194. Chapter 192 The Lonely Warrior, but the nonsense version

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  Chapter 192: The Lonely Warrior, but the nonsense version.

  "Are there other versions of the Lonely Warrior?" Wei Qingfeng suddenly became wary.

  As soon as Xu Ye talked about voting, he felt something was wrong.

  On this voting list, the top shows are organized by various fans.

  If Xu Ye really wants to organize his fans, the result is hard to say.

  The audience's comments also came out.

  "You sing first. If you sing well, I will vote."

  "Sing first, vote first, and whether you vote or not depends on my mood!"

  "I won't give you the vote even if it's torn up!"

  After seeing these comments, Wei Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Sure enough, it is true that people in the industry say that Xu Ye has no fans at all. Although he has many fans, he has no organization and is of no use." Only when people are organized together can they be effective.

  This has been common in the fan circle.

  Like Wei Qingfeng's fans, they all have dedicated people in charge of operations. Likes, comments and reposts on Weibo are all common things. They can also do things like follow trending searches, make rankings, etc., and fight with fans of other fans.

  Otherwise, a group of fans would not have such strong fighting power.

  For example, in the voting for this show, the management staff organized everyone in various fan chat groups to conduct rankings, otherwise the number of votes would not have increased so quickly.

  Although Xu Ye has many fans, ranging from one year old to one hundred years old, it is of no use.

  Unorganized fans have no fighting power.

  At this time, Xu Ye didn't say much, he brought a mobile phone over.

  "I just use this mobile phone to play the accompaniment. I am in the hotel now and the conditions are relatively simple. Don't mind."

  After Xu Ye finished speaking, he began to debug.

  The audience stopped causing trouble.

  To be honest, for them, just watching the live broadcast, it was quite a surprise to hear Xu Ye singing "The Lonely Warrior".

  Some viewers actually didn't watch the National Day Gala at all, but saw that everyone on the Internet was discussing the Lone Warrior, so they went to watch the Lone Warrior's stage.

  After reading it, I was shocked.

  This song by Xu Ye is really unexpected.

  "Although I didn't watch the National Day live broadcast, I am watching the live broadcast here now!"

  The audience was looking forward to it.

  Wei Qingfeng also watched Xu Ye's live broadcast quietly.

  He just wanted to see what version Xu Ye would sing again.

  Not long after, Xu Ye was also ready.

  "Okay, I'm going to start."

  After the words fell, Xu Ye clicked the play button.

  The accompaniment of the lone brave man sounded.

  Many viewers have played the single "Lonely Warriors" many times in the past two hours and are very familiar with this accompaniment.

  "Didn't Xu Ye use music from other songs to match the lyrics this time?"

  "It's boring. I won't be able to hear the new song now?"

  "Isn't that still the Lone Warrior? What other version could it be?"

  the audience expressed. Confuse.

  At this time, Xu Ye slowly opened his mouth and started singing.


  After the first word came out, everyone realized something was wrong.

  The first word of the original lyrics is "都".

  Xu Ye actually changed the lyrics!

  Is it the same tune, singing a new song?
  This time, the audience suddenly became more excited.

  Xu Ye's next lyrics were also heard.

  "Everyone is brave."

  After saying this, a question mark appeared on Wei Qingfeng's face.

  The meaning is repeated.

  All brave people are brave, what are you talking about?

  Xu Ye continued to sing.

  "The wound on your forehead, your wound is on your forehead."

  Wei Qingfeng was dumbfounded when he heard these lyrics.

  "What the hell are you talking about!"

  What kind of lyrics are these?

  In the barrage, the audience was also confused.

  "Damn! Isn't this nonsense?"

  "It seems that the dean has been talking nonsense since the live broadcast."

  "I shouldn't have expectations for the dean! I can suppress you on the stage of the National Day Gala, right? "

  Xu Ye didn't even look at the barrage, but continued singing with a serious face.

  "Hide, no need to hide.

  Your shabby doll, your doll, is very shabby."

  Wei Qingfeng's expression had begun to distort.

  There was only one sentence left in his mind now.

  Who asked you to sing like this?

  "They say you must bring light, not time and space.

  They say clowns are loved by no one, and no one loves clowns.

  Why is loneliness called loneliness?

  People are not perfect unless they are perfect.

  Who said that the whole body is covered with mud? ."

  When Xu Ye sang this, the number of people in the live broadcast room had soared to one million.

  Many viewers watching the live broadcast also began to promote Xu Ye.

  They directly sent the link to the live broadcast room in various group chats, and then said: "Brothers, come quickly and watch Xu Ye sing the Lonely Warrior live, it sounds so good! Hurry up, he will finish singing if you are late!"

  Weibo On the Internet, many people also posted on Weibo.

  "Xu Ye is shaking his hands and singing "The Lonely Warrior" in a live broadcast. I was so moved that I almost cried!"

  As word spread, Xu Ye's live broadcast room attracted more and more people.

  A group of night owls heard that Xu Ye was singing Lonely Warrior in the live broadcast room and immediately clicked in.

  Then they heard the chorus sung by Xu Ye.

  "I love you walking alone in a dark alley,

  I love you being alone in a dark alley,
  I love that you have faced despair, and you have faced despair.

  I love your tattered clothes,
  but they are very tattered.
  I love that you are so similar to me and look the same as me."

  Listen . After reading these lyrics, everyone's expressions became distorted. "Why does this song seem to be about a lonely brave man, but it doesn't seem to be a lonely brave man?" "

  What nonsense is Xu Ye singing?" "

  Everyone, I am new here. Has Xu Ye always been like this? Or did I open it? Wrong way?"

  The audience went crazy.

  Xu Ye also sang with an intoxicating look on his face, making people involuntarily immersed in the singing.

  Even if he plays the accompaniment on his mobile phone, sings without any modification, and without any professional equipment, Xu Ye's singing voice is very contagious.

  But the key lyrics are just so outrageous.

  Every time it seems to draw people into the mood of the song, but the next line kicks them out again.

  Bumping back and forth.

  "Cloak, tattered, this tattered cloak,
  dream, humble, to

  the dark night, the long dark night,

  who said that those who stand in the light, stand in the light."

  The interlude began to play.

  Xu Ye still looked intoxicated.

  At this moment, the patients in Huohua Hospital bravely stood up.

  "Every word the dean says is human, but every two words is not."

  "You may think that the dean sings nonsense, but the lyrics are very deep. If you continue to listen, you will find that you have listened to Xu Ye singing for a while." "The dean has repeatedly used the lyrics in this version

  . The repeated technique creates a repetitive effect. This song is very good and worth continuing to listen to."

  The patients felt happy the moment the director spoke.

  There is nothing wrong with this mental state!
  "So, only CCTV can suppress Xu Ye?"

  "I have gradually forgotten the original version."

  Although everyone was rapping about something, there were more and more people in the live broadcast room.

  The interlude ended and Xu Ye continued to sing.

  "They say, to quit your madness, you have to love rags.

  They say, you have to go up the stairs, and the steps are climbed.

  Then let me go up the steps.

  You are still proud and don't go up the steps.

  Who said that people who go up the stairs have tattered clothes.

  I love you when you don’t kneel,
  but I don’t love how you kneel..."

  After hearing this sentence, Wei Qingfeng couldn't stand it anymore.

  He exited Xu Ye's live broadcast room directly.

  "What are you singing about?"

  A trace of displeasure flashed in the eyes of the life assistant in his arms.

  This life assistant still seems to be working hard. Now I can only wait until tomorrow to go online to find the replays recorded by other netizens.

  What Wei Qingfeng didn't know was that Xu Ye's live broadcast room had more and more people, and later it even exceeded 3 million.

  You know, Xu Ye's live broadcast did not say hello to Shuishou, and there was no warm-up. He only gave a notice ten minutes before the broadcast.

  Millions of viewers are already a lot.

  A group of people were listening to Xu Ye's nonsense literature in the live broadcast room.

  Soon, Xu Ye sang the last few lines.

  "Go, go, go to the dark alleys of the city.

  Fight, fight, fight the despair of the wilderness.

  To those who watch in the dark night.

  Who said that standing in the light symbolizes light."

  The song ends . , Xu Ye came back from his intoxicated state.

  "If you think this song sounds good, give it a 1, and if you think it's not a good song, give it a 2." Xu Ye said with a smile.

  Then a bunch of numbers 3 floated past in the barrage.

  After Xu Ye chatted with everyone for a few words, he checked the time.

  It's past twelve o'clock.

  "Everyone remember to vote for Gu Yong Zhi and Congratulations. I also welcome everyone to cover this song. After all, if you cover Gu Yong Zhi, you will have sung Gu Yong Zhi again." After Xu Ye finished the last paragraph, he began to talk

  to Goodbye everyone.

  A group of patients felt that today's live broadcast was indeed a worthwhile trip.

  "Everyone, go to bed early. I'm off the air."

  After Xu Ye ended the live broadcast, Zheng Yu looked at him with strange eyes.

  Xu Ye sang "Lonely Warriors" on the stage today, which made him feel that Xu Ye's mental state was normal.

  But now it seems that Xu Ye is not normal anymore.

  It was CCTV that suppressed Xu Ye's illness.

  "Fortunately, we have CCTV in China." Zheng Yu sighed in his heart.

  On the Internet, after Xu Ye's live broadcast ended, the video of him singing the nonsense version of Lone Warrior was immediately sent to various platforms by netizens.

  If a celebrity of Xu Ye's level broadcasts live, someone will definitely record the screen.

  If something exciting happens during the live broadcast, it’s better to post the material.

  After this nonsense version of Lone Warrior appeared, netizens were all confused.

  "Did Xu Ye sing this fucking thing himself?"

  "These lyrics are like me writing my graduation thesis."

  "It's so funny, Xu Ye started just after getting off the National Day stage. Only CCTV can suppress Xu Ye, right? Go vote for Lonely Warrior and Congratulations!" Lonely Warrior

  today The late version was on the hot search list, and Xu Ye's nonsense version of "Lonely Brave" was also popular.

  After watching it, the audience only felt like they had watched it once.

  As a result, in the middle of the night, a topic became a hot search topic.

  "Only CCTV can suppress Xu Ye."

  This topic jumped directly into the top ten.

  When editing the video, the bloggers all edited in Xu Ye's canvassing words.

  Many netizens had forgotten about voting, and most people didn't take it seriously.

  As a result, after everyone clicked on the rankings, they saw that the programs of Wei Qingfeng and others were ranked at the top, but Lone Warrior was only in tenth place.

  Netizens simply quit.

  What's your level?
  Is he worthy of being number one?

  The nonsense version of Lone Warrior will crush you, okay?

  "Brothers, vote for Gu Yong Zha and Congratulations immediately. I don't care where Gu Yong is ranked. I just don't accept being ranked behind these traffic. I just can't swallow this breath!" If you want to talk about the nonsense version, I remember it the most

   . It is the version of "Cao Cao", "Three countries are the Three Kingdoms, four are the Four Kingdoms". The nonsense version of the Easter egg chapter of Lone Warrior is under review. You can take a look after it is reviewed.

  (End of chapter)

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