Chapter 56 Outpost Battle 1

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  Chapter 56 Outpost Battle
  After receiving Richard's letter, Soros did not think for too long and decided to use the big tree of Harland Territory to accumulate military exploits.

  After all, under Richard's command, he did not need to complete a mission that required death.

  Soros summoned his mercenaries and announced his decision to them.

  Fort William is at the forefront and can easily be besieged by the orc army, and the defensive strength in the castle is far inferior to that of Black River Fort.

  The vast majority of mercenaries opposed Soros's decision, and in the end only about thirty soldiers were willing to follow Soros to Fort William.

  Richard selected more than a hundred strong slaves, incorporated them into the Soros mercenary team, organized them into a new squadron, and appointed Norman as the captain of the new squadron.

  Norman can also be considered a member of the Dark family. His father is the illegitimate son of the old Baron Dark.

  This generation of Baron Duck is relatively narrow-minded and cannot tolerate the concubine and illegitimate son of his father, the old Baron Duck.

  Norman's father was kicked out of the Dark family. In the end, Soros helped his illegitimate brother and invested a little money to let him start a small business in Black River Fort.

  On the Dawn Continent, big business must have the support of a big noble.

  Even if you are running a small business, you still need to find support.

  Once a businessman's business expands and his wealth increases, it is often not a good thing.

  Unless you can find a bigger backer.

  In this world, only how strong can we do business.

  The territories directly under the royal family are slightly better, but in the aristocratic territories, the rules are often darker and crueler.

  Norman is now in his thirties and is already a third-level warrior. He is the deputy leader of the Soros Mercenary Group. He has also served in the main army and is a qualified officer.

  Richard's cousin Kent also retired from the Northern Army and served as the deputy squadron leader of this squadron.

  In addition to two main squadrons and a new squadron, Richard also formed an auxiliary squadron.

  The auxiliary squadron has the largest number of people, more than 300 people. The junior officers are all disabled veterans. Even the squadron leader is also the chief training officer Roland.

  The main task of the auxiliary soldiers is to operate trebuchets and crossbows.

  For this reason, Richard also deployed four archers from the two main squadrons. The archery level of these archers is about level two or three.

  My archery level has reached Level 2, and I already have good accuracy.

  The Orc squadron entered the Harland Canyon and walked thirty kilometers to find Fort William blocking the canyon road.

  Seeing that the city defenses were very good, the squadron leader, the wolf-headed man Harufen, was not reckless. He immediately arranged for scouts to inform his superiors about the situation in the Harland Valley, and then chose to camp on the spot.

  Seeing that it was evening, the orc camp was about to be completed.

  Even the strong orcs were panting from exhaustion.

  Seeing that the time was ripe, Li Cha launched a surprise attack with two main squadrons.

  The quality of the orc army is pretty good. The squadron leader screamed loudly, kicked and hit him and directed the orcs to form a formation.

  Richard took the lead and stood in the front row. After ten minutes, the distance between the two armies was only a few dozen meters.

  "Archers, release arrows."

  More than a hundred archers loosened their bowstrings and used projectile techniques. A wave of arrows fell on the orc army formation, hitting five or six orc shield bearers in an instant.

  The orc population is very large, and quite a few of them do not have human hands.

  His hands are not flexible and he is not good at archery by nature. Therefore, with long-range projection capabilities, the orc army is far from being a match for the main human army.

  In order to reduce the number of casualties, Harufen immediately ordered the orcs to charge quickly, hoping to get close to the opponent in the shortest possible time.

  If they were in close combat with the human army, the lethality of the archers would be much weakened.

  After three rounds of arrow rain, the orc squadron had suffered more than thirty casualties. Seeing that the two sides were about to fall into a close combat, Richard launched energy missiles, and Wendy released the greasy spell at the orc's feet.

  Richard's magic missile was extremely powerful. He invested six points of spiritual power at one time, and its lethality was not weaker than the three-ring magic fireball.

  The magic missile exploded in the orc army formation, as if a grenade had been thrown into it, opening a gap in the blink of an eye, killing about seven or eight people.

  The greasy spell used by Wendy was more effective, causing more than twenty orcs to slip in an instant.

  If you suddenly fall during the battle between the two armies, there is basically no way to survive.

  The archer seized the opportunity to shoot the last round of feather arrows, hitting the orc who was slipped by the grease spell.

  Then he stuck the bow and arrow on the ground, picked up the spear in his hand, lined up closely, and held it behind the sword and shield man.

  The Haaland family's private army has more than half of its archers.

  These archers are the strongest soldiers, and almost every archer has practiced breathing techniques.

  In addition to bows and arrows and leather armor, their equipment also carries long spears that are more than five meters long, with the head of the spear being about 60 centimeters long.

  Such a spear weighs more than twenty kilograms. If it were not for a strong man with outstanding strength, it would be impossible to wield such a heavy weapon.

  The orcs are extremely capable of withstanding casualties. Even if they suffered more than half of their casualties, they still charged forward bravely.

  Richard shouted loudly: "Come with me!"

  He held swords in both hands and rushed towards a second-level kobold.

  The second-level kobold raised his shield and blocked the sword with all his strength.

  Amidst the loud noise, the kobold suddenly fell to the ground.

  Richard's strength is already thirteen, no weaker than a fourth-level warrior, and kobolds are not known for their strength.

  As soon as the two sides fought, the kobolds could no longer resist.

  Richard took a step forward lightly, and quickly stabbed the long sword in his hand, accurately piercing the left hand of the second-level kobold and piercing the throat of the kobold.

  Richard quickly pulled out his sword and heard a prompt in his mind.

  "Killing the second-level kobold will reward you with 1,000 experience points."

  After killing the second-level kobold, Richard immediately rushed towards the orc squadron leader Harufen.

  Harufen discovered that Wendy was the spell caster, and immediately rushed towards Wendy, preparing to kill the spell caster.

  But he was blocked by Marvin, the captain of the 1st Squadron.

  Marvin is a third-level warrior. Although he has the same professional level as Harufen, his physical attributes are not as good as those of the orcs. He can only barely block the orc squadron leader.

  Seeing Richard killing several orc soldiers blocking the way, he used the wood and vine entanglement technique on the orc squadron leader.

  A vine suddenly appeared from the soil and tied Harufen tightly.

  Marvin seized the opportunity and cut off the orc's left hand with a sword.

  Wendy also released a magic missile, hitting Harufen accurately.

  The magic missile exploded, and the dissipated energy knocked Harufen to the ground.

  Seeing that Harufen was not dead yet, Richard secretly rejoiced and immediately struck a fatal blow with his sword, piercing Harufen's chest.

  "Killing the third-level wolf-headed man will reward you with 2,000 experience points."

  Once Hamfinland died, the orcs finally lost their will to resist. Except for a few orcs who fled into the forest, the rest all died at the hands of human soldiers.

  (End of chapter)

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