235. Chapter 235 Young people must be energetic!

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  Chapter 235 Young people just need to be energetic!
  Two weeks passed quickly.

  All three stages of teamwork training are completed.

  The first stage involves star battleship driving and combat command and operation, and all members pass it; the

  second stage involves division of labor into groups, inter-group tactical drills, and collective training, and all members pass it; the

  third stage, based on Link's personal experience and some Practical exercises on classic cases, passed by all members.

  After all, the time is shorter, and relying on the tacit understanding that has always been there, the ten-person team has been running smoothly.

  It is impossible to say how strong the tactical execution ability is compared to the actual combat effectiveness.

  Seek truth from facts and don’t deceive yourself and others.

  But it is impossible to say that there is no competitiveness.

  One soldier is raging, and the general is raging in a nest.

  In the same way, if Link is a strong leader of the team, the combat power that the team members can bring out will naturally be higher.

  This morning, when Link was considering whether to formulate the fourth phase of training to strengthen the weak points of the team, the portable brain received two notifications in succession.

  The first one is a summons notice, asking him to go to the dean's office in the administrative building of the Advanced College at 14:00 this afternoon to meet with the dean.

  The second one is the recruitment notice. Shandora Diomande once again sent a recruitment notice to Link.

  As Lani said, this time the call was not only for Link himself, but also gave a quota for a ten-person team.

  Link had expected it and was not surprised.

  He was not in a hurry to respond to the call and planned to wait until he met with the dean before making a decision.

  To be on the safe side, Link tentatively sent a message to Lanny Taylor, asking her to have a video communication at a suitable time.

  As a result, Lanie immediately sent a communication request.

  Link agreed to the request and connected the communication.

  "What's up?"

  Lanie's voice came out mixed with the slightly noisy background sound.

  "Have you returned to your homeland?"

  Link asked curiously, not in a hurry to get down to business.

  "No, I'm at the college headquarters, shopping with Sandora. She's trying on clothes."

  Lani replied casually.


  Link pondered for a while, then decided to change the topic and said, "I'm going to meet with the dean in the afternoon. I don't know what I want to talk about yet. To avoid conflict, I didn't rush to respond to Wizard Shandora. We have been recruited."

  "That's it."

  Lani turned her head and looked in the other direction before saying, "There is no difference. The dean of the local college is Sandora's third uncle." "

  Okay. "

  Link was speechless.

  "She's coming out. Hang up first. I'll let you know if anything happens."

  Lani hurriedly hung up the communication.

  Putting down his portable computer, Link turned his seat and looked at the lawn outside the window, speechless for a long time.

  "What's wrong? Are you here in a daze?"

  Jasmine walked into the study, hugged Link from behind with her hands, put her head on his neck, and asked softly, "Are you encountering something troublesome, or are you not satisfied with the results of the teamwork training?"


  Link grabbed a small white hand, rubbed it between his palms, and said, "It just feels like everything in the world is like a big net, and people are like a little bird. The bird is in the net and cannot be free."

  " Really? Don't worry too much about things that you can't resist for the time being. Leave it to the future. One day you will eventually become stronger, break free from the shackles of this net, and be free. We are free to do anything." Although I don't know why

  Link Things caused such emotion, Jasmine still felt relieved in her own way.

  No matter whether it is a boy or a man, it is impossible to be as strong as he appears on the surface all the time.

  There will always be times when you are vulnerable, or when you are struck down or depressed.

  Relief, appeasement, and understanding are much better than resentment, dissatisfaction with this, dissatisfaction with that, more than east versus west.

  Link's mood was indeed much more relaxed. He patted Jasmine's hand and said, "Go and inform them and hand over all the work at hand. It won't be long before you have to go to the competition. In addition, we will gather at the station in the evening. Tell me something."

  "Understood, I'll go right away."

  Jasmine straightened up, flicked the back of Link's head, turned around and walked out of the study.

  Ever since Link responded to her positively, Jasmine has really let herself go more and more freely in front of Link.

  There is a faint tendency to become Xiaosi Ji.

  It can only be said that Jasmine chose to follow Wizard Serin as an example, and she has already learned a five-point similarity in appearance and a six-point similarity in spirit.

  You never know when you will have a sudden impulse to eat Link.

  After lunch and a short rest, Link chose to go to the dean's office a little early.

  Jasmine strongly requested to be accompanied.

  When there were still 15 minutes left before the scheduled 14:00, Link had already arrived near the administration.

  Jasmine stopped not far downstairs and watched Link enter the administration building.

  It seems to be a grand farewell to the young soldiers who are about to go to the battlefield.

  It is no exaggeration to say that this interview can indeed be regarded as a war.

  A war without smoke.

  The dean's office occupies the entire top floor of the administrative building, and the door is closed.

  There was a bench in the corridor, and Link sat down and waited.

  At 13:59, Link stood up and knocked gently on the door.

  "Come in."

  A deep magnetic baritone voice came from the office.

  Link opened the door and walked into the office. Facing the gaze of the dean who looked and dressed like a middle-aged man, he walked steadily to the desk.

  He didn't seem to be affected much by that oppressive look.

  "Link Grande, reporting to you."

  After standing up, Link introduced himself in a calm and calm voice.

  "Okay, sit down."

  The dean pointed to the chair next to Link.

  "Thank you, Dean."

  Link immediately sat down. He didn't sit down completely, but he also didn't make a flattering appearance with his butt just touching the edge of the chair.

  Neither humble nor arrogant, polite and courteous.

  "Do you know why I called you here?"

  The dean spoke with a magnetic voice and asked casually.

  The boss can do whatever he wants, but Link doesn't dare to do whatever he wants.

  This question is not easy to answer either.

  The answer is yes or no, which is not appropriate.


  Who told you in advance?
  have no idea?
  If you don't even know how to figure it out, what's the use of you?
  So Link replied: "Everything must follow the command of the dean."

  Avoid the important and ignore the trivial, a universal formula.


  the dean chuckled, "Slippery."

  He raised his hand and pointed at Link, and the dean said:

  "Looking at you, you must know something about the game, but not much, and I don't know much about it. At the end, I don’t dare to answer hastily.

  Let me tell you this, the college is preparing to send four teams composed of first-level wizards who have been promoted within four years to participate in a competition between several wizard organizations in the Michelle District in a week. You

  , He is one of the captains who has already been appointed.

  Your team is formed by yourself.

  The academy’s requirement for you is that in the team competition, you must guarantee five to advance to three, and in the individual competition, you must sit three and wait for one. Do you have confidence? "

  It’s hard to say in the team competition, but in the individual competition, Link is very confident.

  However, Link did not dare to issue military orders casually.

  If you talk too much and fail to achieve it, it is easy to cause backlash.

  Commonly known as don't set flags randomly.

  He asked tentatively: "Can I know which wizard organizations will send teams?" "

  Of course."

  The dean smiled, "I can still tell you this information in advance. There are 5 organizations in total, and we, River South, Academy, City of Shadows, Metal and Flame Trading Company, University of Mesobrada, and White Tower Alliance."

  These five wizard organizations are all powerful wizards in the Michelle District, second only to the Tower of the Great Sage in Michelle. organize.

  Each company sent 4 teams, a total of 20 teams.

  In the team competition, it is difficult to guarantee five points and advance to three points, but it is not completely impossible. Link assessed his own strength and the strength of his direct members, and felt that he was still certain that he could accomplish this goal.

  Compared with some teams that may all be composed of senior first-level wizards,

  the disadvantage of "freedom to do anything" is just that the time for all members to become first-level wizards is shorter.

  Talents, resources, equipment, witchcraft, training, and tactical execution are all excellent.

  After thinking about it, Link replied cautiously: "I don't dare to vouch for it. I can only promise that I will try my best to get a good ranking." "


  The dean gave Link another virtual nod, "You are just a slippery man. . I still know your strength. Is it difficult for you to sit back and watch in the individual competition? It's not difficult at all! Forget it, I still don't put too much pressure on you, just do your best and don't hide your clumsiness. "

  Thank you, Dean, for your understanding."

  Link thanked him immediately, and then expressed his stance, "I will definitely do my best to strive to the top and bring glory to the college."


  The dean responded and talked about another matter, "Sandra will serve as the team leader of the college this time and lead the four teams of the college to participate in the competition. Because she has a private bet and needs to make a deal with Metal and Flame Trading Company She asked someone to compare the results of their respective teams. So she recruited you and your team. I think you can consider responding to the call." "

  Yes, I will respond immediately after I return."

  Link agreed immediately.

  Sure enough, as Lani said, there is no difference between responding earlier and responding later.

  This matter had been decided before he received the call-up notice.

  "Last time she recruited you, there were some twists and turns in the process. As a result, her mind was not on the management and tasks of the legion, so she neglected many things. Later, it was the report you sent her that reminded her." The dean then

  added She started a new topic, "She asked me to deliver some items to you as a subsidy for your last recruitment and as a reward for your outstanding performance." As he said that, the dean opened the drawer of the desk on the first floor

  . She took out three scrolls and put them in front of Link: "She learned that you have been looking for the 'War Armor' level 1 witchcraft, so she prepared these for you. This is what you deserve, take it with confidence, Don't shirk it."

  "Yes, thank you, Dean, thank you Wizard Sandora."

  Without any hesitation, Link put the three witchcraft model scrolls into the "small world" in front of the Dean.

  The dean sensed different spatial fluctuations, and after a moment of concentration, he suddenly laughed out loud and said something incomprehensible: "Waters probably hates Rosenthal to death."

  Link didn't hear much for a while. Understand, but the two people mentioned in the intuitive words are related to his "small world".

  He used "small world" in front of the dean, which had a tentative meaning in it.

  It's impossible for the dean not to see it, but he still expressed such emotion, just to remind Link.

  Therefore, Link's thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind and he made a more reasonable guess:

  Waters most likely gave the "seed" to his high-level existence in the form of an extra reward for the first-year two-area competition;

  Rosenthal was most likely in the apprentice-level practice secret realm, for unknown reasons. The reason is that it is a high-level existence that helps Link and allows him to truly own the "seed".

  After guessing this, Link felt no joy in his heart.

  But a vague worry.

  When gods fight, mortals suffer.

  I just hope that the struggle between these two high-level beings will not affect him.

  A grain of ashes of the times falls on an individual's head, and it becomes a mountain.

  If a spark spilled from the struggle between the big guys fell on a low-level wizard, it would definitely be burned to the point where no ashes were left.

  "Don't be afraid. As long as you stand firm, you'll be fine."

  The dean noticed Link's worries and spoke out in relief, but also meant something.


  Link could only reply.

  It makes no difference whether you hear the meaning or not.

  Just be a nodding quail.

  "Okay, let's stop here. Get ready when you get back. Before setting off, the detailed rules of the event will be sent to you."

  The dean waved his hand and motioned for Link to go.

  Link stood up, bowed and exited the office.

  It wasn't until he walked out of the administrative building of the Advanced Academy that Link took a long breath, relaxed his tense heartstrings, and kept the "Occlumency" operating at full capacity.

  The pressure the dean put on Link was much higher than that of the behemoth hiding behind the Level 5 Brood.

  It had been a long time since Link had experienced the feeling of sweating all over his body.

  "How's it going?"

  Jasmine came over from a distance and asked with concern.

  "Fortunately, normal tasks, carried out normally."

  Link did not hide anything from Jasmine and said, "It's just that I still have to respond to the call of Sorcerer Shandora and represent her in a performance competition with another team." "It won't have any impact on business, right?" "Probably


  . "

  After Jasmine asked what she wanted to know, she looked at the cold sweat on Link's forehead and said with concern, "Let's go back to the villa and take a rest." "


  Link nodded in agreement.

  Jasmine drove the "Phantom Coupe" and drove Link back to the lakeside villa.

  After entering the villa, Jasmine was busy handing Link a towel and ordering the butler Hamid to make tea.
  Jasmine did not stop until she was sure that Link was no longer sweating and had completely calmed down.

  Link saw all this in his eyes, and considering that Jasmine's precipitation was almost enough, he decided to give Jasmine the number of uses of the official wizard-level practice secret realm that he had been holding in his hand after the game.

  In this way, Jasmine will not stay at the level one wizard stage for too long.

  After substantial improvement, the foundation will not be unstable.

  Link kept this decision in his heart for the time being and did not tell Jasmine.

  Consider it a surprise then.


  Link was stationed at the "Freedom to Do Anything" Senior Academy and convened the Friendship Group and the Social Terrorism Group as scheduled.

  "Team competition, keep five and fight for three!"

  Link walked around the nine team members, talking as he walked.

  "This is the dean's request for us."

  "I did not agree to it."

  "But I said I would try my best to fight for it."


  "You tell me."

  Starting from Jasmine, Link and the five brothers one by one I am afraid of looking at each other with three fake societies.

  After a while, Lin En came out and said in a slightly unnatural tone: "Because we are not strong enough, the boss is not confident enough." "Is there

  anyone else who has the same idea as Lin En?"

  Link asked, signaling Lin En to return to the team. road.

  No one responded for a long time.

  Shaking his head, Link said: "No matter what you want to say, just say it! Don't we, who are 'free to do anything', not even have this bit of freedom?" "

  Report! I think the boss has other considerations. I can't guess at the moment. I know the boss's thoughts, so I don't dare to say anything

  nonsense." Buck stood up and said this.

  "Do you think the same as Buck?"

  "Yes, boss."

  Link stopped pacing, stood firm, and raised his right index finger:

  "The reason why I didn't agree to the dean's request is very simple.

  Guarantee five to three?

  No, I, Link Grande, do we only have this ambition to be 'free to do anything'?

  Damn it, keep five and fight for three!

  If we want to fight, we have to fight for the first place.

  Whoever dares to stop us, we will Kill who!
  Do you have the confidence?"

  Everyone was so excited by Link's brief words that they all shouted loudly: "Yes!"

  "What confidence do you have?"

  Link opened his right hand and put it to his ear, as if listening.

  "Get first place!"


  Link corrected with a serious look on his face,

  "He overturned everyone!"

  (End of Chapter)

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