235. Chapter 235 The Gate to the New World

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  Chapter 235: The Gate of the New World
  A few minutes later, Isabel’s room on the sixth floor of the Endless Tower.

  "How's it going? Isn't it too exciting for you?" Isabel sat on the edge of the bed with her hands folded, looking at Salil with a smile.

  Salil sat cross-legged on the floor of the room, holding a book with a red face and eyes as wide as bells.

  "Hey, can you hear me?" Seeing that she didn't respond, Isabel stepped forward and waved her hand in front of her.

  Only then did Salil suddenly wake up. When she saw Isabel with a smirk on her face, she immediately coughed: "Well...that's it. It's really sad that you indulge in such boring things. "

  Isbell could tell that at least 90% of her words were arrogant. After all, from such a distance, her "Life Detection" could clearly feel that Salil's heartbeat had been accelerating since she saw the cover of the book. , it has not calmed down yet.

  In fact, this book is the least tasteful among her collections. It is only judged by the standards of erotic works, even the more normal ones.

  But for Salil, who had never been exposed to this kind of knowledge, this impact was unprecedented.

  How could a creature use such...such a barbaric method?

  Just looking at those pictures, Salil felt as if her brain was on fire. She had a structure similar to that of a female humanoid, so she would naturally put herself into imagination. In this imagination, she seemed to see A door to a new world opens in front of you.

  "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you don't show off in front of me. For Miss Angel, who has never taken a step out of Heaven Mountain, this kind of thing must be difficult to bear. I can understand!" Isabel deliberately put on a show. Come with a look of concern and understanding.

  Of course Salil quit after hearing this: "Don't look down on angels, it's just the mating process of humanoid creatures. In our eyes, you are no different from other animals!"

  Seeing that the other party fell into the game so easily, Isabel was secretly happy, and immediately took out another picture album: "Oh, in that case, I guess this kind of thing should also be a piece of cake for you."

  Salil gasped as soon as she saw the cover, and her mood that had just calmed down suddenly became chaotic again.

  This book was exactly the one Isabel took out in the dungeon. The cover showed a dragon and a disheveled elf girl.

  "Today... I have tasted enough. It must be almost the same anyway. Take it." Salil felt blood rushing to her forehead and quickly looked away.

  If this continues, her mind will become weird, and she urgently needs to cool her head down.

  But Isabel obviously didn't give the other party a chance to breathe: "How can this be the same? What you saw before can only be regarded as an introduction. How can you imagine the wonderful content in this book?" Salil listened to

  this After Huan carefully glanced at the book, she was a little shaken. In fact, she was quite curious about what was in this book and how different it was from the previous one.

  "Look at Salil, there will be no missing pieces of meat. You can't let this elf look down on you!" A voice appeared in the bottom of my heart.

  "There's no need at all! This may be just a trap. Stay calm. If you are too influenced by such vulgar things, there is a risk of falling into heaven!" Another voice dissuaded her.

  Fallen Heaven - Thinking of this red line, Salil calmed down a little and replied seriously: "I think that's enough, but it's just some vulgar books that incite the lust of creatures from the lower world as a selling point, and it's not worth wasting my time. "

  Isbell blinked: "That's okay. If Lord Angel wants to escape, it's not impossible." "

  I told you, it's just not worth my time!" Salil corrected seriously.

  "But aren't you spending your time here just to recuperate and observe us? During this period, wouldn't it be a good idea to use the reading material from the lower world to study it? This book happens to record the 'close contact' between red dragons and elves." Isabel said with a smile.

  Isabel's point made Salil a little excited. This book can be used as a reference to study the relationship between the red dragon and the princesses in this tower...

  perhaps, we can also discover some weaknesses about the red dragon. Maybe!
  With such a reason, Salil began to feel anxious again.

  Isabel deliberately confused one thing, that is, there must be a big difference between erotic works and reality. But of course Salil couldn't hear it, after all, she knew nothing about these things.

  "Don't you think you'd rather go to the scene and observe it in person? In that case, I wouldn't welcome it." Isbell said again.

  Is this sultry elf really not a succubus in disguise? Salil couldn't help but start to doubt again.

  Hearing what the other party said, she couldn't help but imagine the scene again, and the curiosity in her heart also increased. Of course it's impossible to observe the scene, but if you just study it from readings...

  "Your morality really makes me want to know where your lower limit is. Well, let me take a closer look. Now, let’s see how ridiculous the creatures from the lower world are that are deeply involved in the sin of lust.” Salil said with a straight face.

  "Okay, please." Isabel handed over the book with a respectful look.

  When Salil began to turn the pages of the book, she looked on with a smile on her face, her narrowed eyes flashing with a cunning light.

  This angel has potential! Isabel thought to herself.

  For the first time in her life, she smelled the scent of the same kind from Salil.

  Although Angost said that everyone has the instinct to reproduce and is more or less interested in this aspect, there are still only a few people who are as addicted as she is.

  Even though Nitrilan and Muxia both have such underground markets, since they can only develop "underground", it means that they are still a niche. Isabel also has her own unusual self-awareness. Like Anya, she feels that If you are too ashamed and avoid it, you will be closer to ordinary people.

  But Salil was different. These things obviously had a great impact on her, but Salil still maintained her curiosity to explore them, and went deeper into them bit by bit under her encouragement.

  If this trend develops, there is a chance that she will fall into it!

  When she thought of the opportunity to develop this angel into a fan, Isabel was suddenly filled with motivation.

  So Salil read this book in a series of shocks. Before she could calm down, she looked up and saw that Isabel had brought a whole stack of books.

  "This opportunity is rare, why don't you study more, I have more exciting content here." Isbell spread out several of the books in front of Salil with great interest.

  Salil held her breath. At this moment, she saw several doors to the new world opening at the same time. By some strange coincidence, she picked up another book in her hand.

  When she came to her senses and raised her head again, she was surprised to find that the morning light had already shone into the room.

  She actually stayed up all night looking at these things! !
  Salil woke up with a start and stood up from the ground suddenly.

  She looked for Isabel uneasily. She had a premonition that the other party might want to ridicule her, and she tried to think about how to deal with it.

  At this time, she heard the sound of running water, and the aroma of tea floated over. When she turned her head, she saw Isabel making tea not far away.

  "Miss Salil is really serious about her research. How about a cup of herbal tea to relieve fatigue? I am very confident in making herbal tea." Isabel looked very eager.

  Salil didn't understand the opponent's approach at the first time, and was a little confused for a moment: "No, no need."

  "It seems that I have to admit defeat this time. I originally thought I could tease you. But I didn't expect that you had no unnecessary thoughts at all and were just studying carefully. It made me feel a little embarrassed to be around you." Isabel He showed an apologetic smile.

  "It's good if you know." Salil was stunned for a moment and then straightened her face.

  Isabel took the initiative to admit defeat. She didn't say anything further, and she didn't have any real sense of victory in her heart. Instead, she felt a little guilty.

  It would be a lie to say that there were no extra thoughts. It would be better to say that her mind was filled with only random thoughts. Fortunately, she did not give any clues to the other party.

  "It's time for me to go back." Salil said and was about to walk out. She needed to be alone to calm down for a while.

  "Wait a moment." Isabel suddenly stopped her.

  Salil turned around uneasily and saw Isabel holding a book over with a smile: "If you don't mind, can you also take this novel back for 'research'?" (End of Chapter


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