253.Chapter 253 Recovering Memory

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  Chapter 253: Retrieve the memory
  and attack the abyss - Angost's words made the scene quiet for a moment.

  Then Zhenna said with a serious face: "Don't make such nonsense at this time!" "

  Hey, I'm serious!" Angst spread her hands.

  "Not to mention how senseless this is, first of all, this is simply not something that can be done!" Zhenna frowned even more tightly.

  "I don't know much about the abyss, please explain it to me." Ganouen motioned to Zhenna to explain it to him.

  "I learned in church classes that the abyss is filled with chaotic energy and is full of demons, which is extremely dangerous. Moreover, the space of the abyss is chaotic and does not correspond to this plane one-to-one. Even if you find a way to open the door of the abyss, no matter it is Whether you go from this plane to the abyss or from the abyss to this plane, the place you teleport to is all random." Zhenna said seriously.

  "But accurate teleportation should still be possible." Ganon said.

  He had seen the gate of the abyss that saved Lucio. Lucio did not have the ability to open the gate of the abyss, but the gate was accurately located at the coordinates of Lucio's body, and Hilmeria had also accurately teleported it. Get to Angost's location.

  "Yes, if there is a devil's contract as an 'anchor' for teleportation, it can be done!" Angst quickly persuaded Ganon along the topic, "I have Hilmeria's contract with me, and she can open the abyss. If the gate of the abyss comes to me, I should be able to do it here - teleport directly to her location, and we can attack her in turn!" "

  Then there must be someone who can open the gate of the abyss. That is a legendary spell. Extraordinary Warlocks in the realm can only use the gate of the abyss to teleport themselves, and only the legendary realm can open the gate of the abyss for others to pass through together!" Zhenna retorted.

  "Don't we happen to have a big demon here right now?" Angst said, spreading her hands towards Salil, "I can feel that she is now a demon on the same level as Hilmeria!" The topic suddenly changed

  . Turning to herself, seeing everyone's eyes focused on her, Salil seemed a little at a loss: "I... can't use abyss spells." "Don't worry,

  many abyss spells are like instincts to demons. As long as there is enough magic level, , you will be able to do it after a little exploration." Angst comforted.

  "About this, my lord." Stone reminded Ganon. "The temple on the third floor has been activated. You can actually use the large-scale magic stored in it to create a door to the abyss." "But we don't have it

  . Can you use the artifact from the abyss without divine power?" Ganon turned to look at the stone.

  When Zhenna and the others serve as priests of the temple, they only activate the operation of the temple. In order for the temple to be able to use large-scale spells, the divine seal must be able to recover the divinity of at least one artifact.

  "If the priest is powerful enough, he can temporarily replace the power of the artifact. In this way, she can directly learn the corresponding spell." Shitou replied.

  Ganon looked at Salil again. After all the Seraph-level holy light energy was converted into abyss magic, Salil was now a great demon at the level of the Abyss Lord who could compete with the legendary warlock. She and other floors Priests are not a hierarchy.

  Since Shi Shi said that the spell that opens the door to the abyss is also stored in the tower, then the plan mentioned by Angost should be feasible.

  "Of course, if you can make the repair progress of the Endless Tower reach 60%, you can temporarily teleport the entire tower to your coordinates. If you can reach 70%, you can It can enable plane travel, and then you and the entire Endless Tower can go to the abyss at will..." Shitou continued to add in a low voice.

  "Don't think about it." Ganon waved his hand.

  After Salil became a priest on the third floor, the repair progress of the tower has just reached 40%. There is still a long way to go before the rebirth function is opened. The whole tower teleportation and plane travel are not needed now. Thinking too much.

  However, he was still a little excited when he heard that the Endless Tower could teleport as a whole. If the Endless Tower could teleport, it would be more than just a defense tower. It would become a mobile fortress that could advance, attack, retreat, and defend!
  "Ganoen, no matter what means we use to lure Hilmeria here, she must be ready to escape. Unless you are sure to kill her instantly, we have no chance to deal with her in this plane. But if you go into the abyss and use my contract to teleport directly to her and catch her off guard, I think it will definitely work! Don’t worry, I will help you this time!" Angost tried to persuade Ganouen.

  Ganon could see that there was a reason why Angost was eager to persuade him. Hilmeria already knew that there was some connection between Angost and Salil. The next time she wanted to take action against Salil, there would be another problem. Will go through Angost.

  Hilmeria, who has already suffered a defeat, will most likely ask Angest for help. At that time, Angost will be sandwiched between Hilmeria and him. It can be said that Angest now There is no way back.

  If he could attack Hilmeria directly like Hilmeria sneaked into his tower, even if the succubus had a large territory and military strength, the effectiveness it could exert would be very limited. Of course, risks still exist. Hilmeria could also anticipate this situation and set a corresponding trap.

  But it's not that he can't control this risk to a certain extent - the teleportation of the Endless Tower can allow members who go to the abyss to return to the Endless Tower in time.

  Considering that Hilmeria may take action again, it may be a better choice to take the offensive initiative into her own hands.

  If you defeat Hilmeria, you can get the Tears of the Mother Goddess from the opponent, and you can also get Angost to hand over the Disintegration Blade through a trade, and you can get two artifacts at once.

  Taking all these factors into consideration, taking the risk doesn't seem so crazy.

  The problem is...

  "It depends on Salil's opinion." Ganon looked at Salil and said.

  Opening the Gate of the Abyss requires Salil's full cooperation. If she does not agree to participate, the plan will not be possible at all.

  Salil's previous motivation to help was mainly due to her duty as an angel to eradicate demons, and in exchange for Ganoen's release of her back to Heaven Mountain.

  But now, Salil will no longer return to Heavenly Mountain, and she also believes that Hilmeria is her biological mother. It is still difficult to say whether she is willing to participate in the crusade against Hilmeria.

  Salil heard what Ganouen meant. She thought for a moment, lowered her eyes and said, "To be honest, I know very well that I have indeed become a succubus, but I haven't fully accepted it yet..." "

  No. , I see you accepted it quickly." Zhenna looked at her sideways and said expressionlessly.

  "That's not what I meant!!" Salil almost jumped up and her face turned red.

  "I feel something is wrong." Mo La turned around and winked at both Isabel and Anya.

  Angst also looked very interested.

  "I mean, I was suddenly asked to use abyss magic as a demon, and I still couldn't handle it mentally... And the succubus said she was my mother. I'm not saying that I have any feelings or expectations for her, it's just that I I don’t know if I should follow your lead.”

  "Then you have to make a choice. If you don't look for her, she will look for you. If you are caught by her and used as a tool to expand her power, it will be too late to regret it." Angst persuaded.

  "I still have something to confirm first." Salil replied after thinking for a while.

  "What do you mean?" Angst was confused.

  "I want to retrieve the memory of my birth. There are still some mysteries about me that have not yet been clarified. I now know the demonic bloodline in my body, but I still don't understand where my power as a Seraph came from." Lil said.

  "How do you want to get your memory back?" Ganon asked.

  "Hilmeria used dreams to awaken my memory. I feel that maybe I can do this kind of thing myself." Salil said seriously.

  (End of chapter)

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