189. Chapter 189 A fishing guy will never fly until he is fished

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  Chapter 189 A fishing guy will never fly until he is fished.
  "So and so, so and so."

  After Assander finished laughing, he told Link the reason why he laughed like that.

  After listening to the narration, Link realized that an abyss demon was sealed in the wall of the fairy world.

  And someone from the Fairy Court previously sent a call request to this demon.

  Or more accurately, it was the call request from the Goblin Court that exposed the demon's existence.

  The wizard army, which originally did not know the existence of the abyss demon, discovered this demon.

  Known and unknown are two realms.

  Involves the initiative of war.

  A big difference.

  Especially when faced with demons from the abyss world, this kind of grievance that wizards are very familiar with and have taken advantage of many times.

  Based on the intelligence obtained in the past, Assand thought that the Goblin King most likely did something stupid.

  That is, he made a deal with the sealed demon and got a biochemical transformation and strengthening plan with a hook.

  Because there is no academic line on biochemistry in the development of civilization in the fairy world.

  Therefore, the Goblin King failed to detect such an obvious hook.

  Not only did he cheat himself, he also cheated a large number of deformed goblins.

  If it weren't for the intrusion of the wizard world, the fairy world would have been lured away by the abyss sooner or later.

  "Abyss Demon?"

  Link muttered to himself, thoughtfully.

  What he was thinking about was not how to deal with this demon.

  This is a matter between Paro Sage and the frontline headquarters. It's not Link's turn to step in and worry about it.

  Moreover, in the history of the wizarding world, there have been too many precedents for dealing with abyssal demons.

  Many stable and effective routines have already been formed.

  The wizard can defeat the devil, and he can defeat it to death.

  This is a "rule" recognized by all the worlds!
  Just come up with a more targeted routine and modify it according to the actual situation, and you can easily deal with this demon.

  What Link was thinking about was this set of biochemical transformation and enhancement plans for fairies that were almost certainly made by demons.

  Even if there is a deliberate flaw in the material ratio, it still reflects an exquisite idea, a comprehensive and profound understanding of the elf's body structure and talents, and a mature knowledge system that is looming.

  These things have some inspiration for Link.

  Not only in terms of biochemical modification.

  It also involves species diversity, species evolution, ecological cycles, and most importantly, the cultivation of "seeds".

  In addition, Link intuitively realized a truth.

  In all the worlds, knowledge is the first combat power.

  Both at level 4, Paro Sage can severely injure the Goblin King with one blow, and Abyss Demon can deceive the Goblin King.

  This is related to the fact that the upper limit of the fairy world is only level 5, but it is not that relevant.

  There are more Goblin Kings, but they still suffer from lack of culture.

  It's like the difference between a person who is 180cm tall and weighs 200 pounds, who is fat and puffy, and who is muscular.

  Being uneducated is really terrible.

  Asander suddenly tilted his head to the side at this time, with a solemn expression, as if he was listening to something.

  Then, he said to Link: "Pack it up, let's set off now. Boss Otis has made new discoveries." In the

  "biochemical factory", when the contact witchcraft fails, you can still receive information.

  Only a true spiritual wizard like Asander can do this.

  The principle is very similar to quantum communication developed based on quantum superposition states and quantum entanglement states.

  It has high security, can prevent eavesdropping, resist interference, and can achieve long-distance communication in special environments.

  For example, now, deep behind enemy lines, we are far apart.


  Link retracted his scattered thoughts and neatly packed up the samples and equipment.

  After thinking about it, Link still took the scattered finished potions and the potions he synthesized with him.

  In case it can be used later.

  The two men moved swiftly and quickly sneaked out of the "biochemical factory".

  The comprehensive stealth effect, including but not limited to optics, acoustics, and mental power, is very strong.

  The two of them went in and out, passing so many goblins, but none of them noticed them.

  After leaving the "Biochemical Factory", Assander chose the right direction and galloped headlong.

  Link swung his thighs, ran out of Hot Wheels, and hurried to follow.

  After reaching a safe distance, Assand stopped, closed his eyes for a moment and detonated many "time bombs" deployed from a distance.

  This is also a characteristic of the true spirit wizard, the advanced application of mental power or telekinesis in actual combat.

  A loud roar soon came from behind.

  Where the "Biochemical Factory" is located, a mushroom cloud rises.

  The "biochemical factory" covering a large area was completely blown up in an instant and collapsed into ruins.

  Some of the goblins who had no time to evacuate and relocate were either blown to pieces or buried under the rubble, and they did not understand how they died until they died.

  The goblins who were lucky enough to be outside the impact of the explosion recovered from their brief shock and disbelief and went completely crazy.

  Regardless of the possible secondary explosion and the danger to their lives, many goblins rushed directly into the smoke and dust in an attempt to search for survivors.

  If the innate ability can help with mining, use the ability.

  If your powers can't help, use tools to dig.

  My powers couldn't help, and I didn't have any tools at the moment, so I just started digging.

  Wails filled the field, and curses shook the sky.

  Sadness, grief, grief, anger, all kinds of emotions spread.

  A dark cloud called despair hangs over the goblins.

  Link felt quite uncomfortable. He took a deep breath, blocked out his emotions, and continued to concentrate on his journey.

  The Fairy Court, the secret room of the palace.

  The third prince received a series of reports of defeats, including:
  three fortresses were stormed, the situation was precarious and could be breached at any time; the
  "devil" team from another world lost their whereabouts, and even the "suppression device" could not be found; the

  "biochemical factory" was destroyed It was blown into ruins, with heavy losses and even more casualties;
  the area around the Holy Land where the Goblin King slept was suspected to be spied on by unknown enemies.

  After suffering for a long time, I finally got some good news.

  The demon that always fell asleep for a long time was awakened by the call request from the altar.

  Following the strange fluctuations, the devil's consciousness descended into the world of fairies and into this secret room.

  Only its sound is heard, but its shadow is not seen.

  "What are you calling me for? Are you sure you want to cooperate with me?"

  The devil's voice was loud and full of majesty, giving people a sense of trust and reliability.

  It seems that this person is a warm-hearted, honest and trustworthy person.

  The third prince opened his mouth and expressed his willingness to help him escape from the boundary wall in exchange for his promise to deal with the "demon" from the other world.

  "Ho ho ho..."

  The demon laughed loudly, appearing very bold and generous. "Don't worry, as long as I break away from the boundary wall and enter your world, all enemies will not be a problem. In front of the abyss demon, I will invade you." The ants in this world are not worth mentioning and can be easily crushed to death."

  Hearing this, the third prince couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

  It's good that this demon is so confident.

  Even if you are bragging, you must have the capital to brag.

  To think that the devil is so confident that, not only can it expel the otherworldly "demons" from the fairy world, it can at least maintain the current situation and prevent it from getting worse.

  In this way, as long as we can deal with the "demon" from another world and release the real demon, it doesn't matter.

  The third prince said this to himself, convincing himself that he actually didn't trust the devil very much.

  He decided not to hesitate, and immediately used the name of the Fairy Royal Family to coerce the world will of the Fairy World and release the Abyss Demon.

  But before that, the third prince wanted to get some insurance.

  For example, let the devil use the true spirit as a guide to make a very binding oath.

  Unexpectedly, before the third prince could speak, a slightly sullen voice echoed through the secret room along with strange fluctuations. "Ant? Crushed to death casually? When did the abyss demon dare to despise the wizard so much?"

  There was a moment of silence in the secret room.

  The third prince was surprised. How could this somewhat familiar voice invade the secret room without the demon noticing?
  The devil was frightened by the word "wizard" that he suddenly heard.

  When it woke up this time, it had not yet taken a good look at the fairy world.

  After a while, the devil's voice sounded again.

  This time, the voice was still loud, but without any majesty. It was full of panic and fear:
  "No, don't, stop!
  Listen to me explain, I don't know that you are interested in this world.

  Otherwise, how could I dare to mess up ? Speak!

  Speak carefully if you have something to say. There is no need to strike immediately.

  Everyone should be more respectable."

  The third prince was dumbfounded.

  What the hell is going on?

  The devil, who seemed extremely arrogant in front of his father, actually begged in such a low voice.

  What happened?
  Who is the other party?


  An impatient voice continued to spread into the secret room along the strange fluctuations.

  The third prince's face froze instantly.

  He had heard the sound, heard the word.

  When the main force of one hundred thousand goblins was defeated by less than a thousand alien "demons", the goblin king had to take action.

  The other party just said this impatiently, and then waved his hand lightly, as if to shoo away flies.

  Immediately, a huge golden palm covered the sky and hung over the heads of all the goblins. It slowly descended from the sky and lightly patted the goblin king.

  For some reason, the trapped Goblin King couldn't break free, so he could only resist the palm.

  The torso and limbs of the main force of 100,000 goblins were tightly bound, unable to move, but their heads were raised upwards at the same time.

  Then he witnessed the Supreme King of Goblins receiving a slap without any resistance.

  The half of the body that actively faced the giant palm was almost shattered, and the shoulder joint of the arm was severed, leaving only a trace of flesh sticking to the shoulder.

  The Goblin King almost died on the spot, and he couldn't care about anything at that moment.

  Taking advantage of the moment when Paro Sage was entangled by the will of the world of fairies that suddenly came out to disrupt the situation, he fled madly.

  Abandoning the main force of 100,000 goblins and 6,000 personal guards.

  The third prince only fled back to the royal court after his own guards fought to the death and cut down waves of defeated soldiers blocking the way.

  The third prince could never forget the memory of this scene.

  After I came back, I often had nightmares about this scene. I was so frightened by this sentence that I woke up in a cold sweat.

  Now, the nightmare has become reality.

  "It's over!"

  The third prince leaned back and sat blankly in the wheelchair. His whole body was completely drained of energy and despair.

  Even the real devil who placed his last hope was so humble and full of fear when he saw the fake "devil". What could the goblin royal family do to stop the enemy?

  What's going on in the fairy world?
  Why did you provoke such a powerful enemy?
  The boundary wall of the fairy world.

  The fourth-level abyss demon looked at the phantom of the rune array that appeared in the boundary wall and the incarnation of the rune array's owner's spiritual thoughts, and died in pain.

  I slept well, but when I woke up, I was targeted by the evil wizard.

  The problem is that it hasn't discovered it yet. It was too busy bragging and fooling the stupid goblins to let it out, without even thinking about observing the situation in the goblin world first.

  Carelessness kills the devil.

  Abyss had a sly expression on his extremely abstract face, and said ingratiatingly:

  "Master Wizard, you have a lot of money, please spare me this time.

  It's miserable enough that I'm sealed here, and I haven't been able to get out for hundreds of years. , can you let me go?
  We have something to talk about.

  Oh, by the way, I can guard the door for you, as long as you stop.

  Everything is easy to discuss.

  It is easy to discuss, Master Wizard."


  Paro The sage sneered and ignored the wishful thinking of this shameless abyss demon.

  In all the worlds, there are so many extraordinary creatures who want to be gatekeepers to wizards.

  It's impossible to choose an abyss demon who is full of rebellion.

  But since this abyss demon is destined to him, he cannot kill it easily.

  You have to break the bones and suck out the marrow, and squeeze out every last drop of oil and water.

  The spiritual incarnation of Sage Paro recited a long but necessary incantation, and with the help of the rune array laid out by the 200 first-level or above wizards in the bodyguard group, he aroused the will of the wizarding world to favor him.

  Then use the very little world will that resonates with him as the fulcrum to leverage more world will and gain more attention.

  Soon, Paro Sage's chanting received feedback.

  The vast and boundless world will of the wizarding world cast a line of sight here.

  The abyss demon was trembling with fear, filled with resentment and curses.

  That's what's so damn annoying about wizards.

  A fight is a fight, a one-on-one fight or a group fight, it can be continued wherever you go.

  We are both level 4 beings, so who is afraid of whom?

  At most, you can't beat them. If you can, run away. If you can't, you'll die.

  If you are not good at fighting, there is nothing else to say.

  Take it heartily.

  However, the wizard does not want to, but wants to induce the will of the world to come.

  Why, relying on the world will of the wizarding world to integrate the souls of four saints who are willing to sacrifice, it is smarter than the world will of other super civilized worlds, so you can do whatever you want, right?
  The world will that can bully our abyss world is a fool who can even trick his own devil, right?

  You really don’t care about martial ethics!

  What bad luck!
  The abyss demon burst into tears in his heart.

  A brilliant golden light rope was born out of thin air. One end easily penetrated the boundary wall that sealed the Abyss Demon, making it unable to escape despite countless attempts. It circled around the Abyss Demon's neck and tied a knot.

  One end fell into the hands of the incarnation of Paro Sage's spiritual thoughts.

  This scene is like the owner leading a dog.

  After completing this, the will of the wizarding world quickly retreated.

  After the incarnation of Sage Paro's spiritual thoughts gave him the will of the wizarding world, he quickly disappeared.

  In the boundary wall, only a shadow of the rune array was left.

  And an abyss demon with a golden rope around his neck, more like a dog than a bat.

  Flying Fortress.

  Wizard Paro withdrew his spiritual incarnation, opened his eyes, and signaled the head of the bodyguard group to lift the alert.

  Instruct the bodyguards to continue holding on and maintain the demon confinement rune array for a period of time to survive the abyss demon.

  Then he returned to the comprehensive command hall in a good mood.

  With a level 4 abyss demon making a nest, it can attract countless lower level demons.

  The fairy world is still relatively thin.

  After it is completely conquered and the world will of the fairy world becomes the shape of the world will of the wizard world, the countless low-level demons attracted can be used as nourishing holy products.

  Moisturize the fairy world.

  Let the world of fairies experience the love from the wizarding world.

  From then on, he followed the wizarding world wholeheartedly.

  No more second thoughts.

   The monthly tickets have reached 1,000, hehe...

    you guys are so awesome, thank you!

    Add one more chapter.

  (End of chapter)

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