279. Chapter 279 There are always reckless people

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  Chapter 279

  The funeral of a reckless person always ends.

  Dalton called the three gangsters aside.

  He took out two boxes from his arms and handed them to the gangster leader: "Big brother, I heard the elder sister reported this matter, so I sent it back to you." The gangster

  leader thanked him sincerely from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you, elder sister, for me. , thank you, boss."

  Whether it is true or false, at least in "freedom to do anything", in Link Grande, they are treated as a person, not a tool that can be used and discarded.

  Even though "freedom to do anything" is expanding, they are not forced to give them, the bottom of the West District, tasks that they cannot complete or are destined to die.

  Even if some tasks may involve high risks, they will make it clear in advance that the truth will never be concealed.

  The five people who were originally low-level gangsters and later became backstreet bullies felt full respect.

  It was also based on their own experiences that they gradually understood what the "humanitarian spirit" that Mr. Grande often said was.

  From the perspective of the gangster leader, this sudden fight that resulted in the death of two young men had nothing to do with "freedom to do anything". It was just the outbreak of hidden dangers left by their previous expansion of territory.

  Unexpectedly, the boss was far away at the college headquarters. After learning the news, he actually sent something to express his condolences.

  This made the gangster leader really moved and excited.

  In front of Dalton and the two younger brothers, the gangster leader carefully opened the first box.

  The contents in the box were very simple, with only a standard second-level magic stone and a note stating that this standard second-level magic stone was used as settlement expenses for the two gangsters.

  This is not a big deal, and for the current Link, it is just a drop in the bucket.

  It's placed on the ground floor of the West District, but it's a sky-high price!
  Moreover, it is unheard of.

  Which gangster organization has a so-called settlement fee?

  If I don't rob or occupy your home while you're dead, that's a sign of conscience.

  settle down?

  Whether the home can be kept is still unknown.

  The gangster leader sniffed hard, closed the lid, and carefully put it into his arms.

  After going back, I plan to convert this standard second-level magic stone into a standard first-level magic stone and give it to the two younger brothers' families respectively.

  After adjusting his mood, the gangster leader opened the second box.

  Three gasping sounds happened at the same time.

  There were three bright red potions in the box, which shone with attractive reflections under the sunlight.

  "This is this?"

  The gangster leader suddenly closed the lid and asked in agitated mood.

  "The big boss has newly developed a brand-new potion called 'Growth'. The name is a bit difficult to pronounce, but it has a very strong effect and is very suitable for you." Dalton said seriously, "

  It can make up for the damage caused by the injection of the second-generation 'Empowerment' potion . Potential loss."

  There were three more gasps.

  After being injected with the "empowerment" potion, all five of them, including the two dead gangsters, gained some witchcraft-like talents in addition to the witchcraft they mastered.

  Or become invisible, or have farsightedness/clairvoyance, or shadow walk, or be keenly aware of sound waves, or temporarily blend with the surrounding environment.

  Weird but useful, it solves the problem of gangsters who don’t have much time and resources to learn witchcraft.

  The only drawback is that it can only inject no more than three second-generation "empowerment" potions.

  And every injection will overdraw a certain potential.

  Current strength or future potential is not a question.

  For the West End gangsters who are precarious and don't know which belt their heads are tied to, of course they choose their current strength.

  Only when you are alive can you talk about the future.

  Now, Grande has solved this only drawback, which is a great thing for the gangsters.

  Upon seeing this, Dalton warned: "Due to the precious raw materials of the 'breeding' potion and the complicated refining process, it can only be refined by the big boss himself at present, and the output is extremely limited. Go back and inject yourselves. Don't reveal the information for the time being. Understand. Really?"


  The gangster leader nodded calmly.

  He now has twenty or thirty people in charge, and he knows how to worry not about the scarcity but the inequality.

  "I understand, I understand."

  The two gangsters nodded repeatedly.

  "Okay, I'm leaving first."

  Dalton looked up at the sky, left the cemetery on the outskirts of the South District, returned to the new headquarters in the North District where "you are free to do anything", and reported back to General Manager Assander Cornet.

  Well, the position of general manager was specially created by the boss for General Manager Asander.

  This means that all matters are handled by him.

  A boss is a boss, and the names of several positions can have profound meanings.

  processing, rather than a final ruling.

  The eldest sister holds the position of president and is the one responsible for the final decision.

  This leaves some room, and you don’t have to worry about being taken over by doves.

  With admiration for the boss, Dalton returned to the new headquarters converted from a villa in the North District.

  Members who came in and out greeted Wizard Dalton, one of the eight elders, warmly, and Dalton responded with a bright smile.

  Boom, boom.

  Dalton knocked on the door of the general manager's office and pushed it open.

  "Sit down, are you done over there?"

  Asander was making tea, pointed to the chair diagonally opposite, and gave Dalton a cup.


  Dalton simply responded and began to taste the tea.

  The two drank three cups of tea happily and started talking about business.

  In the opinion of the gangster leader, the sudden conflict they encountered was the outbreak of a hidden danger that had not been dealt with before.

  But in Assand's eyes, this is a response and warning from some black glove organizations in the Western District who have been infiltrating into the Western District during this period of "freedom to do anything."

  "It's time to keep a low profile and settle down for some time."

  After talking about related matters, Assand told Dalton, who was responsible for infiltrating the Western District, "Stop the expansion in the Western District, and even take the initiative to shrink some. Take precautions, especially yourself, and be sure to travel Be careful."


  Dalton was not a fool.

  After Andrea's fraud, Dalton became enlightened and became more and more discreet in his dealings with others.

  Among the five members of the Friendship Group, Buck is now not responsible for any external affairs and concentrates on training the candidates selected by Asander.

  In the words of General Manager Assander, the Grande boss will go to war sooner or later. The sooner the main team is prepared, the smoother the future development will be.

  As the deputy general manager, Lin En helps Assander handle all matters of "freedom to do anything".

  This kid Dijie used his natural instinct to take charge of external relations, and by the way, he controlled part of the intelligence system.

  And Dijie's right-hand assistant was Mina Havchuk, who saw the right opportunity and surrendered in time.

  For this reason, Betty also lost her temper and did not give Dijie a good look for more than half a month.

  Even Assander, who made the personnel arrangements, and Linn, who announced the personnel appointments, received Betty's eyes for more than half a month.

  Ezio is a straightforward person who doesn't talk much. He is responsible for internal inspections and reports directly to the president Jasmine. Therefore, Dalton, who is becoming more and more invisible, has become the best choice to infiltrate the Western District.

  After leaving the general manager's office, Dalton walked to the deputy general manager's office next door.

  "Is something wrong?"

  Linn was reviewing a document and asked without looking up after sensing Dalton's arrival.

  "The general manager is getting married soon, and we have to prepare a gift."

  Dalton familiarly turned on the anti-eavesdropping facility in the office, and then sat across from Linn and said.


  Lynn recalled the changes that had taken place in "Freedom to Do Anything" in less than a month, and strongly agreed with Dalton's idea.

  Then he displayed the art of leadership and said smoothly: "Since you brought it up, you are responsible."

  Dalton opened his mouth and looked at Linn in disbelief.

  Is he just looking for trouble? Is he looking for a troublesome job for himself?
  Moreover, are you so slick now?

  Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend!
  Dalton suddenly felt that the seat under his butt was a little hot. He quickly jumped up and left in a hurry.

  He was afraid that if he stayed a little longer, another errand would fall on him.

  Linn looked at Dalton's back and smiled helplessly.

  If Dalton doesn't find something to do on the surface, how can he convince those black gloves in the West End that he is "free to do anything" and stop expanding?
  College headquarters.

  The "Freedom to Do Anything" branch is located here.

  After nearly a month of preparations, the "Freedom to Do Anything" branch was officially unveiled today.

  All procedures are formal and all processes are reported.

  Absolutely no flaws at all.

  Even if someone wants to take the opportunity to cause trouble, they can't find fault.

  After the brief listing ceremony, Link faced Jasmine, Shandora, Lani, Tiffany, Gerald, and Fried in the lobby on the first floor of the branch station, and said calmly: "I don't have many false things to say, only In one sentence, 'freedom to do anything' is destined from the top-level design to not be an organization for one person, but an organization for all members. This may go against the mainstream of the wizarding world, but this is the sincere expectation of me, the founder. , I hope that everyone can work together to develop 'freedom to do anything' and develop yourself well." After

  a pause, Link emphasized: "When one day, 'freedom to do anything' becomes a hindrance to your development, I I hope you can withdraw from it without any hindrance, without having to bear any psychological burden at all. However, I also hope that if you really withdraw, you will not step on it." After the words fell, Link raised a bottle of golden wine

  . holding the crystal cup, he wished: "I hope everyone here will find their own truth one day!"


  The six people raised their glasses together, clinked their glasses, and drank a full glass.

  After drinking for three rounds, Link approached Sandora and got straight to the point, saying directly: "You will serve as the vice president of 'freedom to do anything' and the general manager of the branch. You will be fully responsible for all affairs of the branch, and you will also have the authority to ask questions. The authority of the headquarters. What do you think?"

  "No problem."

  Shandora calmly accepted her personnel appointment, and then said, "You know, I am willing to join, not for the position and authority." "

  Of course. "

  Link nodded and said, "I have somewhat understood some of your ideas. I think that 'freedom to do anything' may be a platform to implement your ideas." "How do you say it?"


  suddenly became interested.

  Link looked at Gerald and Fried in turn, and then asked: "Have you noticed the difference between them?"


  Sandora followed Link's line of sight and looked over, thoughtfully.

  Link didn't show off and expressed his opinion directly: "Fried's sense of presence has always been very low, but he can always complete his duties without making any mistakes or making mistakes. Why is this? Because he has worries. , so I can't let go. As for Gerald, he has a bold temperament, can take responsibility, and can adjust his position in time, advance and retreat freely, and bend and stretch at will. However, in the long run, I judge that Fried's future achievements will not be It will be lower than Gerald."

  "Maybe even higher."

  Sandora took the initiative to express the point that Link had not made clear. "Gerald seems to be able to move forward and retreat freely now, bending and stretching at will, but there is not much sense of crisis. And Fu Reed's concern is his sense of crisis. As long as Fried's self-confidence and will are not overwhelmed by this concern, he will be able to keep climbing upwards driven by his sense of crisis!" "Correct

  answer ."

  Link agreed very much with Shandora's words, "So..." "

  So, using the platform of 'freedom to do anything', we can build a relatively equal and free atmosphere, narrow the distance between them, and let Jay Ladd felt the pursuit from Fried, which made Fried understand that what he was afraid of was not actually insurmountable. So..."

  Sandora's eyes sparkled and her tone was excited.

  "In this way, both parties can make progress and continue to make progress!"

  Link took over Shandora's words, added what she wanted to say, and then changed the topic, "However, how to control the speed is a very important thing. Challenging things."

  At this time, Sandora completely understood the reason why Link asked her to serve as the general manager of the branch and concurrently serve as the vice president at the same time.

  Only by moving up to the position of vice president, Sandra can more conveniently recruit more local wizards like Fried through the "freedom to do anything" platform and channels.

  Whether they are pure blood, half blood from local families on the West Coast, or new blood from the Sea of ​​Storms, they can serve as fresh blood and continuously flow into the world branch of the academy headquarters where "you are free to do anything".

  Even, in the future, the local area will be the branch, and the college headquarters will be the headquarters!

  After thinking about this, Shandora reflected and compared the way she recruited Lanny, Tiffany, and Fried through the micro army with the way she recruited outstanding wizards from the local area through the "freedom to do anything" platform and channels.

  She found that both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The former mainly takes the high-end route, while the latter is tolerant and long-term.

  She wants to realize her idea and let more children from the big families of the academy feel the competition, get out of the state of just hanging around and waiting to die, and work hard.

  Obviously, the latter is more appropriate.

  Originally, because her mother, Ms. Lysandra, had tampered with her knowledge, she later did not change her decision and continued to join the "Freedom to Do Anything". Sandora, who actually had no special demands, was now full of motivation.

  "Thank you."

  Sandora sincerely thanked Link for helping him find a way to implement his ideas.

  "You're welcome."

  Link nodded slightly, and then walked towards Jasmine, who was waving to him.

  "There was an accident in the teaching and research team. Wizard Seren is not here. I am looking for you urgently and asked you to go there now."

  Jasmine said in a solemn tone in Link's ear, who lowered his head, "It's urgent, don't delay!"

  "Okay, Please tell them for me."

  After hearing this, Link immediately walked out and drove straight to the laboratory building of the Pharmacy Teaching and Research Group.

  Jasmine faced the people who cast curious glances and explained truthfully: "Sage Selin's pharmacy teaching and research team has something urgent to ask Link." "What

  about you? Do you want to come with us?"

  Sandora continued and asked, "What if? If you are busy too, we can finish today."

  "No need."

  Jasmine shook her head and said in a faint tone, "I'm afraid that if I go there, I'll get a stomachache from laughing."

  Everyone was puzzled, but they didn't ask any more questions.

  After all, it is an internal matter within the Pharmacy Teaching and Research Group of Sage Serin. If it is convenient to talk about it, Jasmine will not hide it.

  Link felt the experimental building as quickly as possible.

  Salia, who hadn't seen her for a long time, was waiting anxiously downstairs. When she saw Link's car, she immediately came over to meet him.

  "Hurry! Loken can't hold on anymore!"

  Salia said anxiously, explaining the accident that happened this time, "I don't know what happened. Loken took advantage of Sage Serin's absence and secretly took it before it was developed. The body refining potion is intended to forcefully attack the third-level wizard. The effect of the potion has undergone an unknown mutation. Loken has fallen into shock, his vital signs are disordered, and his vitality cannot be replenished." Link quickly rushed to the third underground floor

  . Asked:
  "Does he think he has lived too well and is eager to die?"

   Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion, all the best and peace.

  (End of chapter)

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