Chapter 49 Rhinoceros

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  Chapter 49 Rhinoceros
  The Rhinoceros is a large monster, weighing between six and nine tons, with a long rhinoceros horn on its head. It is usually active in the southern part of the Grant Kingdom.

  Rhinoceros don't like cold climates. Richard has lived in the north for eight years and has never heard of rhinoceros at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range.

  So when he heard the news for the first time, Richard was a little shocked, and his first reaction was not to believe it.

  An adult rhinoceros can usually evolve to level six. This kind of monster has a relatively mild temper and can be tamed into a monster mount.

  The famous nobleman of Grant Kingdom, Earl Cloford, rides a male rhinoceros.

  The rhino-horned beast has very strong defensive capabilities. The animal skin on its body is soft but tough, up to three centimeters thick, and ordinary crossbow arrows cannot penetrate it at all.

  In addition, rhinoceros can also use a variety of earth attribute magic, such as petrification, dungeon, ground stab, earth protection, etc.

  The rhinoceros beast is extremely powerful when it goes crazy, and its strength attribute exceeds 100 points. Even a legendary warrior is far from a match for the rhino horn beast in terms of strength.

  Because there is a thick layer of skin on the body, ordinary soldiers cannot break through the rhino-horned beast's protection.

  Richard was shocked when he heard that the rhinoceros came to the Harland family territory.

  Facing this kind of powerful defensive monster.

  The Harland family's private army did not have enchanted crossbows in their hands, and the exploding arrows
  were of no use unless they were digging traps.

  The rhinoceros has a very high IQ, which is equivalent to the level of a human being of thirteen or fourteen years old.

  It's an obvious trap, and this kind of monster won't fall for it at all.

  Generally speaking, rhino-horned beasts will not attack humans. Although this kind of monster is powerful, it is vegetarian.

  The rhino-horned beasts that have entered the Harland family's territory now attack and kill humans must have a unique reason.

  In the past six months, Richard's strength has improved, he has gained 4,000 killing experience, and his warrior profession has advanced to level three.

  He opened the properties panel.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 12.7
  Agility: 3.2
  Physical: 4.5
  Mental Power: 15.8
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 6 (2259/30000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 4 (6820/30000) 10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skill: Level 4 (902/10000)

  Highland Meditation: Level 4 (4193/10000)

  Zero-level magic: energy ray, treatment of minor injuries.
  One-level magic: energy missiles , Wood and vine entanglement, treatment of minor injuries, petrification, magic shield

  Experience: 2500
  Advanced level three professional, strength increased by 2 points, agility increased by 0.3 points, physical strength increased by 0.4 points, physical attributes are slightly better than Roland On the contrary, compared with his third uncle Bernie, he is already completely different.

  In addition, Richard has also learned two one-ring magics, namely petrification and magic shield, in the past six months, and his mental power has also increased by 0.2 points.

  The experience points of various skills have increased a bit, especially the archery skills, which are not far away from advancement.

  The rhino-horned beast has entered Harland's territory and killed its citizens and garrison troops.

  In order to prevent the rhino-horned beasts from causing greater damage to the territory, Richard could only find ways to drive away and kill the rhino-horned beasts.

  There are many precious materials on the rhinoceros. The animal skin can be made into enchanted leather armor, which has very good defense.

  The rhinoceros horn on the head can be used to prepare magic potion, which is also a detoxification drug and is more effective than the purple-headed peak bee eggs.

  Even the gryphon's poison can be easily dispelled by using the rhino horn on the head of the rhinoceros. Moreover, the crystal core of Warcraft is also a precious magic material. It can not only make magic equipment and absorb the magic power in the crystal core, but also enhance the mental power and speed up the magician's practice.

  The least valuable Warcraft meat is also a good thing, it can help warriors improve their physical fitness.

  The viscera can also be used to refine basic warrior potions to assist advanced students in breaking through to become professionals.

  The most important thing is that by killing the rhinoceros, Richard can gain a lot of experience.

  The increased experience points can improve the magic level and improve the archery skills.

  If you want to hunt rhinoceros, you must find some powerful helpers.

  His father, William, was still in the Northern Army. Even if he had to take leave, arranging military affairs would take a few days.

  A few days later, who knows where the rhinoceros will go?
  So Richard went directly to Vicksburg to find Sophie Adam as a helper.

  In addition, Richard also sent someone to notify his second uncle, Powell, and asked him to go to Heihe Fort to find his uncle.

  Richard was riding an iron horned horse very fast. By the afternoon, he had picked up Sophia at the No. 1 reclamation camp.

  The next evening, uncle Soros also came to join us with his eldest cousin Kent.

  Also coming with him were his uncle Powell and his sister Wendy.

  Including squadron leader Martin, the seven people are all relatives and friends of the Haaland family.

  Everyone is a professional with strong physical fitness, and the two magicians Wendy and Sophia also received extra care from everyone.

  After discussing it, they decided to travel overnight.

  Sophia wore a thick bearskin coat, stretched out her white and tender hands, grabbed a handful of hair left on the body of the rhino-horned beast, and used the second-ring magic tracking technique.

  The rhino-horned beast's hair was slightly shiny, floating in the air to guide the direction.

  In order to move quickly and prevent the weaker magicians from falling behind, Sophia and Wendy wore thick, moisture-proof warm clothes and rode on iron horned horses.

  The five Richards carried heavy luggage and protected the magician in the middle of the team.

  Relying on the power of magic, the seven people approached the rhino-horned beast at dawn.

  Sophia was the strongest and decisively released the powerful fireball technique. The two fireballs drew a beautiful arc and hit the huge and bulky rhino-horned beast.

  Sophia is already a five-ring magician. According to Richard's estimation, her mental power exceeds 23 points. The two fireballs she sends out are the size of a human head and are very powerful.

  The two fireballs accurately hit the rhino-horned beast's body.

  A layer of earthy yellow light appeared on the rhinoceros beast, like a shield, blocking the fireball.

  It is the second-ring magic earth guardian.

  Earth Guardian has a very good defense effect and can defend against energy damage that does not exceed the limit.

  If a three-ring magician uses the fireball technique, his mental strength is insufficient and his attack power is insufficient, so he may not be able to break through the earth shield technique used by the rhino-horned beast.

  However, Sophia was a talented five-ring magician. She invested more mental power and enhanced the effect of the fireballs she fired. Not only did the number reach two, but the lethality was also exceeded.

  The fireball passed through the earth-yellow light and hit the rhino-horned beast hard on the waist.

  Violent flames flew in all directions, igniting the fur on the rhino-horned beast. The waist of the rhinoceros-horned beast was completely black, and the skin and flesh were torn apart, leaving deep wounds.

  (End of chapter)

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