190. Chapter 190: Be steady and retreat first!

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  Chapter 190: Stay safe and retreat first!

  The third battle went well.

  Whether it is the second regiment attacking from the front, or the first and third regiments attacking from the flanks, they are about to capture the attacking fortress.

  The special teams that went deep behind enemy lines have also destroyed the "biochemical factory."

  It is not a "disease". Biochemical transformation and enhancement without the ability to spread between goblins will destroy the "biochemical factory" and it will not be sustainable.

  The scale of goblin aberrations would not expand endlessly.

  There will be more vitality that can be preserved after the war.

  The benefits obtained, such as population resources, will be greater.

  In addition, the special team touched the sleeping place of the Goblin King and made a new discovery.

  Sage Paro looked at the holographic projection of the war situation and was still very satisfied.

  Just destroy the resistance of the Goblin Royal Family, clear out the goblins with a strong will to resist, and then kill the vulnerable Goblin King.

  This can declare a major victory in the first stage of the Fairy World Conquest War: the War of Annihilation.

  In fact, it has never been difficult for Sage Paro to conquer the goblin world.

  The difficult thing is to manage it after it is conquered.

  There are too many examples that prove that high-pressure servitude in person is inferior to the restraint of supporting agents.

  Based on the idea that he did not want to fall into the quagmire of a security war, Sage Paro did not choose to attack directly from the beginning and take the path of hard conquest. Instead, he used a gentle strategy.

  Sending a special envoy at the beginning was a clever move.

  If the Goblin King can withstand the world will of the goblin world, he is willing to become a vassal and surrender to the wizarding world.

  Sage Paro can also save some effort and time and help the world will of the wizard world transform the shape of the world will of the fairy world with peace of mind to complete this expedition.

  The Goblin King was unwilling or unable to surrender, so he chose to kill the envoy and actively provoked a war. He also fell into the scheme of Sage Paro.

  Bustling and bustling, good things come and good things go.

  There are differences between the interests of the Goblin King, the interests of the Goblin Royal Family, the interests of the Goblin Royal Family, the interests of the goblins of other races, and the overall interests of the goblin world.

  By taking advantage of these differences and sending a few more special envoys, you can always find doves who are unwilling to participate in the war, and you can also find those who are willing to become the leading party in order to obtain greater benefits.

  Agents are looking for these good-tempered doves and weak-minded leaders.

  Especially the nimble-legged and soft-footed Leading Party, which is very easy to use.

  Many times, the leading party can take the initiative to do things beautifully without any special instructions.

  Save worry, time and effort.

  Without strength and unity of heart, the Goblin King's chances of winning this asymmetric war are infinitely close to 0.

  The reason why Sage Paro did not win it all in one go, but to divide it into several more battles, was not only to temper the legion, but also to eliminate as many goblins with strong will to resist as possible.

  In this way, after the war is over, the wizarding world's restraint policy can be implemented more smoothly.

  History is always written by the victors.

  When two civilizations confront each other, the history of the loser's civilization is erased, and the victor writes a history that glorifies itself and belittles the conquered.

  The wizarding world will not delete the history of civilization in the fairy world, it will only need to "correct" billions of points.

  It is enough to improve public opinion and carry out large-scale and long-term brainwashing.

  The Doves and the Leading Party will use "facts" to publicize the Goblin King's crimes to civilian goblins, and
  that this war was initiated by the Goblin King for his own selfish purposes, regardless of the interests of hundreds of millions of goblins
  . The world's counterattack is a helpless move.

  Promote that the death of the Goblin King is not a pity, the destruction of the royal family is a matter of course, and the absence of the royal family is in the interests of all goblin groups. It is

  promoted that the wizarding world has overthrown the goblin royal family, mainly because the royal family's cruel and exploitative rule of the goblin world has brought freedom to the goblin world. With Sarachi...

  Promoting the goblin world to vassalize the wizarding world is never a bad thing, but a new starting point for a better future.

  This is the second stage of Sage Paro's conquest of the fairy world, the ideological war.

  After the end of the two wars, we entered the harvest stage of strengthening supervision and resource development.

  At that time, as long as enough armed forces are left to suppress them, the legion can be transferred back to the headquarters for training.

  Afterwards, it is the beginning of Paro Sage’s official conquest of the heavens.

  This expedition to the goblin world was just a training arrangement arranged by the academy to help Sage Paro adapt to the role change from a leader of the main regiment to a commander of the legion.

  Paro Sage's transformation was very fast and spot on.

  After several operations, the legion has taken the shape of Paro Sage.

  On the other side, the Fairy King Linzhong.

  While Sage Paro was observing the battlefield situation on the holographic projection, Link and Asander had already galloped all the way to the outskirts of the place where the Goblin King slept, and met up with Otis and the others.

  what's the situation?
  Having just arrived at the high place where Boss Otis and the others were, Link couldn't help but feel doubtful when he saw the scene happening not far below.

  Actually, two groups of goblins started fighting among themselves and kept attacking each other.

  The battle scenes are extremely intense.

  Both sides did not hold back and used real fire, resulting in heavy casualties, corpses scattered everywhere, and blood flowing everywhere.

  Link took a closer look and found that the larger group were fairies in normal condition, while the smaller group with uglier appearance were slightly mutated fairies.

  The slightly mutated goblin's combat power was significantly higher, overwhelming the normal goblin.

  If things continue like this, the winner will definitely be this group of slightly mutated goblins.

  "Boss, what's going on?"

  Asander didn't have Link's concerns and asked directly on the team channel.

  Boss Otis knew that Asander was asking for Link, a newbie, so he was not annoyed, but explained:

  "When we came, they were already fighting among themselves.

  I caught two tongues, and under the spell of confusion, I found out The whole story.

  The goblins who successfully survived the biochemical transformation and enhancement with a high failure rate called themselves the 'new generation'. For some reason, their temperament gradually changed and they looked down on normal goblins more and more. From the beginning, the quarrel between the

  two goblins became more and more serious. It got bigger and bigger, and finally progressed to the point of killing each other.

  The second prince of the elf royal family failed to suppress the mutiny, but was assassinated and seriously injured by an elf noble.

  The situation got out of control and developed into what it is now."

  Link also knew that Asande was this . She asked for him, giving Assand a slightly grateful look to express her gratitude.


  Loken suddenly said, with a very unhappy tone.

  He caught the two tongues.

  Boss Otis performed the mind-bewitching operation, and Loken also conducted the torture.

  All in all, this information was obtained by Loken through hard work, but Link knew it in vain.

  This made Loken feel a little uncomfortable.

  Very unhappy.

  Boss Otis ignored the wizard Loken's dissatisfaction, and motioned to Link to the two goblins lying on the ground, one normal and one enhanced, and said: "Link, do some research and see if you can find the enhanced goblin character." The reason for the change."


  Link accepted the task readily.

  He first used wood witchcraft skills to build a simple dissection table and placed the enhanced goblin on it.

  Then he took off his backpack, took out the anatomy equipment and biochemical testing equipment, and conducted a comprehensive inspection of the enhanced goblin.

  Among the wizards present, who has not performed an autopsy?

  There is no interest in the slightly bloody and cruel anatomy process.

  I'm just a little curious about the test results.

  The reason why they waited for Link to come over before starting the inspection was not that they had forgotten the relevant knowledge and techniques, but that they had specializations in the art.

  The inspection results they produced may not be as accurate as Link's.

  Link moved very quickly. In less than 20 minutes, he completed the inspection and examination of the enhanced fairy and found two more likely reasons.

  After careful consideration, Lin Kehui reported:
  "Captain, the strengthening of these goblins is incomplete. The excessive consumption of vitality during the strengthening process has already had a certain impact on the mind. It shows

  that the reason is still the same, but the emotions have changed. The changes have amplified some of the dark sides, such as becoming more indifferent, arrogant or selfish.

  In addition, I noticed that there is a special aura fluctuation nearby, which has a very strong impact on the enhanced fairy, and seems to be accelerating the murderous intention of the enhanced fairy. "

  After a pause, Link gave a somewhat uncertain guess: "The source of that special aura fluctuation may be the sleeping Fairy King." "Yes."


  Otis responded and turned to look. Xiang Asander asked: "Have you sensed it? What do you think of Link's inference? Is it true?"

  Asander sensed it carefully, nodded and said: "I agree with Link's inference. In addition, I think, This may be a ritual. It is not uncommon for abyss demons to resort to killing to recover from injuries. The Goblin King has made a deal with the abyss demons, and may have the means to do so." "Report this situation to the command center and ask for instructions on the next step

  . "

  Big Brother Otis made arrangements.

  Assand immediately closed his eyes, adjusted his physical and mental state, entered the ultra-long-distance communication mode, and contacted the frontline headquarters using the unique method of the true spirit wizard.

  Not long after, Assander finished his report and received a reply.

  He opened his eyes and said: "The frontline command asked if our team has the ability to destroy the Goblin King. If so, we will take beheading action; if conditions do not allow, interrupt the ceremony first and wait for support." Otis The guy thought carefully for a moment and decided to be cautious: "Reply to the frontline headquarters. We will mainly interrupt the ceremony and behead people as a supplement. Please send support to prepare." "Yes." Assand agreed and closed his eyes


  . , super-long distance contact with the frontline headquarters.

  The approval for the operation came quickly, and support was dispatched. It was another third-level wizard from the Intelligence Department who led the team.

  The special team checked their respective status and equipment, made sure they were correct, and started taking action.

  The first move is still the stealth stealth that Link is very familiar with.

  This move is the most popular tactic no matter which world it is in.

  While waiting for the rendezvous, Boss Otis took Lorcan, "Black Cat" Betty, twins Onkers and Marco, and captured more than two tongues for torture.

  They also discovered the topography of the place where the Fairy King slept.

  The special team bypassed the two fighting fairies and quickly sneaked into the maze-like building deep underground.

  A person's nickname is not earned for nothing.

  "Black Cat" Betty is called "Black Cat" because she has cat-like eyes, cat-like sensitivity, and cat-like intuition.

  No traps or traps in the underground maze could escape her eyes, and they were found one by one.

  Either ignore it, destroy it, or avoid it.

  For the goblins in the goblin world, the highly concealed and destructive traps in the mazes are useless in front of the seven wizards of the special team.

  The special team entered the underground maze from the top to the bottom at extremely fast speeds.

  Based on the feeling along the way, Link realized that the underground maze had an inverted pyramid-shaped structure.

  The bottom level is the narrowest level.

  There is only an empty hall on this floor and no other rooms.

  The dome, four walls, and floor of the hall are all engraved with strange patterns.

  Traces of turquoise blood, after being absorbed, transformed and purified by the upper layers of the inverted pyramid maze, turned into a slightly weird vitality, blended into these weird lines, and converged towards the stone platform located in the center of the hall.

  On the stone platform, lying with a broken arm and half of his upper body swollen, the Goblin King was sleeping.

  Sure enough, Assand's guess was correct.

  The Goblin King is really using evil rituals he got from the demons of the abyss to try to recover from his injuries.

  However, there seemed to be something wrong with this ritual. It did not restore the Goblin King's injuries, but instead changed his life form.

  When Link saw the Goblin King for the first time, he intuitively felt that the Goblin King was in a very similar state to the insect god.

  Between life and death, it seems that life is already dead, and it seems that death is still alive.

  The body and soul are already in different states.

  After all, level 4 extraordinary beings have undergone a second transition in life essence.

  Even though he was seriously injured and dying, the Goblin King was not completely unaware of the approaching danger.

  When the special team entered the hall, the originally sleeping Goblin King suddenly opened his eyes.

  The Goblin King first glanced at the seven members of the special team, and then focused on the boss Otis who had the strongest sense of threat.

  By the way, he was vaguely guarded against the somewhat incomprehensible Wizard Loken.

  Bloody light shot out from the Fairy King's eyes, and his body also exuded the coercion of a level 4 strongman.

  Boss Otis was not afraid at all, he looked directly at the Goblin King, and resisted the Goblin King's pressure without letting the team members behind him be affected. At the same time, he ordered one after another: "Betty, scout the surroundings and monitor for abnormalities.

  "Asander and Link guard the door, cut off the support of the goblins, and support the battle at any time depending on the situation." "

  Onkers, Marco, cover these lines with fire and destroy the ceremony." "

  Loken and I will find the right moment to attack. , mainly destroying the stone platform, and attacking the Goblin King as a supplement."

  Everyone immediately obeyed the order.

  "Black Cat" Betty, Asander, and Link quickly took a few steps back and left the hall.

  One person controls many bionic hummingbirds and monitors the entire underground maze of the inverted pyramid.

  The two of them stood guard at the entrance of the hall, paying attention to the reconnaissance picture to prevent reinforcements, and at the same time being prepared to support the war situation in the hall at any time.

  Link actually noticed something unusual about the Goblin King.

  The color of the Fairy King's eyes changed from the green of the fairies to dark blue.

  The pupils have completely turned into a whirlpool shape.

  There must be a reason for this anomaly.

  But the current situation is not suitable for further research, nor is it suitable for rashly proposing it and distracting the four main teammates.

  Link could only write it down and think about it secretly.

  The twins Onkers and Marco took the lead.

  The methods are rough and the goals are clear.

  Both brothers use the highly destructive 1st ring fire witchcraft of explosive fireball as their natal witchcraft.

  They started directly with natal witchcraft.

  In just the blink of an eye, more than a dozen orange fireballs the size of a human head were poured out, hitting the dome, surrounding walls and floors, trying to destroy those weird lines.

  Boss Otis and Loken were waiting attentively, ready to take action at any time to interrupt the Goblin King's obstruction.

  However, apart from opening his eyes and watching, the Goblin King made no movement at all.

  Booms and booms of explosions continued to sound.

  Waves of fire steamed, sparks flew everywhere, and the hall shook violently.

  Large swaths of bricks and stones in the dome and surrounding walls shattered and fell, large and deep holes were blasted out on the floor, and the
  strange patterns in the hall were destroyed almost instantly.

  The green blood energy has almost evaporated.

  Only the stone platform where the Goblin King lay was shielded by an invisible shield and was not affected by the explosion.


  A trace of blood-red light flashed in Asander's eyes, and he exclaimed, "This is an illusion, not a real place! It may be a trap!"

  As a true spiritual wizard, Asander, in the field of soul perception, Sharper than the third-level wizard Otis.

  He didn't realize it until the exploding fireball caused damage to the illusion.

  However, none of the team members, including Boss Otis, including Link, whose perception has been continuously enhanced after training, have discovered anything unusual.

  Of course I choose to believe Asander!

  Boss Otis ordered decisively.

  It's suspected to be a trap, the situation is unknown, so don't be reckless.

  Evacuate to a safe location first and wait for support before talking about anything else.

  Anyway, the ceremony is pretty much ruined.

  If that doesn't work, start from the outside and drive away the two groups of goblins.

  The special team quickly exited the bottom level and retreated to the upper level of the inverted pyramid, hoping to quickly break out of the underground maze.

  During the retreat, there was actually no obstruction.

  Not only did the Goblin King who had woken up not stop him, but neither did the two groups of goblins who should have felt the movement at the bottom.

  This situation is very suspicious and unreasonable.

  Link couldn't help but recall the Fairy King's dark blue eyes and swirling pupils.

  The more I think about it, the more I feel there is something wrong with it.

  "Multi-threaded thinking", on!

  Without hesitation, Link took on his strongest form and transformed into a humanoid supercomputer equipped with top-level AI.

  Use Occlumency and the Memory Palace to quickly retrieve memories.

  Scenes after the rendezvous flashed quickly in Link's mind.

  He quickly noticed the glimmer of blood in Asander's eyes before he spoke out.

  Looking back again, the first reaction of everyone in the special team, including Boss Otis, after hearing Asander's reminder, was to retreat.

  Don’t even try, just retreat!

  Does this make sense?

  Is this consistent with the status of Boss Otis as a third-level wizard?

  Is this consistent with Loken's character and style?

  "That's not right!"

  Link felt like he had punctured the membrane covering his mind. He suddenly woke up and immediately shouted,

  "We have been tricked! Go back!"

  "The Goblin King is trying to escape!"

   Thanks to all the bosses. Vote for support!
  (End of chapter)

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