243. Chapter 243 The Contradiction of a Middle-aged Woman

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  Chapter 243 The Conflict of a Middle-aged Woman

  When Ganouen went downstairs and returned to the hall, he saw Patriz with a dark face, and Isabel with red eyes from crying, while Anya looked satisfied. Stand behind Patriz.

  This scene was basically expected by Ganouen, and he could basically understand what happened without asking.

  "Mr. Ganouen." Patriz stared at Ganouen with a serious face, "Please let me see Angost."

  "This is not possible. I have to consider the safety of my territory." Norn refused without hesitation.

  If two legendary powerhouses fought in his tower, the damage would be immeasurable, and Angst and Patriz both had their own teams.

  From his position, he can't help anyone.

  "I just want to talk to her. As long as she doesn't do anything inappropriate, I won't make the first move." Patriz said with a gloomy face.

  "With all due respect, the murderous aura emanating from your body doesn't sound like you just want to talk." Ganon reminded.

  Obviously, Anya has revealed the relationship between Angst and Isabel to Patriz.

  "I have a sense of propriety, and we also have reason to confirm whether your surveillance of her is effective." Patriz insisted, "I have been mentally prepared for your connivance with Bell, and I do not intend to pursue it, but Angus I have to ask clearly about Te's side of things."

  "Give up, Liz won't let it go when she becomes like this. This is also for your own good." Offfield's doll stood next to Ganouen and whispered to Ganon said.

  Ganouen also realized that if Patriz's accusation was not directed at Angst, it would most likely affect him.

  "Okay, but whether she is willing to come or not is another matter." Upon seeing this, Ganon tentatively agreed, and then ordered the golem to contact Angst.

  He expected that Angst would also be able to see how troublesome this situation was, and would most likely not show up. She would just send one of her subordinates to convey her message.

  But as a few minutes passed, he realized he was wrong.

  Angst actually led her men straight to the Endless Tower and stepped into the entrance of the tower under the warning of the forest guards.

  "You actually came?" Ganon, who had a premonition of trouble, frowned and complained to Angst.

  "Wouldn't it look like I'm scared if I don't come?" Angst said with a fearless smile, looking at Patriz with a gloomy face, "Long time no see, Your Highness, I heard that you want to see me for something?"

  " Angest!" Patriz's eyes began to ignite with anger as soon as she saw Angost.

  When the two met, they looked like they were about to get into trouble. Ganon turned his head and looked at the puppet controlled by Orfield beside him, hoping that the elf king could calm his wife's anger in time and avoid the escalation of the conflict.

  But Orfield's attention was not on the scene at all, but on looking at the huge grandfather clock and various decorations in the hall.

  "Ganoen, can you allow me to study the layout here?" Offfield asked Ganon.

  "...You're just going to let go of things here, right?" Ganon realized that Orfield was about to withdraw.

  "I'm sorry, I usually don't interfere in Liz's decisions and actions." Orfield replied.

  "It's better to say that you can't control her at all, right?" Ganouen sighed.

  Patriz is the only legendary strongman and religious leader in the late summer, and is also in charge of military power. And the elf king Orfield is a scholar who is more obsessed with research than politics. If you think about it for a while, you can understand that Orfield is It is impossible to have much restraint on his wife, and he even tends to delegate power to her.

  At this time, the conflict between Patriz and Angst had rapidly escalated with a few strange pleasantries, and they began to confront each other. "The chief assassin of Nitrilan is actually a great writer. I have read your works. They are so filthy that I can't even read the beginning. I actually let you go without knowing that you had committed such a crime. No. To think that my daughter has been poisoned by you!" Patriz said while glaring at Angst.

  "What books I write and what books Bell reads are all personal interests, what does it have to do with you?" Angst said, turning her eyes to Anya who was standing behind Patriz, "Anya told the secret, right? Now that her wings have hardened, Anya has grown to the point where she can be hired by the elves to deal with her teacher. It seems that I can 'teach' you some skills to stay under control." She immediately guessed that Anya was the one who took matters into her own hands

  . What was revealed to Patriz was that her face was clearly smiling but her eyes were sharp, and her words were directly threatening. Anya's expression froze when she felt the crisis.

  At this time, Patriz moved to block Angost's sight and said to her coldly: "I hired her to investigate my daughter, but it's not your turn to do anything. How can you think of yourself as a mentor when you leave others alone?" "Haha

  , Investigating your daughter... you can actually talk about this kind of thing? Don't you understand that it's your high-pressure attitude that makes Bell afraid to open up to you? You are being kept at a distance by her and instead of looking for the reason from yourself, you blame her. Am I here?" Angst also sneered and waved to Isabel, "Beier, come to me if you are afraid, I will support you today!!" The anger in Patriz's

  eyes It suddenly ignited, and Angost's eyes added a hint of provocation. Ganon could almost see the sparks of swords clashing where their eyes met.

  He turned his head slightly, and Orfield was already standing in the distance, looking carefully at the grandfather clock in the hall as if visiting a museum, as if everything here had nothing to do with him. It was obvious that the Elf King was determined to stay out of the matter.

  "Anyway, stay away from my daughter from now on! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Patriz gave an ultimatum.

  But Angost didn't appreciate it: "You can't control it! It's you, please don't hire Anya to snitch again, otherwise I won't be lenient!"

  The air seemed to freeze for a moment, and then Patriz and Angost raised their hands at the same time. He reached for his weapon.

  "His power of guardianship has given us the protection of no harm!"

  Ganon had already recited the hymn in advance, and at the moment when the conflict was about to break out, he released the blessing of "guardian".

  An iron wall of holy light suddenly appeared between Patriz and Angst, separating them.

  After absorbing the divinity of the holy sword "Judgment Day", as the power of the divine seal was restored, all the "blessings" belonging to the Sun God also increased.

  In the past, Ganon could only create holy armor to protect himself by using his "Guardian" power, but now, he can create a holy wall to protect an entire area.

  Patriz and Angst, who were blocked by the holy wall, stopped at the same time and looked at Ganouen together.

  "Didn't you agree not to do anything? This is my territory. You have to fight outside my territory." Ganon reminded calmly.

  Patriz and Angst both put down their posture angrily.

  Ganouen looked back and forth between the two of them: "I have no control over your grudges or the educational policy for the younger generation, but Bei Er is my wife, and Anya is also mine..." Anya felt a little uncomfortable in the middle of the sentence

  . He said: "You, please be careful what you say!"

  Ganon ignored her protest and continued: "If you have any objections to them, go back and talk to them, but here, they are under my control. If you want to cause trouble, If so, I’ll have to expel you.”

  Patriz and Angst both stared at Ganouen. Faced with the spearheads turned by the two legendary powerhouses, Ganouen looked back indifferently.

  In the end, Angst looked away first and said, "That's it."

  Patriz said "hum" and said nothing.

  It's really difficult to deal with a conflicted middle-aged woman... Ganouen complained in his mind.

  (End of chapter)

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