Chapter 86 Brick Order

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  Chapter 86 Brick Order
  Richard had just finished his spring plowing when an acquaintance came to the territory.

  This person is none other than Richard's old commander, Sharp Walra.

  I haven't seen Captain Sharp for several years, and Sharp's strength has also improved, and he has advanced to a sixth-level warrior.

  When he was in the Eighth Battalion, Richard was on Roland's line, and his relationship with Sharp was very average.

  Of course, at that time, Sharp's status was so high that it was impossible for him to pay attention to a small officer like Richard.

  Sharp's arrival in the territory made Richard have some questions.

  No matter what Sharp's purpose was, Richard remained unchanged in response to all changes and welcomed him into his tent politely.

  Richard's territory is still deserted, and Fort Sophia is a large construction site. No houses have been built yet, and most of the slaves live in tents.

  Although Richard is a lord and has better living conditions, he still lives in a larger and thicker tent.

  From the late autumn of last year to now, with thousands of people working for half a year, Richard has seen some changes.

  Half of the foundation of Fort Sophia has been dug, and lime, boulders and other building materials are piled near the foundation.

  In order to protect the slave laborers, Richard brought the newly formed squadron to the nearby area for training, hunting some wild animals, and improving the food and nutrition for the slaves.

  The new squadron has been training for three months, and its equipment has been slightly improved.

  Although he still had no armor, he had a long bow in his hand.

  There is a large amount of wood suitable for making bows and arrows in the northern Xinjiang, and the Harland family's territory also has large oak forests.

  Yew is also very common in northern Xinjiang. In addition, elm and ash are suitable for making bows.

  Although the forging of armor is not easy, the Harland territory can only forge dozens of pieces a year.

  However, making bows and arrows is relatively easy, and the large amount of wood in the territory is suitable for making longbows.

  Humans in the Dawn Continent are generally very powerful and are also very suitable for using longbows.

  Both the central main army and the noble private army are equipped with a large number of longbows.

  Within a few months, the bow and arrow had been manufactured.

  Sharp entered the tent, and Richard made him a cup of brown sugar water.

  "This is brown sugar water. It tastes similar to honey. It is a specialty of our territory. The output is relatively small. Try it, old sir." "It tastes good. I

  think it tastes better than honey water."

  Sharp put down the water glass. He was a soldier. , he is also a straightforward person and speaks very directly. Seeing Richard, he said straight to the point: "I came to Harland this time to seek your help." "We

  are old friends. We were in the same brigade before. You are my old commander. As long as I can If I can help, I won't shirk it."

  "In the last orc invasion war, I accumulated enough merits and obtained a fief. The Platos fortress group we fought before is in my fief.

  Because of the orcs' Destruction, the damage to the walls of the Platos Fortress Group is very serious. I need a lot of bricks now. Your territory is closest to the Platos Fortress Group. I found that you were building the castle and a large amount of bricks have been transported. I have no choice but to I'm asking you for help."

  Captain Sharp's strength is not as good as William's, and his accumulation is not as deep as William's. Their family does not have talents like Bernie, Powell, and Richard to help, so it stands to reason that they cannot be granted the title of hereditary baron.

  Seeing Richard's confused look, Sharp immediately understood his thoughts and explained a few more words.

  "I have a new wife, Baroness Raphael."

  After hearing this, Richard nodded in realization.

  There are more than a hundred barons in the northern region, and the number of female barons is very small, no more than ten.

  In the three provinces directly under the royal family, the number of barons is even smaller. After all, compared with men, women are not very suitable for war. Baron Raphael is almost the opposite of a woman. She is tall and strong, and has strong fighting ability. She is a seventh-level silver knight, and her fighting ability is much better than William's.

  This baron is the second daughter of Baron Fanta. She has followed her father to fight against the orcs since she was thirteen years old. Now she has been awarded territory twice. She is a very famous baron in Gascoigne Province.

  Richard met Baron Raphael once in Flame Castle a few years ago.

  The Baroness is over two meters tall, weighs three hundred pounds, and has strong muscles on her arms and thighs.

  Even if you find a rich sister, you can save decades of struggle.

  Anyway, Richard would rather remain a bachelor for the rest of his life than marry such a woman.

  Captain Sharp relied on his majestic wife's military exploits to successfully achieve a class leap, obtain a fief, and realize the long-cherished wish that many people cannot realize in their lifetime.

  The Platos Fortress Group was originally the headquarters of the Mad Lion Legion, but the continuous wars caused the Mad Lion Legion to suffer heavy losses and was forced to shrink its strength.

  The Pratos fortress complex is now abandoned.

  In order to re-operate the Platos defense line, this area can only be handed over to the noble private army.

  The land near the Platos fortress complex was granted to three powerful barons: Richard, Raphael, and Harden.

  The higher-ups also hope to use their strength to stabilize this area and reduce the pressure on the Mad Lion Legion.

  Compared with the Richard Territory, the Sharpfield United Territory has only half the area, less than one thousand square kilometers.

  However, there are many complete castles in the territory. Although the castles need to be repaired, their value in a short period of time is much greater than that of Richard's territory.

  At least Sharp didn't need to build a castle or open a road in the wild territory, saving tens of thousands of gold coins.

  However, in the long run, only a large territory has the potential for development. Castles can be built at the cost of gold coins, but expansion of the territory requires military exploits.

  Victory in war meant the sacrifice of countless lives.

  "Sir Sharp, how many bricks do you need? Although our two territories are close to each other, the roads are not accessible. If the quantity is small, we can use oxen and horses to carry them. If the quantity is large, we may need to build the road."

  "The bricks of the nine castles were all ripped off and smashed by the orcs. We are planning to rebuild the fifth, eighth, and ninth castles in a short time. According to statistics, 26 million city bricks are needed. Such a large transportation volume is indeed The road should be built.

  We went to the royal capital to buy two thousand slaves. If they are all used to build the road, the fifteen kilometers of road can be barely built in ten days." "It actually requires 26 million

  bricks? How many bricks are needed? One hundred thousand bricks, according to our relationship, can be given free of charge. With such a large amount, I cannot give it away. At the

  current ex-factory price of brick kilns outside, one gold coin can buy three thousand bricks. We are comrades in the same brigade, one I can sell you four thousand bricks for gold coins.

  I am also responsible for transporting the bricks to Fort Sophia. The remaining fifteen kilometers are up to you."

  The price given by Richard is very competitive. The market price outside is 25% cheaper, and Richard also provides a thirty-kilometer transportation mission.

  Bishop purchased bricks from big cities such as Flame Castle and Black River Castle, saving 55% on the cost.

  After hearing the conditions given by Richard, Sharp immediately agreed.

  In this transaction, Sharp felt that Richard was indeed a good person. He didn't take interests too seriously, and he was very concerned about the relationship between comrades.

  The total value of this order is 6,500 gold coins.

  But Richard does not need to pay too much cost. The workers in the brick kiln factory are not free citizens yet, and the labor cost is very low. They only need to take care of the food.

  In fact, this extra gold coin was like giving timely help to Richard. He was deeply afraid that the cooked duck would fly away, so the asking price was naturally very low. The brick-burning efficiency in Harland Territory was dozens of times that of a single kiln. Even if the selling price was lowered, the wheeled brick kiln factory in Harland Territory still had a very high profit. High profits.

  (End of chapter)

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