Chapter 550: Evil Mirror Hell

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  Chapter 550: Evil Mirror Hell
  "Store Manager!!"

  Everyone in the restaurant was dumbfounded.

  Manager Xie was thrown out like garbage by Pei Chuan, and now his life or death is uncertain.

  What’s even more shocking is how could this thin-looking college student have such terrifying power?

  "Pei Chuan, smashing public property and intentionally hurting others, these two are enough to put you in jail. Have you thought about the consequences of your behavior today?" Mr. Zhang, the head chef, pointed at Pei Chuan's nose.

  "Pei Chuan, don't ruin your future because of your anger. If you have any grievances in the restaurant, you can tell me and everyone will help you." A slender, innocent-looking waitress said.

  The girl's name is Lily and she is a capable waiter.

  She was also the girl who took care of Pei Chuan in the restaurant.

  At the same time, Pei Chuan was grateful to her and developed feelings for her.

  But he knew that he didn't have the conditions to like a girl at the moment, let alone give this girl any future, so he suppressed this feeling in his heart all the time.

  "Don't... don't hurt her." Pei Chuan's anxious voice sounded in Li Ran's mind.

  Li Ran glanced at the girl named Lily. She was so pitiful that I felt pity for her. No wonder she could control Pei Chuan.

  This girl is like a warm lamp in the cold dark night. She has a warm light, but is very heart-warming at certain times. It is also the motivation for Pei Chuan to persevere in the past month.

  Li Ran glanced at the others: "What about the others?"

  "As long as it doesn't hurt her," Pei Chuan said.

  A smile appeared on Li Ran's lips, and he looked at the others playfully.

  "Then I'm not welcome!"

  He strode towards the chef, Mr. Zhang.

  "You...what are you going to do!" Mr. Zhang was suddenly startled and pushed the chefs behind him forward.

  The previous scene of Manager Xie being thrown out of the window like garbage left a huge shadow in the hearts of several people.

  How can people have so much power?
  "Hurry... stop him quickly." Mr. Zhang saw Pei Chuan walking straight towards him and shouted hurriedly: "Dazhuang, haven't you been promoted to foreman? Some opportunities are fleeting. It depends on you whether you can seize it or not. Yes."

  Da Zhuang understood immediately upon hearing this.

  He has been applying for the position of foreman, but has never been approved. The head chef always said to wait and wait, and this wait lasted another three years.

  His age is there, and he has a few three years to spend.

  The college students in front of me didn't know which muscle was broken, and they suddenly rebelled in the restaurant.

  The moment he threw Store Manager Xie out just now, he was really shocked.

  But then I thought about it, this college student with thin arms and legs, how could he have so much strength? Did the store manager Xie stumble out of the window because he couldn't stand firmly?
  Thinking of this, Da Zhuang motioned to the other chefs around him: "Come together and take down this guy. I'll treat everyone to skewers tonight." It can be said that

  under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. A barbecue can make three strong men Han forgot his previous panic.

  Da Zhuang brought three big and three thick cooks, and Pei Chuan's thin body was as weak as a chicken in front of them.

  "The power of the evil force is constantly weakening. It seems that it can only stay for a short time after it comes out of Pei Chuan's body. We must use this short time to gain a firm foothold for Pei Chuan." Li Ran thought in his mind.

  "The boy is not frightened, right?" the waiter said.

  At this time, the waiters and chefs in the restaurant all thought that Li Ran threw Manager Xie out by accident. How could Pei Chuan have so much strength if he didn't even have the strength to stir the pot?

  "Today's college students are really spoiled. They can't stand such a little hardship. Do you really think that others can respect him in this way? Little does he know that the consequences and costs are simply not something he can afford." said the waiter next to Lily. .

  The waiter named Lily turned her head, not daring to look at the next scene.

  "Boy, some things will be over with patience. Why do you have to make the situation so ugly?" Da Zhuang strode over with his fists clenched and his face full of flesh. He said with a fierce expression: "Actually, I'm just like you. I have survived like this, but the only difference is that I know how to seize opportunities instead of resisting and revolting." "I would like to advise

  you, sometimes suffering a loss is a blessing, but today's loss will be a bit painful for you. !"

  After saying that, Da Zhuang hit Pei Chuan in the face with a fist as big as a sandbag.

  Li Ran didn't pay attention to the opponent's fists and kicks at all. Although his power was constantly fading, it was still easy to deal with ordinary people.

  In the eyes of others, Pei Chuan would have to break at least a few bones today.

  Li Ran's body swayed and passed through the four chefs like the wind. He paused slightly in front of each chef, and then passed through them like a draft.

  Everyone in the restaurant felt that their eyes were hallucinating at the same time.

  Pei Chuan was so fast that several afterimages passed through Da Zhuang and the other chefs.

  Wait until those afterimages return to Pei Chuan's body.


  screams came one after another.

  Da Zhuang and the other three chefs fell to the ground wailing in pain. Everyone was bruised and swollen, with blood flowing out. They covered their faces and cried bitterly on the ground.

  This scene made everyone present dumbfounded.

  It's as incredible as a fantasy movie.

  Mr. Zhang, the head chef, was stunned and froze on the spot.

  He didn't realize that Li Ran came to him like a ghost and punched him to the ground.

  By the time he reacted, he had fallen to the ground, his neat chef's hat fell to the ground, and a piece of hair fell off from the top of his head, revealing a large piece of bare head.

  Mr. Zhang ignored the pain on his cheek and hurriedly picked up the wig piece on the ground and put it on his head.

  The waiters in the restaurant exclaimed.

  "It turns out that the handsome head chef is a Mediterranean man."

  "I asked him why he always wears a hat everywhere. Mr. Zhang's name sounds quite gentlemanly, but when I think about him being bald... vomit..."

  Several waitresses The conversation made Mr. Zhang feel ashamed and wanted to hide his head in a hole in the ground.

  The gentlemanly image he had worked so hard to maintain in the restaurant was completely shattered.

  However, a bigger crisis came to him.

  A foot suddenly stepped on his head, and his entire face suddenly came into violent contact with the ground. He felt as if his entire head was about to be crushed.

  What's even more disgusting is that the foot actually stepped on the wig piece that he spent 20,000 yuan to customize, and severely ravaged it.

  He cared more about his face than the pain on his body.

  But now, his face was being pressed to the ground and rubbed by someone he once looked down upon.

  The carefully maintained high-ranking image was ruined.

  He now wants to die.

  Li Ran doesn't care what the consequences are, in his opinion, this is just a level of hell.

  Besides, everything within the rules will be reset.

  As for the police?

  Isn't this thing just a decoration within the rules world?
  If time was not running out, why would he go on a killing spree here?

  At this time, his cunning power had almost faded away.

  Time is running out.

  The only thing that can be done is to make Pei Chuan, the host of his current body, feel better in this area, so that he can have time to find the next entrance to the area.

  As for the time of the last day of survival?
  I have no idea at all.

  Thinking of this, Li Ran felt that it was necessary for Pei Chuan to establish his position here.

  "Deduct my salary? Really, can you still deduct it?"

  Li Ran stepped on Mr. Zhang's face so hard that the ground was cracked. Mr. Zhang's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his nose was bleeding.

  ", no more, no more."

  "Punish me for hygiene?"

  " more!"

  Mr. Zhang felt as if his whole face would be broken open by Pei Chuan, if he didn't beg for mercy. Feeling like I might die.

  At this moment, he looked at Pei Chuan like a rabbit seeing a tiger.

  "Who has the final say in the kitchen from now on!" Li Ran stepped down with a heavy gesture.

  Mr. Zhang shouted: " have the final say. The chef has the final say...No, no, no, you have the final say in this restaurant."

  Li Ran then stopped and glanced outside to the ground. Manager Xie got up.

  Manager Xie trembled all over, as if he had seen a ghost: "You have the final say in the restaurant."

  Li Ran glanced at the damaged seats and broken floor-to-ceiling windows in the restaurant: "These..."

  "I walked If it gets damaged without paying attention, it has nothing to do with you." Store manager Xie said.

  He glanced at the four chefs and head chef on the ground.

  Several people nodded and said hurriedly: "We were also injured by the fall, and it has nothing to do with you." When the

  waiters in the restaurant saw this scene, they were completely dumbfounded.

  That thin Pei Chuan single-handedly knocked everyone down?

  They finally realized that dogs will jump over walls when they are anxious, and rabbits will bite when they are anxious.

  If Pei Chuan is made anxious, everyone will suffer.

  Call the police?

  The nearest Public Security Bureau is eight miles away. When the police arrive, they will all be beaten to death by Pei Chuan.

  Only begging for mercy could temporarily calm Pei Chuan's anger.

  "get out!"

  Li Ran said to Mr. Zhang in a cold voice.

  Mr. Zhang quickly stood up, grabbed the wig that was ruined beyond recognition, and ran out of the restaurant while crawling.

  Manager Xie came to the door of the restaurant and told Lily, "Please tell me, the restaurant will rest for three days."

  Only then did Lily react and nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay."

  After speaking, Manager Xie came to Pei Chuan's side: "You can rest assured that your performance will be calculated in three days, and your salary will not be deducted."

  Who the hell cares about the salary of one thousand and two thousand?

  But Pei Chuan in Li Ran's body was very happy. He was getting paid even if he didn't go to work, and he would wake up laughing even in his dreams.

  You useless person, this is all you can do.

  Li Ran responded indifferently, walked out of the restaurant with his hands in his pockets, and reached the door.

  "Pei Chuan, wait."

  Lily ran out of the restaurant and called Pei Chuan.

  Li Ran didn't look back, but in his heart, Pei Chuan couldn't help but wanted to look back.

  But Li Ran was already used to this kind of scene.

  "Pei Chuan, the police will probably arrive soon. I just recorded this. It is the voice of the chef and the store manager admitting that they broke something. With this, even if the police find you, you will have evidence."

  Lily took out a voice recorder and handed it to Li Ran.

  "You carry this with you?" Li Ran asked in surprise.

  "I'm self-study in foreign language and I need this. I didn't expect it to be able to help you. In fact, I have always sympathized with your experience, but today this matter has really become a big deal. I hope it can help you." Lily said.

  Li Ran took the voice recorder and put it into his trouser pocket. He nodded and said, "Thank you."

  After saying that, he left Lily with a free and unrestrained back.

  After he was far away, his body shook violently.

  Li Ran felt that his consciousness sank into the endless abyss again.

  Pei Chuan's main consciousness took over this body.

  "Brother, did we make too much noise? If the police really want to come to our door, I'm afraid the evidence from the recorder won't be enough. There are so many people watching at the scene." Pei Chuan said anxiously.

  "You can rest assured that this recorder is enough and they won't correct you. In fact, what I did today is something they have wanted to do for a long time. Seeing that you can teach the store manager and chef a lesson, they actually secretly It feels good." Li Ran's voice sounded in Pei Chuan's mind.

  "Really?" Pei Chuan said uncertainly.

  Li Ran was too lazy to pay attention to these idiots and said to Pei Chuan: "Take a look around. I need more information to help you." "


  Gold Coast is a brand new coastal development zone on the coastline. The people who live here are either rich or noble, and the houses they buy all have sea views. It is said that you need to verify the capital before you can view the houses.

  The community in Gold Coast is very big. Li Ran estimated it to be as big as Happy Home.

  It's equivalent to a small rules world.

  Generally speaking, the habits of the aborigines in this area are similar to those of the aborigines who Li Ran lived in Blue Star.

  The aborigines are all weird, and only if they are strong enough and crushed by the weirdness value can they achieve what they did in the previous restaurant.

  If the guile value is low, the chef and store manager can kill the player.

  Li Ran's primary goal now is how to escape from the Hell of Evil Mirror.

  The second is to find other people.

  Are they trapped in the bodies of Aboriginal people like him?
  "Idiot, there is a girl at the fountain, go over there."

  While wandering around, Li Ran noticed through Pei Chuan's eyes that there was a woman in white at the fountain in the community square.

  The appearance of the woman in white is the same as that of Su Bingyao, but her expression is far different from Su Bingyao.

  If you follow the rules that the body and the player have figured out, then the woman in white in front of you is Su Bingyao.

  "Go over and say hello," Li Ran said.

  "'s not good." Pei Chuan said worriedly.

  "You're afraid of society. You're so afraid. Come on over. Do you still want to be rich and beautiful? Do you want to reach the pinnacle of life?" "


  After being persuaded by Li Ran, Pei Chuan came to the fountain.

  In the presence of outsiders, Li Ran was unable to communicate with Pei Chuan and could only rely on Pei Chuan to perform on his own. However, Li Ran had already taught him, so there should be no problem.

  His purpose was not to let Pei Chuan pick up girls, but to awaken Su Bingyao in that girl.

  If outsiders are present, the player's consciousness cannot communicate with the host.

  Then when two hosts meet, players cannot communicate, which will lead to players expecting to lose a lot of important information if they cannot form a team.

  Regarding the method of releasing the second personality through hypnosis, there is a time limit. It can only last for about ten minutes before returning to the host's body.

  There must be a way for players to become the dominant players, and only in this way can they leave the hell of evil mirrors.

  Because he wasted too much time in the restaurant just now, Li Ran only saw the area book and the hell of evil mirrors with his golden finger, and did not see any other information.

  What he has to do now is exchange more information with other players.

  "Hello... hello, beauty, can I... can I sit next to you?" Pei Chuan stammered and came to the beauty with a red face, extremely nervous.

  The beauty glanced at Pei Chuan and ignored him completely, but she didn't refuse him either. She just kept drinking a cup of hand-made lemon tea.

  Pei Chuan sat nervously next to the beautiful woman and continued: "I...I think you are very beautiful. Can you...can you be my girlfriend?"

  After saying this, Pei Chuan's entire face turned red. Sorry, I can't wait to find a wall to pass by.

  Ask a strange girl to be your girlfriend?


  If Li Ran hadn't told him to say so, he wouldn't have been able to shoot him to death like this.

  The beauty sipped her lemon tea, turned her head, looked at Pei Chuan carefully, and said with a faint smile: "I don't think you can just look at the other person's appearance when you are in love." Pei Chuan thought that the beauty would refuse directly, but unexpectedly she seemed to be interested in him

  . In response to his words, he hurriedly asked: "Then...what are you looking at?"

  "You have to look at your own appearance." The beauty rolled her eyes.

  Pei Chuan opened his mouth for a long time before he realized that the other party thought he was ugly.

  However, this is not the point. He came with a purpose.

  Even if he is a social worker, he still has to bite the bullet and complete the task, which is related to whether he can reach the peak of his life in the future.

  "I guess there is another soul living inside you." Pei Chuan said.

  As soon as she said this, the beauty looked at Pei Chuan with wide eyes and shock.

  Judging from the beauty's reaction, it proved that Li Ran was right.

  "There is also a soul living in my body, and I have a way for our souls to communicate." Pei Chuan said.

  The beauty looked at Pei Chuan suspiciously, feeling extremely shocked.

  There is indeed a soul in her body. She discovered this when she was at home. The soul in her body tried to occupy her body. She was very scared, so she ran to the square. When there were more people, the voice of the soul in her body disappeared. , she felt relieved.

  "Don't worry, the soul in your body has no ill intentions toward you. She can even help you realize some of your wishes." Pei Chuan said according to the words Li Ran taught him.

  The beauty still looked at Pei Chuan suspiciously, with disbelief in her eyes.

  Pei Chuan pointed to the safe passage of the shopping mall not far away and said: "Come with me, I can prove it to you, and you will believe what I say." After saying that, he walked to the safe

  passage and touched the beautiful woman. He waved and said: "There is no one in the square in the afternoon. If you are worried, just stand outside the wall. I am inside the wall. I can let the other soul in our body have a conversation."

  The beauty slowly put down the lemon tea and followed Pei Chuan to the safe passage with hesitation. Pei Chuan walked into the passage, while the beauty stayed outside the wall. There was a wall between them.

  At this time, there were only two people in this area, separated by a wall.

  From inside the wall, Pei Chuan's voice came: "Don't be nervous. The soul in your body is called Su Bingyao. Don't be nervous. You can try to communicate with her. She will help you get out of some difficulties." When the beauty heard this, she was obviously stunned, and then she

  heard I heard a woman's voice in my head.

  "Now listen to me, I won't hurt you. The soul in the other person's body is called Li Ran, and it is another soul in the boy's body like me. If you believe me, just do what he said. With my ability, it is true I can help you get out of your current predicament."

  "You were humiliated on the stage, and I will get it back for you, so that those bad guys get the punishment they deserve."

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  (End of chapter)

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