Chapter 48 Mediating Conflicts

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  Chapter 48 Mediating Conflicts
  After the efficiency of the brick kiln factory was improved, in order to prevent the leakage of the process, Richard had arranged for the army to be stationed nearby.

  Half a squadron of soldiers was stationed at the foot of the brick kiln, commanded by Bradlick.

  This man was an indentured servant and had no connection with the lords near Black River County.

  In addition, Richard, Powell, and even William are also very concerned about the situation in the brick kiln.

  Strangers are not allowed to approach here, and all supplies are purchased through the hands of the Harland family.

  Richard formed a caravan of more than a dozen people to be responsible for this task.

  After the slaves in the brick kiln regained their freedom, Richard prepared to make them workers in the brick kiln.

  After the territory construction is completed, export bricks to nearby lords.

  If the brick trade wants to gain a dominant position, the production process must be maintained.

  Therefore, Richard planned ahead and extended the time for the process to be leaked as much as possible in order to bring more income to the Harland family.

  In fact, it is very difficult to transport bulk materials such as bricks.

  If it exceeds one hundred kilometers, even if the production cost of bricks in the Haaland territory is lower, plus transportation costs, it will not be able to compete with local products. It can only be transported through the Burnie River and sold to several lords downstream.

  Richard said goodbye to Uncle Powell, came to the brick kiln, and met Bobby and Rooney.

  After the army arrived at the brick kiln factory, the slaves could no longer leave the factory at will. In fact, it's like being in jail, with your freedom of life restricted.

  But it is difficult for ordinary people in the Morning Continent to leave their hometown too far in their lives.

  Especially the subjects of noble lords will never leave the noble territory or even the countryside where they live throughout their lives.

  Being restricted in their freedom of life is not a big tyranny for the slaves.

  Of course, Richard also gave some compensation to the slaves in the brick kiln. The supply of meat increased a lot. He also selected some single female slaves and married them to outstanding slaves so that they could start families.

  The outstanding technical backbones were also given brick and tile houses, had their slave status eliminated, became free citizens, and were given a monthly salary of six silver coins.

  Six silver coins per month was considered a high income in the Grant Kingdom.

  The Heihe Fort City Defense Army's monthly military salary is only six silver coins.

  The monthly salary of ordinary citizens is only about three or four silver coins.

  Farmers who farm can't save more than ten silver coins in a year in addition to food rations.

  In the brick kiln factory, three batches of more than 100 slaves performed very well and became the technical backbone and gained their freedom.

  Apart from not being able to leave the brick kiln at will, the slaves' living standards were actually pretty good.

  The food supply here is very abundant, and occasionally some prey is delivered.

  Ordinary farming slaves could not eat more than a few meals of meat throughout the year.

  In addition, cloth and salt will be supplied with priority.

  The freed families were not only allotted land nearby, but the elderly and children could make bricks and work part-time in the brick kilns for some salary.

  Living in troubled times, most slaves were satisfied to have a stable life away from home.

  Arriving at the brick kiln, Richard heard the quarrel between Bobby and Rooney from a distance.

  "It is impossible to stop work. There is a shortage of bricks in the territory now. Lord Powell, Mrs. Olaf, and Master Richard are all asking me for bricks. I can't afford to offend these people, and neither can you. Poppy, you better listen to me. , put away your suggestions. Once the process improvement fails and delays production, we will all be in trouble." "

  Director Rooney, maybe you are right. But the production task will always be full. If the process is not improved today, it will not be improved tomorrow. Improvement will never be improved in the future. It is precisely because we continue to improve the process that the success rate has increased five times."

  "Can you ensure that the improved technology will be successful?" Seeing that Bobby stopped talking, Rooney became even more energetic.

  "I know you can't. You have to heighten the chimney this time and dig a deep exhaust trench. The workload is so large that it will have to be stopped for at least twenty days. Twenty days is 600,000 bricks. If the improvement fails, It still needs to be reworked, and the delay will exceed thirty days. Without bricks for thirty days, the construction of the territory will be seriously delayed."

  Richard walked into the factory director's office.

  The two saw Richard arriving. The quarrel immediately stopped, Bobby was secretly happy, while Rooney had a hint of displeasure on his face.

  "I heard the quarrel between the two of you, but this time I want to support Rooney. In normal times, I support Bobby's improvement of technology, but now the situation is special. It has been two years since the orcs invaded. Will the orcs invade next year? Again, I think it is possible.

  According to the past rules, the interval between orc invasions is about three to five years. The recent invasions are basically every three years.

  Next year will be the third year, and the city defenses have not yet been completed. We have to endure We can't afford the loss of work stoppage.

  After driving away the orcs, we can slowly improve the technology.

  I am very satisfied with the results of Poppy's improved technology. I will make suggestions to my father and rename this brick kiln factory to Poppy Brick Kiln Factory. .Bobby

  , I hope you can cherish this honor and use your wisdom to build the brick kiln factory better.

  Five years later, I will take out a small part of the dry shares of the brick kiln factory to reward you managers.

  Rooney, you want Maintain the stability of the brick kiln, and I am very satisfied with your work."

  After the establishment of the Harland Territory, the Lord's Castle was named Fort William, and the two rivers flowing through the territory were named Powell River and Burnie River .

  The gorge in which Fort William is located was named Harland's Gap.

  Naming a place after a person is a great honor for an individual.

  Only those who have made great contributions to the territory will be awarded this honor.

  The three brothers, William, Powell, and Bernie, can be said to be the creators of Harland territory.

  It was precisely through the efforts of the three brothers and Richard that the Harland family was able to become a hereditary noble and achieve a class leap.

  Hearing Richard's decision, Poppy was extremely excited, and her neck and face turned red.

  Although he is very smart, his background is very low.

  Hearing that Richard actually connected his name with the brick kiln, Bobby suddenly felt a sense of mission from the Holy Spirit.

  This is the feeling that a scholar dies for a confidant.

  Although Bobby had never heard this sentence, at this moment, even if Richard asked him to die, he would not frown.

  Even Rooney was extremely shocked when he heard this, with an envious expression on his face.

  At this moment, he truly believed that Master Richard was indeed a kind and generous nobleman.

  After mediating the conflict between Bobby and Rooney, Richard stayed in the brick kiln for two days, used healing techniques to treat several sick slaves, gained some reputation among the slaves, and prepared to return to Fort William.

  As soon as he left the brick kiln factory in the morning, several soldiers hurriedly caught up with him on horseback.

  "What happened?"

  "Master Richard, a rhinoceros was found near the No. 1 reclamation camp."

  "It's really a rhinoceros? How is it possible?"

  "You can't be wrong, Master Richard, Captain Martin saw this one with his own eyes The monster is definitely a rhino-horned beast. In addition, the rhino-horned beast also killed three of our soldiers, and two slaves in the No. 1 reclamation camp were also killed by the rhinoceros-horned beast." (End of this chapter


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