215. Chapter 215 Succubus and Angel

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  Chapter 215 Succubus and Angel

  Crystal The light from the spar illuminated the space in the grotto, and Angost invited everyone to sit down at the table.

  "Intelligence sharing? Of course there is no problem." After hearing their intentions, Angst immediately agreed, "I can't be a free thug for you. It's okay to share some information. You can help me deal with the devil now. I certainly don’t want you to be killed by the Empire or Dragon Ascension Nest before you can help me get it done.”

  As she spoke, she handed a stack of manuscripts to Isabel, who immediately started reading them carefully. .

  "You are so worried that you really don't need to summon the demon to deal with it as soon as possible?" Ganon asked.

  "Don't be impatient, we need to be a little more sure." Angost waved her finger, "The succubus is very dangerous, not to mention an abyss lord with an artifact. It's best to have some control over the demon. Let’s talk about targeted methods.”

  Succubus… Ganon thought back to the contents of the “Origin of Succubus” that he borrowed from the library of Muxia Palace.

  His initial impression of succubus was that of a low-level demon who lived by absorbing essence and was good at charming but not good at fighting.

  But when he first talked to Angost about his knowledge of succubi, Angost frowned on the spot: "What nonsense are you talking about? Succubi are one of the most dangerous types of demons in the abyss. ."

  Later, he read the book "The Origin of Succubi" borrowed from Muxia Palace, and realized that the succubi in this world were more powerful than he imagined.

  Compared to other demons, succubi have unique advantages.

  Ordinary demons need to evolve to a certain level to possess intelligence, but succubi are born intelligent creatures, grow up like humanoids, and then gain their minds from education.

  And unlike other demons that are born directly from the abyss by the gathering of chaotic forces, succubi reproduce like ordinary creatures. They can choose to reproduce alone, or they can choose other creatures to mate and give birth to offspring with new characteristics. Usually succubi They will also take care of their offspring until they reach adulthood.

  When a succubus grows up, it is born to be a high-level demon that can compete with master-level warlocks. They can use abyss magic like other demons, and they can also grow by devouring souls.

  Succubi are born with the ability to charm and instigate the desire for reproduction in creatures, as well as the power of spiritual interference to invade dreams, making it much easier for them to hunt souls than other demons, and it is easier for them to grow.

  The content recorded in "Origins of Succubi" is consistent with Angost's statement. It also mentions various origins of succubi. Among them, the most convincing one is the past era when gods competed with each other. The Earth Mother The god and the Lord of the Abyss briefly joined forces - the book even hypothesized that the two gods had had closer contact.

  Succubi are the product of this background. They are considered to be demons who have been additionally blessed by the Earth Mother Goddess. They have a naturally intelligent biological body and the special power to manipulate the "reproductive instinct".

  The person who signed the contract with Angost was an abyss lord-level succubus. Considering that there might only be one chance, they really had to think long term.

  The danger of succubi also forced Ganon himself to temporarily give up the "bold idea" that he had previously had - summoning succubi to serve as priests in the temple of the Lord of the Abyss.

  "Where are your current manpower sent?" Anya asked Angst.

  "The Empire, the Federation of Elements, Shaman City, the Papal State and the Kingdom of Death are the only places where people have been deployed so far. Thanks to your blessing, I can't send people to Muxia for the time being, but it doesn't matter." An Gerst replied.

  "There is overlap with the people sent by Anya. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to divide the work between us?" Ganon said.

  "It's not necessary. My people should be more efficient at digging up information than Anya's. They should be able to find some important information that you can't find." Angost smiled.

  "So confident?" Ganon raised his eyebrows.

  "Of course, if you think about it carefully, I took away the first batch of elites from the maze, and Anya took away the second batch that I selected. As a leader, my level is also above Anya's." Ange Sette looked at Ganouen with a sly expression, and said half-jokingly, "How about it? Why don't you just consider letting me replace Anya?" "

  Angost, if you don't say something annoying, you'll be all over the place. Are you uncomfortable?" Anya glared at Angst.

  "What's wrong, maybe you will be free immediately! Or maybe you actually prefer to stay with Ganouen." Angost spread her hands towards Anya.

  "Are you not serious? Are you having fun playing tricks on others?" Anya said, glaring at the other person.

  At this moment, Ganouen suddenly said: "Even if I am serious, I can't let you replace Anya. Maybe she is not as strong as you, but she is definitely more reliable than you in terms of doing things." Anya opened her eyes wide after hearing this

  . His eyes were frozen in place. In Ganon's view, in terms of level, Angost is undoubtedly above Anya, but on the other hand, the more powerful the person, the harder it is to control, especially Angost, who has no loyalty and little spirit of contract. , it’s not surprising to betray anyone and run away.

  In comparison, Anya, who is restricted by the prisoner contract, has no chance of betrayal. Even if there is an occasional chance, she may still choose Ganoun's side after weighing the pros and cons, just like the last time she was taken away by Angost.

  From this perspective, it is definitely more reliable for Anya to continue to serve as the priest of the seventh level and the head of the intelligence force.

  "Haha, that's what he said." Angst noticed Anya's reaction and looked at her playfully, "That's great, Anya." "It's good, but it's not

  something to be happy about! "Anya's gaze shifted for a moment, and she quickly changed the subject, "You'd better tell me what valuable information you have recently." "

  Okay, let me think about it." Angst thought about it seriously, "You guys If you didn't have people in the Papal State, you must not have known about the fact that someone in the Papal State proposed to attack you, right?" "

  What?" This news immediately attracted Ganouen's attention.

  "Don't be nervous. It's just that a certain cardinal proposed it at the meeting. The possibility of being approved by the entire Papal State is basically zero. After all, crusading against you is obviously an extremely loss-making business." Angost's reaction was very dull.

  "What's wrong with the bishop who proposed this?" Ganon frowned.

  He had the impression that he had never provoked the Papal State at all.

  "Don't worry, the Papal State has actually organized many dragon slayings, basically to establish prestige. Now the Papal State is having a hard time. After Queen Fred of the Dragon Spine Empire promulgated a new religious law, it also affected other countries. Regarding the attitude of human countries towards the Holy Religion, they urgently need to establish prestige among the human countries.

  In the past, when the Holy Religion was at its most glorious, if any country was disobedient, they might directly attack that country. But now they have long been unable to do so. , especially in the face of an empire that had just shown its strength in the war with Mu Xia, so they might do the next best thing and eradicate an 'evil force' that is doing evil on the mainland, preferably one that makes even the empire feel troublesome. Seed." Angst explained unhurriedly.

  The decline of faith in the Holy Religion in human countries is a big problem. The donations and religious tax shares received from the Holy Religion Churches in other countries in the name of the Archbishop have always been a major financial revenue to support the Papal State.

  If the Papal State can kill the evil dragon that the Empire cannot solve, then the reputation of the Holy Religion in all human countries will undoubtedly be greatly improved. The Papal State will also have the opportunity to unite the Holy Religion forces in the Empire and rely on the voice of the people to fight against Fred. The Queen's Religious Acts.

  "So I am the 'evil force'?" Ganon pointed at himself.

  "Didn't I tell you before? The empire is now promoting your 'notoriety' everywhere. You are now famous among the bards as Mr. Kuja, the evil dragon who likes to steal princesses." Angst teased.

  "So the empire hopes that a force like the Papal State will bite this hook?" Ganon thought for a while and asked.

  Angst waved her hand: "Okay, it should just be a way to pave the way for dealing with you in the future. Normally, no one will bite the hook. Even the Dragon Spine Empire, which is famous for killing dragons, can't deal with the evil dragon. How could the Papal State have that kind of confidence? In order to become famous, it slayed the dragon, but was defeated by the dragon. Wouldn't it make the status of the Holy Church plummet? The risk is too great. Unless Paradise Mountain takes action, the Papal State will not Any action."

  "Heaven Mountain?" Ganon asked casually.

  "Don't you even know the Heavenly Mountain where angels live? It is the holy land of the Holy Church, an island suspended thousands of miles above the Papal State. It is said to enshrine the original fire ignited by the sun god when he came to the world, and is guarded by angels. If If Heavenly Mountain sends angels to attack a target, not to mention the Papal State, all the holy forces in the entire continent will take notice." Angost said.

  "I've heard about angels." Ganon said worriedly.

  Angels are powerful creatures that can be compared with dragons. It is said that Seraph, the highest ranking among angels, has the same strength as the legendary powerhouse, and the best among them is not even inferior to the ancient dragon.

  "I know what you are worried about, don't worry. The probability of the Papal State attacking you is almost zero, and the possibility of Heavenly Mountain attacking you is completely zero. Heavenly Mountain will not interfere with things on the surface, unless there is something against Heaven. The threat of the mountain. The last time Heaven Mountain showed a miracle and sent an angel down to drive a great demon back to the abyss was three hundred years ago. It is said that

  angels have no personal emotions and completely follow the oracles left by the Sun God. It's like a clockwork machine. You are just robbing the princess of the human country, in which case will they take action?" Angost spread her hands.

  "The problem is that I didn't steal the princess either." Ganon put down the tea cup.

  Angest picked up the teacup and glanced at Isabel, then at Anya, and smiled meaningfully: "Haha, maybe."

  (End of this chapter)

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