107. Chapter 107 Show you my baby

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  Chapter 107 Let me show you my baby
  "So that's it, I understand what you mean." Isbel's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees towards Anya, showing a friendly smile, "Although there are prejudices between our races, some concepts can indeed transcend races. Let's have a good talk."

  Meeting a similar person for the first time in this world, Isabel gave up the idea of ​​​​race without much hesitation. Estrangement, in the final analysis, her interest also stems from the cultural influence of dark elves.

  Facing Isbel's sudden friendliness, Anya's nerves not only did not relax, but became even more tense.

  What's going on? This elf's attitude changed too quickly.

  At this moment, Anya vaguely felt something was wrong.

  For some reason, Angost's secretive smiling face came to her mind again.

  But as the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. She came here just to get information. If the other person showed an intention to talk, she would certainly not be able to refuse.

  "Can you understand me? Your situation and mine should be somewhat different." She cautiously confirmed with the other party.

  What Anya wants to pursue is not to be affected by Ganouen's methods and to be able to survive the contract period safely. Of course, it would be better if she could be freed in advance.

  And Isbell has obviously completely accepted Ganon's influence, and it can even be said that she has been distorted to a certain extent. To say that she would understand this is a bit unbelievable.

  After hearing this, Isabel had another understanding.

  Her situation is indeed different from Anya's. Since the dark elves can create that kind of work, it shows that in their culture, this hobby is accepted by the mainstream.

  As a dark elf, Anya has this interest, which is normal in their society.

  But in the society of elves, this kind of thing never comes to the fore. It is incredible that an elf like her would have such an interest in her own social environment.

  It's natural that Anya would be suspicious of this.

  "I also know that I am a little hopeless, but that's it, that's it. I also went through a little mental journey before I accepted myself as I am now." Isabel said with a sincere face. Anya stretched out her hand, "And you belong to the normal side. I can understand this. Don't worry, I really respect your pursuit." Anya looked at Isbell's expression and didn't see it

  . Any sign of lying.

  Although this elf has fallen for himself, he seems to have the corresponding consciousness, and is also willing to respect those who still pursue freedom.

  Anya had a slight change of attitude toward Isbel. No matter what, the other party was willing to help, and she should show corresponding respect.

  "I have never said thank you to an elf. But since you are willing to talk to me this time, I still have to say, thank you, Isabel." Anya solemnly stretched out her hand to shake Isabel's hand.

  This is a historic moment. The former heir of the Night Blade family and Her Royal Highness the Princess of Mu Xia transcended feuds and races and achieved mutual "understanding".

  "You're welcome. Whatever you want to talk about, just say it." The atmosphere between the two became more harmonious, and Isbel's tone became more casual.

  Anya thought for a moment and lowered her voice: "Then, can I ask a little more straightforwardly?"

  "No problem." Isbel wanted this very much and looked forward to communicating with her friends.

  "I want to know, what has Ganon done to you?" Anya's eyes wandered a little, "It's that kind of thing... you should know what I mean." "

  Sexy things, right?" Isabel's eyes widened. Confirm lightly.

  This dark elf is indeed what she thought!
  "Ah, um..." Anya was a little overwhelmed by the other party's straightforward statement, and could only respond vaguely.

  The question she is most concerned about is what kind of things Ganon did to Isbel, and what method was used to destroy the independent personality of the elf princess and turn her into a woman who was willing to be dominated by the red dragon. slave.

  You must know that Ganon's training methods for Isabel are very likely to fall on her. Those corrupt methods and evil purposes will target her sooner or later. There is no reason for the red dragon not to try. Do it!

  "Hehehe..." Isabel smiled evilly at Anya.

  "You, you should hurry up and say it." Anya couldn't resist it. It was inevitable that Isbel would whet her appetite like this, which inevitably made her start to have random thoughts.

  ... Various strange images began to linger in her mind.

  "Are you already imagining it?" Isabel asked, staring into Anya's eyes.

  Anya wanted to deny it, but she couldn't.

  "None of the above happened." Isbell suddenly spread her hands, "If you insist on saying it, he has not taken any substantive action against me." Anya was startled when she heard this: "Don't be


  " It's true. It's to take care of the feelings of the person downstairs. Zhenna is a very conservative person. She must wait until the wedding date-" Just as

  Isbel was halfway through speaking, Anya raised her voice: "Wedding date? "

  Why are you so excited?" Isabel was startled by her.

  "No, Ganouen, I want to follow her..." Anya pointed to the bottom floor in disbelief.

  Marriage, ceremony - this kind of existence is completely incompatible with a giant dragon.

  If she wanted to have a symbolic wedding ceremony with Isabel, Anya would understand. This should be considered to meet the political needs of the Muxia royal family.

  But Zhenna no longer has any background and is a slave who has been trained to death. Why is there any need to agree to marry her? Giving slaves a token status as spouse?

  "Yes, it seems that it is tentatively scheduled for Zhenna's next birthday, which is still a few months away."

  Isabel said and sighed,

  "I'm not that particular. I really want to live a life without shame as soon as possible, but Zhenna stares at me all day long, and Ganouen also said that he doesn't want to cause unnecessary conflicts. But after they are done, , of course it will be me, hehe, when the time comes..."

  Isbell fell into delusion as she spoke, while Anya frowned tightly as she listened.

  What's going on with this red dragon?

  No, analyze it calmly, Anya, I'm afraid this is all Ganon's method.

  Ganon's training methods for Zhenna and Isabel were different. For Zhenna, he used an emotional deception, but for Isabel, he used a complete conceptual corruption.

  Since it is an emotional scam, the promise of marriage is naturally necessary. Nothing can bind a woman who is carried away by emotions more than this.

  The training level of this red dragon is extraordinary.

  Anya felt that she didn't have to worry too much about this method. Anyway, she wouldn't have feelings for the red dragon at all, absolutely!

  But there is a new problem here.

  If Ganon had not directly used physical training methods on Isabel, then why did Isabel fall to this point? It is impossible to achieve this effect just by relying on words.

  Could it be some kind of magic that can affect the spiritual level, or a magic-like ability...

  Remember that a dragon that has grown to an extremely old stage can finely manipulate the power of the dragon when looking at the opponent, injecting coercion into it. It can achieve a temporary mental control effect on a single target, just like hypnosis.

  "Isbel, can you tell me what happened to you to become like this?" Anya asked directly.

  If the other party has experienced mental manipulation, you should be able to tell some clues from his answers.

  "I was also influenced by those works." Isabel asked matter-of-factly.

  "Work?" Anya quickly recalled.

  Speaking of which, the spies sent to Muxia seemed to have found out from the palace that "the red dragon showed something to the princess."

  Could it be some kind of magic weapon that can affect the mind?
  "Do you want to take a look together?" Isabel took the opportunity to invite Anya.

  She couldn't wait to share her collection with the people she met for the first time.

  "Is that thing here with you?" Anya asked cautiously.

  "Well, let me show you my baby." Isabel smiled and waved to Anya, "Come with me!"

  Anya hesitated a little. She was worried that if what affected Isabel was some kind of magic weapon, If she contacts him casually, she might get tricked.

  But if she didn't confirm it now, if Ganon would attack her in the future, she would have no way to defend herself.

  After careful consideration, she still chose to follow Isabel.

  The assassin's detection ability can sense crises in advance, including the offensive awareness of other creatures, and magic weapons with flowing magic. With the quality she has cultivated, she should not be able to fall into a trap of this level.

  She just needed to determine what it was that made Isbell fall.

  Anya followed Isabel to her room, and Isabel began to rummage excitedly in the cracks of the cabinet. She pulled out a book and handed it to Anya: "Here, you can take a look at this first. I guess you You'll definitely like it!"

  "Don't make such a joke with me..." Anya looked embarrassed.

  Isbell handed her this book. The cover was obviously a druidic scripture. To the dark elves, the druidism that the wood elves believed in was an out-and-out heresy.

  "No, this cover is just a disguise, there is other content inside." Isabel said excitedly.

  Using the religious scriptures he believed in as a cover, this elf has completely degenerated...

  Anya looked at the book, but she didn't sense any breath, nor did she observe any clues.

  "Just an ordinary book?" she muttered.

  When Isabel heard this, she understood another meaning. In her ears, Anya seemed to be saying: "Don't bring out the ordinary stuff. I won't watch anything that's not exciting enough.

  " The antagonism suddenly came up: "Don't underestimate my collection, I will show you the most exciting ones directly!"

  She turned the book to the page with the most exciting pictures. She used all these works. She doesn't know how many times she has done it, but she is very familiar with it.

  Anya didn't expect that she would open it suddenly, and she didn't sense any dangerous aura, so she didn't take special precautions.

  As a result, the shocking image of the giant dragon and the female elf was instantly imprinted in her mind.

  "Eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" Anya screamed and subconsciously covered her eyes.

  (End of chapter)

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