Chapter 49 Summoning

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  Chapter 49 summons
  the new blood who are concerned about the results.

  Official wizards like Paro Wizard, who had taken over the academy's mission and brought back new blood from the Sea of ​​Storms, paid more or less attention to it.

  After all, if the new blood they bring back happens to join the academy, if they perform well, they can also get some benefits.

  Although it is insignificant, occasionally talking to each other adds a little more light to the face.

  Wizard Paro was very surprised when he saw the first name.

  Although they had had contact before, and knew that Link Grande was quite outstanding because of the "paper", Wizard Paro did not expect him to be so outstanding.

  Compared with him back then, he was no less generous.

  "Perhaps you can invest one or two."

  The Paro wizard thought of the long past, and after feeling sentimental, he had this idea in his heart.

  He was once a new blood from the Sea of ​​Storms. After decades of hard work and many life and death experiences, he has reached today, becoming a third-level wizard at the pinnacle and about to be promoted to a sage.

  No need to think too much, invest casually and don’t pay much.

  What's more, the Paro wizard is in the transformation stage of promotion. He can just wait for the transformation to be completed. There will be nothing to do for a long time.

  Just think of it as a development game.

  It's good to have some distractions.

  By the way, I want to compensate the little guy. After all, I made him suffer some losses and grievances last time to save trouble.

  So, when Link was about to leave the library and return to his dormitory, he received a notice summoned by Wizard Paro.

  Although he didn't know why, Link didn't dare to neglect.

  Quickly pack up your paper, pen and laptop and head to the administration building.

  The address given in the summons notice is still the "thesis" review office.

  The door is open.

  Link knocked lightly on the door a few times to get the reminder, and then walked in.

  "Good evening, Wizard Paro."

  As soon as he entered the door, Link took the initiative to salute and say hello.


  Wizard Paro motioned to the chair in front of the desk with his eyes.

  "Thank you."

  Link sat down obediently.

  "I came to see you so late, nothing else. Mainly because seeing your grades suddenly brought back memories of my past, and I just wanted to meet you." Wizard Paro got straight to the point and explained the reason for the summons


  "Thank you, Wizard Paro, for your concern."

  The boss talked about his thoughts. How could Link remain silent in response?

  It's not easy to answer casually, so I can only express my almighty thanks.

  Seeing that Link was a little restrained, Wizard Paro understood it, so he took the initiative to change the topic and asked: "The
  optimization of the Silver Star Flower seeds mentioned in your last 'paper', are there any subsequent experiments?"

  Link looked on . He replied seriously: "Firstly, there is a lack of funds, and secondly, there is a lack of experimental conditions. I will not continue the experiment for the time being. I am ready to wait until all conditions are mature before starting again." "Well..." Wizard Paro pondered for a while and said


  Publish Since the relevant direction has been mentioned in the 'paper', we must conduct the experiment as soon as possible, come up with the results, publish the 'paper' in time, and obtain the 'patent'. Otherwise, it will be easy to be intercepted.


  Lin Ke listened with an embarrassed smile on his face.

  In his original estimate, Silver Star Flower's new germination method may have a positive impact on the yield rate, but it may also have an impact on seed optimization, but it should not be large.

  It is definitely not that simple to optimize Silver Star Flower seeds.

  But, listen and listen.

  When Wizard Paro mentioned the optimization of Silver Star Flower seeds, was he really just talking about this issue?
  How can people see such a small profit from three melons and two dates?
  Therefore, Link smiled awkwardly but politely, and then said in a sincere tone:

  "Thank you, Wizard Paro, for your advice. I think we need to pay more attention to it and conduct experiments as soon as possible, but..."

  As he said that, the smile on Link's face He looked increasingly embarrassed, "It's true that we don't have that condition. The laboratories in the experimental building are all public, and I don't know how to apply for a suitable dedicated space." After the words fell, Link secretly looked forward to it


  The steps are laid out for you, boss.

  Do you think you should step down on this step and take out the benefits that you plan to give to your little brother?
  Wizard Paro did not let Link's heart hang for a while, and said readily: "I can provide you with the right to use a laboratory for half a year, and you will be responsible for your own consumption during this period. However, you have to give me someone who can convince me The reason."

  Faced with the temptation, Link did not rush to reply and thought deeply.

  Does he need a dedicated laboratory?

  Of course.

  Otherwise, he would not covet the first place in the competition between the two districts early next summer and give his best in the midterm exam.

  Are you in a hurry?

  There is no rush, it can be sooner or later.

  Can I refuse?
  Definitely, but most likely I can't afford the risk of offending the Paro wizard.

  Therefore, the key question becomes what kind of reason Link has to give.

  Wizard Paro can serve as the head of the "thesis" review office. For such a noble position, it is obvious that his strength, status and wealth cannot be underestimated.

  Small profits and small favors are not enough to move the other party's heart, and large packages appear to be hypocritical.

  So, how should you answer to satisfy the other party?

  Link thought about it carefully and replied in a serious tone: "Within four years, as long as Wizard Paro needs it and it is within my ability, I will do my best to do two things for you!" One is not sincere, and three is too much

  . More, compromise.


  Wizard Paro chuckled and praised, "He is indeed a smart man!"

  After saying this, Wizard Paro opened the drawer, took out a black card, placed it on the table, and handed it to Link.

  "The laboratory is located on the third underground floor of the experimental building. It has complete facilities. If you need anything else, you can directly contact the tower spirit of the experimental building."

  Wizard Paro said calmly.

  "Thank you, Wizard Paro!"

  Link stood up, bowed first, said thank you, and then put away the black card.


  Wizard Paro accepted the salute calmly, and then waved his hand, "It's getting late, go back. Remember to let me see the results early." "

  Yes, Wizard Paro."

  Link responded slowly, Exit the office.

  After walking out of the administration building for a while, Link took a long breath and relaxed his tense heartstrings.

  Although Wizard Paro had a genial attitude and gentle tone throughout the whole process, the pressure he put on Link was even greater than when he glanced at the old man during the last investigation.

  For example, the pressure given by the old man is like a mountain, with weight and temperament on the surface, going straight;

  while the pressure given by the Paro wizard is like a deep abyss, with terror existing in the invisible. If you don't pay attention, you will fall. Will be swallowed up quietly.

  In any case, from the current point of view, the results of accepting the summons from Paro Wizard this time outweigh the disadvantages.

  As for the impact on the future, Link couldn't care less at the time.

  Being able to escape unscathed and receive the support of the Paro wizard is already a blessing!

  In short, the right to use a dedicated laboratory for half a year has been obtained, which will just transition to the beginning of next summer.

  The key now lies in the research direction, ideas and results.

  (End of chapter)

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