Chapter 50 Recruitment

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  Chapter 50: Recruiting
  dormitories and study rooms.

  Link started making plans as soon as he got back.

  The laboratory is available, but it still lacks experimental materials, experimental assistants and experimental plans.

  Materials can be purchased from the Life Service Building, and you only need to spend some magic stones if you are familiar with them.

  The assistant is also ready, just ask Jasmine tomorrow.

  Unless something unexpected happens, Jasmine will not refuse Link.

  What a rare opportunity, no one can ask for it.

  As for the experimental plan, the previously designed third set of experiments (see Chapter 30) requires the first two sets of experiments to be the foundation, and is not suitable for restarting. The plan will definitely have to be redone.

  Link currently only has a general idea. To further refine it, he needs to consult a lot of information and gradually improve it.

  During this period, Link did not intend to leave the laboratory vacant. He planned to test his hypothesis on the positive impact of the new germination method on the yield rate of Silver Star flower seeds.

  There are two purposes: one is to have a beginning and end to verify my conjecture, and the other is to screen the seeds of Silver Star Flower and select the best ones to lay the foundation for further detailed experiments.

  With the plan in place, Link washed, meditated, and slept.

  Before falling asleep, I inevitably thought of the Paro wizard's summons.

  After all, this summons was too sudden, and it came not long after the results were announced, so Link couldn't help but be cautious.

  He naturally knew that there was nothing on his surface worthy of the Paro wizard's covetousness.

  The Paro wizard summoned him, most likely out of gratitude for the past.

  As for funding my own laboratory for half a year, I guess it was just an "angel investment" and there was no other reason.

  After all, for the Paro wizard, this cost is insignificant.

  Asking Link for a reason that can convince him is also a common practice to prevent "investment" from looking cheap.

  Link did not doubt the motives and purposes of the Paro wizard, but was reflecting on himself.

  Since his soul traveled through this world, Link has always felt insecure deep down in his heart, fearing that the secret of being a time traveler would be known.

  Especially after understanding the height of civilization development in the wizarding world.

  If you can conquer all the worlds and dominate the world, will you still find existences similar to time travellers?
  It's impossible even if you think about it.

  Moreover, there has really never been a similar time traveler in the wizarding world before, which makes it even more terrifying.

  This shows that Link's "soul travel" was not an accidental event, but was controlled throughout the entire process.

  Just like the universe is so big, if it is true that only the earth has intelligent civilization, it would be a great terror.

  Therefore, Link has always had the idea of ​​keeping a low profile and does not want to be high-profile and in the limelight.

  But it backfired.

  The various rules and styles of the academy determine that Link cannot keep a low profile forever.

  Want to get the Witchcraft model scroll in advance?


  Report the news of promotion as soon as possible!

  Want to earn Magic Stones safely?

  Apply through formal channels, enter your information into the college's intelligent management system, and accept the supervision of the tower spirit and intelligent law enforcement puppets.

  Want greater access, such as one-year access to a large laboratory?


  Achieve the best ranking in the North-South Campus Competition.

  If you want to participate in the two-district competition, you have to give your best in the three exams, or at least half of your strength, to ensure that you are firmly in the top 30 in your grade.

  Everything shows that the more outstanding and conspicuous your performance is, the more support you will receive from the college.

  Of course, Link didn't mean to make a 180-degree turn from low-key to high-profile, but he felt that he needed to adjust his style.

  Low-key life, high-profile work.

  Perhaps, in this way, we can better utilize the resources and support of the college and continue to grow.

  After thinking for a long time, thinking a lot, and coming up with the result, Link just fell asleep.

  The next day, Tuesday.

  Get up in the morning and embrace the sun.

  A new day begins.

  After breakfast in the cafeteria, Link motioned for Jasmine to go somewhere with him.

  Jasmine's green eyes widened and she glanced at Link suspiciously several times, with some funny thoughts coming to her mind.

  Link stopped him in time: "Don't think nonsense, and don't talk nonsense. I'm just taking you to a place." "


  Jasmine's funny ideas were strangled in her infancy, and she lowered her little head, looking a little depressed and pitiful.

  Link was not used to Jasmine's behavior and walked ahead with a cold attitude.

  Jasmine was frustrated again and could only keep up the pace.

  Not long after, the two came to the experimental building.

  "You think I didn't do well enough in the exam, and you want to give me extra lessons?"

  As soon as Jasmine saw the laboratory building, the unpleasant memory of the practical exam a few days ago immediately jumped out, and her face suddenly changed.

  "No, that's not the case. There are other important matters."

  Link simply explained and went straight to the third underground floor.

  After coming to the experimental building many times, Link has never entered the underground area.

  Go down to the third floor, and the door next to the stairs is locked.

  Link took out the black card given by Wizard Paro and swiped it on the access control device.

  The door clicked and opened slowly.

  Link pressed the house number written on the black card and found the laboratory.

  Just swipe your card to enter.

  As soon as he entered, Link was severely shocked.

  The laboratory is huge.

  Entering the door is an office area with a cloakroom and lounge.

  The experimental area is divided into botany laboratory, zoology laboratory and microbiology laboratory.

  Fully functional and complete facilities.

  "Welcome to my laboratory."

  Link rarely felt like showing off, turned around, opened his hands, and said loudly.

  Jasmine was even more dumbfounded. It took her a long time to come back to her senses and asked blankly: "Link, this yours?"

  She was also an acquaintance who often came to the laboratory building, and had basically entered various laboratories on the first to sixth floors. , take classes there, or do some simple experiments related to witchcraft rules and runes with Link, but I have never seen such an advanced laboratory.

  The most basic thing is that the windows are bright and clean.

  The giant glass curtain wall that divides the three laboratories, the rows of glass equipment such as beakers, measuring cylinders, test tubes, the tall smart instruments, the smart brain screens that can be started at any time...

  everything Everything shows that this laboratory is too advanced.

  "Is this the reward for ranking first in the exam?"

  After being stunned for a while, Jasmine asked instead.


  Link calmed down and replied, "It was funded by the Paro Wizard, and you have the right to use it for half a year." "The

  Paro Wizard?"

  Jasmine knew about Link's last "thesis" review, so she met him again. Paro wizard.

  But she never imagined that there would be such a follow-up.

  "I must make good use of this laboratory. One person will definitely be too busy by then."

  Link asked directly without explaining too much: "Student Jasmine Kidman, are you willing to be my lab?" Assistant, come here to help me.”

  After a slight pause, Link continued: "Of course, there is no salary. You can only use the laboratory's space and equipment to conduct your own research if the experimental plan passes the review." Jasmine's response was

  very Short and to the point.

  "I do!"

  (End of Chapter)

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