245. Chapter 245 Tears of the Mother Goddess

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  Chapter 245 Tears of the Mother Goddess
  Salil was a little dazed for a moment, and the outline of the devil appeared in her mind again, but it was not the image she saw in her dream.

  She had a strange feeling, a familiarity that seemed to come from memories from long ago, but she had never actually seen a demon.

  "What's wrong with you?" Angst stopped releasing the magic power of the devil's contract, and she saw something different in Salil's expression.

  "It's nothing..." Salil quickly adjusted her expression, "This is the first time I have seen a real devil's contract. I'm really sorry you dared to touch such a taboo." "As I said, I would have died if I didn't sign the

  contract. If you don't want the owner of the contract to get the soul of a legendary assassin, then do me a favor." Angst said.

  She could tell that Salil was hiding something. When Ganon asked her if she had noticed anything unusual, Salil was also fooled.

  But for her, it is enough for Salil to keep the power of Seraph and use it in battle. This is the only value of this angel here.

  "Don't worry, I will use 'Judgment Day' to split that devil in half." Salil replied seriously.

  "Take it easy, that demon also has a divine weapon in his hand. Speaking of which..." Angst looked at Ganon, "Have you asked?" "

  Huh?" Ganon didn't react for a moment.

  "Have you asked Patriz about the information about the Druid artifact?" Angst reminded.

  "I sent a letter before and asked specifically." Ganon replied. "She replied that the artifact may be the Tears of the Mother Goddess. It used to be one of the sacred objects of the Elf Winter Empire. When the Winter Empire retreated, many cities were destroyed. The allied forces destroyed it, and the artifact was missing at that time. The Druids in Late Summer are still trying to find it." "

  You probably didn't stupidly tell her where she knew this thing, right?" Angst asked.

  "How is that possible? I only told her what I saw in ancient books." Ganouen spread his hands.

  If Patriz knew that Angus had dedicated the Druid relics stolen from the dragon's lair to the devil, then the situation would have become unmanageable when they met yesterday. This matter was even worse than Angus. The adverse effects on Isabel were far more serious.

  "So what is the use of that artifact?" Angst asked.

  "The artifact can control the reproduction of living things, enhance the lust of living things, and also allow the holder to create copies of himself through self-division. In addition, the most powerful function is that it can be placed on the body using materials from various living things. The artifact is blended to create an embryo, and the embryo that grows up is the descendant of the creature that provided the material." Ganon explained.

  "I have heard of the Druid artifact that enhances the desire of creatures before, and even wrote about it in a book. But you said that the function of creating embryos is the most powerful. I can't understand it. Every creature has its own reproductive ability, right? Isn’t this artifact unnecessary?” Angst commented.

  "What if I told you that that artifact can transcend the reproductive isolation of species and create hybrid offspring that combine the advantages of different organisms." Ganouen said.

  "What?" Angst raised an eyebrow.

  "This thing can be used to create brand new species. If used properly, the impact it can have is unmatched by other artifacts." Ganon replied.

  "Good guy, what a boon about the alien theme. I've been troubled before, the setting that only dragons and humanoids can make offspring of each other is a bit too thin..." Angost said with interest while touching her chin, "This There are new materials to write next."

  "In short, what is certain is that with the bonus of that artifact, the succubus's charm ability should be ridiculously strong." Ganon said.

  "You won't be attacked, right?" Angst looked at Ganouen worriedly.

  The dragon is very resistant to mental interference, but after all, the succubus can match the level of the legend, and it also possesses the supreme artifact that can strengthen the charm. I am afraid that even the ancient dragon must have it to completely resist her charm. It takes a fair amount of willpower.

  What's worse is that the succubus's charm doesn't only work on men. Angost is worried about Ganon, mainly because Ganon is the main force in the battle. "Don't worry, I have the means to deal with this." Ganon replied.

  "That special dragon roar of yours? Can it really resist the charm enhanced by that artifact?" Angst touched her chin.

  She has experienced Ganon's dragon roar. Ganon's dragon roar has a power that is different from ordinary dragon roars. In addition to causing a huge deterrent to opponents, it can also strengthen her companions, dispel fear and increase strength.

  But Angost wasn't sure whether Ganon's special abilities could be compared to an artifact of that level.

  "Don't worry, my battle cry also comes from the supreme artifact, and my personality will not be under that artifact." Ganon replied.

  "It's really reliable. I really chose the right person to find you." Angst clapped her hands happily.

  At this time, Shitou suddenly spoke: "Excuse me, my lord, dinner time is almost here. Miss Moura is upstairs asking you if you can start dinner on time?" "Prepare dinner." Ganon ordered, and then looked at

  Ange Sister, "Let's continue talking about the rest at the dining table."

  Angst rubbed her hands unceremoniously: "Okay, of course I'm hoping to have a meal. We'll start taking action tomorrow, why not Why don't you just let me stay for one night?"

  "I don't care." Ganon replied.

  Angost is not bound by the membership contract here, but relatively, the "Watcher" can always be effective on her. Her concealment technique cannot escape the surveillance of the "Watcher", and Ganon does not need to deal with it. She was so guarded.

  "Wait a minute, are you trying to find an opportunity to retaliate against me in the middle of the night?" Anya immediately became alert.

  "Haha, if you are scared, you can sleep in the same room with Ganouen." Angst smiled evilly at Anya.

  Anya's eyes widened, and then she cursed in a calm voice: "Angst, you're a fucking bastard!" The

  only response to her was Angst's laughter.
  the same time, somewhere in the abyss.

  A gorgeous palace stands on a barren plain. Countless little demons fly around the palace like a swarm of bats, acting as guards here.

  Deep in the palace, the owner here was resting on a soft bed made of huge shells, and suddenly his eyes widened without warning.

  The tall maid guarding the bedside saw this and asked respectfully: "Mother?"

  "Finally found it this time!" The owner of the palace stood up as he said this, and the pendant of the necklace around his neck dangled on his chest.

  She was naked except for the necklace around her neck. The pendant of the necklace was buried between the towering twin peaks. It was an amber oval gem with countless small black shadows swimming inside.

  Artifact, Tears of the Mother Goddess.

  "What did you find?" the maid asked in confusion.

  "It's your sister, Satya." The master of the palace said while playing with the artifact, "It's my best bloodline that is living outside!" (End of this chapter


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