Chapter 37 The Second Spell

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  Chapter 37 The second spell:

  The plague spread very quickly, reaching the royal capital in just a few days.

  Even the nobles in Nolan City have been diagnosed with the plague. In order to treat a large number of patients, the pastors of the Dawn Church have become particularly busy.

  Some of the mages inside the Grant Royal Mage Tower are proficient in healing arts and take to the streets to provide help to patients.

  The noble lords were basically all professionals with strong bodies and strong resistance to the plague. Occasionally, the young and old who got sick would receive priority treatment from priests and magicians.

  The treatment effect on plague is very outstanding. It can increase vitality in a short time. As vitality increases, resistance can increase. With antibodies in the body, one can often survive the plague

  . Ordinary plagues basically do not threaten nobles.

  The nobles didn't care at all about the safety of the common people.

  The slave market in the south of the city has been blocked by soldiers because it was the outbreak site.

  The population in the slave market was also moved to the north of the city.

  In order to prevent these people from escaping, the king personally ordered the dispatch of elite soldiers to guard them.

  The guard camp is not very far from the slave camp built by Richard, about ten kilometers.

  This area is a mountainous area, more than 100 kilometers long from east to west and 40 kilometers from north to south.

  Apart from a few military castles, there is not much population in the mountains, despite being close to the royal capital.

  Fortunately, Richard purchased a lot of food in advance, which allowed the slaves to eat for half a month, so there was no need to worry about food shortage for the time being.

  On the third day of isolation, several plague patients appeared in the slave camp, and Richard used minor injury treatment techniques on them.

  The minor injury treatment technique is the second zero-level spell that Richard has learned.

  Three months have passed since October.

  For three months, Richard meditated every day and carved runes in the spiritual space. He finally gained something before the goddess's birthday and learned the second zero-ring magic.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 10.7
  Agility: 2.9
  Physical: 4.2
  Mental Power: 12.6
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 5 (4203/20000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 4 (1520/20000) 10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skill: Level 4 (424/10000)

  Highland Meditation: Level 3 (789/4000)

  Zero Ring Magic: Energy Ray, Treat Minor Injuries
  Experience: 0
  or more Months passed, and Richard used his killing experience to improve his meditation method and became a high-level magic apprentice.

  The mental power on the attribute panel has increased by 1.3 points, and the experience of various skills has also increased a lot.

  Especially for the Breathing Method of the Mad Lion Legion, the experience points have been increased by about 3,000 points, with an average increase of 1,000 points per month.

  Even without the need to increase killing experience, it takes about a year and a half to advance to the third level.

  Meditation experience increased slowly, adding up to less than 700 points in three months. In order to increase his level, Richard also consumed 1,900 killing experience points.

  Now the killing experience has been cleared.

  For a long time, killing experience will not be replenished, and Richard can only rely on hard work to improve his strength.

  Now Richard is a dual cultivator of magic and martial arts, a second-level warrior and a high-level magic apprentice.

  However, he inherited the talent of his father William, and his physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary people. Although he is a second-level warrior, his strength, stamina, and agility are better than those of normal third-level warriors.

  Richard's uncle Soros is already a fifth-level professional, and according to Richard's estimation, his strength is only about 14 points. I don’t know if it’s due to soul fusion or evil spirit possession.

  Richard's mental power is very strong. He has not yet advanced to become a first-level magician, but his mental power has exceeded 12 points, which is better than that of a second-level magician.

  Now Richard's combat power is equivalent to that of a third-level high-ranking knight, and he can fight against ordinary fourth-level professionals.

  If you encounter a fourth-level elite professional who is proficient in a variety of combat skills, you may not be a match yet.

  Although treating minor injuries is a zero-level spell, Richard doubled the amount of mental power he invested, and the treatment effect was quite impressive.

  The vitality restored is not much different from the one-ring magic used by low-level priests to treat minor injuries.

  Each time Richard invests 2 points of mental power, he can use minor injury treatment five times a day.

  The healing intensity is equivalent to that of a second-level priest.

  With the help of the magician Richard, several slaves suffering from the plague in the camp quickly recovered.

  The plague did not spread in the slave camp. Richard discussed with his uncle Thoros and asked Thoros to take half of the mercenaries to escort the slaves away first.

  Richard planned to stay and see if he could buy some sick slaves cheaply to increase the population of the territory.

  Richard carried his identity seal and went directly to the slave market camp.

  The plague in the camp has spread on a large scale, and about one-tenth of the slaves are infected with plague.

  Many of the guard soldiers were infected with the plague.

  Locked in the camp, many slave traders were infected with the plague.

  It's just that almost all slave traders are professionals. Their physical fitness is far better than that of ordinary people. Their resistance is very strong. Their symptoms are relatively mild. Even without treatment, they can basically survive.

  But seeing the situation in the camp getting worse and worse, these slave traders were also very worried.

  They wanted to kill sick slaves to reduce the source of infection, but many of these slaves had families to look after.

  Slaughtering slaves might lead to slave revolts, and it might also lead to church intervention.

  Just when the slave traders were in a dilemma, Richard appeared at the gate of the camp.

  Because of Richard's noble status, he directly met the garrison captain guarding the camp.

  After hearing what Richard said about his intention to buy sick slaves, Captain Harrison did not refuse directly, but asked with some confusion.

  "Master Richard buys sick slaves, does he have to do some research on necromancy? To study necromancy, you need to report to the Kingdom Mage Association. Only with the permission of the Mage Association can you conduct plague experiments." "I am a lowly person

  . A level 1 spellcaster who is good at healing spells. Slaves suffering from the plague are very cheap. As long as they can be cured, they will greatly enrich the population of the territory. I came here just to pick up some bargains, not to do a plague experiment. "

  Seeing that Richard could release healing magic, Harrison made a new request.

  "Seven soldiers in my brigade have been infected with the plague, and two of them have died. As long as Master Richard is willing to treat my soldiers, your entry and exit in the camp will not be blocked by anyone. As for you after entering

  , How to talk to slave merchants, our garrison will not interfere."

  After hearing Captain Harrison's request, Richard immediately agreed.

  "It just so happens that I can use five healing techniques every day, and I just healed five soldiers today."

  With the support of the garrison, Richard quickly became familiar with every slave merchant in the camp.

  The slave merchant was very happy to hear that Richard was going to take away the sick slave.

  In today's situation, in order to reduce losses, the slave merchants even let Richard take away the sick slaves' family members for free.

  (End of chapter)

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