110. Chapter 110 Meaningless Dispute

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  Chapter 110: Pointless Dispute:
  Endless Tower, Study Room.

  "So your request is for me to modify your contract so that you can have a good duel?" Ganon raised his face and looked back and forth across the desk at Yi, who was sitting on the left and right, still glaring at each other. Sibei Er and Anya, "Why do you think I would agree to such a mindless request?"

  "It's all because she goes too far!" ""

  Isabel and Anya pointed at each other and said in unison.

  After returning from a trip to purchase things, Ganon was greeted by elves and dark elves who were noisy.

  The quarrel between Isabel and Anya escalated to the point of a fight not long ago, but due to the "prisoner contract" stipulation that "the interests of the tower owner cannot be harmed", and the fact that they signed the contract, they themselves were recognized as tower owners. The owner's assets, so whenever their conflict escalates to the point of causing harm to each other, their actions will be forcibly restricted by the power of the contract.

  Therefore, their fighting basically only ended with pushing and pulling clothes. When Ganouen came back and saw that they were all disheveled, he even had other associations for a moment.

  "This white-skinned elf is deliberately causing trouble. I asked her to have a good talk, but she actually deliberately tricked me into watching that kind of cult!" Anya pointed at Isbell and accused.

  When she thought of the contents of those cults, she couldn't help but blush.

  "This black-skinned dark elf is playing tricks on me, pretending to be a friend and approaching me, and then insulting my interests!" Isabel was also very angry.

  Ganouen didn't answer their questions and turned to look at Zhenna who was standing next to her. He didn't say anything, but just cast a questioning look.

  Zhenna understood what he meant: Why didn't you stop such a boring quarrel?

  Before he left, he handed over the authority of [Watcher] to Zhenna and asked her to temporarily monitor the situation of the Endless Tower.

  If this quarrel could have been stopped when it first started, at least these two guys wouldn't have gotten into this kind of quarrel.

  Zhenna looked away helplessly: "I'd like to, but they kept fighting over those books, and Isabel turned the books over. I didn't even dare to look at the surveillance footage. Two eyes."

  For serious people like Zhenna in this world, those books written by Isbell have reached the level of cult that can cause spiritual pollution.

  Ganouen can understand a little bit. A dispute surrounding Xiao Huangben is not a trouble that is suitable to intervene in.

  Forget it, we can't fight anyway, and it would be troublesome to manage.

  "I bought some books while I was out this time. I also picked some that you are interested in. You can take a look." Ganouen simply changed the subject and opened the cloth bag containing the books on the desk.

  "Buy so much?" Zhenna was a little surprised.

  "You've become more generous." Isabel also commented.

  "After all, my income has been pretty good lately," Ganon replied.

  Recently, he swallowed up the property that Anya transferred from the Night Blade family, and the ranches and farms he ran began to make profits.

  Under the influence of the Temple of the Earth Mother Goddess, the yields of fields and pastures were high enough to be exported to villages on the border of Late Summer.

  With the blessing of the Earth Mother Goddess, the crops harvested in the farmland were of high quality and very popular in late summer. Ganon simply asked Cohen and the others to negotiate the purchase price of agricultural products with those cities.

  With long-term stable income, Ganouen doesn't feel as heartbroken as before when spending money.

  "Historical readings, traditional literary novels, and popular journals from the empire." Ganon handed one of the stacks to Zhenna, "You might be interested." "Thank you."

  Zhenna said with a heartfelt smile. The books themselves Secondly, just the fact that Ganouen took the time to choose something she might like made her happy.

  "I can't find books on the subject that you are interested in in the empire..." Ganon looked at Isabel again.

  "Don't make it sound like I only watch that kind of thing. Don't you have a too stereotyped impression of me?" Isabel muttered with some dissatisfaction.

  "But I have collected some relatively famous erotic novels and picture albums. I think you might want to change your taste occasionally." Ganouen pulled out a stack of books and handed them over.

  When Isabel saw the book "The Romance of the Empire" on the top, her eyes suddenly lit up: "This is great! I love you to death!"

  Is this also a part of training? Anya watched carefully from the sidelines.

  Speaking of which, Isabel was also influenced by that kind of work.

  Wait, is this red dragon planning to use similar means to corrupt me?

  When she thought of the works she had seen from Isabel before, Anya couldn't help but a warning bell rang in her heart.

  The pictures and fragments of those works are now deeply imprinted in Anya's mind. Every time she thinks about them, Anya feels a little ashamed. But the more she doesn't let herself think about them, the more frequently those memories appear.

  She even had a vague curiosity and wanted to know what the complete content was.

  No, Anya, just seeing it a few times can have such an influence. If you see it a few more times, the damage to your thinking will be immeasurable!
  However, how should she respond if the red dragon forces her to watch it? Anya anxiously thought about countermeasures in her heart.

  At this time, Ganouen turned around and called her: "Anya..."

  "I don't want to see it!!" Anya, who was already nervous, reacted immediately and made a gesture of rejection towards Ganouen.

  "I just asked you to report on the progress of the investigation." Ganon looked up and down at the dark elf in front of him. Anya reacted so intensely that it seemed a bit abnormal.

  Why did she think she would buy her a book? And normally the reaction doesn’t have to be this big.

  "Oh, oh..." Anya's expression became a little embarrassed.

  "If you want to see it, you can actually just say it." Isabel said from the side.

  "Go to hell!" Anya glared at her directly.

  "Report on the progress." Ganon tapped his fingers on the table and emphasized. He didn't want to continue to waste time with this meaningless dispute.

  "Okay..." Anya turned back and began to explain the information she had recently compiled.

  "Over the Principality of Xihe, Grand Duke Dipu has been openly recruiting dragon-slaying teams, but after learning from the last lesson, he is no longer so reckless. This time, he asked for cooperation from the empire while purchasing dragon-slaying weapons from Beishan Kingdom. , preparing to form an elite dragon-slaying group of a thousand people." Anya explained.

  "Sounds a bit troublesome." Ganon frowned.

  "But the current progress is only about 60%. First of all, the empire seems to be busy with other projects and has not responded to Archduke Dipu's needs. And Beishan Kingdom cannot provide so many dragon-slaying weapons at once. After all, basically all the dragon-slaying weapons are available. Dragon equipment all uses extremely rare legendary metals.

  Even if Beishan Kingdom spends all this year's mithril production on it, they may not be able to produce it by the end of the year, not to mention that they still have the empire's list to deal with. The most important thing is, It will be difficult for Grand Duke Dipu to recruit the leader of the Dragon Slaying Group. To deal with you, the team must at least be led by a strong person in the extraordinary realm." Anya said.

  "Is there no Xihe Principality?" Ganon asked casually.

  "Their only extraordinary strong man was crushed to pieces by you in Twilight Autumn City." Anya explained, "There are not that many extraordinary strong men. There are only six in the empire. Of course, for Archduke Dipu, the most ideal one is Naturally, they can invite powerful legendary men. But now, the legend of the empire has been treated as a prince, and the legend of Beishan Kingdom is their king. They cannot be invited by Archduke Dipu." "That can't be allowed to happen

  . No matter what, if he finds an opportunity to get things done at once, it will still be quite troublesome. When can we get rid of him?" Ganouen said.

  Compared with facing a thousand-man dragon hunting group, it was obviously easier to kill Archduke Dipu one step ahead.

  "We are working hard to confirm the feasibility of the assassination. This will take some time, so please don't worry. In addition, we have found an unexpected harvest." Anya paused as she spoke, "The Grand Duke of Xihe has a family heirloom, which may be an artifact. .”

  In addition to asking them to inquire about the intelligence of the Principality of Xihe, Ganon also ordered them to inquire about the whereabouts of the supreme artifact.

  "Really?" Ganouen fell into thinking.

  If you are in the extraordinary realm, you should be able to freely control the secondary artifacts of your profession, and you should also be able to bear a certain cost to use the artifacts. The son of Grand Duke Xihe did not go to the battlefield without bringing the artifact with him.

  However, if it is a high-level artifact that requires a price, it would make sense not to carry it.

  At that time, the imperial coalition's response to the situation in Mu Xia was almost one-sided, and the Principality of Xihe was responsible for the fringe fronts with relatively low risks. If the commander brought an artifact, he would not have a chance to use it, and it would increase the risk of being targeted.

  If he hadn't suddenly entered the battlefield at that time, Delos, the son of the Grand Duke, wouldn't even have to fight.

  "It's just a possibility. The details need to be further investigated." Anya replied calmly, and then continued to report, "In addition to this, there is also an artifact related to the Night Blade family." "You said that Dolan Siloni took it

  away That one? I've already heard you talk about this." Ganon asked.

  "No, there are actually two high-level artifacts enshrined by the Night Blade family. One is the invisible cloak, and the other is the 'disintegration blade' that was taken from other families in the past. That thing was separated by an unauthorized person sixteen years ago. The family members took him away," Anya said.

  "Why didn't you tell me this information before?" Ganon frowned slightly.

  "Please listen to me. I didn't know where that person might have gone before, and your order is for us to investigate the whereabouts of the artifact. Of course I have nothing to report about the artifact whose whereabouts are completely unknown." Anya explained calmly. .

  "It means you now know where that tribesman has fled to?" Ganon asked.

  "I just have a guess. The person who took away the artifact was the legendary strongman of our family, the most powerful assassin Angest Nightblade. When the Dragon Ascension Nest targeted the Nightblade family sixteen years ago, she took it with her The Disintegrating Blade escaped from the family, and currently, she may be lurking until late summer." Anya said seriously.

  (End of chapter)

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