236.Chapter 236 Enemies everywhere

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  Chapter 236: Everyone is Enemy
  "Kill everyone!"

  This sentence was printed by Jasmine on the screen wall that can be seen as soon as you enter the station.

  Very conspicuous and very domineering.

  The effect is naturally very good.

  During the remaining week of preparations, the Friends Group and the Social Terrorism Group were on a daily basis.

  Each one of them will never give up until they are exhausted.

  Perhaps due to the accumulation of accumulated experience, or perhaps due to increased subjective initiative, the team's combat effectiveness suddenly jumped up.

  This made Link both happy and speechless.

  I am relieved that all his thoughts were not in vain.

  He was speechless because a burst of chicken blood seemed to have a greater effect than the various training plans he carefully conceived.

  A week passed.

  Early that morning, Link received two notifications.

  One is to tell him the meeting time and place so that he will not be late.

  One is the format and rules of this competition.

  After reading the time and place, Link knew what was going on and continued to read the format and rules.

  This competition is between Riversoth College, Shadow City, Flame and Metal Trading Company, Mesobrada University, White Tower Alliance, and the five top wizarding forces in the Michelle District, second only to the Tower of the Great Sage in Michelle. , a "friendly" competition to determine the amount of the Supreme Council's "education allocation".

  Competition is first, friendship is nothing.

  It is divided into two groups: individual competition and team competition.

  The team competition is held first, and the competition format is similar to a battle royale.

  20 teams were put into a competition venue transformed from a desolate world from different places.

  Every hour, the survival range will be reduced.

  Each team has a special device that sends a fix to the other nineteen teams every hour.

  Each team that loses more than 5 people will be eliminated.

  The team that eliminates the most teams will get the first place;

  the team that reaches the final safety circle first will get the second place;
  after that, the data of eliminated teams and attrition will be calculated and ranked.

  As long as a reasonable source can be provided, the 20 teams can bring any equipment.

  The format of the individual competition is very simple, it is the group competition.

  20 goes into 10, 10 goes into 5, 5 goes into 2, the final.

  The most special thing is the 5-in-2 game, where 5 people take turns playing each other, that is, everyone has to play 4 games.

  Based on the overall performance, the two finalists will be determined.

  Of course, this is only the prescribed competition format, and the actual situation may be subject to temporary changes based on on-site conditions.

  For example, in a 5-for-2 game, the contestants were beaten to death, and each player could not play 4 games.

  "Jasmine, I want to inform everyone that we will gather in 10 minutes, each will check their equipment, and head to the central square in 20 minutes."

  Link said while copying the two notifications he received to Jasmine, the Friends Group, and the Social Terrorism Group respectively.

  "Well, let's do it."

  Jasmine, who had been sitting next to Link, responded and immediately started operating on the brain.

  20 minutes later.

  Senior College Central Square.

  When Link arrived with the "free to do anything" 9 people, he found that they were not the first team to arrive.

  A long way away, Link saw an acquaintance with an unhappy expression.

  Hawke Lucia!
  It is said that Hawke Lucia and his friend Bobby Smith sent an application to join the Paro Sage Corps, and the Paro Sage personally approved the application.

  I didn't expect to see Hawke here.

  It seems that the Lucia family attaches great importance to this competition, and even forcibly called Hawke Lucia back.

  With such a dark history of quitting the legion midway, apart from the legion of the Lucia family, how can other legions accept Hawk?

  It can be said that Hawke's path became too narrow from the moment he could not withstand the pressure from his family and left the Paro Sage Legion midway.

  In Hawk's team, Link also discovered several Rukia.

  Taking a closer look, Link discovered that they had all participated in the West District ambush incident, and they were four of the six first-level wizards Rukia.

  A rough calculation showed that there were five Rukia in that team that Link knew alone.

  It seems that this is the team secretly formed by the Rukia family in Mina's information, preparing to snipe Link.

  Raising his hand to push up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, Links smiled, revealing eight white teeth.

  Under the warm sunlight, it actually reflected a chilling cold light.

  It's obviously full of warm smiles, but it makes people shudder.

  The effects of forces are reciprocal.

  So does observation.

  While Link was sizing up the Lucias, Hawke was also sizing up Link.

  Looking at Link's smile, Hawke couldn't help but shudder.

  He has investigated Link and seen some video data, and knows that whenever Link makes such a move, it is when he has murderous intentions.

  Apparently, the family's formation of a team to snipe Link was exposed for some reason.

  Link Grande was prepared to kill them.

  In team competitions, it is not prohibited to attack your own organization's team, and there is a death indicator.

  If each team loses more than 5 people, it will be ruled out. It does not mean that it can only kill 5 people.

  As long as you have enough strength, it's no problem to kill them all.

  Hawke suddenly felt very sad when he thought about this.

  What do the elders of the family think?

  Is it okay to sacrifice the lives of future generations at will for the sake of lost face?
  At this moment, Hawke suddenly felt how correct his friend Bobby's words were when he decided to follow his family's orders and withdraw from the Paro Sage Army despite Bobby's dissuasion.

  "My good friend Hawke is dead."

  "Goodbye, Hawke... Lucia."

  "I wish you a whole body!"

  Hawke looked up at the bright sun and murmured with a chill in his heart. He murmured to himself: "I wish I had a whole body."

  Soon, another team arrived.

  And there are two at once.

  One group is led by Tiffany Colonna, and the other group is composed entirely of senior first-level wizards that Link is unfamiliar with.


  Tiffany motioned to the team members to line up, and walked up to Link.

  "I'm not sure if I can do it, so I can only promise not to attack each other."

  Link truthfully stated his thoughts.

  The battlefield situation is complex and subject to change at any time.


  How to cooperate?

  Unable to cooperate.


  Tiffany did not force cooperation, and was satisfied with the promise not to attack each other.

  Then, without any further delay, she turned around and returned to her team.

  Shandora, accompanied by Lanny, arrived at the right time.

  Looking at the four teams with different mental outlooks, her eyes stayed on Link and "Freedom to Do Anything" for a few more seconds. Shandora spoke briefly and said briefly: "No more words, just work hard and set off." Let's go."

  After the words fell, a cool-looking, "technical" aircraft fell from the sky.

  Sandora entered the tail cabin of the aircraft first.

  The four teams boarded the plane in sequence according to the time they arrived at the Central Square.

  Perhaps she was in a bad mood, or perhaps for other reasons, Shandora didn't give Link the same high-spirited feeling this time as she did at the beginning last time.

  There was an awkward and conflicting feeling that she was being forced to be the leader. The speed of the aircraft is several times the speed of sound, which is super fast.

  After ascending vertically from the central square to high altitude, it took less than 20 minutes to reach the destination.

  After the parking was stable, Sandora, accompanied by Lanni, led the four teams down to the tail cabin of the aircraft.

  "Shandora, long time no see."

  A delicate voice came suddenly.

  Immediately, a figure of a charming witch wearing only three points appeared in front of the Riversouth College team, blocking the way.

  Behind the charming witch, there are also four teams.

  Link found the logo of the Flame and Metal Trading Company on some of the people in the team.

  "Vina, go away, I don't want to talk to a bitch who can do anything she wants!"

  Shandora didn't give any face to the three-point witch and spoke without mercy.

  "Hmph, I hope the little guy you choose can be as tough as your mouth, or he will be beaten to death by my people." The

  three o'clock witch Vina said while waving back.

  A strong man who looked like an iron tower and was almost as big as Loken came out of the crowd and walked to the three-point witch Wei Na.

  They are one big and one small in size, with one wild and charming temperament, like a wild beast and a canary.

  The three o'clock witch Wei Na raised her hand and stroked the strong man's chest muscles, her eyes were as charming as silk, her face flushed, and she said in a tone that was almost moaning: "My big baby, you will definitely be a good little guy."


  Shandora had a cold face and squeezed out a voice from her nasal cavity. She was strongly dissatisfied and angry. She turned to Link and ordered coldly, "You must kill him for me."

  Link did not respond or make any other statement.

  He just responded with silence, calmly facing Sandora's increasingly gloomy eyes.

  He just responded to the call, not became a domestic slave.

  Want to direct him to do something?

  Issue formal orders through formal channels.

  Instead of treating him like a domestic slave like now!

  Shandora looked at Link steadily for a long time, then suddenly the clouds cleared and she showed a bright smile: "You can definitely kill him, and you will definitely kill him, haha..." Smiling like this,

  Shandora Ignoring the three-point witch Wei Na's public announcement, she led the four teams from Riversoth College and walked past everyone from the Flame and Metal Trading Company.

  Walk towards the cross-border portal belonging to the Tower of the Great Sage Michael.

  The parameters of the portal have been adjusted, and everyone can just walk in.

  The sense of detachment from time and space that I hadn't experienced for a long time came again.

  After stabilizing his mind and state, Link found himself outside a building similar to the Colosseum.

  Facing everyone in the Colosseum is an arch with a sign that reads "River South School of Biology and Medicine".

  "You guys go in, rest by yourself, and wait for the game to start."

  Sandora pointed to the arch, and without waiting for anyone to respond, she took Lanny to a building similar to an opera house next to the Colosseum.

  This team leader is really incompetent.

  Not only did they not explain the rules of the competition or give a mobilization speech, they even followed the process so casually.

  Moreover, what she cares about is actually her own personal grudges.

  He doesn't care at all about the official affairs of the college.

  This performance is very different from the Sorcerer Sandora that Link came into contact with last time.

  Link didn't know why the other party had changed so much in just a few weeks, and he didn't care.

  What he cared about was a special message he had just received.

  Christina continued to "call" using the special method of semi-independent soul development developed by Link and the wizard Seren.

  While leading the team towards the arch, Link responded to Christina's "call".

  "Link, someone in your college has bribed a team in Shadow City to kill you, so be careful!"

  Christina didn't care that this message might be intercepted and monitored by others, and directly used special techniques to Tell Link on a soul level.

  "Yes, I will. Take care of yourself."

  Link replied and took the initiative to disconnect.

  Don't dare to keep the connection at the soul level for a long time, otherwise something will happen.

  If something like divine intercourse happened and he was not clean, Jasmine would definitely kill him!

  Entering the archway, there is actually a hall and wooden doors leading to four different rooms.

  Without hesitation, Link directly chose a wooden door, pushed it open, and led the team inside.

  The room behind the wooden door is very simply furnished, with ten soft chairs and nothing more.

  "Sit, rest, and be ready to compete at any time."

  After giving the order, Link took the lead to sit down and close his eyes to rest.

  In a building similar to an opera house.

  The leaders of the five wizard organizations, each with a follower, gathered together.

  The leader of the Shadow City team, who exuded a cold aura, a feminine wizard with a pair of cat eyes, sneered and said to Shandora: "Shandora Diomande, haven't you never participated in the affairs of your family and college? Why are you here to deal with the mud like us who can't hold up the wall this time? Hey, hey, hey... it's really interesting."

  Sandora ignored the other party and ignored him.

  The leader of the White Tower Alliance looked like a scholar, holding a large book and flipping through it. He said without raising his head: "The world is in motion, and so are people. The world is changing, and so are people. Shan Duo in the past La is Shandora, the current Shandora is still Shandora. The only difference lies in which of the two Shandora is the Shandora that Shandora wants to be. Shandora, ask your own heart , No need to answer me, ask your own heart and tell yourself. What is the answer?"

  Shandora rolled her eyes and pretended not to hear this "nonsense".

  The University of Mesobrada and River South College are staunch allies and have had an old friendship for nearly a thousand years.

  However, the leader of the Mesobrada University did not speak out to help, but chose to watch indifferently.

  This makes the three-point witch Wei Na, the leader of the Flame and Metal Trading Company, even more unscrupulous.

  She pulled over a male pet who looked like a rabbit, and while slapping the rabbit's cheeks wantonly, she said in a mocking tone: "People's hearts are as high as the sky, how can they look down on us worms who are just waiting to die. Oh, by the way, Sandra found a pretty boy with gold-rimmed glasses and wanted him to kill my Cavell. Do you want to play and bet on who can survive?" "

  I'll be the banker."

  The feminine man from Shadow City Through the surveillance, he saw the scene where Shandora ordered Link but received no response. He smiled sinisterly and said, "It just so happened that the pretty boy with gold-rimmed glasses that Shandora couldn't control was also a certain family of River South College. Through the secret Channel, entrust a team of our Shadow City to kill the target. I want to see how special this pretty boy with gold-rimmed glasses is, and he is so outstanding. Not only has it attracted the attention of Shandora, but also others If you want to kill it, then hurry up."

  What is amomum villosum and pig heart?

  In front of Shandora, he said that a certain family in River South College entrusted outsiders to kill the geniuses in their own college.

  This is called Amomum villosum pig heart!
  Sandora's expression suddenly changed.

  The same goes for Lanny, who is sitting next to her.

  What happened to the Rukia family?
  How could he be so irrational and know everything from inside to outside?
  Regardless of whether this thing succeeds or not, whether Link Grande lives or dies in the end, Riversoth College will lose a lot of face.

  Even though she was forced by her mother and third uncle to reluctantly serve as the team leader, Sandora still cared about the face of the college.

  Because if you leave the academy, you will lose the glory of your family.

  Without the glory of her family, how could she have a free life?

  "Inform Link and ask him to be more vigilant."

  Sandora turned to order Lani.


  Lani was about to get up.

  Suddenly, the game started early.

  All the participants from the 20 teams sitting in their respective rooms were teleported into the competition venue.

  "Ho ho ho ho..."

  Three o'clock witch Wei Na waved a button in her hand and laughed heartily, "4 to 1, we all agree to start the game early."

  Sandora turned around suddenly and looked at her ally. University of Mesobrada, leader.

  "Don't look at me in such surprise."

  The leader of Mesobrada said calmly, "The moment the Great Sage Ruiwo searched for the promotion resources needed by the Great Sage Suosi, the Michelle District No less than your River South Academy."

  After a pause, the leader of Mesobrada stared into Shandora's eyes and emphasized every word:

  "No one wants to see a wiser person than Michelle. Reversoth Academy, which is even stronger than the Tower of Hunters, appears."


  (End of this chapter)

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