Chapter 29 Germination and Coveting

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  Chapter 29: Germination and Coveting

  have no troubles involved, and Link's life has returned to normal.

  Apart from the trivial matters in life, Link spent all his energy and time on studying.

  Part-time work also falls under the category of study.

  In this way, another three days passed.

  Today is Wednesday of the seventh week of enrollment.

  Link's sixth day of his part-time job at the Third Botanical Garden.


  Link entered the third greenhouse in the third row.

  As usual, he randomly checked the status of the Silver Star Flower seeds and determined that the status of the seeds was within the expected development range. Link started today's work.

  He first cast a supermodel's secondary fog and rain technique.

  After these days of practice and practical application, Link has been able to perform this 0-level witchcraft in about 3 seconds. I believe that the day when it reaches the actual combat standard of 2 seconds is not far away.

  The fog of the secondary fog and rain spell can reduce the visibility of the battlefield, making it easier to hide, move in, and sneak attacks. The rain can create environmental conditions that are conducive to the use of offensive water-based witchcraft. As a witchcraft that assists combat, its performance is still remarkable. .

  The next step was to perform the birth-promoting technique, which was also performed in about 3 seconds.

  But this level 0 witchcraft is not suitable for actual combat, even if you carry some vines, shrubs and other plant seeds with entangling and concealing functions.

  If you want plant seeds to germinate, grow, and mature instantly, it consumes too much mental power and magic power, and the price/performance ratio is too low.

  With so much spiritual power and magic power to waste, it is better to find a way to learn a few offensive and defensive witchcraft.

  Unless it is in a special terrain, such as a place with lush vegetation, there is room for the birthing technique to be used.

  But even so, there are other wood-type witchcraft alternatives, such as thorn entanglement, which is also a 0-level witchcraft. It costs the same but has better effects.

  Thorns Coil can even be upgraded to level 1 witchcraft Thorns Strangulation.

  After ending the birthing technique, Link could already feel that the vitality contained in the Silver Star Flower seeds was completely full.

  All it takes is an opportunity, and all the seeds in the soil will sprout.

  Link sat on the ridge and meditated for a while. Once his mental power and magic power were restored, he immediately cast another supermodel's secondary fog and rain technique.

  Rain pattered on the soil.

  The seeds of the Silver Star Flower hidden in the soil have absorbed enough water, and they push open the soil that is holding them down, emerge through the soil, and sprout one after another.

  Thanks to "Pomona Sprout's botanical talent" and his high-level affinity with the wood element, Link could clearly feel the joy of the Silver Star Flowers, and he couldn't help but be touched in his heart.

  This is the joy of new life, this is the power of life.

  Link was immersed in touch and perception.

  After a while, Link felt refreshed. Not only had all the mental power and magic power he had consumed been restored, but he could also clearly feel that his mental power and magic power had become better.

  It is not a quantitative improvement, but a qualitative improvement.

  It was like changing from a frivolous Qi to a light Qi.

  Link still doesn't know what changes this improvement will bring, but it will be a good thing after all.

  The successful germination of Silver Star Flower seeds means that the first task assigned to Link by the Botanical Garden can now be said to have been completed one day ahead of schedule.

  However, Link was not in a hurry to submit it. Instead, he planned to observe it for another day and wait until tomorrow to make sure there are no problems. It would not be too late to submit it again.

  Moreover, it is time to explore some questions about Silver Star Flower seeds, germination and cultivation.

  Link took out a notebook that was specially used to record the germination log of Silver Star Flower. He wrote down the status of the seeds, today's practices and changes one by one, before walking out of the greenhouse and leaving the botanical garden.

  Not long after Link left, Sophie Lucia entered the third greenhouse in the third row again. What caught her eyes were tender white germs sprouting from the ground everywhere.

  This surprised Sophie.

  Six days, actually the germination was successful in just six days!
  One day earlier than the most cost-effective method she knew.

  Moreover, look at the tender white germs everywhere, the germination success rate is almost 70%.

  The Silver Star Flower seeds in the greenhouse were sown by Su Qi. She deduced this probability through visual inspection and mental arithmetic.

  Don’t underestimate the fact that it’s only one day ahead of schedule.

  Don't underestimate the germination success rate of only 70%.

  Silver Star Flower entered the wizarding world less than twenty years ago. Because its stamens are extremely effective in healing trauma, it has been used as an auxiliary material to promote the improvement of the formulas of many trauma medicines on the market.

  This also further reduces the price of trauma potions, allowing more mortals and wizard apprentices to afford trauma potions.

  The growth period of Silver Star Flower can be shortened to three days with the help of witchcraft and nutrient solution.

  The factors that limit the yield of Silver Star Flower have always been the rate of good seeds, the duration of germination and the success rate of germination.

  And because the stamens of Silver Star Flower are used as raw materials to make trauma potions, they are not suitable for formal wizards and above. No formal wizard is willing to spend precious time on improving Silver Star Flower seeds, improving Silver Star Flower germination methods, and optimizing Silver star flower cultivation plan.

  This puts Silver Star Flower and related pharmaceuticals into a rather embarrassing situation.

  The effect is very good, the market is very popular, but the output cannot keep up.

  As a low-end product, it cannot be sold at a high price, resulting in thin profits.

  If that bumpkin really didn't use nutrient solutions and chemicals, it meant that he had mastered or developed a new method of accelerating the germination of silver star flowers.

  This is no longer just a matter of high economic value, but can be used as research results to publish "papers" to obtain "credits" and improve welfare benefits and status.

  The "credits" of Riversouth School of Biology and Medicine can be exchanged for many things, such as witchcraft, witchcraft, and secret documents that cannot be found in high-level literature libraries.

  And there are only two ways for wizard apprentices to obtain "credits":

  One is to publish an "essay", and the other is to get a ranking in the North-South School District Competition organized by the college every year.

  Compared with competing with hundreds or even thousands of people to compete for the top ten rankings in the two regions, publishing a "paper" is undoubtedly easier.

  If you have high research talent and strong research ability.

  Sophie Lucia is such a genius.

  The reason why she was able to serve as the acting director of the Third Botanical Garden just after entering the second grade, and it would take a long time before she could be promoted to the third-class wizard apprentice, was because she published a "paper" of very good quality in the first half of the year.

  In this way, she got this position after some hard work.

  Having tasted the benefits of publishing a "paper", Sophie Lucia has always been thinking about it and wants to try it again.

  Unfortunately, several months have passed and she has not found a good entry point for research, let alone good research output.

  Now, she discovered a God-given opportunity.

  As long as she can figure out the method of germinating Silver Star Flowers that the bumpkin has mastered or developed, she can start the project, set up experiments, collect data, and then write a "paper" and publish it on the intranet hidden under the "official website".

  The key now is how to obtain the germination method.

   Don't be picky when it comes to time. I have carefully checked the relevant information and considered the relationship between mass and gravity, gravity and time. However, the scumbag is really confused. It can only be consistent with Earth time by default. Emphasis is placed on: The wizarding world was shattered and reorganized, with a large surface area and a mass similar to that of the earth.

  (End of chapter)

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