Chapter 85 Spring Plowing

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  Chapter 85 Spring Plowing

  Although the equipment of the newly expanded squadron is very poor, it looks like a beggar.

  But organize the army one day earlier and let the soldiers start practicing breathing techniques. When it came time to change gear before the war, the newly formed army was still a strong force after three years of training.

  There are now two Breathing Books in Haaland territory.

  There is not much missing in the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique, and it can be practiced to a fifth-level professional.

  The Manniu Breathing Technique is much worse and can only be advanced to the first level. It is estimated that Baron Dirham kept it secret and passed down the profound breathing techniques orally instead of recording them in books.

  In fact, the choice of breathing methods is very particular. The practice of breathing methods is closely related to the strength of the body and one's own personality.

  Those with sinister personalities are suitable for practicing the Spiritual Snake Breathing Technique, those with honest personalities are suitable for the Savage Ox Breathing Technique, those with wild personalities are suitable for the Wild Lion Breathing Technique, and those with cruel personalities are suitable for the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique.

  Of course, if your personality is not suitable, it does not mean that you cannot practice the corresponding breathing method. But it is slower than those with similar personalities, and the breakthrough is not as smooth as others.

  The Mad Lion Legion does not know how to teach this kind of knowledge, and even the Stopa family is also ignorant.

  Richard also learned about this secret knowledge after looking at the collection of books in Baron Dirham's house.

  There may have been a very smart person in Baron Dirham's family, who learned some lessons from experience.

  Ordinary soldiers can hardly advance to professional status in their lifetime. No matter which breathing method they practice, it is a good thing for them to change their destiny.

  In fact, hereditary barons like the Haaland family, who spread the breathing method on a large scale, are very rare in the Dawn Continent.

  The vast majority of low-ranking nobles, in order to maintain long-term stability of their rule and maintain their family's superior strength, would not easily spread the Breathing Method to outsiders.

  Most of the small nobles are very conservative and are unwilling to let the people below them master extraordinary power. They hope to maintain their dominance from generation to generation through bloodline, knowledge and other thresholds.

  The great nobles all have the seal of royal power and order. All soldiers who practice the breathing method need to sign a contract not to reveal the breathing method under the witness of the god of royal power and order.

  There are gods in the Dawn Continent, and if a contract is made under the witness of the gods, it is impossible to violate it.

  Anyone who dares to disobey will be immediately burned to ashes by divine fire.

  Even so, intelligent creatures like humans can still find loopholes in the royal contract.

  When most officers are dying, they will pass the breathing method to their family members. When they die, the royal contract will lose its binding force. Anyway, the god of kingship and order has been sleeping for three thousand years, and it is impossible to wake up and punish the soul of the officer who took advantage of the loophole.

  There are frequent wars in the northern region. Even if you monopolize knowledge and suppress the people at the bottom, it will be useless if you cannot defeat the orcs.

  Every year, many baron families are wiped out by orcs.

  On the contrary, Leader Harland was not afraid of Breathing Law Gaiden, and trained a group of relatively elite soldiers who made contributions in the war.

  Through a general understanding, Richard divided the soldiers into different groups and asked them to practice different breathing methods.

  All soldiers in the Harland Territory practice the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique. Those who choose the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique do not need to worry about Richard. The veterans can guide the new soldiers in their practice.

  Those who practice the Bull Breathing Technique require officers to keep an eye on them at all times.

  The new squadron has been organized. Since the training conditions are average, Richard first arranged for them to conduct formation training.

  The formation training led by Harland was completely different from the military training that Richard had participated in in his previous life.

  Based on the war patterns of this world, queue training requires being fully armed, holding a shield and holding a spear to complete the transformation of the queue.

  In particular, tactical actions such as team drawing and team division are the top priority of queue training. Training queues, in addition to the requirements of queue tactics, can also enhance soldiers' obedience.

  Queue training takes up to half a year. After the formation is complete, there will be military skills training, including spear skills, archery, fighting skills, and long and short-term soldier skills.

  Scouts also need to master the skills of riding horses.

  To initially master military skills, it takes at least two years of training.

  How much a soldier can learn depends mainly on his or her talent.

  Breathing methods to increase physical fitness are organized and practiced every day in the military camp.

  Richard has recorded hundreds of thousands of words on how to manage soldiers in the army, how to train soldiers, and how to ensure fair rewards and punishments.

  These experiences are heirlooms of the Harland family and the top priority of the family library.

  Wendy was appointed by Richard as the director of the Harland family library, responsible for organizing thousands of books in the family.

  After Richard took charge of the family, he was extremely thirsty for any knowledge and tried his best to collect it.

  During the two orc invasion wars, the Harland family had already collected two barony collections, plus the portion collected by William and Richard.

  In terms of accumulation of knowledge, the Haaland family already has quite a foundation.

  Especially the accumulation of knowledge on some technologies, such as brick-burning technology, lime-burning technology, trebuchet ballistic calculation technology, sugar pressing technology, brown sugar wood breeding technology, etc., the Harland family is already ahead of the times, and has more heritage than the royal Grant family. deep.

  Of course, if an industry becomes big and earns a large amount of excess profits, it will inevitably attract the attention of outsiders, and commercial spies will also come to Harland's leadership. Over time, the process technology will inevitably leak.

  Whether the industry can develop and whether technology can advance actually depends on capital.

  Without strong capital, process technology cannot be exposed prematurely.

  Time passes day by day, and it’s spring plowing time again.

  This year's spring plowing task in the territory is very heavy. It needs to cultivate more than 3,000 hectares of paddy fields and 4,000 hectares of dry land. In addition, Richard also has the task of clearing up 400 hectares of paddy fields.

  In order to complete the task of opening up wasteland, Richard also transferred more than a thousand slaves from the labor army building Fort Sophia to strengthen the power of spring plowing.

  Spring plowing requires a large number of cattle.

  There is no shortage of livestock in the Harland territory. The northern territory is vast and sparsely populated, making it suitable for raising livestock.

  Last year, Richard made a fortune from the war and grabbed a large number of cattle and sheep. Moreover, there are dozens of tauren slaves in the territory. The tauren are very strong. When there are no plowing oxen, they can barely use the tauren to plow the fields.

  There is no shortage of farm cattle. This spring, the goddess of the morning sun was also very generous. There were several spring rains, and the spring plowing of the territory went very smoothly.

  During the goddess's birthday last year, Richard entrusted his uncle Thoros to take people to the royal capital to buy another slave. This time, he spent 6,000 gold coins and bought more than 1,200 slaves.

  There are many old people and children among the 1,200 slaves. The slaves purchased by Harland Territory are basically those with families.

  This group of people was basically assigned to Richard's leadership. The main job is to grow food.

  Although they were not very happy after being sold to northern Xinjiang, they could barely have enough to eat in the Harland territory, and the slaves did not choose to escape to resist their fate.

  (End of chapter)

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