Chapter 59 Danger Perception

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  Chapter 59 Danger Perception
  Fort William is sixteen meters high, six meters higher than Platos No. 3 Fortress where Richard is stationed.

  Standing on the top of the city and firing arrows not only has the advantage of range, but also relies on the power of gravity to have greater lethality.

  Arrows rained down one after another, and with the crossbows on the top of the city specifically shooting professionals, the casualties of the orc soldiers were increasing.

  Reluctantly approaching the city wall, the kobold climbed up quickly towards the city wall using a simple wooden ladder.

  As soon as his head was exposed, he was stabbed to death with a spear by the soldiers on the top of the city.

  The orc soldiers below the city waved their slings and kept throwing stones at the top of the city.

  Many orcs have good strength and can use slings to hit enemies with good accuracy.

  Stones continued to hit the soldiers, and there were bursts of screams.

  Richard organized a wounded soldier treatment team and quickly moved the injured soldiers down from the top of the city and carried them to the rear ambulance for treatment.

  Although the rescue center is still relatively simple, it is just an ordinary brick building.

  However, due to the emergency of the war, Dawn Church temporarily sent a bishop and two young priests.

  The bishop is a second-level priest, and both priests are high-level magic apprentices.

  These three church members can all use healing techniques.

  The orcs and the archers of Fort William were asking for trouble. The range of bows and arrows was far beyond that of stones, and their lethality and accuracy were far greater than that of slings. Moreover, there were fortifications at the top of the city to protect the soldiers.

  After only a short while, the orcs under the city could no longer hold on.

  There were trebuchets blocking the road, and the remaining orc squadrons did not dare to reinforce.

  Moreover, the canyon cannot be opened, and at most two squadrons of soldiers can be sent to attack the city. There is no use in congesting the canyon.

  In order to reduce the pressure on the siege orcs, Maruland sent two more squadrons to attack the east and west cities on both sides of the valley.

  These two castles were built along the hillside, and the terrain was more dangerous. Even if ordinary slaves were stationed there, throwing stones could kill many orcs.

  Moreover, Richard also arranged for new squadrons to be stationed in the east and west cities, and they were assisted by 300 strong slave auxiliary soldiers in defending the city.

  The slaves are very aware of the brutality of the orcs.

  As long as the orcs cannot rush into the city and do not face the orcs in close combat, the slaves will have the courage to fight.

  Behind Fort William were their wives, children, and children. If the orcs were to attack Fort William and destroy the Harland territory, their families would not be able to survive.

  Another very important point is that in the past two years or so, Richard's performance has won the respect of the slaves. They have shared memories and worked hard for the development of this territory.

  Seeing that good times are coming, freedom will be restored in three years, and the slaves will have the morale to fight the orcs.

  Many slaves want to serve the Harland territory voluntarily.

  Before the war began, Richard publicly swore that as long as he made military exploits, he would free the slaves in advance.

  The slaves showed great bravery. They also used slings to throw stones, and also used a lot of wood and rolling stones.

  Two squadrons of orcs pressed forward and suffered more than half of their casualties, but they were unable to climb up the city.

  I saw many soldiers standing ready at the top of the city, holding long contradiction cards and looking out from the crenels.

  The orc squadron leader estimated that there were at least one to two hundred men on the city.

  The two orc squadron captains informed the captain Maruland of the detected intelligence, and attached their own opinions.

  They all believed that relying on the strength of a squadron was simply not enough to break the castle on the hillside.

  Unless the strength of three squadrons is increased, there is no hope of breaking the city.

  On the first day of the siege, the casualties were so heavy that Marulanda could not bear it.

  He thought about it, calculated, and felt that his own large group was not strong enough to break through the castle, so he had no choice but to give the order to retreat. When retreating, the orc army suffered another trebuchet attack. Both rounds of stone bullets accurately hit the snake body heavy infantry, and eleven snake body soldiers died under the stone bullets.

  Richard Soros also seized the opportunity and took advantage of the snakes' retreat, killing three snakes and seriously injuring one.

  Richard was lucky and successfully shot two snake-like people.

  After hearing the prompts from the attribute panel, the experience value increased by 4,000 points again.

  After this siege battle, Richard has gained 6,000 experience points. Counting the 3,000 experience points he got from annihilating the orc squadron last time, Richard has accumulated 18,500 experience points.

  There are less than 500 points left to advance to the Highland Meditation Method. As long as he continues to kill an orc professional, he can advance to a three-ring magician.

  Seeing that the retreating orc soldiers were out of Richard's range, he took a deep breath, stretched the bow string to the limit, and aimed at a well-equipped kobold and shot.

  The arrow made a strong sound of breaking through the air, flew a distance of 1,600 meters, and accurately hit the kobold officer's throat.

  "Killing the first-level kobold will reward you with 500 experience points."

  Seeing that the orcs had retreated, Richard opened the attribute panel and added 18,800 experience points to the highland meditation method.

  The properties panel suddenly changed.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 13
  Agility: 3.2
  Physical: 4.5
  Mental Power: 20.3
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 6 (7890/30000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 5 (2439/ 20000)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Legion Fighting Technique: Level 4 (1532/10000)

  Highland Meditation: Level 6 (9/30000)

  Zero-level magic: energy ray, treatment of minor injuries.
  First-level magic: energy missile, vine entanglement, treatment of minor injuries, petrification. , Magic Shield, Freezing Ray

  Experience: 0
  For a moment, Richard's spirit seemed to be shocked by electricity, and a strong pain came from his soul.

  His sixth sense suddenly increased several times, as if he could detect danger in advance.

  Richard heard Sophia say that as long as the attribute value exceeds 20 points, he can obtain a special talent.

  Sophia became a fourth-level professional. When her mental attributes exceeded 20 points, she gained the talent of sensing malice.

  The talent that Richard gained was danger perception.

  People's talents are very special, and ordinary people have some special talents.

  For example, William and Richard's natural super strength, Richard and Wendy's super mental power, and their second uncle Powell's super sense of smell are all special talents.

  If you want to become a magician, you must have super mental talent.

  If you want to be an excellent warrior, you must have physical talents such as super strength, super endurance, and physical toughness.

  In addition to the built-in talents, breaking the attribute limits will also unlock a talent.

  There is no doubt that danger perception is definitely the best battlefield talent.

  After repelling the orc attack, Richard immediately arranged for scouts to climb down from the city wall along the rope, collect the trophies and cut off the heads.

  The scales on the snake body can be made into fine armor, and the heads of orc professionals can also be treasures that can be exchanged for military exploits.

  (End of chapter)

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