Chapter 549 You are not you, I will not be me

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  Chapter 549 You are not you, I will not be me.
  Passing through the land of white bones in front of everyone, a highway appeared again on the road ahead.

  And there was a man standing on the road.

  And that person is the Heart of Chaos.

  Everyone was dumbfounded as to why there was a heart of chaos on the highway.

  Then who is the Heart of Chaos in front of them now?

  They looked in front of them, but there was no trace of the Heart of Chaos anywhere.

  Everyone, including Chaos Heart, turned into nothingness.

  Chaos Heart on the highway looked back at the Land of Bones, frowning slightly.

  "What's there?"



  everything in front of me was pitch black, but glowing with red light.

  It feels like basking in the sun with your eyes closed.

  Li Ran was not sure if he was still alive.

  Before he lost consciousness, he saw himself on the highway.

  He looked at himself, and then he lost consciousness.

  Am I dead?

  Has it become air?

  But where is this?
  Li Ran tried to control his body, but found that he could not find where his body was.

  All that was left was darkness.

  He couldn't even feel any inner structure inside his body.

  He was floating in the darkness, unable to see or do anything.

  He couldn't even open his eyes or reach out his hand.

  But his consciousness is clearly awake.

  This was the first time he encountered this situation.

  As if floating in the endless dark void, there is no body, only consciousness.

  It drifts further and further away, becoming blurry and blurry.

  He couldn't even feel his own weight.

  What's going on?
  Dead or not?
  It floated like this in the endless darkness for who knows how long.

  The darkness he was in suddenly became brighter.

  My eyes opened, and what I saw was the sight of sunlight shining through the whirling leaves.

  He covered his eyes slightly with his arms and let out a sigh.

  "Pei Chuan, keep at it, you will always see a rainbow after the storm." A deep voice came.

  Then, this field of view began to move, and the screen slowly looked around.

  It was a park. I looked at the distance and then at the cobblestone road under my feet. Jeans and Converse canvas shoes?

  Thin swaying arms and a blue T-shirt.

  The vision passed through the cobblestones and came to the entrance of a residential area.

  The community has a tall and majestic stone gate building with the words "Gold Coast" written on the gate.

  Then, this view entered the community and walked quickly into a restaurant with high-end decoration.

  Li Ran could only watch this process.

  Everyone else was dumbfounded.

  He could do nothing but watch.

  "What's going on? I'm in someone else's body?"

  Li Ran finally concluded that he had become a soul, or perspective, in someone else's body.



  Second personality?


  Li Ran is not even sure if he is still alive, living in someone else's body with an ideology.

  "Pei Chuan, you have become more capable. Why didn't you practice Biao Guo at noon? Do you think you can do everything?"

  As soon as Li Ran's "host" Pei Chuan entered the back kitchen of the Western restaurant, he was stopped by a tall head chef with a fierce look on his face, as if he was not to be trifled with.

  "Mr. Zhang, hand is swollen, look." Pei Chuan stretched out his right arm, and his entire right arm was swollen.

  He pointed to the sand used for pot-bumping practice and said: "I can't really shake five kilograms of fine sand. It feels like my arm is broken."

  But as soon as he finished speaking, a spatula hit him on the head. : "Isn't it a shame for you, you trash? What others have practiced for three days, you practice for a month, what do you think you can do? Mud can't hold up a wall!" The head

  chef scolded Pei Chuan while beating him.

  Pei Chuan was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his hands and feet were red and swollen.

  "What are you still doing? Let's go chop the onions. The guests will be served soon. I don't even think about today's performance!" the head chef scolded.

  Pei Chuan had no choice but to endure the severe pain and went to the cutting table and took out baskets of onions and potatoes.

  His right hand was red and swollen, causing his hand holding the kitchen knife to tremble.

  "After practicing knife skills for a month, this is how you repay me?"

  Pei Chuan had just cut the first onion when the head chef took a picture of it with a shovel.

  The shovel came down and the kitchen knife hurt Pei Chuan's finger.

  The pain of the cut was heartbreaking, and even Li Ran, who was inside Pei Chuan's body, could feel the deep sting.

  "Is this asking me to experience other people's lives?" Li Ran was surprised.

  He is now almost certain that he has passed the second level of family hell and entered the third level of hell.

  The rule of the third hell is: "Whoever comes, you will not be you, and I will not be me."

  But what does this mean?

  Could it be that he can only live in someone else's body due to this heavy resistance?
  Because it was not his own body, Li Ran couldn't use his golden fingers, and his eyes were not under his control at all.

  In this situation, we can only take one step at a time.

  Obviously, his "host" is a soft persimmon in this restaurant.

  The head chef would pick on him no matter what happened, but every time he would just get angry and dare not say anything.

  Pei Chuan's hand was bleeding and he didn't dare to say it. In addition, the pungent smell from the onions on the wound was simply not ordinary sour.

  "I disagreed when the store manager recruited you. This is not a charity, nor is it a place for you to practice and practice. You should just go back to where you came from. Standing here is an eyesore to me!" the head chef scolded.

  The other chefs in the back kitchen all cast gloating glances.

  "Wash these two pots. Hurry up. I'm going to stir-fry in a minute." A tall and thick chef threw two dirty and greasy pots next to Pei Chuan.

  "Pei Chuan, take out the salmon from the refrigerator and defrost it, and prepare the ingredients for the chicken nuggets, cornstarch, egg liquid, and bread crumbs. I'm talking to you, do you hear me?" "This wooden head is so stupid

  . It's better for me to do it myself."

  "It's really unlucky. What are you recruiting such inexperienced college students for? Those who study computers should just work on computers. What kind of chefs can't learn? If you can't eat this meal, it's too late. Get lost."

  Several chefs in the back kitchen sneered at Pei Chuan mercilessly.

  Pei Chuan gritted his teeth, his eyes were firm, he endured the wounds on his hands without saying a word, and finished all the tasks they threw at him one by one.

  As a first-person bystander, Li Ran felt deeply wronged and useless.

  To be honest, his host is a bit useless, and he is clumsy and dull, like an idiot.

  It's no wonder that the head chef is angry. It's been a month and he still hasn't practiced cooking or chopping vegetables.

  But it is also understandable that a computer student wants to be a chef.

  First of all, you have to put down your great dignity, and you have to be able to endure hardship, and be able to suffer cold looks and ridicule.

  Secondly, who would have enough food and nothing to do to become a chef?
  A person who studies computer science is not desperate, and generally he will not take this path.

  It's not very busy today, there aren't many customers in the restaurant.

  But Pei Chuan was punished before leaving get off work.

  The reason is that during the garnishing process, the weight of the garnishes was wrong and the green pepper shreds were cut too wide.

  He was punished by doing two hundred push-ups on a greasy floor, and he was also punished by doing kitchen hygiene.

  Afternoon is the rest time for restaurant staff.

  In the restaurant, I climbed on the dining table with trembling hands to clean the oil and dirt from the range hood.

  "It's really useless." Li Ran couldn't help but curse after looking at Pei Chuan's work all morning.

  Pei Chuan was stunned, looked towards the kitchen in confusion and asked, "Who is talking?"

  Hearing this, Li Ran was also stunned.

  "Can we communicate?"

  Pei Chuan was startled as soon as the idea came up.

  "Who's talking?"

  Li Ran felt happy, finally being able to communicate and interact.

  As long as we can communicate, it means we can solve many problems.

  Moreover, Pei Chuan is the only one in the entire restaurant now.

  Li Ran felt that since he was in Pei Chuan's body, he should belong to the golden finger and grandpa category.

  "Don't be nervous, I am your golden finger." Li Ran said.

  "What is the golden finger?" Pei Chuan asked in shock.

  Because he found that the voice talking to him came from inside him.

  It was like there was another soul living inside him.

  Damn, you don’t even know what a golden finger is, so what use do you have?

  Li Ran suppressed the curse in his heart. He urgently needed to clarify a few points now.

  Why can I suddenly talk to my host?
  Whether he can control the host's body.

  Whether it is possible to mobilize the mysterious power in the body.

  These three points are very important.

  This is also related to whether he can leave the third hell.

  If he can't control his body, Li Ran's golden finger will also be ineffective, and many clues will not be learned.

  "Don't worry about it. Anyway, you have to trust me. I'm here to help you." "I

  can change your current situation and let you reach the top and marry Bai Fumei." Li Ran said.

  Pei Chuan was so frightened that he really believed Li Ran's lies.

  Seeing that this idiot was so easy to fool, Li Ran immediately said: "What I need to confirm now is whether we can communicate when there are outsiders. Go outside the restaurant and go to a place with people. If you can't communicate, quickly get there." The place."

  "Okay, I'll go right away." Pei Chuan immediately put down the rag in his hand, took off his chef uniform, and walked out of the restaurant.

  The afternoon sun was very warm, and there were not many people in the square on the Gold Coast.

  Pei Chuan came to the door of a canteen and stood in a place where the owner of the canteen could be seen with the naked eye, about ten meters away.

  "Can we communicate?" Pei Chuan asked.

  As a result, Li Ran was directly unable to communicate with the compensation.

  After trying to call a few times but getting no response, Pei Chuan immediately returned to the restaurant.

  "Very good, I've mastered one."

  "We can't communicate when there are others in the same area." Li Ran said.

  Pei Chuan felt it was amazing, and he really began to imagine that there was an omnipotent soul in his body that could help him reach the top of his life.

  "Now you relax and sit down, and I will try to see if I can control your body." Li Ran said.

  When Pei Chuan heard this, he immediately became alert: "This is not allowed. Isn't this a matter of seizing one's body?"

  Damn, you don't know about Goldfinger, but you actually know how to seize one's body?
  "Do you still want me to help you? Punch the chef, kick the head chef, press the store manager to the ground and rub him?" Li Ran said.

  "Yes, yes, yes!" Pei Chuan said.

  This month he suffered humiliation and ridicule. Everyone in the store looked down upon him and thought he couldn't do anything, so they tried every means to torment him.

  In fact, it's not that he can't do it, but that there are too many things assigned to him every day, and his body is too thin to handle it. The things he does are too complicated, and he can't strive for excellence.

  He dared not speak out because his parents were seriously ill and had used up the family's savings, and his younger brother had to go to college, and he had to pay for the tuition.

  For a newly graduated college student, he was continuously deceived in the job market, either through telemarketing or fraud. This was completely contrary to the job he wanted.

  Finally, I had no choice but to go to the restaurant for an interview with thirty-five yuan in my pocket.

  As a result, in the first round of interviews, the store manager said he looked too bad and was eliminated directly.

  His whole world collapsed at that time.

  It’s okay if you don’t find a major related to computer science.

  He's a college student and can't even work as a waiter or chef?

  He didn't believe in evil, so he went directly to the restaurant the next day and took his resume for another interview.

  The store manager was also touched by his sudden behavior, and finally made an exception and hired him into the kitchen as a chef apprentice.

  Food and accommodation are included, and the monthly salary is 1,200.

  He only left two hundred yuan for himself, and sent the other one thousand yuan back home to his younger brother for school.

  He is actually a very strong and strong person at heart. Once he decides on something, he will rush forward until it is done.

  But for the twelve hundred dollars, he would rather suffer humiliation and ridicule than bend his back.

  Because he firmly believes that in no time, he will succeed and do better than anyone else.

  Pei Chuan followed Li Ran's words, sat on the chair and relaxed his body.

  "Now you close your eyes and imagine that you are floating on a dark abyss. Your body is slowly sinking, slowly sinking. Regulate your breathing, relax your body, and don't resist..." Li Ran learned this set of words from TV

  . Yes, many hypnotists will use this method to hypnotize patients, thereby awakening the second personality in the patient.

  He just regarded himself as the second personality in Pei Chuan's body.

  If you want to take the initiative, you have to use some hypnotic means to take the initiative.

  Otherwise, he might really become Pei Chuan's second personality in his heart, and he would never be able to leave this third level of hell.

  However, Li Ran did not expect that this triple hell would be almost the same as the society where he lived in Blue Star.

  Is the so-called third level of hell just being trapped in other people's bodies and watching other people's lives?

  When Pei Chuan relaxed his body and imagined himself sinking into the abyss.

  Li Ran clearly felt as if his body was rising in the darkness.

  Immediately afterwards, he felt the coolness of his body and body, as well as the air-conditioned wind blowing across his cheeks.

  He slowly opened his eyes, a pair of dark eyes shining sharply in the darkness.

  He stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and then he saw clearly that the so-called Pei Chuan looked exactly like himself.

  Li Ran seemed to understand the words in the rules of hell.

  "You will not be you, I will not be me."

  But it is not a complete understanding.

  If the third hell is regarded as a new world, living in other people's bodies may really be like hell.

  But what he didn't expect was that he could use hypnosis to gain control of the host's body.

  "I can follow your vision. Is this how you usually see me?" Pei Chuan's voice sounded in Li Ran's mind.

  "Yes, I will let you experience the feeling of being in jail for a while. When I leave here, you can regain yourself." Li Ran said.

  "What do you mean, you want to leave?" Pei Chuan asked.

  "Let's not talk about this for now, I have to do an experiment."

  Li Ran clenched his fists and let his mental power enter the storage space.

  "Very good, the storage space is ready for use."

  Checking the contents of the storage space, there is nothing missing.

  "Devil's hand!"

  He clenched his right hand fiercely, and a ball of black magic flame quickly enveloped Li Ran's whole body.

  And because of the air flow generated by the magic flames, all the seats in the restaurant were blown away.

  "Is this your power?" Pei Chuan said in shock.

  He couldn't believe that his body could release such a powerful force.

  And this is just a temporary stage of power. If Li Ran wants to, he can directly explode the restaurant by releasing his strange power.

  His eyes tightened and he thought, "What kind of hell is this place, and how do I get out of here?"

  "Where are the other world masters?"

  But at the moment, Li Ran is not completely sure that he can completely replace Pei Chuan, so he More preparation is required.

  If he couldn't replace Pei Chuan, he would also need Pei Chuan to be strong enough to help him do many things.

  Through the golden finger, Li Ran saw that the name of the hell was "Nie Mirror Hell" and

  the rules of the first two hells were easy to understand.

  One gives up everything, the other moves forward courageously.

  Then Li Ran was confused by the rules in the Third Evil Mirror Hell.

  You are not you, I am not me?
  This seems to be a rule of nonsense that prevents him from finding his way in this hell.


  Suddenly, Li Ran frowned.

  He felt that the strange power in his body was fading rapidly.

  His face changed.

  "Am I going back to the rhythm of the host body again?" Li Ran asked in shock.

  Although the deception was fading, he still had control over his body.

  At this time, a group of people came outside the door.

  He is the chef and waiter in the restaurant.

  They arrived at the restaurant one after another.

  This includes all the chefs and head chefs in the back kitchen.

  When they saw the messy restaurant seats, they were all surprised and thought there was a thief in the restaurant.

  But when he saw Pei Chuan standing alone in the restaurant, and the seats collapsed around him, they realized that Pei Chuan was responsible for all this.

  "Pei Chuan, what did you do?" The store manager stepped forward and asked.

  "Customers are coming soon. You have made a mess in the store, with broken seats and tableware. With your salary, can you afford to pay for it?" The store manager stepped forward and pointed at Pei Chuan's head, and slapped him in the face. Swearing.

  "What a loser who fails to succeed but fails to succeed. He can do this even if I ask him to clean up at noon. I'm really convinced. I don't know what you think, Manager Xie, to recruit such a waste with high ambitions and low hands." The head chef He straightened his chef hat and mocked.

  "The other person is a brilliant computer student and has never touched his talent. It would be unfair to let him become a cook." A cook in the back kitchen said with a smile.

  At this time, Pei Chuan, who was in Li Ran's body, was furious.

  He experiences situations like today every day.

  Every time he was humiliated by people in the store, he would break his teeth and swallow them.

  He knew that if he resisted, he would probably lose his job that paid 1,200 yuan for food and accommodation.

  "These things will all be compensated according to the price, and with your current performance, you won't even want a penny of this month's salary!" Store manager Xie angrily stepped forward and pointed at the messy ground and said: "Give you a minute to clean up this place. Pack it up!"

  "I won't pack it up."

  Manager Xie, who was about to leave, frowned and turned to look at Li Ran: "What did you say?"

  "I won't clean up, and I won't compensate you!"

  When Manager Xie heard this, he angrily picked up the menu on the table and asked for it. Hit Li Ran on the head.

  Li Ran grabbed Manager Xie's wrist with his backhand, turned around, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

  "Pei Chuan, let me go, do you want to rebel?" Manager Xie said in shock.

  Li Ran raised a smile and said, "I not only want to rebel, I also want to overthrow the world!"

  After saying that, he exerted a strong force on his hand.

  Manager Xie flew out of the restaurant's floor-to-ceiling window like a cannonball, and the entire floor-to-ceiling window shattered.

  Manager Xie flew more than ten meters out of the restaurant, hit the wall and fell unconscious.

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  (End of chapter)

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