242. Chapter 242 The Devil Closest to an Angel

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  Chapter 242: The Demon Closest to Angels

  Soon, Salil came to the temple area and stood in front of the altar enshrining the divine seal.

  "Are you sure you want to do this?" Ganon confirmed with her for the last time.

  "Do it!" Salil still didn't hesitate at all.

  Seeing this, Ganon stopped talking nonsense and waved to Zhenna.

  Zhenna raised her hand knowingly: "Calling large-scale magic, evil-breaking holy light!" The

  divine seal began to flash rapidly, and a magic circle appeared on the floor of the temple.

  Ganon caught a glimpse of the puppet controlled by Offfield leaning down and carefully observing the magic circle on the ground. The Elf King was obviously deeply interested in the operation and function of the Endless Tower.

  After a few seconds of lag, a dazzling beam of light descended and enveloped Salil.

  Ganon transformed himself into the blessed state of the Holy Light, strengthening his resistance to strong light, which allowed him to directly observe Salil in the center of the light pillar with his naked eyes.

  The Evil-Breaking Holy Light is a large-scale holy light technique. It can heal the trauma of creatures to a limited extent and cause basic damage to the undead and demons. In addition, it can also purify some of the effects of the spell.

  But fallen angels are different from ordinary creatures. They have lost their appeal to the Holy Light. Excessive injection of Holy Light will cause them serious adverse reactions. If they are fallen angels who have embraced the abyss, their essence is no longer much different from that of demons. The Holy Light can even cause direct damage to it.

  Fortunately, Salil seemed to be in pretty good condition, and the evil-destroying holy light did not make her feel any discomfort.

  She stood in the beam of light, nervously and somewhat expectantly swaying the wings behind her, hoping that they would turn from black to white immediately.

  "Your Majesty Offfield, I actually don't understand a bit. Why can angels become dependents of the abyss after they fall?" Ganon asked Offfield in a low voice.

  "Strictly speaking, not all angels will fall. For example, the first generation of Seraphs are basically pure holy light energy bodies. Once they lose their affinity for the holy light, their bodies will directly collapse. The so-called fall It means death.

  But later angels all have the attributes of living beings. Although they are endowed with a strong affinity to the Holy Light, even if this attribute is removed, they are still a kind of living beings, and this kind of living body is only a power. The container itself has no attributes. And this container happens to have a certain affinity for the two energies of Holy Light and Abyss." Offfield said.

  "Aren't the properties of these two energies two extremes?" Ganon asked.

  "I think there should be some undisclosed connection among them. Just like boiling water and ice go to two different extremes, but the essence is water. In fact, the latest research of the Element Federation has discovered many differences between angels and demons. They have something in common, maybe the Sun God and the Lord of the Abyss used some kind of the same 'template' in the process of creating their dependents." Offfield also lowered his voice and said.

  Ganon looked at Offfield. Offfield deliberately did not let Salil hear this theory. For angels, it is probably difficult to accept the possibility that angels and demons have the same origin.

  "Doesn't that mean that a demon can also 'fall' into an angel?" Ganon asked.

  "This is basically impossible." Offfield shook his head, "Compared with angels, most demons are too crude as 'vessels'. They can evolve quickly and drastically change their bodies by devouring souls and each other. , which also causes their bodies to be very unstable, and they cannot withstand another extreme energy like angels..."

  He paused before adding: "But in theory, there may be an exception. ."

  "Huh?" Ganon asked.

  "Succubi." Offfield said seriously, "Succubi are the only demons with stable life forms. In this sense, they are the demons closest to angels in terms of physiological structure. If they were them, they might have This is possible - but it only means that this possibility exists based on the current situation. No one has successfully verified it. After all, it is too difficult to gather the conditions for this kind of research." "That's it."

  Jia Norn couldn't help but imagine a succubus covered in holy light and full of holy aura.

  "Ah!!" At this time, Salil, who was in the beam of light, shouted in surprise.

  She found that the color of her wings seemed to have become much lighter, fading from black to off-white. It seemed that her body had really begun to reverse the state of Seraph.

  "It seems like it's really possible," Ganon said. "It has been the third time to call the Evil-Breaking Holy Light." Zhenna reminded, "The magic power consumption is still a bit high." "

  It's okay, continue." Ganon replied.

  However, until Zhenna manipulated the divine seal to renew the evil-breaking holy light for the fifth time, Salil's reversal of transformation still stagnated in this state, and even she began to feel uneasy.

  "The injected holy light is not strong enough to break the balance in her body. Let's attack her directly with sky fire. Seraph's body can resist high temperatures." Offfield suggested.

  "It would be a bit dangerous to use the Ring of Judgment Angel here. I don't know if my magic is enough..." Zhenna was a little worried.

  "Then let me do it." After Ganon said this, he began to transform.

  A giant dragon shining with golden light appeared in the temple, spitting blazing white fire at Salil.

  Offfield looked up at Ganoen's form and observed it carefully, thoughtfully.

  Salil, who was bathed in the holy fire, finally began to feel a strong warm current pouring into her body, and then her balance was broken. Her wings turned from gray to white little by little, and her long hair also lost its black color and began to glow with a faint golden light. , the purple color in his pupils also disappeared.

  "I'm back, I can feel it!" Salil shouted in surprise.

  As the warmth filled her body, she finally regained that familiar feeling.

  She tried to reach out and summon the holy sword in front of her. The holy light appeared in front of her, and finally condensed into the shape of a sword.

  Ganon stopped breathing when he saw this, and the beam of light gradually extinguished. Finally, only Salil and the holy sword she summoned were left. Her wings regained their light, and her hair and eyes turned back to dazzling gold.

  Orfield's statement was confirmed.

  "Haha, I've changed back! That's great!!" Salil happily jumped up on the spot, flapped her wings and flew in the air, then flew to Ganon, who was still in dragon form, and shouted forgetfully, "Ganoen Well, I'll change back!!"

  "Congratulations." Ganon replied calmly.

  Only then did Salil realize her gaffe, and regained her reserve a little: "Well, for now... I should thank you." "You're welcome.

  After all, I don't want you to be useful in the future. You become a fallen angel." Ganon replied, "In this case, can the previous grudge between you and Bell be wiped out? I don't want you to hunt her down with a knife again." "You actually care about

  her safety. ." Salil let out a long breath, "Okay, since everything has changed back, let's forget it. I don't want to argue with her anymore." "

  That's good." Ganon said and changed back to human form. .

  "You have just recovered. I suggest you take a good rest in this temple filled with holy light. Mr. Ganouen, let's not disturb her for the time being. Can you accompany me down to see the situation in Bell?" Offfield suddenly said Open your mouth.

  Ganon heard what Offed had to say to him, nodded in response, and after a brief explanation with Zhenna, he and the puppet controlled by the Elf King walked towards the corridor.

  "Mr. Ganouen, what you said before was that there was a spirit wandering in your tower, and you had strange dreams. Is this true?" Offfield asked seriously in the corridor.

  "Do you have any clues?" Ganon asked. Offfield obviously avoided Salil from talking to him about this matter.

  "The situation you described..." Offfield paused, "is very similar to the situation when a succubus attacks a sleeping person."

  (End of Chapter)

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