Chapter 36 Sudden Plague

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  Chapter 36 Sudden Plague

  "Are these slaves bringing their families with them?"

  Byers nodded: "Yes, they were all captured from the Delong Kingdom. In order to prevent the slaves from resisting, the elderly and children were taken away. .Except

  for you nobles in Northern Xinjiang, ordinary buyers don’t have such a big appetite. Slaves with families cannot be sold at a high price. If Master Richard is willing to package and buy them, I will give them all to you without paying for the elderly or children. "

  "How many young and middle-aged slaves do you have here?"

  "About 150 men and women in total."

  "What's the total price?"

  "2,300 gold coins."

  "How about 2,000 gold coins. If you agree, I will take all the slaves away."

  " Master Richard, your price is too low. The slave trade is extremely risky, and there is no such high profit. 2,300 gold coins is already the lowest price. You are a hereditary noble, and we have already given you a partial discount." "Bye

  . Else, not all of your slaves are healthy, there are some who are sick and injured. If I pay a big price, I will only take away the strongest young slaves. The young ones and the sick ones are all losers. .You

  must have held this batch of slaves in your hands for a long time, right?
  Once a slave brings a family with him, of course he is not willing to be separated from his family. If you dare to sell them separately, the slaves will resist and cause bloody conflicts. I think the 2000 gold coins have been released The price is right.

  It also depends on the number of slaves in your hands and the future dealings with me, so I gave a few more. Otherwise, 1,800 gold coins would be enough." Byers saw that although

  Richard was young, he was not easy to fool, All we can do is continue to make excuses, boast about the slave's merits, and hope to sell it for a higher price.

  While the two were bargaining, Soros also came to the slave market with his capable mercenaries.

  Soros has been to Nolan many times and has some acquaintances in the slave market.

  Seeing that Soros was very experienced and familiar with the prices in the slave market, Byers could not raise the price, so he had no choice but to agree to the deal.

  Soon, Richard accepted all comers and reached deals with five or six slave merchants, spending 5,600 gold coins to purchase approximately 1,053 slaves.

  The quality of this batch of slaves is not very high, half of them are old people and children. There are also a dozen disabled people and three idiots.

  The reason why Richard was willing to buy disabled people and idiots was first of all to stabilize the morale of the slaves. With the burden of family, slaves generally would not escape even if they left their hometown.

  Secondly, fools and disabled people do not need to spend a single gold coin on Richard. They can only take care of a meal, and the cost they pay is very low. Their relatives would see Richard as a kind lord.

  Richard took the purchased slaves outside the city. He purchased many tents and built a simple camp at the foot of the mountain thirty kilometers north of Nolan City for the slaves to temporarily live in the camp.

  The safety of the camp was left to Soros, and Richard came to the slave market again, ready to buy one or two cheap indentured slaves.

  The remaining gold coins cannot be used to purchase ordinary slaves for the time being.

  To develop the territory, more than 1,000 slaves are not enough. In addition to slaves, Richard also needed to purchase grain and livestock, and tools for production also cost a lot.

  Food, clothing, housing, transportation, seeds, cattle, food and clothing all cost money. In addition, some slaves need to be armed to defend the territory.

  Just when Richard was about to leave the slave market, he suddenly saw seven or eight big men carrying two living people with fear on their faces and quickly leaving the slave market.

  The strong man quickly piled up a pile of firewood regardless of the slaves' struggles, and then tied the two weak slaves to wooden stakes, preparing to burn them to death directly.

  Almost all humans in Dawn Continent have the custom of burial, and being burned alive is a severe form of torture.

  Only the monks of the Inquisition would use this method to kill people who were tempted by the devil.

  In addition, people who are possessed by evil spirits will also be burned on the stake if they cannot expel the evil spirits through exorcism. The Seven Gods Church in Dawn Continent all have divine protection. Although the gods are now asleep, there are still powerful artifacts left behind.

  Relying on the power of artifacts, church priests can use some specific spells through prayer.

  The church's healing and exorcism charges are not too high.

  One ring of magic to treat minor injuries costs approximately one gold coin. Exorcism is a second-level magic, and the price is about two gold coins.

  When Richard first traveled through time, the pastor of the Dawn Church used exorcism on him.

  "What's going on? Are these people possessed by evil spirits? Why don't you ask the pastor of the Dawn Church to exorcise the demons?" "It's not that the

  evil spirits are possessed, it's the slaves who are infected with the plague."

  Because there is magic in this Dawn Continent, Necromancers are also very knowledgeable about plagues.

  The powerful necromancer created many strange plagues, induced viruses carrying magical powers, and caused countless humanitarian disasters.

  As soon as they heard about the plague, everyone present couldn't help but take a few steps back. Even the slaves in the market heard the news and began to flee in panic.

  The manager of the slave market reacted quickly and immediately notified the pastor of Dawn Church.

  The priest came to the scene and immediately shouted: "Although slaves have lost their freedom in life, they are also believers of the goddess and cannot be lynched and burned to death." "Pastor

  Rhodes, are these two slaves suffering from the plague?"

  Seeing someone familiar with him The slave merchant spoke, and Pastor Rhodes explained a few more words.

  "It seems to be an ordinary plague, and no magical power has been found. If you use the healing technique a few times, you can recover."

  Upon hearing this, the slave's master's face changed, and he immediately brought a few strong men to the two weak men. captured slaves.

  Since Pastor Rhodes did not allow sick slaves to be burned to death, slave merchants did not dare to make the decision privately.

  The Church of the Seven Gods is so powerful that it does not allow slaves suffering from the plague to be lynched and burned. Even if there is a noble backing behind the slave merchant, he will not openly oppose Pastor Rhodes' decision.

  But spending gold coins to find a church to use healing techniques on slaves was not at all their consideration.

  Generally speaking, patients suffering from the plague need to use four to six minor wound treatment techniques. Every time you use the minor injury treatment technique, you need to pay a gold coin to the church.

  If the patient is weak, he may have to use four-ring magic to treat serious injuries.

  Using a serious injury treatment spell costs about twenty gold coins.

  Slave traders are simply unwilling to invest in this aspect.

  Seeing a sudden outbreak of plague in the slave market, Richard anxiously returned to the slave camp outside the city, but failed to purchase indentured slaves.

  After returning to the slave camp, Richard immediately established a strict isolation system.

  Slaves in the camp are prohibited from moving around freely, and the escorting mercenaries are not allowed to go out.

  He also purchased a batch of thick cotton cloth from the market, had female slaves make masks, and distributed them to families.

  Purchasing personnel must be quarantined and observed every time they enter the camp. They can be released from quarantine and regain their freedom after three days.

  (End of chapter)

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