216. Chapter 216 Battle between Heaven and Man

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  Chapter 216: Heaven and man fight
  in Heaven Mountain.

  "I must have gone crazy. It's too late to turn back now."

  This was Salil's first thought when she sneaked into the temple.

  But the second thought immediately followed: "This is the only chance."

  In front of her, a luminous long sword was suspended, with seven huge, mutually nested rings of blazing white fire surrounding the long sword. Stop turning.

  The artifact enshrined in Paradise Mountain is the Day of Judgment.

  Salil is here to "borrow" the artifact.

  "This is theft! Stealing the holy sword that houses the divinity is an unforgivable sin! It is a blasphemy against the supreme light!!" The voice in her heart was trying to dissuade her.

  "How can it be blasphemy to use an artifact of the Supreme Light to promote the prestige of the Supreme Light?" Another voice followed.

  Salil has heard before that people who believe in holy religions often compare their inner ideological struggle to the battle between an angel and a demon. The angel represents the kind and rational side, and the demon represents primitive desires.

  As soon as she became self-aware, she discovered that she seemed to have difficulty making choices and often hesitated in making certain judgments.

  And once she started to hesitate, two voices would argue with each other in her heart.

  Do angels also have wars with demons in their hearts? It's a bit ironic to say this.

  Of course, she knew very well that these two voices came from her inner thoughts.

  Other angels are very decisive in handling affairs, especially the Seraphs who are in the decision-making level of Paradise Mountain and serve as archangels. Their hearts are like having a precise scale, and they can judge what is more important with just a little thought.

  And Salil often felt as if the balance in her heart was often being moved back and forth by two invisible hands, often in a state of swinging.

  She did not dare to ask other angels if they also had such psychological activities, and she did not reveal this trait of hers to anyone, because her status in Paradise Mountain was very delicate.

  On the one hand, as a natural Seraph, the Seraph Council had high hopes for her. A Seraph personally taught her how to use the power of angels and had very strict requirements on her.

  But on the other hand, as a damaged angel with impurities, she could feel that the Blazing Sky Council... No, it should be said that all the angels in Heaven Mountain were wary of her. It is said that a disabled angel like her has a much higher chance of falling into heaven than a normal angel.

  She wanted to prove herself, so she worked hard to follow the teachings of the Holy Light and constantly improved her Holy Light technique. Her power awakened smoothly. Given time, she would be able to awaken and become a complete Seraph sooner or later.

  But she didn't know if it was her illusion, but she felt that the Blazing Sky Council's alienation from her had never changed, which made her desire to prove herself even stronger.

  The changes in the human world made her feel that an opportunity seemed to have arrived, but the Blazing Sky Council rejected her proposal to go down to earth.

  She had originally planned to give up, but a new report from the Papal State once again caught her attention.

  This report mentioned a red dragon that was doing evil in the lower world. This evil dragon had a special preference for humanoid creatures. It used various means to rob the princesses of several countries and imprisoned them in its dragon nest.

  The major human country on the surface whose belief in the Holy Light has declined the most seems to have failed to get rid of the evil dragon, which has made the evil dragon become more and more arrogant.

  When Salil read the news, she had two thoughts.

  First, this evil dragon really deserves to die. He bullies others to satisfy his own base desires.

  Second, this is a rare opportunity. If this evil dragon can be killed in the name of the Holy Light, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the prestige of the Holy Light in the world. Moreover, the report also mentioned something concerning, that is, there is news that this evil dragon can actually use the power of holy light, and is suspected of possessing some kind of artifact of the sun god.

  If this news is true, then this evil dragon relies on the power of the Holy Light to do evil, and has undoubtedly committed a major crime of blasphemy against the Holy Light.

  That would be even more damning.

  Salil also reported this matter to the Blazing Sky Council, hoping that the Blazing Sky Council would change its mind, but in the end, it still did not get approval to go to the lower realm.

  The reason of the Blazing Sky Council is that this news is currently unfounded and should be left to the believers in the lower world to find out. It is not worth taking action for Heaven Mountain.

  They also removed Salil from her position of receiving human reports.

  "Your will is still weak. You should be more strict with yourself and stop being affected by news from the world." Archangel Michael warned her.

  After being denied to this extent, Salil finally came up with the idea of ​​taking action without permission.

  As long as she goes to the human world to deal with the evil dragon in person, she can prove that her idea is right.

  But she also thought that a dragon that caused such trouble in the world but had not been eliminated must have a considerable level of strength. She was not arrogant enough to think that she could accomplish the great feat of slaying dragons at will.

  Her power as a Seraph has not yet fully awakened. If the dragon's growth level is higher than that of the ancient dragon, it will be difficult for her to win.

  Unless there is the blessing of some powerful external force, such as the "Judgment Day" enshrined in Heaven Mountain.

  To this end, she quietly sneaked into the temple dedicated to "Judgment Day". As a member of Paradise Mountain, she knew the layout of the defense here.

  The security of the temple is actually not very tight. First of all, it is located at an altitude of 10,000 meters and there are many angels living in Heaven Mountain, so not many creatures can invade.

  Moreover, the "Judgment Day" is firmly sealed by the Holy Fire, and not even an angel can touch it.

  Only Seraph can pass through the Ring of Holy Fire and touch the "Judgment Day". The Seraph Council once asked her to try it in order to verify her Seraph status, and she got the "Judgment Day" once.

  Now that she has come to the "Judgment Day", she is still hesitating.

  "Stop it. If you are caught committing such a heinous crime, you will completely lose the trust of the Blazing Sky Council, and you may even fall into heaven because of it!" The voice began to dissuade her again.

  Just when Salil was about to back off, another voice started to encourage her again: "No, think about it carefully, have you worked hard for so many years, have their trust in you increased? Without an opportunity, you would never be able to get it." To be truly recognized is an experience. What you need now is the courage to pass the test!!"

  Salil felt that the second voice became louder and louder, gradually overshadowing the first voice:
  " As long as you realize the right path, who is more qualified than you to take charge of the Day of Judgment and execute the will of the Holy Light, Salil? Believe in yourself, you are the agent of the Supreme Light!" Salil suddenly

  felt Her heart surged for a while, and when she came to her senses, she had passed through all the rings of fire and reached out to hold the hilt of the sword.

  The ring of fire composed of the holy fire suddenly closed in, but it did not hurt her. Instead, it was completely concentrated on the sword, making the holy sword shine even more dazzlingly.

  Then the light slowly extinguished, revealing the golden sword body, with the sun god's hymn engraved on it in celestial characters.

  "When the world is blinded by darkness, I am the beacon!" Salil read out softly, then carefully put away the holy sword, her eyes becoming firm and full of expectation, "Kill the evil dragon that is causing trouble to the world!!"

  (End of chapter)

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