137. Chapter 137 Save me the trouble of looking for you

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  Chapter 137 Save Me from Looking for You

  At first, a peregrine falcon flew right above the castle and hovered for a moment.

  Even the most attentive guards did not raise any alarm about this bird, which is very common in this area.

  Then, the peregrine falcon burned without warning, and as a ball of flames erupted, a huge red dragon suddenly appeared above the castle and swooped down.

  The "Lord" blessing of the Earth Mother God allowed Ganon to temporarily transform into the animals he had eaten, and he could also use the original abilities of these animals.

  This transformation is not perfect. If you have the life perception of a high-level druid or the crisis detection of an assassin, you may be able to sense something wrong from his changed form. But under the cover of distance and darkness, not a single guard could see the clues.

  It wasn't until he swooped down and attacked an annex on the west side of the castle, destroying half of the annex, that the alarm bell rang throughout the castle.

  The restaurant of the annex instantly turned into burning ruins under Ganoun's claws. In fact, Ganoun could easily level the entire annex together, but considering the possibility of accidentally injuring Anya and Mara, he decided to do it for the time being. Gotta be a little more conservative.

  He did not feel the touch of prey from his claws, but even if Archduke Dipu was not hit directly, he must have been under the crushed rubble.

  This guy is still alive.

  Ganon, who had activated the blessing of "Lord", could sense the vital signs of Grand Duke Dipu under the rubble. When he pressed down with his paw, Grand Duke Dipu reacted in a hurry, rolled and escaped to the corner of the restaurant, and then summoned He released the holy light that he had not used for many years, and turned it into armor to protect his body, preventing him from being crushed to death by rubble.

  Ganon dug out a handful of rubble with his claws and directly pulled out Archduke Dipu who was hiding underneath.

  Duke Dipu, whose whole body was wrapped in holy armor, struggled in the claws of the dragon and shouted: "Come here, come quickly!! Kill this dragon!!" At the same time, he struggled to

  resist Gano. En released the dragon power and tried to summon the Holy Sword of Judgment beside him.

  This is already the maximum struggle he can make.

  Ganon simply bit it down, and he felt a hint of hardness the moment his teeth came into contact with the holy armor.

  But the hardness only lasted for a moment before cracks appeared, just like an ordinary person biting a nut.

  Then the hard holy armor was crushed by the even harder dragon teeth, and the noble archduke's head was easily bitten off.

  Ganon spit out the head and casually crushed the Archduke's body, which was no longer protected by the holy armor.

  A mere master-level paladin, unarmed and poorly trained, would have no chance of fighting back when faced with a sneak attack by an elderly dragon.

  After easily "assassinating" the Grand Duke, the next step is to loot the treasure house.

  Ganoen has asked Anya to find out the location of the castle's treasure house. Although he is not sure whether Grand Duke Dipu really has the heirloom of the supreme artifact, Ganoen decided to rob the treasure house first. Anyway, everyone has been killed. .

  "We don't have anything to do anymore. Let's run away while the chaos is happening." Anya, who was hiding in the lobby of the annex, said to Mo La.

  Half of the house was destroyed by the bombing, and the guards outside were lying in a mess, dead or injured. When Ganon bombed down, he swept over with his tail and eliminated all the nearby guards.

  Now they only need to run to a corner of the city wall and use the hook to escape outside the city to escape the battlefield.

  "It feels a bit unloyal to just leave like this." Mo La said and picked up a sword from the guard who was knocked down by Anya.

  "Don't be ridiculous. Does that dragon wheel need your help? Let's go!" Anya said angrily, taking the lead and going out from the hall door.

  Her intuition made her stop suddenly, and she suddenly felt danger - the dangerous aura came from a fallen guard.

  Anya had an impression of this guard. He was one of the people in the castle who made her feel the strange aura.

  The fallen guard suddenly twitched twice, and then his body suddenly exploded.

  At the same time, Ganon also turned sharply towards the body of Archduke Dipu.

  He had indeed killed Archduke Dipu just now, but now Archduke Dipu's dead body was filled with life force again.

  But his attention was quickly drawn away as he sensed a powerful life form approaching from the sky.

  "It's the blessing of life. It's interesting. The new tower owner is actually a dragon?"

  Hearing this, Ganon followed the sound and saw a woman with a pair of black wings on her back landing on the roof of the palace. Stare at him from afar.

  Looking at each other, Ganouen remembered the scene when he and Patriz met for the first time.

  This woman is also releasing the Druid's "Natural Enemy Deterrence", but in terms of power, it is far inferior to the Elf Princess.

  Ganon immediately had a rough assessment of this man's strength - just as the intelligence showed, he was a Druid in the extraordinary realm.

  However, the nature of this "natural enemy deterrence" is a little different from what Patriz released.

  In Ganon's view, the "natural enemy deterrence" released by Patriz was more natural. When he saw Patriz, he felt like he was staring into the eyes of an ancient dragon.

  The "natural enemy deterrence" released by this druid gave him a vague fear of the unknown. This kind of deterrence was not so much like seeing a natural enemy, but more like seeing an unspeakable creature that he had never seen before. .

  "Baphomet?" Ganon observed the other party carefully.

  I am afraid that when he transformed into a peregrine falcon and broke into the sky above the castle, the druid was the first to notice his existence through life perception.

  But Ganon didn't expect that this Druid would have the courage to come over to him. A Druid in the extraordinary realm basically had no chance of winning when facing him head-on.

  This druid took the initiative to appear, which saved him the time of searching in the castle. After all, the other party was also on his assassination list.

  "You take the initiative to show up, which saves me the trouble of looking for you." Baphomet actually said the same thing as what Ganon was thinking.

  Ganon opened his mouth and spat out fireballs, destroying Baphomet's foothold.

  Baphomet had already jumped off the roof of the castle, his limbs quickly transformed into the form of a beast, and he jumped to the top of a nearby tower as nimbly as a cat.

  Ganon was well prepared and released flames from his body. Using his flame shaping ability, he created an astonishing number of fireballs, which blasted towards Baphomet like a swarm of meteors.

  The power of this spell-like ability is no less than the range of elemental magic released by the extraordinary mage.

  The dome of the entire palace was instantly destroyed in the bombardment. This time, Baphomet had nowhere to hide. He was engulfed by the expanding air waves of the explosion and fell together with the rubble.

  Not dead yet - Ganon can still feel the other party's life response.

  Ganon took off and rushed towards the palace, preparing to effectively kill Baphomet.

  "Didn't you say you wanted to leave? The fight over there is almost over." In the villa, Mo La couldn't help but push Anya, who suddenly stood still.

  "Stop talking yet!" Anya stared at the fallen soldier.

  The soldier's body twitched twice, and suddenly burst into a pool of sticky blood. The blood swelled and burst open as if it were boiling, and a woman's body was born inside.

  (End of chapter)

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