Chapter 60 Reinforcements Arrive

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  Chapter 60: Reinforcements Arrive
  Every time a war ends, the commander’s first priority is always to count the casualties.

  This is not because the commander is cold-blooded, but because of cruel battlefield needs.

  As a qualified commander, you must always know how much power you still have in your hands and can undertake multiple tasks.

  After Richard came down from the top of the city, he immediately sent messengers to each squadron to count the casualties.

  As the messengers continued to come in and out, the number of casualties gradually became clear.

  "The First Squadron suffered six casualties and eleven minor and serious injuries, two of which will be left with disabilities." "The

  Second Squadron suffered nine casualties and thirteen minor and serious injuries, none of which were disabled." "

  The newly formed squadron suffered five casualties. Nine were lightly and seriously injured. Eight slaves who assisted in the battle were killed, 23 were injured, and only five were seriously injured." "The

  auxiliary squadron suffered the greatest casualties, with 17 killed, 11 severely burned, and 26 lightly burned. "

  "There were less than 140 casualties. If we only count the regular army, the casualties would be just over 100. The two main squadrons had 39 casualties combined. Counting the 22 casualties of the Annihilation Orc Squadron, the main squadron had more than 100 casualties. 60 people, more than 20% casualties, already need to be repaired."

  Richard looked calm on the surface, but he was thinking secretly in his heart. He turned his head and said to the messenger: "Have you calculated the results of the battle clearly?"

  "The orcs retreated. At that time, we did not take away the seriously injured people, but we cut off their heads. In this battle, 532 orcs were killed, including 28 third-level snakes, 4 third-level harpies, one third-level kobold, and one third-level kobold. The first-level wild boar man and one third-level tauren.

  A total of thirty-five third-level orcs, eleven second-level orcs, and sixteen first-level orcs. The

  orcs’ final attack force was broken by our trebuchets.”

  After hearing the summary of the battle results, although Richard estimated that they would be quite good, he did not expect that this battle almost crippled an entire orc brigade.

  Just by beheading the orc professional, he got one major skill, four medium skills, and three minor skills.

  This victory can be considered a success, and it should be rewarded with a great achievement.

  Richard asked the scouts to remove the snake's scale armor, cut off the snake's head, and send it to Heihe Fort to report his merits.

  At the same time, soldiers were sent to collect the corpses of the orcs, burned them on fire, and then dug a big pit to bury the ashes.

  After attacking Fort William once, his bones were almost broken by Richard.

  Maruland lost the courage to continue attacking the city and had already led the orc brigade to camp at the northern mountain pass of Harland Canyon.

  After repelling the orcs, Powell led the scouts to observe the changes in the Maruland camp every day.

  Seeing that the number of orc soldiers gradually increased, three brigades of orcs were gathered in a few days.

  Powell did not dare to neglect and immediately brought the information to Richard.

  After discovering the orcs' attempt to increase their troops, Richard immediately asked for help from Platos and Black River Fort.

  The Platos defense line is still garrisoned by the Eighth Battalion of Richard's old army, and there has been no contact with the orcs yet.

  After receiving the information brought by Richard, although he had some conflicts with Roland before, his relationship with Richard was also very normal.

  Captain Sharp was still very generous and sent the 6th and 7th squadrons to assist.

  Now the Sixth Squadron is the leading main squadron of the Eighth Battalion, and the squadron leader is still Diarra. However, three years have passed, and Diarra has successfully advanced to the third level of professional.

  Although the 7th Squadron is a little worse, it is still fully staffed. Many soldiers participated in the last orc invasion war and have very rich experience.

  After the last Orc invasion war, the Eighth Battalion performed well and received priority from the legion for refurbishment.

  Nowadays, the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Battalion has been greatly improved. Although it is not as good as the three main brigades, its combat effectiveness is already in the middle of the legion.

  Richard served as the deputy squadron leader of the Sixth Squadron and was the former squadron leader of the Seventh Squadron.

  Richard was very familiar with the officers who came to Fort William for reinforcements. After sending a large number of orc professional heads to Black River Fort, Black River County Mayor Spencer Allen was a little unbelievable.

  Institutionally speaking, the Harland Territory is a noble directly subordinate to the royal family.

  But economically, the Harland territory is controlled by Black River County.

  When the war is urgent, Harland Territory still has the obligation to dispatch soldiers and obey the command of Heihe County.

  After seeing so many orc heads with his own eyes, Spencer still couldn't accept it.

  He has been in the north for many years and knows clearly the strength of each noble family.

  Even Baron Harden, who had great military exploits, and his family cavalry regiment did not kill so many orc professionals at once.

  The Harland family is just a new noble, why are they so powerful?
  Could it be that the Haaland family faked people’s heads?

  In the past, there were such greedy hereditary nobles who bribed officials who were inspecting military exploits, befriended the nobles of the royal capital, and used the technology of forging heads to obtain three baronies.

  After this incident was discovered by the royal capital, the Grant Kingdom showed unprecedented anger.

  Three hereditary barons and twenty-six direct nobles lost their minds. Anyone who accepted bribes in this matter, or turned a blind eye due to connections, was beheaded by the noble council.

  This includes a court count, a court viscount, a provincial consul, and two border county magistrates.

  Military knighthood is the foundation of the Grant Kingdom and the basis of the rule of the great aristocracy.

  Anyone who dares to dig into the foundation of the kingdom is an enemy of all the great nobles.

  But seeing the head of an orc professional with your own eyes is so fresh and lifelike?

  It made Spencer doubt his life again.

  In order to figure out this problem, Mayor Spencer came to Fort William along with three squadrons of city defense troops without much entourage.

  I saw a large number of orcs' messy weapons and equipment, as well as high piles of snake-like human scales.

  Spencer no longer doubts that the Haaland family has fabricated their military exploits.

  But with the strength of the Harland family, why can they defeat a large group of orcs?

  Is it just because of the difficult terrain?

  Spencer thinks it's not enough.

  Normally, a baron family cannot withstand a large group of orcs attacking.

  The orcs at the brigade level include serpentine heavy infantry, harpy scouts, plus orc officers scattered in each squadron, and there are more than a hundred professionals.

  Even if it is the main army, it is difficult to withstand the battle in an upright manner.

  There must be some special power that gives the Haaland family soldiers a huge advantage in the defensive battle.

  Is it a secret weapon, or has the Harland family obtained a powerful treasure?
  For example, the legendary magic scroll can severely damage a large group of orcs, and combined with the soldiers of the Harland family, it is enough to defeat the orcs and achieve a great victory.

  Spencer decided to go to Harland's territory to take a look in person to find out the reason.

  The mayor came to the Harland family territory in person, and Richard immediately took the main officers out of the city to greet him.

  And at the following banquet, Mayor Spencer introduced important figures in Fort William.

  (End of chapter)

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