236. Chapter 236

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  Chapter 236
  "I actually got it back..." Salil returned to the temple on the fifth floor anxiously, holding the book that Isabel had given her in her arms.

  When Isabel first handed over this book, she actually refused.

  But Isabel immediately gave a reason that was hard for her to refuse - this book was written by Angost.

  For Salil, Angst is also an object that needs attention and research.

  In addition, Isabel has always strongly recommended this book, saying that this book is an incomparable masterpiece among the previous works. Looking at the other person's shining eyes when recommending it, Salil can clearly feel the other person's enthusiasm. .

  In this case, she couldn't help but have a little expectation.

  But when she came back with this thing, she would inevitably feel guilty. Carrying the book, she tiptoed through the temple and came to the corridor of the living area.

  "Where have you been?"

  The sudden voice made Salil's heart almost stop.

  She turned around in a panic and folded one of her wings in front of her chest to block the book in her arms.

  She saw Zhenna standing at the door of the room, looking at her suspiciously.

  "I-I didn't go out to do anything weird." Salil blurted out.

  Damn, what am I talking about? Wouldn't it be more suspicious to put it this way?
  She cursed herself in her mind.

  "I just got up to see that you were not in the room and asked." Zhenna frowned slightly.

  Salil calmed down a little and made an excuse: "I couldn't sleep, so I stayed in the temple for a while, and then went to the top of the tower to enjoy the wind." "Well, it's almost time to have breakfast in another

  hour. "Zhenna reminded me smoothly.

  "I know." Salil just wanted to get rid of the other person quickly, "I'm going to rest for a while now, don't disturb me."

  "Okay..." Zhenna hesitated and focused her eyes on Salil's folded wings.

  She was about to ask a question when Salil, who sensed something was wrong, hurried to her room.

  Zhenna wanted to stop her, but suddenly she saw Salil's wings flickering.

  "Eh?" Zhenna was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but wonder if she had seen it wrong.

  By the time she reacted, Salil had already entered the room and closed the door.

  what happened? Zhenna stood there confused.

  After returning to the room, Salil covered her heart, feeling her pounding heartbeat, and suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of betrayal.

  But even she was surprised that she didn't feel any guilt from this unethical behavior, but instead felt a little fresh and exciting.

  In the past, she had always cared about the eyes of other angels in Paradise Mountain, hiding her side that was different from others and living a life of restraint. Carrying a pornographic book like this was like a thief racking her brains to hide it in front of others. For her in the past, It's unthinkable.

  This gave her a sense of liberation that broke taboos and constraints.

  She savored this feeling for a long time, and unknowingly, without even noticing it, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

  Let’s take a look at it before eating.

  Salil, who was a little distracted, followed this mood and opened the book "Female Elf Anya: The White Dragon's Lair" in her hand...

  More than an hour later, a knock on the door suddenly brought her back to reality. Come. "Distinguished guest, Miss Salil, I am the housekeeper here. I have prepared meals for you in the restaurant on the second floor. I sincerely invite you to have breakfast with my master and other members." The voice of stone came from the door

  . External transmission.

  It’s already this time! ?

  Salil turned her head and glanced at the wall clock, then stood up.

  She was completely addicted to this novel, and even the concept of time disappeared.

  Isabel is right. This work cannot be compared with the previous books. The storyline alone is quite fascinating. This is very attractive to Salil, who has hardly read any entertainment works. Not to mention, the erotic descriptions in it are also very brilliant. Although there are no pictures, it gives her more room for imagination.

  "Guest?" Shitou called again without getting a response.

  "I'm going down right now!" Salil tried hard to hide the uneasiness in her voice and hid the book.

  Then she opened the door without changing her expression and followed the golem downstairs to the restaurant. Everyone except the vampire Anellojie had already sat down and started to prepare to enjoy the meals on the table.

  "What I'm preparing for you today is fried dough sticks and bacon rolls, soufflé egg rolls with salted butter, and fresh soy milk." Shitou introduced the breakfast he had prepared to Salil.

  I don’t know if it was Salil’s illusion, but she felt that her reaction to the food yesterday seemed to give the golem a sense of accomplishment.

  "Okay." Salil replied absentmindedly, glancing at Isabel diagonally opposite with some uneasiness.

  She was a little worried that Isbel had told others about her at the dinner table, which might cause him to be ridiculed by everyone present.

  But Isbell just ate her meal quietly, and the others' reactions were ordinary. It seemed that nothing she was worried about happened.

  Salil relaxed a little and started eating. The delicious food in her mouth made her dazzled again.

  At this time, Annie yawned and walked into the restaurant, sitting down in her seat with a sleepy look on her face.

  Zhenna and Isabel's eyes immediately focused on Anne, and then they looked at Ganouen.

  Finally, Zhenna put down the tableware and asked seriously: "I heard from Isabel that yesterday you..." "

  Annie is actually awake longer at night and has a greater need for blood, so she often comes to see me at night. You want blood, just like I explained to you before." Ganon explained calmly.

  "Is it just blood-sucking?" Zhenna frowned slightly.

  In fact, not long after Anne Roger came to the tower, she began to sleep with Ganouen. At that time, her group of death knights unscrupulously tried to persuade their master to use "beauty" to please Ganouen, and Anne herself He is completely ignorant of the world, and is attracted by Ganon's blood. He takes the initiative to approach Ganon, sticks to him and even asks to sleep with him.

  But according to the results of every time Zhenna asked, Annie was basically either sleeping in Ganouen's arms or sucking his blood, and it seemed that she had not done anything extraordinary.

  She took a deep breath and said seriously to Ganouen: "It's a bit strange if this continues. To be honest, you might as well...give her a title seriously. Although she is a vampire, she is still a girl after all. From time to time, I sleep next to you and sleep in the same room. I think you are still obliged to take responsibility for this matter." "

  My wife is so open-minded?" Ganouen smiled.

  "I just don't want my husband to act like a criminal who abducted young girls!" Zhenna frowned half helplessly and half impatiently, and then said sternly to Anne, "You should pay more attention and don't grow old all day long. Think about drinking Ganon's blood, and think about other things."

  "You mean, drink something else?" Annie blinked confusedly, not fully understanding what Zhenna meant, "Actually, the white one I I think it's okay."

  The atmosphere at the scene froze instantly, and almost everyone stopped eating, as if the scene was frozen.

  A few seconds passed, Anya's eyes widened and she was about to raise her finger to accuse Ganouen. Salil suddenly jumped up and shouted at Ganouen: "You pervert!!"

  (End of this chapter)

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