280. Chapter 280 Unexpected Gain

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  Chapter 280 Unexpected Harvest
  "How do I know."

  Salia rolled her eyes, "If he hadn't died in the laboratory building, it would affect his reputation, so I wouldn't bother to care about him."


  Sage Serin's Pharmacy Teaching and Research Team is now There are 8 people in total.

  Except for Sage Serin, who for unknown reasons prefers to see Loken.

  The other 6 people, Link, Jasmine, Thalia, Ella, Tina, and Renee, all had a bad impression of Loken.

  It's just that Salia, Ella, and Tina are all still first-level wizards. They are usually intimidated by Loken's level and strength and dare not speak out in anger.

  Link, Jasmine, and Renee don't have to care about Loken's attitude at all, they just do whatever they want.

  Especially last time, Assand asked Sage Paro for help and acted as a follower. He came to the academy headquarters but did not say a word to Renee.

  Renee was always in a bad mood, and she was even more unkind to Lorcan.

  "Give way."

  At this time, the two of them had already reached the third underground floor and arrived at the observation room.

  Thalia pushed aside Ella and Tina who were blocked in front of the single-sided see-through glass, allowing Link to better observe Loken who was lying on the floor of the isolation room that had been reinforced with two more standards.

  "You're finally here."

  Tina is the one who knows the most about extraordinary medical treatment and medicine among the three. After Loken's accident, she was helpless and anxious.

  Seeing Link, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

  Tina doesn't care whether Loken dies or not.

  Don't die in her hands!

  If word gets out, her reputation will be ruined.

  Born in Riversoth School of Biology and Medicine, specializing in extraordinary medical treatment and potion refining, he was unable to save the life of a body-refining wizard who was just in shock?

  If even a body-refining wizard with such tenacious vitality can't be saved, what else can she treat? Who can be saved?

  Even the potions she refined were probably fake and shoddy products, right?

  Walk, walk, stay away from her to avoid disaster.

  Wizard Tina has a strong association, and such a picture has appeared in her mind before.

  "Where are Sage Serin and Wizard Renee? Where have they gone?"

  Link asked aloud while sensing Loken's physical condition and checking various monitoring data.

  It's just a distraction. It's trivial and not worth mentioning.

  "I was temporarily invited by the Paro Sage Legion to preside over the optimization of the 'Empowerment' potion project." The

  person who answered Link was Salia, who was responsible for external relations and was most familiar with the relevant situation.

  I see.

  Link had previously wondered why Sage Seren and Wizard Renee were still in the laboratory building before he and Jasmine went to attend the opening ceremony of the "Freedom to Do Anything" branch, so why did they leave so suddenly.

  We still need to find him to come back to save the situation.

  Loken was stimulated and did something stupid this time, probably because Sage Serin was invited to go to the fairy world.

  What you can't get is always commotion.

  The tauren vowed not to surrender.

  Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Link carefully checked Loken's physical condition.

  The isolation room is equipped with various inspection and testing facilities and equipment. More than 20 smart brain screens in the observation room are linked to different facilities and equipment to provide real-time feedback on Loken's physical condition.

  Combining the sensory results with the data comparison, Link quickly found the reason why Loken fell into shock, his vital signs were disordered, and his vitality continued to drain and he could not make up for it.

  After this, Link's claws became numb.

  The problem is not with the potion that has not yet been successfully developed, but with the physical talent that Loken had previously transplanted.

  Link knew something about this potion. It was Sage Serin's biggest creation after the "Regret" potion.

  The target is actually not the promotion of the second-level body-refining wizard to the third-level body-refining wizard, but the process of the third-level body-refining wizard being promoted to the fourth-level sage.

  Of course, as long as they can withstand it, a senior second-level body-refining wizard can use this to attack a third-level wizard, and there is a high success rate.

  It’s just that no relevant experiments have been done and there is a lack of data, so we don’t know what kind of adverse reactions it will produce.

  Judging from the current situation, Loken has been successfully promoted to the third level body refining wizard with the help of potions.

  However, several of the physical talents he had transplanted before had "rebellion" due to unknown factors.

  They are all resisting the newly awakened talents of the third-level body refining wizard who wants to expel them from Loken's body.

  "What's yours is yours. It's not yours, so don't force it." Shaking his

  head and sighing, Link controlled the intelligent machinery in the isolation room through his brain, and took various samples from the shocked Loken. , conduct refined detection.

  While waiting for the test results, Link activated the "multi-threaded thinking" state and thought about how to solve Loken's problem.

  After a while, my thoughts came to fruition.

  Preliminarily, there are two feasible methods.

  The first is to find a way to replenish the vitality and let Loken carry it on his own.

  The battle between the newly awakened talents and several transplanted talents after being promoted to the third level Body Refining Wizard ended.

  Either the newly awakened talent will be so arrogant that it drives out the transplanted talent;
  or the transplanted talent will be strong and force the newly awakened talent to coexist with it.

  The second is to find a way to strip away the transplanted talent and help Loken pure himself and greatly increase his combat power.

  From the bottom of his heart, Link didn't want to choose either option.

  Because no matter which one you choose, it will benefit Loken without any harm, but it will not benefit Link at all.

  It's even possible that Loken wouldn't appreciate it after he wakes up.

  However, based on the researcher's instinct, Link wanted to try the second method.

  Just when he was transformed into a humanoid computer equipped with top-level AI, Link had a very bold idea.

  If this idea can be realized, perhaps Link will create a new wizard genre.

  In the wizarding world, there are more than five major schools: elemental wizards, body refining wizards, true spirit wizards, omnic wizards, and beast-controlling wizards.

  These five major schools all have saints standing at the top, which is the avenue to heaven, that's all.

  There are still some branches based on the five major schools, or side branches that are not related to the five major schools.

  These small and medium-sized schools are different from each other, each has its own characteristics, and there is just a lack of strong people standing at the top of the school.

  In Link's imagination, he and his direct members of "Freedom to Do Anything" would not be able to change the school that might be created.

  But it can be used to train non-direct subordinates.

  For example, the gangsters in the West District, or the servants of other worlds.

  Of course, these are all things for later.

  To realize Link's vision, the prerequisite is to rescue Loken by stripping him of his transplant talent!


  Link was in a rare situation where he was at a loss.

  "What are you hesitating about?"

  Wizard Tina noticed something slightly wrong in Link's expression and immediately asked.

  "Emmm... I'm hesitant about whether to save him or not."

  Link truthfully stated his dilemma without any hesitation.

  "There's nothing to be hesitant about. If you can, save him. If you really have no other choice, don't save him!"

  Wizard Tina couldn't help but urged, "Hurry up and make a decision. Time waits for no one."

  "Okay. "

  Link nodded and made a decision.

  Compared to realizing what I had just envisioned, those personal grudges were nothing.

  "Get ready."

  With a simple command, Link concentrated all his attention on designing the next operation process.

  Thalia, Ella, and Tina all knew what preparations to make without Link's specific instructions.

  They first released a large dose of anesthetic into the isolation room to give Loken, who was in shock, a deep anesthesia to reduce the chance of a riot.

  If he were an ordinary person, would he be in shock and given a large dose of anesthesia?
  It's equal to murder!
  Afterwards, the intelligent machinery was controlled to transport Loken, who was in a state of shock and deep anesthesia, from the isolation room to the "operating room" next door.

  The corpse-like Loken was placed in a supine position, and his limbs and forehead were tied with restraints with the functions of restraining demons and unloading force.

  All kinds of surgical medicaments, especially those that can quickly replenish vitality in case of death at any time, are all available. The entire operation is performed under "sterile" conditions.

  Generally speaking, Link only needs to do his own disinfection work at this time, and then he can carry the knife into the room and start the operation.

  However, this operation is extremely special, and Link needs to make some extra preparations.

  The transplanted talent stripped from Loken will be wasted if there is no suitable carrier.

  As for Link's idea that he might be able to create a genre, the most critical first step is to losslessly carry the stripped-out transplant talent.

  "Ella, I need to look at the warehouse catalog and find something."

  After completing the operation process design, Link began to look for a suitable carrier.

  Ella is responsible for running the property of Sage Serin's Pharmacy Teaching and Research Group, and the warehousing affairs are also under her control.


  Without any hesitation or prevarication, Ella directly logged into her account on the office computer and pulled up the storage records for Link to read.

  Ignoring other categories, Link directly clicked on the World of Warcraft Furs category and browsed carefully.

  After looking at it for about ten minutes, I finally found a suitable carrier.

  Coincidentally, the source of the World of Warcraft fur that Link finally chose was exactly the same as the "New Empowerment" potion that was experimented on Loken a while ago.

  They are all the kind of bull-shaped monsters that are about to become extinct in the wizarding world.

  After Link made his selection, Ella immediately retrieved three cow-shaped monster skins from the warehouse.

  Taking the World of Warcraft fur in hand, Link carefully observed the various patterns on it, and only entered the operating room after he knew what it was like.

  After such a long period of shock and deep anesthesia, Loken was already dying even though they were constantly replenishing his vitality.

  It's like a deflated ball that can't be filled with air!
  "Record. Start."

  Looking around, Salia, Ella, and Tina realized they had become assistants and "nurses." Link activated "Occlumency" and entered a state of extreme rational indifference.

  The surgery of stripping and transplanting talents has officially begun.

  Link held his right hand emptyly, and a "scalpel" composed of three magic powers of light, water, and metal appeared out of thin air between his thumb, index finger, and middle finger.

  This "scalpel" is actually a 2-ring compound witchcraft, dedicated to extraordinary medical treatment.

  Just this hand shocked Shalia, Ella and Tina.

  After being stunned for less than a second, the three of them came to their senses and each looked at each other, each seeing the shock that had not dissipated in the other's eyes.

  There are rumors that Link Grande used some method or got some chance to complete his wizard qualifications and has affinity with all elements.

  It turns out it’s true, not just a rumor!

  Link ignored the shock of the three of them, held the "scalpel" firmly, and stabbed Loken's heart with the first knife.

  The first physical talent that Loken transplanted was "rapid self-healing", which was imprinted on the heart.

  The "scalpel" penetrated Loken's skin, fat, superficial fascia, veins, deep fascia, arteries, and nerves without any damage, and landed on the heart, marking the starting point of the transplant's talent for "rapid self-healing."

  Then, the entire mark is completely cut along the trajectory very accurately.

  While the right hand was using the "quick self-healing" talent of cutting and transplanting, the left hand was not idle either. With a pick of the index finger, a piece of cow-shaped monster fur was suspended.

  Following the cutting trajectory of the "scalpel", the suspended cow-shaped monster's fur is automatically cut, forming a similar shape that is slightly larger than the "quick self-healing" imprint of the transplant talent.

  "A large dose replenishes vitality. Increase the dose of anesthesia at any time."

  Link reminded him loudly before proceeding to the next step.


  Shalia, Ella, and Tina responded in unison, and then each performed their duties.

  Salia adjusted the dose of the potion that quickly replenished vitality;
  Ella was ready to increase the strength of the anesthesia;
  Tina kept a close eye on the data, and would sound a reminder at any time if there were any abnormal fluctuations.

  Taking a gentle breath and holding his breath, Link operated both his left and right hands at the same time.

  With a gentle pick of the "scalpel", the cut off "quick self-healing" brand of the transplanted talent was peeled off from the heart; with a finger of his left hand, the

  corrected shape of the cow-shaped monster's fur immediately captured the mark of leaving Loken's body.

  Link's mental power followed closely, and he used the True Spirit Wizard's sealing level 2 witchcraft to completely seal the transplant talent "quick self-healing" into the cow-shaped monster's fur.

  The first wave of operations was successfully completed.

  Loken's vital signs showed some disturbances, and the rate of loss of vitality increased.

  While Loken was not really dead, Link continued the second, third, and fourth wave of operations.

  The other three physical talents that Loken spent a lot of time transplanting were cut, peeled off, and sealed in the fur of the bull-shaped monster.

  When all four transplant talents were stripped away, Loken's vital signs immediately stopped being disordered and his vitality stopped flowing away.

  Even if he no longer continues to replenish his vitality, relying on the physical strength and self-healing ability of the third-level body-refining wizard, Loken will wake up on his own before long.

  "Take care of him and call me if you have any questions."

  Link took four pieces of Warcraft skins of different shapes and left the operating room and went straight to his office.

  The first step to realize the idea has been completed. Next, you have to think carefully about how to carry out the second step.

  This step is of a transitional nature, and the core content is to refine the fur of the Warcraft with the transplanted talent sealed.

  Even if the effect of the transplant talent cannot be amplified, at least two things must be done: not to compromise and not to cause immune rejection.

  After much thought, Link decided to ask for the "empowerment" potion that had undergone several changes.

  And it is the most primitive version of the "empowerment" potion.

  After reviewing the initial data and comparing it with his own ideas, Link was in a state of overflowing with thoughts.

  From design, to research and development, to refining samples, it only took half a day.

  Looking at the bottle of pink potion in his hand, Link began to test the potion's various data with anticipation.

  At this time, Thalia knocked on the door, then entered the laboratory and said, "Lorken is awake."

  "Then what?"

  Link asked calmly.

  "I feel that something is wrong with him and he is in

  a trance." Salia said, "Go over and take a look. Since you are not here, the three of us are a little unsure."


  Link looked at something that was being tested. The pink potion followed Salia to the third underground floor.

  Shalia, Ella, and Tina had already moved Loken into an isolation room for safety reasons.

  In this way, even if Loken riots after waking up, there will be a place where Loken can be locked up so that they will not suffer.

  Well, the body-refining wizard who always does reckless things is so annoying.

  Entering the observation room, through the single-sided see-through glass, I observed Loken sitting in the corner of the isolation room for a while.

  Link shook his head and said, "Everything is normal, don't worry about him."

  "Then what happened to him?"

  Tina asked curiously.

  She has never seen the tall and tall Loken as lonely and sad as he is now.

  "I just woke up from a dream."

  Link did not elaborate on what Loken's dream was.

  But Shalia, Ella, and Tina understood it instantly.

  What else could it be a dream?
  They heard with their own ears the words that Wizard Renee said indifferently before accompanying Sage Serin to the goblin world, which greatly affected Loken's self-esteem.

  "Seline has been taking care of you just out of guilt, just like taking care of a dog.

  Look at yourself, then look at Celine, what makes you worthy of Celine?

  Why does Paro never treat you as a Threat? Also because you are not worthy!

  The only thing that can prevent Paro from successfully chasing Serin is his head stuffed with unknown things.

  It has nothing to do with you at all!"

  Now look at Loken's devastated look.

  It really looks like a dog.

   Fix a bug.

    The person Sage Seren brought into the teaching and research group was changed from Asander Cornette to Renee Clark.

    At that time, I had adjusted the time for Assander to join "Freedom to Do Anything", but I forgot to change it.

    In addition, I wish:
    Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion! All the best and peace!
  (End of chapter)

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