111. Chapter 111 Spending money like water

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  Chapter 111 Spending money like water

  "Angst Nightblade is a legendary assassin? She is in Muxia!?" After hearing Anya's report, the one who had the biggest reaction was Isabel, who almost screamed out in surprise.

  "That's right, it's your favorite author of pornographic books. The signature on your book, at least according to my appraisal, is her original work. Since she has recently released a new work in Muxia, then it is possible that she is lurking in Muxia Very sexy." Anya glanced at Isabel with a bit of sarcasm in her tone.

  "This is not possible, we have to find her quickly!" Isbel's face became serious.

  "Do you want to hold a fan meeting?" Ganon asked. He still remembered Isbell's appreciation notes, in which she gave Angst's work the highest score.

  "How is it possible? A legendary dark elf assassin is lurking in the late summer. This kind of thing can threaten the safety of my father and mother. I have to inform them immediately!" Isber stared at Ganouen and said seriously. .

  Ganoen was stunned when he heard this: "I'm a little uncomfortable with you suddenly giving such a serious reason..."

  "What do you think of me?" Isabel glared at Ganoen angrily.

  "I don't think you need to worry about this." Anya folded her hands and looked at Isabel, "Angst is a person who takes care of herself. She can even leave her own family behind. What reason does she have to assassinate Mu Xia's royal family to give herself Causing trouble? And I remember Princess Mu Xia is also a legend, right? The Elf King and his son are both extraordinary mages. Even Angst would find it difficult to break through the layers of protection to assassinate them." "A dark elf can do it

  . Have you been lurking in Duixia for a long time?" Ganon asked.

  "Muxia is vast and sparsely populated, and population management is not strict. It's easy to live in seclusion in Muxia. Moreover, Angst is proficient in the art of disguise and possesses some disguised magic weapons. Let alone lurking in Muxia, she is just letting people It's easy for her to play a specific elf." Anya explained.

  "It's not easy for someone like this to find her." Ganon quickly realized that this information might not be of much use for the time being.

  And if you find it, you may not be able to get the artifact from her. A legendary strongman who holds the supreme artifact of his profession may even be able to kill the ancient dragon.

  Even if he wanted to trade with the other party, Ganouen could not think of any bargaining chips for the time being. It was unlikely that such a person would have trouble with ordinary resources such as money.

  "But for such an important matter, I still need to explain it to my mother." After Isabel said that, she left the study and went back to her room to write a letter.

  Ganon decided to leave the matter to Mu Xia for the time being to investigate, and he should still prioritize the issue of the Xihe Principality.

  "Is there anything else worth caring about?" Ganon asked.

  Anya thought for a while and continued to report: "The Grand Duke of Xihe seems to be getting married."

  "Getting married? Doesn't he have a son?" Ganouen asked.

  "His wife passed away several years ago. He proposed marriage to Beishan Kingdom and wanted to marry the daughter of the King of Beishan." Anya explained.

  "Dwarf?" Not only Ganon, but also Zhenna's eyes widened in surprise.

  It is not impossible for humans and dwarves to get married, but it is very rare.

  Not only the physical appearance, but also the aesthetic differences between humans and dwarves are quite different, not to mention the differences in life span and concepts.

  "Yes, she is the youngest daughter of the Dwarf King of Beishan. The Principality of Xihe is working hard to deepen its ties with Beishan State. This is a political marriage. The Principality of Xihe transferred a mine to Beishan State and signed a long-term agreement with Beishan State. Weapons procurement contract," Anya said.

  At this time Zhenna raised a question: "Then there is no need to marry. The imperial sister is so close to the Beishan Kingdom, and the Xihe Principality borders the Beishan Kingdom. They have enough reasons to deepen their relationship, and it is difficult for me to imagine that. The Grand Duke of Xihe will accept marrying a dwarf." Both

  the Grand Duke of Xihe and his son are famous for being good at women, especially the Grand Duke himself, who also has that despised habit, which can be said to be notorious in the aristocratic circle.

  "Yes, Grand Duke Xihe is not only lustful but also a pedophile." Anya immediately understood what Zhenna meant. Naturally, she had already mastered this kind of information. "We found out an interesting thing about this. It is said that the people of Beishan Kingdom The little princess's appearance is also a bit special."

  "Why is it so special?" Ganon asked.

  "Dwarves, both men and women, are generally strong and strong, and their society also values ​​strength as beauty. However, there are a few dwarves who are born thin, and due to height restrictions, they look like human children..." Anya paused as she spoke. After a pause, "The youngest daughter of the King of Beishan is said to be like this."

  "I understand." Ganouen showed an expression of sudden realization.

  "It's too pitiful for this dwarf princess to marry such an old pervert." Zhenna frowned.

  "Originally, the wedding date was scheduled for one month later, but it seems to have been delayed recently. The reason is still unclear." Anya said.

  "We don't know yet what impact this will have on us. Let's look for opportunities to assassinate the Grand Duke first, then investigate and report later." Ganon waved his hand.

  "I understand." After Anya finished speaking, she did not leave. Instead, she thought for a while and said to Ganouen, "Ganoen, there is something I think it is necessary to mention to you..." "Speak directly if you have anything to say

  . Ganon replied.

  "You seem to have never allocated funds to us." Anya asked seriously.

  "Funding? Do you still want salary?" Ganon raised his eyebrows.

  "I didn't expect this!" Anya rolled her eyes, "I mean, the cost of gathering intelligence!" "

  I paid living expenses and travel expenses for the people I sent out." Ganouen said.

  "Those are just the most basic needs for survival. To carry out investigation activities, there must be additional expenses. Bribery and relationship management all cost money. I usually send people to Shaman City regularly to contact familiar intelligence dealers. , buying information from intelligence dealers also requires money." Anya explained.

  "How much funding do you need?" Ganon frowned slightly, he had a hunch that the expense would not be small.

  Anya did some calculations: "I think one hundred gold coins a month is still necessary."

  "Is it so expensive?" Ganouen felt the pain in his heart, "You didn't raise the price, did you?"

  It can't be said that he is greedy for money and maintains one. The cost of elite intelligence troops and intelligence networks is indeed quite high, and ordinary small landowners cannot afford it.

  "With the contract, I can't get money from you!" Anya replied angrily, "Is this okay? All the properties I brought before are in your hands." "Those are my assets

  . ." Ganon looked at Anya seriously.

  "I don't expect to come back with you, don't stress it to me!" Anya glared at Ganouen and silently cursed him as a robber in her heart.

  "The main thing is that money cannot just decrease without increasing. At this rate, most of the money earned every month will have to be spent on you. If the harvest is not so good, we will have to pay back." Ganouen began to settle accounts again.

  "This expense is not going into our pockets, nor is it used for your needs." Anya retorted.

  "Pastures and farms can be expanded, and the woods to the west can be turned into forest farms. Manpower is not a problem, but the demand for purchases there in late summer is only so much, and people basically don't buy meat and wood. "Zhenna said that she occasionally helped Ganon with matters in the territory, and she was quite familiar with the situation in the territory.

  There are still a lot of resources in the territory, and using the golems summoned by the Endless Tower to produce them will definitely not be a problem.

  The problem lies in the sales of the products. They can currently only trade with Muxia, but the several settlements on the west side of Muxia do not have such a large demand gap in agricultural resources, and they cannot conduct large-scale transactions with the empire.

  At this time, Anya suddenly suggested: "You can transport things to the northwest to sell. There are many city-states on the edge of the desert there. The food production in those areas is not high, and they basically need traveling merchants to send them from the villages of the empire. On the way Thieves are rampant, so the price of food has always been high. Doing business there will definitely be profitable." "The

  settlements there are very scattered, and they tend to move or become deserted at every turn, which is very unstable." Ganouen said.

  In the past, after Helganon settled in the Endless Tower, in addition to some small countries farther west, he mainly plundered some small towns and villages in the northwest grasslands and deserts, as well as passing caravans.

  These places basically don't have much money, but compared to Mu Xia and the Empire, at least they don't have as many worries when grabbing them.

  However, the settlements formed in this wild land are often very unstable. They often migrate after a few years, or even be directly destroyed. There are many reasons, one of which is the giant dragon operating on the edge of the civilized world.

  "There are also some protected and stable towns, such as Shaman City, which is the largest commercial city-state on the edge of the desert. I suggest you go there and contact a stable buyer. Although the transportation route can also be left to them, the price is You will be severely pressed, I recommend you to transport it yourself, no one can rob you anyway." Anya suggested.

  "Sounds good." Ganon nodded, "I remember you said earlier that you were going to Shaman City to collect information?" "

  Yes, there is a mixture of good and bad people there, and it is also a center of information. People from the Night Blade Family's Labyrinth, and Other intelligence agents trained by the Nitrilan family are also active there. Now that we don't have the support of 'Maze', it's best to get packaged news from reliable intelligence providers on a regular basis, just like subscribing to books and periodicals." Anya explained.

  "That's just right. The task of investigating the purchaser is also handed over to you." Ganon did not hesitate to assign this additional task to the dark elf team.

  "Then you should allocate funds." Anya sighed.

  "I will ask the butler to give you the money tomorrow. I look forward to your results." Ganon ordered.

  "I know, then I'll go down and rest first." Anya waved her hand.

  "Do you have nothing else to deal with later?" Ganon asked.

  "Is there anything else?" Anya frowned slightly.

  "Please stay with us for a while." Ganon smiled, "I want to try a new game."

  Anya's expression changed instantly.

  (End of chapter)

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