241.Chapter 241 Fallen Condition

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  Chapter 241 Conditions for Falling into Heaven

  The golem controlled by Offyd stood in the room where Salil temporarily stayed on the fifth floor, twisting a black feather in his hand and observing it carefully.

  Salil sat on the chair, looking much calmer than before, but her uneasiness was still written on her face. She was worried about the expert invited by Ganouen, and finally concluded that there was nothing she could do.

  The fragmented hope that was finally obtained was taken away, and the psychological gap was difficult to bear.

  "Your Majesty Offfield, have you done any research on angels before?" Ganouen stood aside with his arms folded and asked.

  "Of course, I specialize in theological research, and I must be involved in the races of gods. Angels are the most closely related to their main gods among all the races of gods. However, I have not studied living angels. The Federation of Elements only has There are some remains of angels, and of course fallen angels. I mainly rely on these materials and the information left in the past for research." Offfield replied calmly, and then turned to Salil.

  "According to the results of observation, you do show signs of falling to heaven. But from your descriptions, it sounds like you have not met the conditions for falling to heaven. Have you missed any details?" Offfield asked.

  "This..." Salil hesitated.

  After Orfield arrived, he asked her a lot of details. She felt a little embarrassed to explain these details. After all, the contents of the books Isbel read to her were really difficult to explain.

  Fortunately, Orfield didn't delve too deeply into the contents of the book, but focused on asking her if she had ever felt any unusual magical movement when reading the books she had come into contact with.

  Other than that, she only had that strange dream that she didn't explain, and she never revealed to the Blazing Sky Council that she would dream.

  "What do you mean by not meeting the conditions for falling to heaven?" She asked Offfield first.

  She believed that she had fallen into heaven because of her dirty desires, and she explained this to Offfield, but Offfield said that she did not meet this condition.

  "Angels don't fall to heaven simply because of desire." Offfield said calmly.

  "What did you say!?" Salil's eyes widened.

  "Although the holy religion has always preached the religious idea that the holy light is related to the sanctity of the spirit, in fact the holy light has no connection with the user's mental state and moral level. There are also criminals among the paladins, not to mention the saints of the Papal State. The Knights have massacred pagan civilians more than once in history.

  Facts have proved that the evil Paladins will not be abandoned by the Holy Light, and how can the angels who are more compatible with the Holy Light lose the Holy Light just because of a thought? Where is the blessing? If angels can fall so easily, wouldn't it be too easy for the forces of the abyss to corrupt angels?" Offfield explained in detail like a teacher in class.

  "Indeed, I happen to have this question too." Ganon nodded.

  If angels fall when their mortal hearts are moved, then in the era of a deadly battle between the Abyss and Heavenly Mountain, shouldn't the Abyss keep sending out succubi to corrupt angels?
  "You are wrong. We are the eldest sons of the Sun God and his agents, so we are naturally more constrained. Once an angel commits a crime, he will lose the blessing of the Holy Light. This is a fact!" Salil said seriously! He retorted, "Are you trying to excuse your daughter, King of the Elves?" "

  I will not lie about academic matters. Objectively speaking, the direct cause of angels falling to heaven is not the crime, but the judgment they received after committing the crime. ." Orfield shook his head, "We have compared the remains of angels and fallen angels, and found some... similar traces of surgery on the remains of fallen angels." "What do you mean?" Salil frowned

  . .

  "We speculate that fallen angels were 'cut off' their inner parts by some special magic, and permanently lost their connection with the Holy Light before they fell to heaven. This may be a punishment measure on Heavenly Mountain. Angels commit crimes This punishment caused the angel to be "disabled" in sensing the Holy Light, and could no longer sense the Holy Light and fell to heaven - this is the cause and effect relationship. Some observed records show that when angels fell to heaven, There will be a thunder from heaven falling on them, maybe this is the excision technique," Offfield said.

  "That seems to be the case..." Salil pondered.

  "This kind of restriction can only come from Heaven Mountain?" Ganon asked.

  "It may also come from a certain artifact, or a powerful existence of that level." Offfield replied, "So I want to confirm whether Miss Angel has come into contact with anything..." "Except for the books

  your daughter gave me, there is no Nothing worth caring about." Salil shook her head. "Can I check those books?" Orfield suggested.

  "As for those books, I guess Her Majesty Patriz will look them up, and I don't think they contain magical weapons powerful enough to make a Seraph fall from heaven." Ganon said.

  The "Watcher" can actually identify the target's status. If Salil fell to heaven due to the influence of some magic, then the "Watcher" will most likely be able to see some clues.

  Ganon had actually checked it specifically and didn't see any problems. In other words, as far as the recognition of "Watcher" is concerned, although Salil has become a fallen angel, she is still normal in terms of condition.

  As soon as they finished speaking, they heard a scream that sounded like Isabel's coming from outside the window.

  Poor Isbell, the collection that was finally re-collected may not be saved... Ganon can know what's going on there without turning on "Watcher".

  Offfield and Ganouen tacitly ignored the voice and continued their discussion.

  "There is one thing worth paying attention to..." Ganon said.

  He mentioned that he watched a spirit float out of Salil's room and entered his own room, and then he dreamed of a mysterious man and was awakened by the release of Long Wei.

  Hearing this, Salil's eyes widened in surprise - she remembered the strange dream she had had.

  Her and Ganon's dreams are connected! !
  "Is there such a thing?" Offfield fell into silence after speaking.

  For nearly two minutes, he didn't speak and seemed to be thinking seriously.

  Finally, Salil couldn't help it anymore: "Are there any other possibilities?"

  "As far as I know, there is another possibility." Offfield replied, "It is that the ability of angels to summon the holy light has become dormant for some reason. , just like illness. Most of this kind of cases appeared in the angels who conquered the abyss in the past.

  The angels who conquered the abyss were corroded by the chaotic energy of the abyss for a long time, and they may also show signs of falling into heaven. This is generally reversible, of course, there are cases where the angels who conquered the abyss are too corroded. It is a serious case that causes permanent damage to the function and becomes irreparable." "

  But I have never been exposed to the energy of the abyss... Could it be related to the temple dedicated to the Lord of the Abyss?" Salil suddenly thought of it. What.

  "No, that temple hasn't even started functioning yet. There is no power that can make you fall to heaven." Ganon shook his head.

  "Anyway, all I know are these two possibilities." Offfield said.

  "The causes of these two situations can basically be investigated here. Isn't it impossible to start?" Ganouen said.

  "That's not the case. We can first assume that her fallen state is reversible, and then take corresponding measures to try." Offfield replied.

  "That means treating a dead horse as a live doctor, right? So what should we do?" Ganon asked.

  "If the situation can be reversed, as long as a large amount of holy light energy is injected at once to break the balance in her body and awaken her sense of the holy light, the process of falling into heaven can be reversed." Offfield paused as he spoke, and then added , "But this is risky. If she is in an irreversible situation and the injected holy light energy cannot be absorbed and controlled in her body, this energy will cause serious damage to her body." "Then

  try Let's go." Salil made a decision immediately, "If you want me to remain a fallen angel, I might as well die!!"

  (End of Chapter)

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