246. Chapter 246 The Invasion of the Succubus

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  Chapter 246 The Invasion of the Succubi Angest

  returned to the guest room she had decorated and burped with satisfaction.

  "This place is really nice. No wonder Anyananizi doesn't want to leave more and more." She simply washed up and lay on the bed, finding a position that made her feel as comfortable as possible, and then closed her eyes.

  She soon began to breathe evenly, but did not let herself fall asleep immediately. With her alertness, she would not easily fall into a deep sleep on other people's territory. Even if she fell asleep, her ability to detect danger could make her fall asleep. She wakes up on the spot like a keen herbivore at the onset of crisis.

  An hour passed, and the night got darker. Angest allowed her consciousness to sink a little deeper and entered a lighter sleep.

  At this moment, she vaguely noticed the presence of other people in her room.

  No way? Does the red dragon really even have my ideas?

  Angost's first reaction was that Ganon, the owner of the tower, sneaked into her room.

  This person's aura suddenly appeared in the room. If other people sneaked into her room, they would be noticed by her before they reached the door. Probably only Ganon, the owner of this tower, had the means to suddenly appear here. .

  What does he want to do?
  With some curiosity, Angost opened her eyes slightly to observe.

  She saw a woman standing beside the bed, looking at her closely with a pair of fascinating eyes.

  At this moment, Angst felt her blood solidify.

  She recognized this woman.

  "I know you're not asleep, Angest. I can't see the entrance to your dream." The other party spoke.

  Angest opened her eyes suddenly and looked at the demon in front of her in disbelief: "...Hilmeria?"

  Hilmeria was the succubus who signed the contract with her.

  The night before she planned to deal with the succubus, the succubus opened the door to the abyss without authorization and came to her side.

  what happened? Plan revealed?

  Angst immediately tightened her grip on the "disintegration blade" she carried with her.

  If Hilmeria catches evidence that she violated the contract, she can make the contract effective on the spot and take away her soul.

  The only resistance she can make is to pierce her body with the phantom blade of the "Disintegration Blade", temporarily invalidating the effect of the contract.

  But Hilmeria did not show any hostility: "I haven't seen you for a long time. You must have been living a happy life these past few decades. Don't be nervous, I know there are still ten years until the next tax collection." Nian, I'm not here to find you this time."

  "What?" Angst was a little confused.

  "I feel that you seem to have encountered a target that I have been looking for. The first time I thought it was my illusion, but the second time I was completely sure. Where is she? Oh, I forgot to mention it. , I should be looking for an angel, do you have any impression? Tell me!" Hilmeria put her face close to Angost.

  Angost's mind started thinking quickly, and she immediately thought that it was Salil that Hilmeria was looking for.

  Sensed through a devil's contract? But why Hilmeria can sense Salil, this makes no sense at all!
  "What's your relationship with that angel?" Angst asked.

  "In the name of the contract, tell me that you are obliged to assist my evolution and the expansion of my power in the abyss." Hilmeria smiled.

  The contract bound Angost's body, and she was forced to answer: "She is... on the floor downstairs!" "

  Very good, you can just watch from here now." Hilmeria Smiling and patting Angest on the shoulder. Damn it, why hasn't Ganon noticed the intruder yet?
  Angst thought anxiously.

  Could it be... Angst suddenly realized something.

  "Haha, there is actually a dragon under here. What an unexpected bonus. I have always wanted to find some more excellent materials as the father of the child." Hilmeria suddenly said with a smile.

  Ganon opened his eyes in his cellar, and he noticed the scent of other people in this space.

  There was a strange woman standing in front of him, in front of his mountain of treasures.

  This situation was enough to startle him and even launch a direct attack, but for some reason, his head was dizzy and he couldn't feel the slightest sense of crisis in his heart.

  "Who?" He stood up and asked.

  The woman had an extremely charming face, and for some reason Ganon felt a little familiar. She has a pair of horns on her head, leather wings on her back, and a long thin tail behind her.

  A... succubus! ?

  "Don't be nervous, my dear!" The succubus blew him a kiss, "I'm here to have some fun in your dream. Of course, if you don't mind, I also want to bring some of your 'seed' back in reality. You It looks much stronger than the dragon I found last time."

  Ganon roared, releasing the power of the dragon at the succubus and focusing it on the opponent, forming the effect of the domination spell.

  If this was an ordinary succubus, his will would collapse in fear on the spot.

  The succubus giggled: "This is a dream, my home court. There is no need for this. As long as you obey my arrangements, you can experience the supreme pleasure!" She exuded an extremely sweet aura

  , Filling the entire dream space, Ganouen felt that his head became more dizzy, but it did not affect his sanity.

  This succubus is not weak, and the dragon's power has no obvious impact on her, but the succubus's charm effect on him is also limited.

  "As expected, dragons are difficult to deal with. It seems we have to use this!" The succubus said, caressing her chest.

  Ganouen saw something flicker on her chest, and then he suddenly felt a surge of desire that made him thirsty and unbearable.

  "Even a dragon can't resist the instinct of breeding. Come on, do what you want!" The succubus chuckled and opened her arms, waiting for Ganon to turn into a human form and push herself down.

  At the critical moment, Ganon used his remaining sanity to summon the blessing.

  He suddenly roared: "The mighty Lord of armies, conquer! Conquer!! Conquer!!!" "

  The spells cast in dreams are useless-" The smile on the succubus' face suddenly froze in mid-sentence. .

  She suddenly felt a wave of pressure coming over her, swallowing her up.

  She screamed and was rolled up by the pressure, and then her body quickly collapsed - the dragon's suddenly powerful will forcibly dispersed her consciousness that invaded this dreamland.

  Ganon opened his eyes suddenly in reality and saw the figure of the succubus who was about to escape. He breathed flames on the spot and wrapped the succubus. In the blink of an eye, the succubus turned into a charred corpse. .

  "Thank God, you finally woke up. My lord, there are intruders!" came the voice of the stone.

  Ganon immediately turned on "Watcher" and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

  In addition to the succubus just now, several intruders actually appeared in this tower out of thin air!
  (End of chapter)

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