Chapter 57 Outpost Battle II

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  Chapter 57 Outpost Battle 2
  : In today's battle, Richard made accurate judgment and took advantage of the orc squadron's carelessness to seize the opportunity. With superior force, he completely annihilated a squadron of orcs and chopped off more than a hundred orc heads.

  They also captured more than forty orc prisoners, and only about ten orcs escaped from the battlefield.

  After the war, Richard immediately counted the casualties and used healing techniques for the injured soldiers.

  The Haaland territory is still under development, and there is currently no Dawn Church pastor stationed there.

  Although there are many priests in the Church of the Dawn, they are far from enough scattered in dozens of countries.

  If you want to allow priests to enter the territory, you need to have a good relationship with the church.

  The Harland family had no church connections, and the pastor had no desire to suffer hardship in the desolate territory.

  Besides, Richard had made some reforms in the territory, and he didn't want outsiders to enter.

  There are two magicians, Richard and Wendy, in the territory, which are enough to use healing spells on the territory's citizens and soldiers.

  "The first squadron lost three people and was wounded six, two of them were seriously injured." "

  The second squadron lost four people, two were seriously injured and seven were slightly injured."

  After the battle, Martin and Heyman reported to Richard one after another. Casualty figures were reported.

  There were more than twenty casualties and an entire squadron of orcs was annihilated. This exchange ratio made Richard very satisfied.

  Moreover, some of the seriously injured people did not lose their arms or legs, and they could recover after a few months of rest.

  After experiencing the flames of war, the combat experience of wounded soldiers will increase, and their combat effectiveness will also be enhanced.

  After this battle, Richard's impression of Martin changed slightly.

  If he continued to be naughty today and did not take the initiative to intercept the orc squadron leader and let Wendy have an accident, Richard might enforce battlefield discipline after the war and chop off his head.

  Fortunately, Martin took the responsibility, and Richard did not need to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

  Richard did not intend for Wendy to participate in today's battle. It was Wendy who took the initiative to participate in the battle.

  As a northern noble, you will inevitably experience various battles throughout your life.

  Seeing that Wendy took the initiative to ask for a fight, Richard agreed to her request.

  Before the war, Richard arranged for Jennings to protect Wendy and let her cast spells in the safest place to experience the atmosphere of the battlefield for herself.

  Unexpectedly, after the battle, Wendy came to the front row in order to facilitate the casting of spells, and became the primary hunting target of the orc squadron leader.

  If Martin hadn't restrained the Orc squadron leader and relied on Jennings, he would never have been Haru Finn's opponent.

  In today's battle, Richard killed two orc professionals and gained 3,000 experience points.

  It has been four months since he killed the Rhinoceros. In the past four months, Richard has improved in various skills, and he has also learned a new first-level spell called Freezing Ray.

  During this period of time, Richard was still learning the greasy technique.

  Although he has become a second-level magician, he has not yet learned any second-level spells.

  Counting the magic knowledge exchanged with Sophia, the Harland family has six second-level spells treasured.

  However, the magic patterns of second-level spells are more complicated, and it takes a long time to learn a second-level spell. The cost-effectiveness is not as good as learning several practical first-level magics.

  In this battle, eight orc professionals were killed and a squadron of orcs was completely wiped out.

  Richard peeled off the usable orc materials and sent the head to the Black River Fort City Hall to ask for credit from his superiors.

  When he was serving in the Mad Lion Legion, he could just send the orc head to the legion headquarters.

  Now that he has left the Mad Lion Army and has become a noble private army, the Haaland family's fiefdom is under the jurisdiction of Heihe County. If there is a war, the baron's private army will also be under the command of the mayor of Heihe County. The mayor of Heihe County also needs to send the orc's head to Lightburg, the capital of Gedda Province. After verification by the provincial consul, it must be sent to the Noble Council for signature and seal, and then the war merits will be paid out.

  The local situation is different from that of the army. The structure of the army is relatively simple. Everything is for victory. The certification of military merit is very fast and can basically guarantee fairness.

  At the local level, things are a little more scattered, and they are separated at the county level, so they often need to be managed more. Only when the noble lords have good connections can their military merits be recognized and distributed smoothly.

  However, northern Xinjiang has experienced wars all year round, and the noble council attaches great importance to matters here.

  Once you offend the nobles, complain to the nobles at the meeting and let the upper echelons of the Grant Kingdom hear it. Provincial consuls will also be in trouble, and they can only deal with the people below to calm the anger of the nobles.

  Therefore, it would not be too much to check the heads of officials and issue military merits.

  In short, how to determine the scale?

  How do nobles and bureaucrats compete? It is a relatively deep knowledge, and no one can easily cross the line.

  If you go beyond the unspoken rules of mutual acquiescence, you will be targeted by the vast majority of people, and there will be no good results.

  Richard has a relatively reserved personality and is not good at managing connections and building relationships.

  This time when I went to Heihe Fort to ask for credit, I still relied on William to smoothen the relationship.

  After several days of spending more than fifty gold coins and giving gifts to five or six heavyweight bureaucrats, the official letter finally came from the Heihe County City Hall.

  This battle was of little significance, but it got off to a good start and actually eliminated a squadron of orcs. The noble council also wanted to seek good luck and generously gave Richard a medium merit.

  Eight orc professional heads, one of the third level, two of the second level, and five of the first level, were exchanged for a total of one medium power and two small power.

  Among them, Richard killed a third-level wolf-headed man and a second-level kobold, and obtained five minor merits.

  Heyman killed a second-level wild boar man and received two minor merits.

  Wendy killed a first-level tauren and a first-level wolf-headed man, earning two minor merits.

  Bradrick and Vincent each killed a first-order kobold and received a small merit.

  The last first-level wild boar died at the hands of senior warrior student Pierce.

  Heyman is already quite old, and his two sons have average talents and have just entered Grant Kingdom Knight Academy to study. Now there is no plan to accumulate meritorious service and advance to the hereditary nobility. Instead, he plans to use his meritorious service to exchange for some money and buy some land for his children.

  Haiman used two small achievements in exchange for ten acres of paddy field and twenty acres of dry land in the territory.

  Bradrick, Vincent, and Pierce were all slave soldiers.

  Bradrick was an indentured servant with a relatively high status, and Richard rewarded him with a bottle of Tenghui potion.

  Vincent and Pierce are not free yet. They are what they are today because the Harland family has spent resources cultivating them.

  Now Vincent has become a professional and his status has been upgraded to an indentured servant. He needs to serve the Harland family for ten years before he can be free.

  Pierce was still an ordinary slave soldier and did not even receive military pay.

  In order to boost morale, Richard distributed military pay to the soldiers after the war. Each soldier was given a military pay of six silver coins.

  Pierce killed the orc professional, and Richard rewarded him with ten gold coins.

  As a soldier born as a serf, Pierce was already satisfied with ten gold coins.

  In this battle, two medium merits and two minor merits were obtained, both of which were attributed to the Haaland family.

  (End of chapter)

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