138.Chapter 138 Hatching things

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  Chapter 138: The Hatched Object
  Anya and Mo La gasped at the same time.

  The appearance of this "woman" is so curious. Her forehead is inlaid with a compound eye made up of countless small eyeballs. The lower part of her face is cracked with a bloody mouth. The corners of her mouth are split almost to the base of her ears. Her hair is wriggling. Tentacles, growths of various shapes growing on their bodies.

  What they didn't know at this time was that Ganon had seen this woman's appearance in the memory fragments stored in the Endless Tower.

  The woman immediately captured the position of Anya and Mo La, leaned down to pick up the iron sword of the soldier who had been her host from the ground, and rushed towards them quickly.

  "Damn it!" Anya's hair stood on end.

  She waved her right hand, and a dagger immediately appeared on the woman's knee, piercing it deeply along the joint.

  This caused the opponent's footsteps to stagger for a moment. At the same time, Mo La roared forward and swung the iron sword horizontally. There was only a "crack" sound, and the woman was directly struck by her brute force. Cut off at the waist.

  "Stay away, it might be poisonous!" Anya shouted.

  She had seen a lot of strange creatures in the dungeon, many of which were poisonous.

  This was the first time she had seen such a creature, but it was always wise to be careful.

  "What the hell are you raising in this castle?" Moura backed away and wiped away the blood on her sword, watching the creature that was chopped in half struggled to crawl forward for a few steps on the ground, and then stopped moving.

  Cold sweat broke out on Anya's forehead. She suddenly thought that she had met at least three such people during the day she lurked in the castle, and one of them was Archduke Dipu.

  If the weird aura on them is all because they were planted with seeds that can hatch such strange creatures...

  How many such creatures are there in this castle?
  A rustling sound came from outside. Mo La and Anya exchanged somewhat frightened looks, then walked towards the door and looked outside.

  They saw that the body of the archduke abandoned by Ganon not far away had also broken open, and then a strange creature exactly like the curious woman just now emerged from it.

  With her night vision ability, Anya also saw several such creatures running towards this side on the covered bridge leading here, holding the weapons of patrol soldiers in their hands.

  Obviously, they were all hatched from the bodies of the soldiers whose breath Anya felt.

  These creatures noticed the two of them almost immediately, and the individual hatched from Archduke Dipu ran over first.

  "Kill these monsters first!" Mora picked up the iron sword and rushed forward.

  Anya repeated her old trick and threw out a dagger.

  She has calmed down a lot now. Judging from the feeling of the fight just now, this monster looks scary, but in action, it is no different from an ordinary guard.

  However, this time, she found that she was wrong.

  Seeing the individual born from Archduke Dipu's body suddenly raise his hand, a luminous shield suddenly appeared in front of him, and with a crisp sound of impact, the dagger was blocked.

  Holy Shield! ?
  Both Mo La and Anya recognized the ability used by the other immediately and couldn't help but be surprised.

  This monster born from the body of Archduke Dipu can actually use Holy Light just like the Archduke!

  The monster pushed forward with the holy shield. At this time, Mora was already in front. In a hurry, he could only charge up the iron sword in his hand, and then swung a "God of War's Strike" that was not full power.

  She slashed the holy shield with her sword, and the concept of cutting was amplified by the skill. With a loud noise, cracks appeared in the holy shield, but it was not completely broken.

  "Fuck!" Mo La cursed. If she had gathered enough strength just now, she would definitely be able to break the holy shield and severely injure the monster.

  But at this time, the opponent had already prepared a counterattack, and she saw the holy light gathering around her, turning into a dagger made of light - a miniaturized holy sword of judgment, with scorching sky fire wrapped around it.

  Mora quickly retreated, assuming a dodge stance.

  At this time Anya threw the dagger again.

  There was a flash of silver light, and the dagger pierced the holy shield, but it was not blocked.

  In a moment that was difficult for the human eye to capture, the dagger suddenly turned into an illusory shadow, slipped through the crack in the holy shield, and passed straight through.

  The "Shadow Assault" of the master-level assassin can cause the weapon to lose its shape for a moment, pass through the gaps in the armor, and then re-form into an entity and damage the target's body.

  The cracks that Mora cut on the holy shield just created an opening for her to attack.

  The dagger penetrated the holy shield, and the woman behind made a dodge movement, but was still stabbed firmly in the shoulder by the dagger.

  "Fuck you!" Mora took the opportunity and swung her sword again, completely shattering the holy shield.

  Mora chased after the monster and started slashing at it. The opponent held the Holy Sword of Judgment to resist, but was shocked and retreated hastily.

  When it comes to average physical ability, dwarves have an advantage over humans. Their muscle structure is different from humans, and they are naturally more explosive.

  Even someone as skinny as Mora has arm strength that far exceeds that of an ordinary male human.

  "Be careful!" Anya reminded.

  When they were fighting against the monster hatched from the archduke's body, the monsters hatched from the soldiers had already rushed over to support, and they were all surrounding Moura.

  With one swipe, Mora cut off the leg of a monster that tried to swing a sword at her, but faced with the siege of many people, she still had to take a few steps back to avoid falling into the encirclement.

  The individual hatched from the Archduke took the opportunity to distance herself from her and hid behind the other monsters.

  "They were hatched from the bodies of those people and will inherit the power of their hosts!" Anya has already concluded.

  The monsters hatched from the Grand Duke can use the Holy Light Technique at the master level just like the Grand Duke.

  And those hatched from ordinary soldiers can only fight like soldiers wielding the weapons they are good at.

  "I can see it too." Mo La retreated to Anya and confronted these monsters. These individuals looked exactly the same. She still had to at least distinguish the individuals hatched from the Archduke's body. "This old pervert will only know how to do it after he dies. Cause trouble to people!!"

  At this time, Ganon, who was above the palace, also noticed the changes in the castle: From high in the sky, it could be seen that many soldiers in the castle screamed loudly and covered their chests, and then their bodies exploded and turned into Blood, and an alien woman was born from the blood foam.

  The castle, which was originally in panic due to the dragon attack, fell into further panic due to this incident.

  But he had no time to care about it now. His attention was entirely on the ruins of the palace.

  He had just finished the second round of bombardment on Baphomet, but under the rubble of the ruins, Baphomet's life reaction had not completely disappeared.

  Even if the druid can heal himself, this vitality is really difficult to explain.

  The collapsed pillar was forcibly pushed away, and a ragged Baphomet appeared from underneath. She was covered in blood and her face was bloody.

  Then, Ganon saw the flesh on her face peeling off, revealing the compound eyes on her forehead and the gaping bloody mouth - her body was exactly the same as those hatched monsters.

  "Sure enough, it's you!" At this moment Ganon was convinced that Baphomet was the mysterious enemy of the Endless Tower in the stone memory fragments.

  Baphomet did not reply, but took out a helmet from under his cloak and put it on himself.

  Artifact - Ganon could see the huge value hidden in this helmet at a glance.

  (End of chapter)

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