106. Chapter 106 Friends

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  Chapter 106 Friendship
  Three days later, Anya finally found an opportunity to contact the two princesses alone.

  As she expected, after spending some time with the dark elves in peace, Ganon began activities outside the territory.

  On this day, he temporarily left the territory, leaving Zhenna and Isabel to stay at the tower.

  After hearing the witness information about Ganon leaving the territory from her subordinates, Anya thought over and over again and decided to contact Zhenna first.

  She actually didn't like those two princesses.

  Dark elves basically don't have much affection for other humanoid races, and they have a natural dislike for elves.

  In the past, she looked down on the two princesses who had become slaves of the red dragon, and even had a sense of superiority towards them.

  But now, she has become the slave of the red dragon, and this sense of superiority is gone.

  On the contrary, as a few days passed, she began to feel a little jealous of the treatment of the two princesses.

  In the Endless Tower, these two princesses were treated much better than she was.

  In addition to having their own living space, they can also have meals with Ganouen and can move freely in the territory on weekdays. Anya guessed that they should also be able to leave the territory on their own.

  Anyway, it was all obtained with my body, there is nothing to envy - the jealous Anya could only comfort herself in this way.

  If possible, she really didn't want to have too much communication with these two people.

  But now to understand Ganon, starting with them is the best way to balance safety and efficiency.

  They were the finished product of Ganon's training. By understanding the methods Ganon used on them from them, she would be able to take precautions in the future.

  After much thought, Anya first targeted Zhenna.

  Compared to the elf princess, he was naturally more willing to contact Zhenna.

  In addition to the racial discrimination against the white-skinned elf, Isabel also left a very bad personal impression on her after several contacts.

  Isabel seemed to be deeply affected by Ganouen's training and became a little abnormal. Last time, she tried to break into the living room for no apparent reason, and the conversations she had with her were completely inaccurate.

  Moreover, Anya had an indescribable intuition, which told her that there was some kind of risk in contacting Isabel.

  All in all, she still wanted to stay as far away from Isabel as possible unless necessary.

  After making up her mind, Anya walked up the stairs to the fifth floor of the Endless Tower - where Zhenna lived - after handling the daily task assignments and intelligence compilation.

  Walking into the temple hall from the stairwell, she saw the temple dedicated to the Sun God, the magnificent murals, and the suspended divine seal.

  Similar to the structure of the temple of the God of Destruction on the seventh floor, the other floors seem to be dedicated to different gods. The more she investigated, the more Anya felt that this tower was beyond her knowledge.

  She originally thought that this tower was just a miracle related to the Sun God, but then she discovered that the temple dedicated to the Mother Goddess on the sixth floor where Isabel lived was also operating, and the surrounding pastures and farmland were affected by the power of the temple. , the yield has become very amazing, and some crops can even be planted in the fields out of season.

  Sometimes she couldn't help but think, if she had arranged it more carefully, would she have had a chance to truly seize control of the tower from Ganouen?
  Forget it, there's no point thinking about it now.

  She thought as she tried to walk through the temple to the hallway that led to the living area.

  She paused as soon as she approached the entrance of the corridor, then she took two steps back and shouted over there: "Don't be so guarded, I just want to chat with you."

  Two seconds later, Zhenna held the sword with an expressionless face. He stepped out of the shadows beside the hallway entrance.

  When approaching the corridor, Anya sensed the presence of the ambusher with her breath detection ability.

  She has received strict assassin training and is a master-level assassin. Even if she is unconscious, she has always acted quietly.

  She realized that Zhenna could detect her approach in advance, most likely because she had the [Watcher] authority.

  When Ganon left, he probably entrusted her with part of his authority to guard the tower.

  Ganoen seemed to have a certain amount of trust in him.

  "What are you doing here?" Zhenna looked at Anya warily, "You have to understand your position now, any unethical actions will only harm you." "

  I signed a contract with Ganouen, and I want to do something unethical. We can't do it either. The term of the contract is fifty years, and we will be with you for a long time in the future, so it is necessary to get to know each other." Anya tried to lighten the atmosphere.

  But Zhenna was unmoved, and gave the eviction order without expression: "You want to find out about Ganouen from me. I have nothing to say to the person who wants to harm him, go down!" Zhenna could feel it to some extent

  . Anya's intention was that she hadn't learned much about speaking skills and information science.

  The safest way is to try not to have too much communication with this dark elf.

  This woman has really put herself in the same position as the red dragon. Anya thought.

  It's no wonder that Red Dragon is willing to give her authority. It seems that the rumors circulating in the empire that she assisted Red Dragon in killing the imperial knights are probably true.

  "Don't worry, I will no longer overestimate my ability to go against Ganouen. I just want to protect myself under him, but I don't understand him at all, and I'm really uneasy." Anya said in a calm tone said.

  "As long as you don't use your brain, nothing will happen to you. I can guarantee that. There's only so much I can say." Zhenna said seriously.

  Anya didn't listen at all. From her perspective, Zhenna's words had no reference at all.

  In Anya's eyes, Zhenna has been brainwashed to the point where she has lost her original stance and concepts and has become loyal to Ganon.

  Of course she wouldn't think it was "something wrong" if Anya was brainwashed into being like her.

  "Let's talk a little more. We will work for Ganouen together in the future..." Anya smiled and tried to get closer.

  But when Zhenna heard this, she frowned, and then corrected her: "You are working for him, I am just doing his favor." Has she been so washed up that she thinks what she did was a spontaneous act

  ? Anya was a little surprised.

  Being able to brainwash people to such a point of spontaneous allegiance requires very high training skills. Even a maze instructor level trainer may not be able to guarantee this effect.

  Where did that red dragon learn its skills?

  "What kind of relationship do you have with Ganouen? I think he treats you pretty well?" Anya asked pretending to be casual.

  She was actually certain of this answer. What she really wanted to know was what Zhenna thought was her relationship with Ganouen.

  "This..." Zhenna was caught off guard by this question. She looked away for a moment, and then said seriously, "This has nothing to do with you."

  This woman actually had a serious love affair with the red dragon. Love?

  An Yaguang, who has received spy training and is good at observing people's emotions, can read the other party's thoughts from the changes in Zhenna's eyes.

  It turned out to be a relationship scam! ?
  Anya found that Red Dragon's training level was beyond her imagination.

  "I have nothing to say to you. Stop prying and don't force me to drive you downstairs." This time Zhenna stepped forward a little forcefully and pointed in the direction of the stairs.

  "Okay, okay, if you don't like it, just leave. I'll see you later. Let's talk someday when you're interested." That's it. Continuing to pester her would only have the opposite effect. Anya chose to retreat temporarily. .

  She left the temple and came to the stairwell under Zhenna's gaze.

  The conversation with Zhenna was not completely fruitless, but the information available was still too little.

  From this fallen paladin, Anya could only sense Red Dragon's superb level of training and brainwashing, but she still knew nothing about the specific methods and steps.

  Zhenna's vigilant attitude will make it difficult to open a breakthrough for a while, and it will take some time.

  So... do you want to get in touch with that white-skinned elf?

  Anya had to consider this option that she had never wanted to consider.

  Although she felt a hundred reluctances in her heart, she realized that some things still had to be done. In order to collect intelligence, sometimes she had to endure a little effort.

  Before understanding Ganouen's training methods, it is still risky to take the initiative to contact Ganouen head-on.

  Soon, Anya made a calm judgment and went up to the sixth floor.

  As soon as she entered the temple of the Earth Mother, she couldn't help but feel disgust in her heart. The education she received since childhood made her very resistant to the beliefs and culture of elves.

  But she controlled her expression, because she saw Isabel standing in the temple, looking at her with half doubt and half wariness: "What are you doing here, you black-skinned guy?" This is not friendly

  . "Greetings" made Anya immediately have the urge to retaliate, but she still controlled her emotions, looked at Isabel in a neither humble nor condescending manner and said: "To be honest, I don't have a good impression of

  elves, but after all, we will get along with each other for a long time in the future. I don't want to get too tense with you for a long time, so I want to have a good chat with you when I have some free time today." "

  How long?" Isbell frowned, "I agree to put aside my prejudices temporarily. We get along relatively well, but you suddenly want to talk to me, and I don't know what to talk to you about."

  What topics can an elf and a dark elf have in common?
  "Yes, for example, regarding Ganouen, don't we have something in common in this regard?" Anya simply got into the topic directly.

  According to her observations in the past few days, Isabel's state after being trained was obviously different from Zhenna's. Isabel naturally believed that she was subordinate to Ganouen, and seemed to be happy with it.

  Based on the insights Anya learned in the "Maze", she has basically lost her independent personality after being trained to this point. This made Anya feel a little pity for Isbel.

  What they have in common? Isabel thought about Anya's words.

  As for what he and Anya have in common with Ganon, it is that they both signed a slave contract with Ganon and are both Ganon's slaves. Anya wanted to talk to her about this - she was actually interested in it. .

  Could it be that...

  Isbel looked at Anya blankly.

  This dark elf is really...a kindred spirit with her! ?

  (End of chapter)

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