a dazzling white light that swallowed up everything, and she could not see anything else clearly. Then the man's voice became clear.

  "You are innocent, and your birth is destined not to be blessed." The man's voice seemed quite weak, "This is the only compensation I can make for you!" As soon as she finished speaking, she felt as if she had fallen

  . After entering a furnace, scorching energy poured into her body, and her body grew rapidly.

  Then, the next scene she could construct a memory of was her "birth" on the altar of the original sacred fire.

  Salil opened her eyes and sat up on the bed.

  "Did you find it?" Ganon asked, standing beside the bed.

  "Found it." Salil took a deep breath, then slowly looked at Ganouen and said, "Let's go to the abyss."

  (End of this chapter)

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